Welcome to the thoughts room! Back in 2010s, The Quiet Place Project had created several gems like the dawn room, the quiet place and the thoughts room. Unfortunately, those sites have been taken down and the creator had not made any news to bring them back to life . Thus, here comes the replica! I hope this helps out to anyone who are still looking for a similar experience that the thoughts room brings.

Best experience at fullscreen!
Volume control: hover on the right corner to find a star to access the settings.
Spacebar to progress the introduction.

Special thanks to this YouTube video, the only piece of gameplay I can work with.


the thoughts room by The Quiet Place Project
Song used: One Day in August by Marc Teichert
Thunder sfx used: https://elevenlabs.io/sound-effects/thunder
Moon sprite used: by NYKNCK  https://nyknck.itch.io/background-set-pixel-assets
Borders used: by Kenney (Assets) https://kenney-assets.itch.io/fantasy-ui-borders
Font Asset used: Meiryo UI W53 Regular SDF

Let us know if this brings you joy and any advices or features you feel should be added here.

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