Childhood Trauma, Cognition, and Eating Psychopathology: A Network Analysis
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Participants and Procedures
2.2. Instruments
2.2.1. Childhood Trauma Exposure
2.2.2. Eating Problems
2.2.3. Cognitive Problems
2.3. Statistical Analysis
2.3.1. Manipulation Check
2.3.2. Network Estimation
2.3.3. Network Visualization
2.3.4. Network Centrality
2.3.5. Network Stability
2.3.6. Network Comparison
3. Results
3.1. Network Stability and Accuracy
3.2. Network Centrality
3.2.1. Reporters of Childhood Trauma
3.2.2. Non-Reporters of Childhood Trauma
3.3. Network Comparison
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
ED | eating disorder |
ADHD | attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder |
PTSD | post-traumatic stress disorder |
NKI-RS | Nathan Kline Institute Rockland Sample |
EP | eating problem |
CP | cognitive problem |
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T+ Sample (n = 116) | T− Sample (n = 101) | |
Mean Age In Years (SD) | 48 (17.4) | 46 (15.7) |
Mean Education In Years (SD) | 15.5 (2.2) | 15.6 (2.5) |
% Female | 68.5% | 65.4% |
% Race | ||
American Indian/Native Alaskan | <1 (n = 1) | <1 (n = 1) |
Asian | 3.4 (n = 4) | 1.72 (n = 2) |
Black or African American | 6.03 (n = 7) | 11.8 (n = 12) |
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander | <1 (n = 1) | <1 (n = 1) |
White | 86.2 (n = 100) | 83.1 (n = 84) |
Other | 2.6 (n = 3) | <1 (n = 1) |
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Pasquariello, K.; Gansler, D.; Ray, S.; Pietrzykowski, M.O.; Pulsifer, M.; Ralph-Nearman, C. Childhood Trauma, Cognition, and Eating Psychopathology: A Network Analysis. Healthcare 2025, 13, 630.
Pasquariello K, Gansler D, Ray S, Pietrzykowski MO, Pulsifer M, Ralph-Nearman C. Childhood Trauma, Cognition, and Eating Psychopathology: A Network Analysis. Healthcare. 2025; 13(6):630.
Chicago/Turabian StylePasquariello, Kathryn, David Gansler, Sukanya Ray, Malvina O. Pietrzykowski, Margaret Pulsifer, and Christina Ralph-Nearman. 2025. "Childhood Trauma, Cognition, and Eating Psychopathology: A Network Analysis" Healthcare 13, no. 6: 630.
APA StylePasquariello, K., Gansler, D., Ray, S., Pietrzykowski, M. O., Pulsifer, M., & Ralph-Nearman, C. (2025). Childhood Trauma, Cognition, and Eating Psychopathology: A Network Analysis. Healthcare, 13(6), 630.