Devkit Selector

2D Barcode Scanner Breakout
by SparkFun Electronics
DE2120 is a practical embedded barcode scanner module with leading CMOS image recognition technology and intelligent image recognition system. It can scan universal 1D 2D codes, support USB, TTL multiple interfaces, read the paper, goods, screens, other media barcodes. Easily embedded in a variety of OEM products handheld, portable, fixed and barcode collector, etc.

6 DOF Sensor
by DFRobot
At the beginning,the inertial measurement unit is an electronic device that measures and reports on a craft's velocity, orientation, and gravitational forces, using a combination of accelerometers,gyroscopes, and magnetometers. Now IMUs are commonly used in the Humancomputer interaction(HCI), navigational purposes and balancing technology used in the Segway Personal Transporter as we all know.
The MPU-6000/MPU-6050 family of parts are the world’s first and only 6-axis MotionTracking devices designed for the low power, low cost, and high performance requirements of smartphones, tablets and wearable sensors.
The MPU-6000/6050 devices combine a 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis accelerometer on the same silicon die together with an onboard Digital Motion Processor (DMP) capable of processing complex 9-axis MotionFusion algorithms. The parts’ integrated 9-axis MotionFusion algorithms access external magnetometers or other sensors through an auxiliary master I2C bus, allowing the devices to gather a full set of sensor data without intervention from the system processor.
The 6 Dof sensor breakout integrate with the MPU6050 sensor and the low noise 3.3v regulator and pull-up resistors for the I2C bus. So it's available to directly hook up the sensor with the Arduino processors for your robotics,HCI and wearable projects. With the Arduino library from i2cdevlib it's easy for you to drive this sensor and get the pitch,roll,yaw,quaternion,euler data.

Analog UV Sensor Breakout
by Adafruit Industries LLC
Extend your light-sensing spectrum with this analog UV sensor module. It uses a UV photodiode, which can detect the 240-370nm range of light (which covers UVB and most of UVA spectrum). The signal level from the photodiode is very small, in the nano-ampere level, so we tossed on an opamp to amplify the signal to a more manageable volt-level.
This sensor is much simpler than our Si1145 breakout, it only does one thing and gives an analog voltage output instead of requiring a complicated I2C setup procedure. This makes it better for simple projects. It also has a 'true' UV sensor instead of a calibrated light-sensor. To use, power the sensor and op-amp by connecting V+ to 2.7-5.5VDC and GND to power ground. Then read the analog signal from the OUT pin. The output voltage is: Vo = 4.3 * Diode-Current-in-uA. So if the photocurrent is 1uA (9 mW/cm^2), the output voltage is 4.3V. You can also convert the voltage to UV Index by dividing the output voltage by 0.1V. So if the output voltage is 0.5V, the UV Index is about 5.
Please note, our UV LEDs are 400nm, outside the range of this sensor, so if you're trying to test this sensor, don't use them! A UV tanning lamp or 'lizard-lamp' will work much better.

ATmega328 Beetle BLE
by DFRobot
Bluno Beetle is another milestone in wearable electronics device area, which makes DIY users have more options in the project design. It is fully compatible with Bluno in instructions and procedures, supporting Bluetooth HID and ibeacon modes.
And it not only supports USB programming, but also wireless programming method. With the V shaped gilded I/O interface, it is convenient to screw conductor wire on it, which could a good choice in the wearable market.

ATmega32U4 Beetle
by DFRobot
The “Beetle” is a minimalized version of Arduino Leonardo, and has same powerful functionalities as Leonardo. It is ideal for DIY projects, wearable projects and etc.

Automation Hat
by Pimoroni
Take control of and monitor your world with our ultimate jack-of-all-trades Raspberry Pi HAT!
We've pulled together a great set of features into this home monitoring and automation controller. With relays, analog channels, powered outputs, and buffered inputs (all 24V tolerant) you can now hook up a plethora of goodies to your Raspberry Pi all at once.
Better still each channel has an indicator LEDs which means at a glance you can see what's happening with your setup. Even the analog channels have dimming LEDs that allow you to see the value they are currently sensing - swish!
Ideal for smart home and automation projects, giving your greenhouse intelligent sprinklers, or scheduling your fish feeding!

BL4S SBC Series Single-Board Computer
by Digi International
The BL4S SBC family is a low-cost Digi International 4000 microprocessor based single-board computer series that delivers ZigBee and Ethernet capability. On-board ZigBee RF modules offer mesh networking functionality to make networking easy to deploy and simple to maintain. With both Ethernet and ZigBee connectivity integrated, the series delivers a low-cost platform to design a ZigBee enabled Ethernet network.
The series is designed to support the rapidly-increasing use of ZigBee connectivity for companies looking to deploy wireless networking. Digi International’s ZigBee RF modules are compatible with ZigBee PRO compliant devices from other manufacturers, providing great flexibility in choices of nodes to include in the network. Build feature-rich web pages that allow control and monitoring of ZigBee enabled networks by using ZigBee AT and API command libraries. With two available RS-232 ports, eight analog inputs and 20 Digital I/O lines, the BL4S100 is well suited to handle a wide range of applications requiring ZigBee connectivity.

by Adafruit Industries LLC
Do you feel like you just don't have a CLUE? Well, we can help with that - get a CLUE here at Adafruit by picking up this sensor-packed development board. We wanted to build some projects that have a small screen and a lot of sensors. To make it compatible with existing projects, we made it the same shape and size as the BBC micro:bit ( and with the same edge-connector on the bottom with 5 big pads so it will fit into your existing robot kit or 'bit add-on.

Crazyflie 2.1 Drone Development Kit
by Crazyflie
The Crazyflie 2.0 incorporates a 10 degree-of-freedom accelerometer, magnetometer, and gyroscope, as well as a precision pressure sensor. The kit comes with a battery, motor, and propellers so you can take to the skies in no time, and also allows expansion to your heart's content through a gang of serial interfaces.

Edge Control
by Arduino
The Arduino Edge Control can be positioned anywhere and is suitable for precision farming, smart agriculture, and other applications requiring intelligent control in remote locations. Power can be either supplied via solar panel or DC input.

Enviro+ for Raspberry PI
by Pimoroni
Monitor your world with Enviro+ for Raspberry Pi! There's a whole bunch of fancy environmental sensors on this board, and a gorgeous little full-colour LCD to display your data. It's the perfect way to get started with citizen science!
Designed for environmental monitoring, Enviro+ lets you measure air quality (pollutant gases and particulates*), temperature, pressure, humidity, light, and noise level. When combined with a particulate matter sensor*, it's great for monitoring air quality just outside your house (more information below), or without the particulate sensor you can use it to monitor indoor conditions.
Enviro+ is an affordable alternative to environmental monitoring stations that can cost tens of thousands of pounds and, best of all, it's small and hackable and lets you contribute your data to citizen science efforts to monitor air quality via projects like Luftdaten.

Feather RP2040
by Adafruit Industries
A new chip means a new Feather, and the Raspberry Pi RP2040 is no exception. When we saw this chip we thought "this chip is going to be awesome when we give it the Feather Treatment" and so we did! This Feather features the RP2040, and all niceties you know and love about Feather.

Fermion H3LIS200DL Accelerometer
by DFRobot
The H3LIS200DL is an ultra low-power(down to 10uA) and low noise 3-axis accelerometer. It has user selectable scales of ±100g/±200g and is capable of measuring accelerations with output data rates from 0.5Hz to 1kHz. The device contains two programmable independent interrupt engines that is able to recognize dedicated inertial events, which makes it more playable.

FireBeetle ESP32-E IoT Microcontroller
by DFRobot
The new ESP32-E FireBeetle supports WiFi and Bluetooth dual-mode communication, has ultra low power consumption and even includes an on-board charging circuit so you can power it with a lipo battery (and charge it over USB-C). It's easily programmable via Arduino IDE, and ideal for smart home IoT, industrial IoT applications, wearable devices, and so on. You can easily create your own IoT smart home system when connecting it with an IoT platform like IFTTT or Home Assistant.
FireBeetle ESP32-E supports Arduino programming and will support Scratch graphical programming and MicroPython programming very soon, with detailed online tutorials and application cases. The castellated design makes it possible to embed on another PCB, saving costs and time for building prototypes.

by Adafruit Industries
Home is where the heart's also where we keep all our electronic bits. So why not wire it up with sensors and actuators to turn our house into an electronic wonderland. Whether it's tracking the environmental temperature and humidity in your laundry room, or notifying you when someone is detected in the kitchen, to sensing when a window was left open, or logging when your cat leaves through the pet door, this board is designed to make it way easy to make WiFi-connected home automation projects.
The main processor is the ESP32-S2, which has the advantage of the low cost and power of the ESP32 with the flexibility of CircuitPython support thanks to native USB support. There's also Arduino support for this chip, and many existing ESP32 projects seem to run as-is. Note this chip does not have BLE support, but for WiFi projects its great. You can use it to connect to IoT services or just the Internet in general, with SSL support and this module has plenty of PSRAM for any kind of data processing.
The board is designed to make it easy to wire up sensors with little or no soldering. There are built in sensors for light, pressure, humidity and temperature sensors. Three JST PH plugs allow for quick connection of STEMMA boards that use digital or analog I/O, and there's a STEMMA QT port for any I2C devices.

Gravity: I2C Non-Contact IR Temp
by DFRobot
We can divide temperature measurement in to two types: contact and non-contact. Contact measurement can only accurately measure temperature when the testing object and the sensor reach thermal equilibrium. This can mean longer response times and reading inaccuracies offset by ambient temperature. By contrast, non-contact measurement uses infra-red radiation to measure the temperature and does not require a direct touch. Additionally, this method of measurement can be read quickly and accurately.
In recent years non-contact measurement methods have been used for medical, environmental monitoring, home automation, automotive electronic, aerospace and military applications.
Our latest infrared temperature measurement module is the MLX90614. This module measures the surface temperature by detecting infrared radiation energy and wavelength distribution. The IR temperature probe consists of an optical system, photoelectric detector, amplifier, signal processing and output module. The optical system collects the infrared radiation in its field of view and the infrared radiation energy is converted in to corresponding electrical signals when converging on the photoelectric detector. After being processed by the amplifier and signal processing circuit, the signal is converted in to a temperature value. The MLX90614 is self calibrating and has a low noise amplifier integrated in to the signal processing chip. The chip itself is a 17-bit ADC and DSP device, giving accurate and reliable results.

Grove Base Hat for Raspberry Pi
by Seeed Technology Co.
Today, the grove series of sensors, actuators, and displays have grown into a large family. More and more grove modules will join the whole Grove ecosystem in the future. We see the Grove helps makers, engineers, teachers, students and even artists to build, to make, to create...We always feel it is our responsibility to make the Grove module compatible with more platforms. Now we bring you the Grove Base Hat for Raspberry Pi and Grove Base Hat for Raspberry Pi Zero, in another word, we bring the Raspberry Pi the whole Grove System.
The Grove Base Hat for Raspberry Pi provide Digital/Analog/I2C/PWM/UART port to meet all your needs. With the help of build-in MCU, a 12-bit 8 channel ADC is also available for Raspberry Pi.
Frankly speaking, it's about 60 Grove modules support the Grove Base Hat for Raspberry Pi now. However, we will continue to add new compatible modules, the more you use, the more grove added.

Grove Gas Sensor (O2)
by Seeed Technology Co.
Grove - Oxygen Sensor(ME2-O2-Ф20) is a kind of analogue gas sensor to test the oxygen concentration in air, which is based on the principle of the electrochemical cell to the original work. You can know clearly the current oxygen concentration when you output voltage values proportional to the concentration of oxygen and refer to the oxygen concentration linear characteristic graph.
This Grove O2 sensor can be used to make simple oxygen level detector and analyzer. It can measure O2 concentration within a range of 0 to 25% Vol and the max detecting concentration is 30% Vol. It's very suitable for detecting oxygen concentrations in the Arduino environment project.
This sensor needs to be connected with the grove Pi+ which supports raspberry pi or base shield which supports Arduino Uno. You may also need Grove cable as a connector. Besides, there is a related product- Grove gas sensor(MQ2) who has a wiki about how to set up a gas sensor with Seeeduino. Similarly, you can begin your own project with this sensitive gas sensor and have fun!

Grove Shield for Pi Pico V1.0
by Seeed Technologies Co.
The Raspberry Pi Pico is a new popular low-cost, high-performance microcontroller board, so how to integrate Grove sensor to it? The grove shield perfectly solved this problem.
The Grove Shield for Pi Pico v1.0 is a plug-and-play shield for Raspberry Pi Pico which integrates with various kinds of Grove connectors, including 2*I2C, 3*Analog, 2*UART, 3*Digital ports, SWD debug interface and SPI pin, 3.3v/5v selectable power switch. It enables the build prototype and project in an easy and quick way without jumper wire and breadboard, you could explore infinite possibilities of Pico. The shield board is a stackable add-on board which acts as a bridge for Pi Pico and Seeed's Grove system.

Grove-I2C High Accuracy Temp & Humidity
by Seeed Technology Co.
Grove - I2C High Accuracy Temp&Humi Sensor(SHT35) is based on SHT3x-DIS, which is the next generation of Sensirion’s temperature and humidity sensors. It builds on a new CMOSens® sensor chip that is at the heart of Sensirion’s new humidity and temperature platform. The SHT3x-DIS has increased intelligence, reliability and improved accuracy specifications compared to its predecessor. Its functionality includes enhanced signal processing, two distinctive and user selectable I2C addresses and communication speeds of up to 1 MHz.

iMOTION Modular Application Design Kit (MADK)
by Infineon
The MADK is a three-phase motor drive evaluation platform that includes a controller and the ability to interface with intelligent power modules over an M1/M3 interface. The compatible power modules enable rapid prototyping of applications ranging from 20W to 1.5kW, which Infineon says you can have up and running inside an hour with the MADK development platform.

imp006 Cellular and WiFi Breakout Board Kit
by Electric Imp
Electric Imp’s imp006 Breakout Kit provides a full product evaluation, code development and prototyping platform for the imp006 module. The imp006 embeds impOS, which provides a secure, maintained environment for applications, including automatic, over-the-air security updates, and power management. The kit comes with global cellular connectivity with Cat-M/2G/NB-IoT powered by Twilio’s Super SIM. It also includes 802.11a/b/g/n/ac dual-band WiFi, BLE, and GNSS location facilities. It includes various sensors and outputs to allow experimentation without need for any hardware expertise.

Jetson AGX Xavier Developer Kit
The NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier developer kit is a powerhouse platform for AI and machine learning developers. While the cost meets the performance, if you're serious about using deep learning for computer vision or sensor fusion applications, this 105 mm x 105 mm x 65 mm development platform is worth a look.

Jetson Nano
The Jetson Nano is an 80 mm x 100 mm developer kit based on a Tegra SoC with a 128-core Maxwell GPU and quad-core Arm Cortex-A57 CPU. This gives the Nano a reported 472 GFLOPS of compute horsepower, which can be harnessed within configurable power modes of 5W or 10W.

LoRa Thing Plus-expLoRaBLE
by SparkFun Electronics
The SparkFun expLoRaBLE Thing Plus is a Feather-footprint development board with the NM180100 system in package (SiP), from Northern Mechatronics. Thanks to the NM180100, as well as the Ambiq Apollo3 microcontroller and the Semtech SX1262 LoRa transceiver, this Thing Plus is a highly integrated LoRa® module supporting both 868MHz and 915MHz bands and Bluetooth® Low Energy. On top of all else, the expLoRaBLE Thing Plus utilizes our handy Qwiic Connect System which means no soldering or shields are required to connect it to the rest of your system!
The NM180100 SiP includes a Semtech SX1262 LoRa module paired with the Apollo3 MCU, which is used in the SparkFun Artemis Module. This provides the board with compatibility in the Arduino IDE, through our Apollo3 Arduino core. With both the BLE and LoRa capabilities of the expLoRaBLE you will be able to operate as a Bluetooth enabled LoRa node.
You won't have to worry about how to hook up an appropriate antenna, either. The SparkFun expLoRaBLE Thing Plus has been equipped with a simple U.FL connector. With the U.FL you will have your choice of BLE and RF antennas to chose from but, personally, we recommend our Wide Band 4G LTE Internal FPC Antenna.

by SEEED Technology Co.
LoRa-E5 is a low-cost, ultra-low power, ultra-small size LoRaWAN® module designed by Seeed Technology Co., Ltd. The module uses ST system-level package chip STM32WLE5JC, embedded high-performance LoRa® chip SX126X and ultra-low power Consumption of MCU. The target application of this module is wireless sensor networks and other Internet of Things devices, especially battery-powered low power consumption and longdistance occasions.
LoRa-E5 LoRaWAN® module is mainly suitable for long-distance, ultra-low-power applications such as wireless meter reading, sensor networks, and other low-power wide-area IoT scenarios.

LoRa-E5 Mini
by Seeed Technology Co.
LoRa-E5 is embedded with high-performance STM32WLE5JC, which is very suitable for the design of various IoT nodes.
Based on the development of the multi-mode high-performance SX126X chip, the LoRa-E5 module supports (G) FSK mode and LoRa® . 62.5kHz, 125kHz, 250kHz and 500kHz bandwidth can be used in LoRa® mode. Based on the powerful functions and rich peripherals of STM32WLE5JC, the module provides UART, I2C, SPI, ADC and GPIOs for users to choose according to the application. If you need to upgrade the built-in AT command firmware, please use the two-wire interface (UART) to complete the programming based on the boot mode; and customers can develop the software based on the internal MCU of the module to complete the program erasure and programming through SWD.

MAGTAG - 2.9" Grayscale
by Adafruit Industries
The Adafruit MagTag combines the new ESP32-S2 wireless module and a 2.9" grayscale E-Ink display to make a low-power IoT display that can show data on its screen even when power is removed! The ESP32-S2 is great because it builds on the years of code and support for the ESP32 and also adds native USB support so you can use this board with Arduino or CircuitPython!

MIC-713 Series AI Solution Kit
by Advantech
Advantech's MIC-713 series solution kit consists of carrier boards that are designed with a test-then-design mindset. The MIC-713 series offers as much I/O expansion as possible and all the peripherals are tested beforehand. AI developers can quickly integrate peripherals and customize them into the ideal form.

MicroMod ESP32 Processor
by SparkFun Electronics
MicroMod is a compact interface to connect a microcontroller to various peripherals. You can generally think of the MicroMod system as a ‘brain’ plugging into a ‘carrier board’.
A MicroMod processor board is approximately 22x22mm and can insert into any MicroMod carrier board. A small screw holds the processor board in place. Whereas the original M.2 standard was designed for swapping out peripherals (user could change one solid state hard drive to a larger one) the MicroMod standard is designed for swapping out controllers (user can start with a powerful processor and then change to a low power controller to extend battery life).

Nano RP2040 Connect
by Arduino
The feature packed Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect brings the new Raspberry Pi RP2040 microcontroller to the Nano form factor. Make the most of the dual core 32-bit Arm Cortex-M0+ to make Internet of Things projects with Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity thanks to the U-blox Nina W102 module. Dive into real-world projects with the onboard accelerometer, gyroscope, RGB LED and microphone. Develop robust embedded AI solutions with minimal effort using the Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect.

PIC-IoT WG Development Board
by Microchip Technology
The PIC-IoT WG Development Board is a 16-bit MCU-based kit that packs more punch than you'd think. While of course the 16-bit PIC24F microcontroller is extremely low power, it also integrates a 12-bit ADC, three comparators, a charge time measurement unit (CTMU) for capacitive touch applications, 128 KB of ECC Flash and 16 KB RAM. You can connect straight to the cloud on this little device thanks to the ATWINC1510 network controller, an 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi device with 8 MB of Flash. This means that wireless connectivity stacks don't need to burden the PIC MCU, or even, some system software can be relegated to the ATWINC1510 because of its SPI interface.

Pico Explorer Base
by Pimoroni
Transform your Raspberry Pi Pico into a electronic adventure playground packed with physical computing goodies including an LCD screen, motor drivers, a mini breadboard, and much more!
Pico Explorer lets you play with circuits, build science experiments, prototype tiny robots and inventions and, most importantly, Figure Out How It All Works.
We've incorporated tinkering essentials like a mini breadboard, motor drivers, ADC inputs, a built in speaker, general purpose inputs/outputs, switches, and two Breakout Garden slots* so you can add on a couple of our wide range of Pimoroni breakouts.
We've also managed to fit in a vibrant 240x240 IPS LCD screen with four tactile buttons so you can easily monitor and control what your project is doing. It's all wrapped up in a nice, sturdy baseboard with a pleasingly compact footprint which won't involve nearly as many trailing wires as if you were experimenting with a traditional breadboard setup. Boo wires, yay Pico Explorer!
Our comprehensive MicroPython and C++ libraries will let you control every aspect of the board like a digital maestro. It's great for beginners, advanced users, and people who awkwardly sit somewhere in the middle and cannot be placed into a simple demographic bucket - we know who you are.
We've really crammed all the functionality we could into this board - quite a few of us were lucky enough to have all-in-one electronic circuit kits when we were small and so we jumped at the chance to put together a bang up-to-date version.

Pirate Audio 3W Stereo Amp for Raspberry PI
by Pimoroni
Bring an old radio or set of speakers into the 21st century with Pirate Audio 3W Stereo Amp for Raspberry Pi! Get punchy digital audio through the push-fit terminals and control your music with the built-in colour LCD and playback control buttons.
The push-fit connectors on Pirate Audio 3W Stereo Amp make it super-simple to connect up a set of speakers, whether they're bookshelf or floor-standing speakers, or the speakers in an old radio. Play crisp digital audio from local files (MP3, FLAC, etc.) or stream from services like Spotify. The combined DAC and amp gives you crisp 24-bit / 192KHz digital audio through your connected stereo speakers (or mixed-down mono through a single channel).
Pirate Audio is a range of all-in-one audio boards for Raspberry Pi, with high-quality digital audio, beautifully-crisp IPS displays for album art, tactile buttons for playback control, and our custom Pirate Audio software and installer to make setting it all up a breeze.

Portenta H7
by Arduino
Arduino's Portenta H7 has a processor with dual-core STM32H747 that includes a Cortex®-M7 running at 480 MHz and a Cortex-M4 running at 240 MHz. The two cores communicate via a remote procedure call mechanism that seamlessly allows calling functions on the other processor.

Portenta H7 Lite
by Arduino
The Arduino Portenta H7 leverages the outstanding performance, flexibility, of the dual-core STM32H747, which can simultaneously run high level code along with real time tasks. The board follows the MKR form factor, but is enhanced by the addition of two 80 pin high density connectors at the bottom of the board. This ensures scalability for a wide range of applications by simply upgrading your Portenta H7 board to the one suiting your needs.

Portenta Vision Shield Ethernet
by Arduino
The Portenta Vision Shield brings industry-rated features to your Arduino Portenta. This hardware add-on will let you run embedded computer vision applications, connect wirelessly or via Ethernet to the Arduino Cloud or your own infrastructure, and activate your system upon the detection of sound events.

PROPELLER 2 Evaluation Board Rev
by Parallax Inc.
The Propeller 2 Eval Board is designed for experimentation and characterization of the Propeller 2 multicore microcontroller. The Propeller 2 features a user-code adjustable operating frequency, and has been designed to operate at a maximum recommended clock frequency of 180 MHz.

QCA4020 Product Development Kit
by Qualcomm
The QC4020 Kit is unique in that it provides simultaneous "tri-mode" Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and 802.15.14 connectivity for IoT developers looking to prototype systems that support concurrent short-range and backhaul networking. In addition to multiple radios and discrete processors and memory for each connectivity type, the QCA4020 host on the product development kit offers a sensor hub, hardware security accelerators, and Arm Cortex-M4F applications CPU, allowing engineers to develop connected applications without feeling burdened by the overhead of requisite networking functions.

QT PY - SAMD21 Dev Board
by Adafruit Industries
What a cutie pie! Or is it... a QT Py? This diminutive dev board comes with our favorite lil chip, the SAMD21 (as made famous in our GEMMA M0 and Trinket M0 boards).
This time it comes with our favorite connector - the STEMMA QT, a chainable I2C port that can be used with any of our STEMMA QT sensors and accessories.

by SparkFun Electronics
Passive Infrared (PIR) sensors are great for detecting motion in a small area around the sensor. The 170µA SparkFun EKMC4607112K Qwiic PIR uses an EKM-series PIR sensor from Panasonic® paired with an ATTiny84 to interact with it using I2C with the Qwiic system. The EKM-series PIR sensors are optimized for small movements to offer motion-sensing options for continuously powered applications.
PIR sensors do not return specific distance data but instead monitor for IR light coming from objects in their field of view and will activate their signal when motion is detected in their sensing area, making them perfect for applications such as turning devices on automatically when motion is detected. Applications include home and building automation for energy saving, automated on/off lighting control, security, appliances, and IoT.

QWIIC Tsunami WAV Trigger
by SparkFun Electronics
The WAV Trigger is a unique high-fidelity polyphonic audio player with surprising capabilities. Supporting up to 2048 uncompressed 16-bit, 44.1kHz wav files – the same quality as an audio CD – the WAV Trigger can play and mix up to 14 stereo tracks simultaneously and independently, with very low latency. Tracks can be controlled via 16 programmable trigger inputs, or by using a native serial control protocol or even MIDI.
Trigger inputs can be connected directly to switches and buttons, or to digital outputs from sensors or another microcontroller. Alternate functions can be specified using a free cross-platform GUI application, and allow triggers to play sequential or random tracks, pause and resume groups of tracks and even control volume. An Arduino library allows for complex serial control like real-time mixing, starting multiple tracks in sample-sync and smooth cross-fading between tracks.
On-board sample rate conversion allows for smoothly changing playback speed/pitch from 0.5x to 2x. in real-time.
MIDI allows you to use the WAV Trigger as a polyphonic sampling synthesizer to play your own sounds from any MIDI keyboard controller. MIDI Channels and Note numbers are mapped to track numbers, and MIDI Controllers adjust volume as well as attack and release times. MIDI Program Change is supported to switch between up to 16 banks of 128 sounds. The WAV Trigger audio engine even implements, pitch bending, voice stealing (oldest playing voices are used for new MIDI Notes when all 14 voices are being used), note attack (fade-in), note release (fade-out) and latency averages 8 ms.

Raspberry Pi 5
by Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi's Raspberry Pi 5 is built upon a 64-bit quad-core 2.4 GHz Arm® Cortex®-A76 processor, which can provide a two to three times increase in CPU performance compared to Raspberry Pi 4. This is also complemented by a substantial improvement in graphics performance from an 800 MHz VideoCore VII GPU, which provides dual 4Kp60 display output over HDMI and state-of-the-art support from a rearchitected Raspberry Pi image signal processor, providing a much better desktop experience and creating opportunities for new applications for industrial customers.
Along with being built on an updated processor, Raspberry Pi 5 also includes an entirely new chip designed in-house by Raspberry Pi to handle the majority of I/O capabilities. The RP1 Southbridge delivers an upgrade in peripheral performance and functionality. The USB bandwidth has more than doubled, leading to faster transfer speeds to external UAS drives and other high-speed peripherals. This chip has also enabled Raspberry Pi to a pair of four-lane 1.5 Gbps MIPI transceivers, which triples total bandwidth and supports any combination of up to two cameras or displays. The RP1 also doubles the SD card performance via the SDR104 high-speed mode. Lastly, the RP1 also added the opportunity to add a single-lane PCI Express 2.0 interface that supports high-bandwidth peripherals.
In addition to the RP1 chip, a power management IC from Renesas enables additional features. Raspberry Pi 5 now has an onboard power button, which enables the user to power on/off the board with just a touch. This PMIC also includes an onboard RTC. In order to add a battery backup for the RTC, Raspberry Pi has added a connector for a battery connection. The last feature of the PMIC is the ability for the board to recognize when a Power Delivery (PD) power supply is used and enables a higher output of 1.6 A to the USB ports. If a non-PD power supply is used, the ports are limited to 600 mA.
Raspberry Pi 5 has two new connectors: one UART connection for their debugger board and one for a fan connection. These connectors make the connection of the debugging probe, the case fan, or the active cooler quick and easy.

RP2040 ItsyBitsy
by Adafruit Industries
RP2040 is the debut microcontroller from Raspberry Pi. It brings our signature values of high performance, low cost, and ease of use to the microcontroller space. With a large on-chip memory, symmetric dual-core processor complex, deterministic bus fabric, and rich peripheral set augmented with our unique Programmable I/O (PIO) subsystem, it provides professional users with unrivalled power and flexibility.
With detailed documentation, a polished MicroPython port, and a UF2 bootloader in ROM, it has the lowest possible barrier to entry for beginner and hobbyist users. RP2040 is a stateless device, with support for cached execute-in-place from external QSPI memory.
This design decision allows you to choose the appropriate density of non-volatile storage for your application, and to benefit from the low pricing of commodity Flash parts. RP2040 is manufactured on a modern 40nm process node, delivering high performance, low dynamic power consumption, and low leakage, with a variety of low-power modes to support extended-duration operation on battery power.

RSL10 Sensor Development Kit
by ON Semiconductor
The RSL10 device on the kit is actually a system-in-package that includes an Arm Cortex-M3-based radio SoC, an antenna, and other necessary passive components. The kit comes pre-certified to FCC, CE, IC, KC, and MIC wireless regulations, and supports a host of sensors to help you get prototyping in no time.

by Adafruit Industries LLC
Bosch has stepped up their game with their new BME280 sensor, an environmental sensor with temperature, barometric pressure and humidity! This sensor is great for all sorts of indoor environmental sensing and can even be used in both I2C and SPI!
This precision sensor from Bosch is the best low-cost sensing solution for measuring humidity with ±3% accuracy, barometric pressure with ±1 hPa absolute accuraccy, and temperature with ±1.0°C accuracy. Because pressure changes with altitude, and the pressure measurements are so good, you can also use it as an altimeter with ±1 meter or better accuracy!

SGP30 Air Quality Sensor Breakout
by Adafruit Industries LLC
Breathe easy with the SGP30 Multi-Pixel Gas Sensor, a fully integrated MOX gas sensor. This is a very fine air quality sensor from the sensor experts at Sensirion, with I2C interfacing and fully calibrated output signals with a typical accuracy of 15% within measured values. The SGP combines multiple metal-oxide sensing elements on one chip to provide more detailed air quality signals.
This is a gas sensor that can detect a wide range of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and H2 and is intended for indoor air quality monitoring. When connected to your microcontroller (running our library code) it will return a Total Volatile Organic Compound (TVOC) reading and an equivalent carbon dioxide reading (eCO2) over I2C.

Sipeed MAix BIT for RISC-V AI+IOT
by Seeed Technology Co.
AI is pervasive today, from consumer to enterprise applications. With the explosive growth of connected devices, combined with a demand for privacy/confidentiality, low latency and bandwidth constraints, AI models trained in the cloud increasingly need to be run at the edge.
MAIX is Sipeed’s purpose-built module designed to run AI at the edge, we called it AIoT. It delivers high performance in a small physical and power footprint, enabling the deployment of high-accuracy AI at the edge, and the competitive price make it possible embed to any IoT devices. As you see, Sipeed MAIX is quite like Google edge TPU, but it act as master controller, not an accelerator like edge TPU, so it is more low cost and low power than AP+edge TPU solution.

STEMMA QT AS7341 Color Sensor
by Adafruit Industries LLC
The Adafruit AS7341 10-Channel Light / Color Sensor Breakout is a multi-channel spectrometer, which is a special type of light sensor that is able to detect not only the amount of light present but also the amounts of light within different wavelengths. This means that you can use it to detect much better than the human eye is capable of, what color or colors of light is present.
The AS7341 packs within its 3x2mm footprint 16 different sensors that can detect 8 separate, overlapping bands of colored light. As if that weren't enough, it also includes sensors for white light as well as Near Infra-red light, and even sensors made specifically for detecting light flicker at specific frequencies from things like indoor lighting.

Synergy SK-S7G2 Starter Kit
The Synergy SK-S7G2 Starter Kit is a powerful entry point for embedded developers looking for an onramp to the IoT. At the heart of the kit is, of course, a Renesas S7G2 MCU, a 240 MHz Arm Cortex-M4 with a floating-point unit (FPU), 2D drawing engine, up to 4 MB of Flash and 640 KB of SRAM. The performance of the S7G2 not only helps drive a 2.4" QVGA TFT LCD on the board, it also enables capacitive touch sensing. Alongside IEEE 1588 Ethernet PTP, CAN, RS-232/485, this makes the SK-S7G2 starter kit a great place to start for industrial, consumer white goods, and other applications that require both human-machine interface (HMI) and deterministic connectivity. Last but not least, the Synergy Software Package that comes with the kit gives you all of the development tools and hardware abstraction needed to get off the ground quickly. For example, Express Logic's ThreadX RTOS, GUIX development libraries, file system, and e2 Studio are all at your fingertips with the SK-S7G2.

Thing Plus - NRF9160
by SparkFun Electronics
SparkFun has teamed up with CircuitDojo to bring you the SparkFun nRF9160 Thing Plus, featuring the powerful Nordic nRF9160 microcontroller in a Feather-compatible footprint. This little chip is capable of both CAT M1 LTE and NB-IoT cellular communication and is designed to work with Zephyr, the go-to RTOS for embedded development. To make the Thing Plus even easier to use, this board utilizes our handy Qwiic Connect System which means no soldering or shields are required to connect it to the rest of your system!
Not only can you take advantage of Nordic’s advanced power states, but you can also put the device into a low power standby state. Laboratory measurements are putting that mode at about 2µA of current. 2µA! It also features a 3.3V Buck-Boost which helps get every mWh from your batteries as possible.
No batteries? No problem! Power your nRF9160 Thing Plus externally with a USB-C cable. Keep it on at all times for high availability scenarios.
Want to persist data? The nRF9160 Thing Plus has a 4MB external flash for storing data while offline. Using external flash with a filesystem like LitteFS and you’ll have a project to recon with!

Tiny 2040
by Pimoroni
A postage stamp sized RP2040 development board with a USB-C connection and 8MB of flash, perfect for portable projects, wearables, and embedding into devices.
While we love the Raspberry Pi Pico we also wanted something smaller and with a bunch more flash on board. Introducing the Tiny 2040 - a teeny tiny powerhouse with the chops to realise truly ambitious projects.
Powered and programmable via USB-C, Tiny 2040 comes with 8MB of QSPI (XiP) flash on board so it can handle projects small and large with ease. The board is designed with castellated pads to allow it to be directly soldered onto a PCB or alternatively you can use pin headers to hook it up on a breadboard or directly with wires. We've even managed to fit in a programmable RGB LED, a reset button and some clever circuitry that lets you use the boot button as a user controllable switch.
It's compatible with firmware built for the Raspberry Pi Pico but offers a reduced number of pins due to its size. You can even run MicroPython on it!

UDOO x86 (Ultra) Board
The UDOO x86 Ultra is one of very few Intel-based development kits available to the embedded engineering market, and showcases a 2.56 GHz Pentium processor with Intel HD Graphics 405 – featuring 16 execution units. This kit in particular features an enclosure, but within it are interfaces to all sorts of multimedia-centric ports, particularly display interfaces that pair with the Pentium to drive multiple simultaneous displays in applications like digital signage. Ethernet and wireless slots also allow you to interface this gateway-class device with the rest of the world.

by Adafruit Industries LLC
This guide will show you how to use an MCP2221(A) to connect to I2C sensors and breakouts from your desktop PC running Windows, Mac OSX, or Linux. The MCP2221 also allows for general purpose digital input and output (GPIO) for things like buttons and LEDs, analog to digital conversion (ADC), and digital to analog (DAC).
The cool part about this is that you can then use any of the CircuitPython Libraries that have been written for the numerous I2C sensors and breakouts. You can bring that data directly into your PC for any kind of powerful analysis or presentation.

VIM1 Amlogic S905X Open-Source TV Box
by Khadas
The VIM1 is the original Amlogic S905X Arm development board designed by Khadas for hobbyists, makers, and electronic fans; many refer to it as an "Open Source TV Box." It is slightly smaller than a Raspberry Pi with dimensions similar to that of a credit card. The VIM1 is only available in two versions: VIM1 Basic with 8 GB EMMC storage and AP6212 (b/g/n) Wi-Fi, and VIM1 Pro with 16 GB EMMC storage and AP6255 (b/g/n/ac) Wi-Fi. Both versions have 2 GB of DDR3 RAM and Bluetooth® 4.2.
Just like a familiar desktop computer, the VIM1 single board computer supports the booting of multiple operating systems. Users can choose from a variety of OS images (ROMs) from their documentation or community forum. Popular OSes include Android 7.1/8.0, Ubuntu 18.04, LibreELEC, Armbian, and Buildroot. There are even dual-boot images for developers to boot both Android and Ubuntu from the same EMMC.
Developers will also find a built-in 40-pin GPIO, real-time-clock (RTC), and VIN port for an extra power supply. In addition, the three user-buttons on the side provide easy access to power, reset, and function keys. Full open source code is available on GitHub, and hardware schematics can be found in their documentation. There is also a built-in power control unit for supporting power-cycling via remote control.
In comparison with the Octa-Core Amlogic S912 SoC in the VIM2, the S905X SoC in the VIM1 generates significantly less heat output. This makes the VIM1 especially useful in environments that only support passive air convection for heat dissipation rather than forced airflow. In many instances, a single heatsink is sufficient and some people may even find a heatsink unnecessary for their application.

VL53L1X Time of Flight (TOF)
by Pimoroni
These low-power-laser-based time of flight sensors have great accuracy and sampling frequency, and this particular sensor has a wide range of detection, from 4cm to 4 metres.
Use it as a proximity sensor, for presence detection, or as a laser tape measure! The speed, accuracy, and range, make this sensor ideal for collision-avoidance on robots.
It's also compatible with our fancy new Breakout Garden, where using breakouts is as easy just popping it into one of the six slots and starting to grow your project, create, and code

Wio Terminal ATSAMD51 +RTL8720DN
by Seeed Technology Co.
Compatible with Arduino and MicroPython, Wio Terminal is an ATSAMD51-based microcontroller with wireless connectivity supported by Realtek RTL8720DN. Its CPU speed runs at 120MHz (Boost up to 200MHz). Realtek RTL8720DN chip supports both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi providing the backbone for IoT projects. The Wio Terminal itself is equipped with a 2.4” LCD Screen, onboard IMU(LIS3DHTR), Microphone, Buzzer, microSD card slot, Light sensor, and Infrared Emitter(IR 940nm).

XIAO Arduino MCU
by Seeed Tehnology Co.
Seeeduino XIAO is the smallest Arduino compatible board in Seeeduino Family. It is an Arduino microcontroller that is embedded with the SAMD21 microchip. The interfaces of Seeeduino XIAO is rich enough in such a tiny Dev. Board as well.

XIAO Expansion Board
by Seeed Technology Co.
A powerful functional expansion board for Seeeduino XIAO of only half Raspberry Pi 4 size. It enables build prototype and project in easy and quick way. With its rich peripherals including OLED, RTC, expandable memory, passive buzzer, RESET/User button, 5V servo connector, multiple data interfaces… you could explore infinite possibilities of Seeeduino XIAO. Circuit python is also well supported by this board.

by Seeed Technology Co.
XIAO RP2040 is a microcontroller using the Raspberry RP2040 chip. It runs at up to 133MHz, is built with rich interfaces in a tiny thumb size, and fully supports Ardunio, MicroPython, and CircuitPython. The onboard interfaces are enough for developing multiple applications.

Z8300 LattePanda
by DFRobot
LattePanda is a complete a mini computer integrated with Arduino running full verions Windows 10.
It includes everything a regular PC has and can do anything that a regular PC does. It is compatible with almost every gadget you know: printers, joysticks, cameras and more. Any peripherals that work on your PC will work on LattePanda.
LattePanda comes pre-installed with a pre-activated full edition of Windows 10, including powerful tools such as Visual Studio, NodeJS, Java, Processing, and more. Using existing APIs, you can develop your own software and hardware projects on LattePanda as you would on a normal PC - C#, Javascript, Ruby and so on. Say goodbye to your bulky laptop!
But not only can it be used as a low cost regular Windows computer! LattePanda is also designed with an Arduino compatible co-processor, which means it can be used to control and sense the physical world, just like an Arduino board! Whether you are a Windows developer, an IoT developer, a hardware DIY fanatic, interactive designer, robotics whizz, or a maker, LattePanda can aid your creative process with physical computing projects!

Arty Artix-7 FPGA Evaluation Board
by Digilent, Inc.
Arty is a ready-to-use development platform designed around the Artix-7 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) from Xilinx. It was designed specifically for use as a MicroBlaze Soft Processing System. Unlike other Single Board Computers, Arty isn’t bound to a single set of processing peripherals: UARTS, SPIs, IICs, an Ethernet MAC, and a dozen 32-bit timers.

Feather HUZZAH ESP8266
by Adafruit Industries
At the heart of Feather HUZZAH is an ESP8266 WiFi microcontroller clocked at 80 MHz and at 3.3V logic, which contains a Tensilica chip core as well as a full Wi-Fi stack. You can progam the MCU with the Arduino IDE. The board contains a USB Serial chip that can upload code at a 921600 baud rate. It also has auto-reset.

Analog Discovery 2
by Digilent, Inc.
The Digilent Analog Discovery 2, developed in conjunction with Analog Devices®, is a multi-function instrument that allows users to measure, visualize, generate, record, and control mixed signal circuits of all kinds. The analog and digital inputs and outputs can be connected to a circuit using simple wire probes; alternatively, the Analog Discovery BNC Adapter and BNC probes can be used to connect and utilize the inputs and outputs. Driven by the free WaveForms software, the Analog Discovery 2 can be configured to work as any one of several traditional instruments

Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield for Arduino v2 Kit
by Adafruit Industries

1-Channel (Mono) Output Class D Audio Amplifier Evaluation Board
by Adafruit Industries

4-Channel ADC Breakouts
by Adafruit Industries

4-Channel I_C-Safe Bi-Directional Logic Level Converter
by Adafruit Industries

Adafruit I2S MEMS Microphone Breakout
by Adafruit Industries

Arduino Leonardo
by Arduino
Arduino Micro
by Arduino

Arduino Nano
by Arduino

Arduino Starter Kit Multi-Language
by Arduino

by Samsung Electronics
ATmega328P Xplained Mini board
by Atmel

Atmel-ICE Debugger Basic Kit
by Atmel

Atmel-ICE Debugger Full Kit
by Atmel

BeagleBone Green
by Seeed Studio

BeagleBone Green
by Seeed Technology Co., Ltd

BeagleBone Green Wireless
by Seeed Studio

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Pioneer Kit
by Cypress Semiconductor

BME280 Humidity + Barometric Pressure + Temperature Sensor Breakout
by Adafruit Industries

CC3200 SimpleLink Wi-Fi LaunchPad Hardware
by Texas Instruments

CY8CKIT-059 PSoC 5LP Prototyping Kit
by Cypress Semiconductor

Data Logger Shield
by Adafruit Industries

DE0-Nano-SoC Kit
by Terasic Inc.
Discovery Kit with STM32F429ZI MCU
by STMicroelectronics

Discovery kit with STM32F746NG MCU
by STMicroelectronics

EFM32 Wonder Gecko Starter Kit
by Silicon Labs
FRDM-K64F Freedom Module
by NXP Semiconductors

Freedom Board for Kinetis K22F
by NXP Semiconductors

Freescale Freedom KL25Z
by NXP Semiconductors

by Seeed Technology

HUZZAH ESP8266 Breakout Board
by Adafruit Industries

IGLOO nano evaluation board
by Microsemi Corporation

JTAG-HS2 Programming Cable for Xilinx FPGAs
by Digilent, Inc.

JTAG-HS3 Programming Cable for Xilinx FPGAs
by Digilent, Inc.
JTAG-SMT Programming Module for Xilinx FPGAs
by Digilent

Lepton Thermal Imaging, Infrared (IR) Sensor Evaluation Board

LPC-Link 2 Debug Adapter
by NXP Semiconductors

MAX 10 FPGA Evaluation Kit
by Altera

MBed LPC1768 Development Board
by NXP Semiconductors

MCP9808 Precision I2C Temperature Sensor Shield
by Adafruit Industries

MSP-EXP430G2 LaunchPad Development Kit
by Texas Instruments

MSP430F5529 LaunchPad Development Kit
by Texas Instruments

by STMicroelectronics

OMAP4460 Pandaboard ES
by SVTronics Inc.
PICkit 3 Programmer/Debugger
by Microchip Technology

Proto Shield for Arduino
by Adafruit Industries

PSoC 4 Prototyping Kit
by Cypress Semiconductor

Raspberry Pi 2 Model B with ARMv7 Quad Core
by Seeed Studio

RGB Color Sensor with IR filter
by Adafruit Industries

SimpleLink SensorTag Debugger DevPack
by Texas Instruments

SMART SAM V71 Xplained Ultra
by Microchip Technology

ST-LINK/V2 In-circuit debugger/programmer for STM8 and STM32
by STMicroelectronics

STM32 Nucleo-64 board
by STMicroelectronics

STM32F Discovery Evaluation Kit
by ST Microelectronics

by STMicroelectronics

by STMicroelectronics

by STMicroelectronics

TCA9548A 1-to-8 I2C Multiplexer Breakout
by Adafruit Industries

Teensy 3.2
by SparkFun Electronics
Teensy LC
by SparkFun Electronics
ThunderBoard React
by Silicon Labs
ThunderBoard Sense
by Silicon Labs

Tiva C Series TM4C123G LaunchPad Evaluation Kit
by Texas Instruments

Tiva C Series TM4C1294 Connected LaunchPad Evaluation Kit
by Texas Instruments

by Adafruit Industries

UC3-A3 Xplained
by Microchip Technology

UC3-A3 Xplained Evaluation Kit
by Atmel

Ultimate GPS Breakout – 66 channel w/ 10 Hz updates – Version 3
by Adafruit Industries

USB 2.0 to Parallel and Serial Interface Evaluation Board
by Adafruit Industries
USB Hi-Speed FT2232H Evaluation Module