Helium is Open Source
The Helium Network is built almost entirely on open-source code. And we actively encourage the community to develop and contribute to all parts of the Network. Below is a subset of the code that plays an integral role in the Helium Network. The full list can be found on the official Helium GitHub Organization.
Helium Blockchain
These are the core libraries and repos that make up the Helium blockchain. Most things here are written in Erlang.
Miner - The Helium blockchain miner.
Blockchain Core - The glue that ties together things like the
Helium miner
and theblockchain api
. -
Blockchain API (deprecated) - A full blockchain node that exposes a JSON API. It's ideal for supplying data to things like block explorers and mobile apps.
Erlang HoneyBadgerBFT - An Erlang implementation of HoneyBadgerBFT's various protocols.
Erlang DKG - Helium's implementation of the protocol described in Distributed Key Generation in the Wild. Prepare yourself for some math.
Erlang libp2p - Libp2p swarms written in (you guessed it) Erlang.
Helium CLI Wallet - Command Line Interface, written in Rust, used to create and administer Helium wallets, and interact with the Helium Network.
Helium JS - Typescript SDKs for interacting with the Helium blockchain.
Packet Purchaser - Service that buys Helium LoRaWAN packets from the Network and delivers them to a target LoRaWAN Network server.
Angry Purple Tiger - Ever wonder how your Miner got its cute little animal name? Here it is.
The Helium Network is the largest, public LoRaWAN network in the world. This is some of the code that makes it possible.
Packet Forwarder - Helium's fork of the Lora packet forwarder.
Light Gateway - The next-generation packet forwarder for the Helium-enabled gateways.
Helium Console - A web browser front-end for users to manage organizations and devices and a Helium Blockchain-compatible LoRaWAN Network Server (LNS).
Console Decoders - A collection of LoRaWAN sensor decoders used in Helium Console.
Mobile Apps, Web Apps, and Sites
Helium Wallet App - Helium wallet app for iOS and Android.
Helium Hotspot App - Helium hotspot app for iOS and Android.
Helium Blockchain Explorer - Code that powers the greatest block explorer in the crypto world.
Helium Docs - Docusaurus-based docs for all things Helium. (You're reading them.)
- Installation - How to install the needed components to start helping docs development.
Helium Mappers - Community generated coverage map of the Helium IoT Network using real-world testing.