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About community profiles for public repositories

Repository maintainers can review their public repository's community profile to learn how they can help grow their community and support contributors. Contributors can view a public repository's community profile to see if they want to contribute to the project.

The community profile checklist checks to see if a project includes recommended community health files, such as README, CODE_OF_CONDUCT, LICENSE, or CONTRIBUTING, in a supported location. For more information, see Accessing a project's community profile.

Using the community profile checklist as a repository maintainer

As a repository maintainer, you can use the community standards checklist to see if your project meets the recommended community standards to help people use and contribute to your project. For more information, see Building community in the Open Source Guides.

If a project doesn't have one of the recommended files, you can click the associated Add button to draft and submit a file.

Screenshot of the "Community Standards" maintainer checklist. Each item has an "Added" label (green check) or a "Not added yet" label (orange circle).

You can create a security policy to give people instructions for reporting security vulnerabilities in your project. For more information, see Adding a security policy to your repository.

To be displayed with a checkmark in the community profile checklist, issue templates must be located in the .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE folder and contain valid name: and about: keys in the YAML frontmatter (for issue templates defined in .md files) or valid name: and description: keys (for issue forms defined in .yml files). For more information, see About issue and pull request templates.

Using the community profile checklist as a community member or collaborator

As a potential contributor, use the community profile checklist to see if a project meets the recommended community standards and decide if you'd like to contribute. For more information, see How to contribute in the Open Source Guides.

If a project doesn't have a recommended file, you can click Propose to draft and submit a file to the repository maintainer for approval.

Screenshot of the "Community Standards" contributor checklist. Each item has an "Added" icon (green check) or a "Not added yet" icon (orange circle).

Further reading