Design Patterns as Aspects: A Quantitative Assessment

  • Cláudio Sant’Anna PUC-Rio
  • Alessandro Garcia PUC-Rio
  • Uirá Kulesza PUC-Rio
  • Carlos Lucena PUC-Rio
  • Arndt von Staa PUC-Rio


Design patterns offer flexible solutions to common problems in software development. Recent studies have shown that several design patterns involve crosscutting concerns. Unfortunately, object-oriented (OO) abstractions are often not able to modularize those crosscutting concerns, which in turn decrease the system reusability and maintainability. Hence, it is important verifying whether aspect-oriented approaches support improved modularization of crosscutting concerns relative to design patterns. Ideally, quantitative studies should be performed to compare object-oriented and aspect-oriented implementations of classical patterns with respect to important software engineering attributes, such as coupling and cohesion. This paper presents a quantitative study that compares aspect-based and OO solutions for a representative set of design patterns. We have used stringent software engineering attributes as the assessment criteria. We have found that most aspectoriented solutions improve separation of pattern-related concerns, although some aspect-oriented implementations of specific patterns resulted in higher coupling and more lines of code.


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SANT’ANNA, Cláudio; GARCIA, Alessandro; KULESZA, Uirá; LUCENA, Carlos; STAA, Arndt von. Design Patterns as Aspects: A Quantitative Assessment. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA DE SOFTWARE (SBES), 18. , 2004, Brasília/DF. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2004 . p. 113-129. ISSN 2833-0633. DOI: