IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
Online ISSN : 1745-1361
Print ISSN : 0916-8532
Regular Section
RONoC: A Reconfigurable Architecture for Application-Specific Optical Network-on-Chip
Huaxi GUZheng CHENYintang YANGHui DING
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2014 Volume E97.D Issue 1 Pages 142-145

Optical Network-on-Chip (ONoC) is a promising emerging technology, which can solve the bottlenecks faced by electrical on-chip interconnection. However, the existing proposals of ONoC are mostly built on fixed topologies, which are not flexible enough to support various applications. To make full use of the limited resource and provide a more efficient approach for resource allocation, RONoC (Reconfigurable Optical Network-on-Chip) is proposed in this letter. The topology can be reconfigured to meet the requirement of different applications. An 8×8 nonblocking router is also designed, together with the communication mechanism. The simulation results show that the saturation load of RONoC is 2 times better than mesh, and the energy consumption is 25% lower than mesh.
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© 2014 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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