Exploring the Measurement Lab Open Dataset for Internet Performance Evaluation: The German Internet Landscape
:1. Introduction
- A procedure to confine the tremendous number of measurements to a representative subset. We do this by selection of the time of day, selection of providers, and congestion control protocols.
- We analyze the impact of the servers, sites, and locations to which clients perform their measurements against. In detail, we carve out that, in the MLab, the location as well as the autonomous system the server is located in impacts the results. For comparative studies, such effects have to be considered.
- By the use of these findings and confinements of the dataset:
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- We show that congestion controls, deployed in the last years, redeem their goal by the evaluation of the open real-world dataset.
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- We identify impacts on Internet performance during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. By the split of the dataset and the analysis of the individual autonomous systems (AS), we demonstrate that the throughput and latency degraded only partially in the Internet. This degradation disappeared fast.
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- We compare ISPs and their evolution to give insights about their performance during busy hours.
2. Related Work
3. Material and Methods
3.1. Materials—What Is Measured by NDT?
- At least 8 KB of data was transferred;
- Test duration was between 9 and 60 s;
- Congestion was detected (by loss or bufferbloat, see [11]);
- Tests with NULL results are excluded;
- Tests from MLab Operations and Management infrastructure are excluded.
3.2. Methods
3.3. Threats to Validity
4. Results
4.1. Popular ASNs in Germany
4.2. Busy Hours and Days
4.3. MLab Locations in Germany
4.4. Performance Evolution of Congestion Control Protocols
4.5. Comparison and Evolution of Popular Internet Service Providers
5. Discussion
5.1. Internet Performance Evaluation Methodology
5.2. Performance Evaluation
Performance Impairments during the Lockdown—Does the Internet Bear Up against the Rush?
5.3. Evolution of Congestion Control Protocols—Do Protocols Keep Their Promises?
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Ref. | Scope | Findings | Our Contribution |
[11] | Evaluation of the MLab NDT testing procedure for ISPs in the US. | Shows that justifiable conclusions can be drawn from the dataset and showcases pitfalls on the usage of the data. | Especially, the observation that single IPs perform multiple measurements is recovered for German ISPs, we further analyze the performance impact and occurrence of multiple measurements at different ISPs. |
[12] | Measures latency variations on the MLab dataset and passive packet traces between 2010 and 2015. | Large latency variations above 100 ms are common during connection. | We do not evaluate the latency variation during the connection, but we observe small round trip times (RTTs) in 2021, even in the 75% percentile below 100 ms. |
[13] | Evaluation of public domain Internet measurements for Canada’s access networks by comparison speed tests from MLab, Akamai, and Ookla. | The MLab and Akamai datasets return similar results, whereas the Ookla speed test returns typically greater results. | We evaluate German ISPs with a procedure to extract representative data that confines the evaluation to busy hours, ISPs, and sites as well as locations of the measurement servers. |
[14] | Propose a method to evaluate broadband capacity exemplary for Australia and the US. The focus is on throughput and congestion count as well the evaluation of the effect that different households may share the same IP by the use of network address translation. | Present that sharing IP addresses is common in Australia and individual households can be identified. Further results indicate the achievable throughput of these households. | See line above. |
[15] | Design and deployment of a large-scale platform for measuring broadband performance to be able to schedule and control experiments centrally. | A controllable platform avoids pitfalls of user-initiated tests. The evaluation shows that users do not achieve contracted rates. | We provide insights to the evaluation of user initiated tests. The trade-off is between less control on the experiments and the convenience in collected samples. |
[16] | Measuring broadband performance by the use of home routers. | The use of home routers avoids effects of home networks on the measurement and enables scheduling of experiments as well as comparison of different modems. Still, traffic shaping at ISPs hinder their comparisons. | See line above. |
[17] | Evaluation of Internet speed tests under point of view of the interest of governmental organizations to evaluate the digital infrastructure. | Shows flaws of current testing procedures and provides considerations for future testing. | Even the authors criticize current testing procedures but still highlighting their importance. We show that with curation of the dataset of imperfect measurement procedures, representative results can be extracted. |
[18] | Report of a research workshop for broadband measurements. | Presents ten takeaways on the current state of broadband measurements and gives future directions. | The report elaborates generally on the difficulties, importance, and challenges on broadband measurements. We hope, that we can contribute to this field with our evaluation procedure. |
[19] | Evaluation of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Internet using datasets from ISP interconnects, the Measuring Broadband America (MBA) database, and information from the Internet-wide border gateway protocol tables. | A significant increase in the delay and peak traffic rate is detected in the beginning of the lockdown. In addition, it is limited to specific ISPs. ISPs mitigate the increase in the delay by increasing transport capacities. | We present the impact of the lockdown in Germany. The results present a partial performance degradation in few transit networks in which measurement servers are located. |
[20] | Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Internet traffic using datasets from ISPs, exchange points, mobile operators, and educational networks. | Increase in traffic at ISPs and internet exchange points but decrease in educational networks. Moreover, usual daily pattern change during the lockdown. | We provide results on an open dataset and show that performance degradation only occurred partially and reveal a similar usage pattern. |
Location | Site | Provider | ASN |
Frankfurt | fra01 | Telia Company AB | AS1299 |
Frankfurt | fra02 | GTT Communications Inc. | AS3257 |
Frankfurt | fra03 | Vodafone Group PLC | AS1273 |
Frankfurt | fra04 | Level 3 Parent, LLC | AS3356 |
Frankfurt | fra05 | TATA COMMUNICATIONS (AMERICA) INC | AS6453 |
Frankfurt | fra06 | TELECOM ITALIA SPARKLE S.p.A. | AS6762 |
Hamburg | ham02 | Telia Company AB | AS1299 |
AS Name | AS Num. | #Mea. | Ratio | ISP |
Deutsche Telekom AG | 3320 | 1,639,053 | 0.32 | BCN |
Vodafone GmbH | 3209 | 1,447,654 | 0.29 | BCN |
Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG | 6805 | 441,232 | 0.09 | BCN |
Stadtnetz Bamberg mbH | 198570 | 439,031 | 0.09 | BR |
1&1 Versatel Deutschland GmbH | 8881 | 225,464 | 0.04 | BN |
Universitaet Stuttgart | 553 | 91,861 | 0.02 | - |
NetCologne GmbH | 8422 | 90,210 | 0.02 | BR |
inexio Gmbh | 42652 | 53,142 | 0.01 | BN |
Plusnet GmbH | 20676 | 44,684 | 0.01 | BN |
Deutsche Glasfaser Wholesale GmbH | 60294 | 39,772 | 0.01 | BN |
NetCom BW GmbH | 41998 | 37,178 | 0.01 | BR |
∑ | 0.89 |
AS Name | AS Num. | #Mea. | Ratio | ISP |
Deutsche Telekom AG | 3320 | 902,032 | 0.32 | BCN |
Vodafone GmbH | 3209 | 848,908 | 0.30 | BCN |
Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG | 6805 | 424,176 | 0.15 | BCN |
EWE TEL GmbH | 9145 | 127,245 | 0.04 | BR |
1&1 Versatel Deutschland GmbH | 8881 | 108,331 | 0.04 | BN |
wilhelm.tel GmbH | 15943 | 45,427 | 0.02 | BR |
htp GmbH | 13045 | 32,626 | 0.01 | BR |
Plusnet GmbH | 20676 | 28,314 | 0.01 | BN |
Tele Columbus AG | 20880 | 25,597 | 0.01 | BN |
Deutsche Glasfaser Wholesale GmbH | 60294 | 23,813 | 0.01 | BN |
∑ | 0.91 |
Application | Data Rate | Latency |
Voice | 64 kbps | 200 ms |
Video streaming (HD) | 5 Mbps | few seconds |
Video streaming (UHD) | 25 Mbps | few seconds |
Cloud gaming | 44 Mbps | 25 ms |
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Share and Cite
Lübben, R.; Misfeld, N. Exploring the Measurement Lab Open Dataset for Internet Performance Evaluation: The German Internet Landscape. Electronics 2022, 11, 162. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11010162
Lübben R, Misfeld N. Exploring the Measurement Lab Open Dataset for Internet Performance Evaluation: The German Internet Landscape. Electronics. 2022; 11(1):162. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11010162
Chicago/Turabian StyleLübben, Ralf, and Nico Misfeld. 2022. "Exploring the Measurement Lab Open Dataset for Internet Performance Evaluation: The German Internet Landscape" Electronics 11, no. 1: 162. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11010162
APA StyleLübben, R., & Misfeld, N. (2022). Exploring the Measurement Lab Open Dataset for Internet Performance Evaluation: The German Internet Landscape. Electronics, 11(1), 162. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11010162