A downloadable game

This is a short adventure I came up with, which blends some themes and rules from Into the Odd with Electric Bastionland.  It's set in ancient philosopher's library, were a strange entity manifested, and where lots of treasure is said to be hidden. The entity is not the only interesting thing located in the building, since a wanted mystical alchemist who is being  pursued by a group of bounty hunters is hiding in there too. 

A few heads up: You can convert WIL to CHA, I don't think it makes that much of a difference. Also, I think I might have to adjust the amount of treasure the players can get, since the adventure is designed to be very difficult and it may be too scarce. I also haven't playtested the adventure a lot, so any  kind of feedback is appreciated!


Platistophaneslibrary.pdf 5.6 MB

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