For Directus v11.1.0+

Directus API Reference

Learn how to use our API

Each Directus project comes with an integrated RESTful API that adapts as you work on your project.

Authentication is achieved via access tokens, cookies or sessions.

You can also interact with the API using GraphQL or the Directus SDK.

This API reference is generated from our OpenAPI specification. Found an error? Please open a PR on the directus/openapi repo!

Registering and Logging in Users



Working with Files and Items

Upload a File

Retrieve an Item

Relational Data

Working With Relational Data

Dynamic API

The platform's API uses database mirroring to dynamically generate REST endpoints and a GraphQL schema based on the connected database's architecture. Since these endpoints return data based on your specific schema and configured permissions, the input/output of the API differs greatly for individual installations.