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For several of the recommendations in our performance guide, we use microbenchmarks to back up our claims. For these benchmarks, we use data sets from the TPC-H benchmark and the LDBC Social Network Benchmark’s BI workload.

Data Sets

We use the LDBC BI SF300 data set's Comment table (20 GB .tar.zst archive, 21 GB when decompressed into .csv.gz files), while others use the same table's creationDate column (4 GB .parquet file).

The TPC data sets used in the benchmark are generated with the DuckDB tpch extension.

A Note on Benchmarks

Running fair benchmarks is difficult, especially when performing system-to-system comparison. When running benchmarks on DuckDB, please make sure you are using the latest version (preferably the nightly build). If in doubt about your benchmark results, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Disclaimer on Benchmarks

Note that the benchmark results presented in this guide do not constitute official TPC or LDBC benchmark results. Instead, they merely use the data sets of and some queries provided by the TPC-H and the LDBC BI benchmark frameworks, and omit other parts of the workloads such as updates.