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The duckdb_query method allows SQL queries to be run in DuckDB from C. This method takes two parameters, a (null-terminated) SQL query string and a duckdb_result result pointer. The result pointer may be NULL if the application is not interested in the result set or if the query produces no result. After the result is consumed, the duckdb_destroy_result method should be used to clean up the result.

Elements can be extracted from the duckdb_result object using a variety of methods. The duckdb_column_count and duckdb_row_count methods can be used to extract the number of columns and the number of rows, respectively. duckdb_column_name and duckdb_column_type can be used to extract the names and types of individual columns.


duckdb_state state;
duckdb_result result;

// create a table
state = duckdb_query(con, "CREATE TABLE integers (i INTEGER, j INTEGER);", NULL);
if (state == DuckDBError) {
    // handle error
// insert three rows into the table
state = duckdb_query(con, "INSERT INTO integers VALUES (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, NULL);", NULL);
if (state == DuckDBError) {
    // handle error
// query rows again
state = duckdb_query(con, "SELECT * FROM integers", &result);
if (state == DuckDBError) {
    // handle error
// handle the result
// ...

// destroy the result after we are done with it

Value Extraction

Values can be extracted using either the duckdb_column_data/duckdb_nullmask_data functions, or using the duckdb_value convenience functions. The duckdb_column_data/duckdb_nullmask_data functions directly hand you a pointer to the result arrays in columnar format, and can therefore be very fast. The duckdb_value functions perform bounds- and type-checking, and will automatically cast values to the desired type. This makes them more convenient and easier to use, at the expense of being slower.

See the Types page for more information.

For optimal performance, use duckdb_column_data and duckdb_nullmask_data to extract data from the query result. The duckdb_value functions perform internal type-checking, bounds-checking and casting which makes them slower.


Below is an example that prints the above result to CSV format using the duckdb_value_varchar function. Note that the function is generic: we do not need to know about the types of the individual result columns.

// print the above result to CSV format using `duckdb_value_varchar`
idx_t row_count = duckdb_row_count(&result);
idx_t column_count = duckdb_column_count(&result);
for (idx_t row = 0; row < row_count; row++) {
    for (idx_t col = 0; col < column_count; col++) {
        if (col > 0) printf(",");
        auto str_val = duckdb_value_varchar(&result, col, row);
        printf("%s", str_val);


Below is an example that prints the above result to CSV format using the duckdb_column_data function. Note that the function is NOT generic: we do need to know exactly what the types of the result columns are.

int32_t *i_data = (int32_t *) duckdb_column_data(&result, 0);
int32_t *j_data = (int32_t *) duckdb_column_data(&result, 1);
bool    *i_mask = duckdb_nullmask_data(&result, 0);
bool    *j_mask = duckdb_nullmask_data(&result, 1);
idx_t row_count = duckdb_row_count(&result);
for (idx_t row = 0; row < row_count; row++) {
    if (i_mask[row]) {
    } else {
        printf("%d", i_data[row]);
    if (j_mask[row]) {
    } else {
        printf("%d", j_data[row]);

Warning When using duckdb_column_data, be careful that the type matches exactly what you expect it to be. As the code directly accesses an internal array, there is no type-checking. Accessing a DUCKDB_TYPE_INTEGER column as if it was a DUCKDB_TYPE_BIGINT column will provide unpredictable results!

API Reference

duckdb_state duckdb_query(duckdb_connection connection, const char *query, duckdb_result *out_result);
void duckdb_destroy_result(duckdb_result *result);
const char *duckdb_column_name(duckdb_result *result, idx_t col);
duckdb_type duckdb_column_type(duckdb_result *result, idx_t col);
duckdb_statement_type duckdb_result_statement_type(duckdb_result result);
duckdb_logical_type duckdb_column_logical_type(duckdb_result *result, idx_t col);
idx_t duckdb_column_count(duckdb_result *result);
idx_t duckdb_row_count(duckdb_result *result);
idx_t duckdb_rows_changed(duckdb_result *result);
void *duckdb_column_data(duckdb_result *result, idx_t col);
bool *duckdb_nullmask_data(duckdb_result *result, idx_t col);
const char *duckdb_result_error(duckdb_result *result);


Executes a SQL query within a connection and stores the full (materialized) result in the out_result pointer. If the query fails to execute, DuckDBError is returned and the error message can be retrieved by calling duckdb_result_error.

Note that after running duckdb_query, duckdb_destroy_result must be called on the result object even if the query fails, otherwise the error stored within the result will not be freed correctly.


duckdb_state duckdb_query(
  duckdb_connection connection,
  const char *query,
  duckdb_result *out_result


  • connection

The connection to perform the query in.

  • query

The SQL query to run.

  • out_result

The query result.

  • returns

DuckDBSuccess on success or DuckDBError on failure.


Closes the result and de-allocates all memory allocated for that connection.


void duckdb_destroy_result(
  duckdb_result *result


  • result

The result to destroy.


Returns the column name of the specified column. The result should not need to be freed; the column names will automatically be destroyed when the result is destroyed.

Returns NULL if the column is out of range.


const char *duckdb_column_name(
  duckdb_result *result,
  idx_t col


  • result

The result object to fetch the column name from.

  • col

The column index.

  • returns

The column name of the specified column.


Returns the column type of the specified column.

Returns DUCKDB_TYPE_INVALID if the column is out of range.


duckdb_type duckdb_column_type(
  duckdb_result *result,
  idx_t col


  • result

The result object to fetch the column type from.

  • col

The column index.

  • returns

The column type of the specified column.


Returns the statement type of the statement that was executed


duckdb_statement_type duckdb_result_statement_type(
  duckdb_result result


  • result

The result object to fetch the statement type from.

  • returns

duckdb_statement_type value or DUCKDB_STATEMENT_TYPE_INVALID


Returns the logical column type of the specified column.

The return type of this call should be destroyed with duckdb_destroy_logical_type.

Returns NULL if the column is out of range.


duckdb_logical_type duckdb_column_logical_type(
  duckdb_result *result,
  idx_t col


  • result

The result object to fetch the column type from.

  • col

The column index.

  • returns

The logical column type of the specified column.


Returns the number of columns present in a the result object.


idx_t duckdb_column_count(
  duckdb_result *result


  • result

The result object.

  • returns

The number of columns present in the result object.


DEPRECATION NOTICE: This method is scheduled for removal in a future release.

Returns the number of rows present in the result object.


idx_t duckdb_row_count(
  duckdb_result *result


  • result

The result object.

  • returns

The number of rows present in the result object.


Returns the number of rows changed by the query stored in the result. This is relevant only for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE queries. For other queries the rows_changed will be 0.


idx_t duckdb_rows_changed(
  duckdb_result *result


  • result

The result object.

  • returns

The number of rows changed.


DEPRECATED: Prefer using duckdb_result_get_chunk instead.

Returns the data of a specific column of a result in columnar format.

The function returns a dense array which contains the result data. The exact type stored in the array depends on the corresponding duckdb_type (as provided by duckdb_column_type). For the exact type by which the data should be accessed, see the comments in the types section or the DUCKDB_TYPE enum.

For example, for a column of type DUCKDB_TYPE_INTEGER, rows can be accessed in the following manner:

int32_t *data = (int32_t *) duckdb_column_data(&result, 0);
printf("Data for row %d: %d\n", row, data[row]);


void *duckdb_column_data(
  duckdb_result *result,
  idx_t col


  • result

The result object to fetch the column data from.

  • col

The column index.

  • returns

The column data of the specified column.


DEPRECATED: Prefer using duckdb_result_get_chunk instead.

Returns the nullmask of a specific column of a result in columnar format. The nullmask indicates for every row whether or not the corresponding row is NULL. If a row is NULL, the values present in the array provided by duckdb_column_data are undefined.

int32_t *data = (int32_t *) duckdb_column_data(&result, 0);
bool *nullmask = duckdb_nullmask_data(&result, 0);
if (nullmask[row]) {
printf("Data for row %d: NULL\n", row);
} else {
printf("Data for row %d: %d\n", row, data[row]);


bool *duckdb_nullmask_data(
  duckdb_result *result,
  idx_t col


  • result

The result object to fetch the nullmask from.

  • col

The column index.

  • returns

The nullmask of the specified column.


Returns the error message contained within the result. The error is only set if duckdb_query returns DuckDBError.

The result of this function must not be freed. It will be cleaned up when duckdb_destroy_result is called.


const char *duckdb_result_error(
  duckdb_result *result


  • result

The result object to fetch the error from.

  • returns

The error of the result.