IEICE Transactions on Electronics
Online ISSN : 1745-1353
Print ISSN : 0916-8524
Regular Section
A 65nm 1.2V 7-bit 1GSPS Folding-Interpolation A/D Converter with a Digitally Self-Calibrated Vector Generator
Daeyun KIMMinkyu SONG
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2011 Volume E94.C Issue 7 Pages 1199-1205

In this paper, a 65nm 1.2V 7-bit 1GSPS folding-interpolation A/D converter with a digitally self-calibrated vector generator is proposed. The folding rate is 2 and the interpolation rate is 8. A self-calibrated vector generation circuit with a feedback loop and a recursive digital code inspection is described. The circuit reduces the variation of the offset voltage caused by process mismatches, parasitic resistors, and parasitic capacitances. The chip has been fabricated with a 65nm 1-poly 6-metal CMOS technology. The effective chip area is 0.87mm2 and the power consumption is about 110mW with a 1.2V power supply. The measured SNDR is about 39.1dB when the input frequency is 250MHz at a 1GHz sampling frequency. The measured SNDR is drastically improved in comparison with the same ADC without any calibration.
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© 2011 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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