Referrer policy configuration

The Referrer-Policy header provides fine-grained control over how and when browsers transmit the Referer header.


When a user navigates to a site via a hyperlink, or when a website loads an external resource, browsers inform the destination site of the origin of the requests via the HTTP Referer (sic) header. Although this can be useful for a variety of purposes, it can also pose a risk to the privacy of users.

For example, if a page at contains the following HTML:

<img src="/" />

The browser will send a request like this:

GET /image.jpg HTTP/1.1
Referer: now knows where the request came from. Even this small amount of information poses a privacy risk.

Other cases could result in the browser transmitting internal-use-only URLs, which it may not have intended to reveal, or URL parameters containing sensitive information.


Use Referrer-Policy to limit the information available in the Referer header or to stop the Referer header from being sent altogether.

The most useful directives available for Referrer-Policy are listed below, in decreasing order of strictness. Choose the strictest one that still allows your site to function properly:

  • no-referrer: Never send the Referer header.
  • same-origin: Send the Referrer header, but only on same-origin requests.
  • strict-origin: Send the Referrer header to all origins, but only include the URL without the path (e.g.,
  • strict-origin-when-cross-origin: Send the full Referrer header on same-origin requests and only the URL without the path on cross-origin requests. This is the default value.

While there are other Referrer-Policy directives, they do not protect user privacy or limit exposure as effectively as the options listed above. In recent versions of Firefox and Safari, "unsafe" directives (no-referrer-when-downgrade, origin-when-cross-origin, and unsafe-url) behave like strict-origin-when-cross-origin.

If you are unable to use the Referrer-Policy header, you can alternatively set page-wide policies using a <meta http-equiv="Referrer-Policy" content="…"> element. This should be the first <meta> element that appears in the document <head>. You can also set policies on individual elements using the referrerpolicy HTML attribute and on individual fetch requests using the Request.referrerPolicy property.


On, send the Referer header only when loading or linking to other resources:

Referrer-Policy: same-origin

Send the shortened referrer on cross-origin requests and the full referrer on same-origin requests:

Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin

Disable referrers for browsers that don't support strict-origin-when-cross-origin; use strict-origin-when-cross-origin for browsers that do:

Referrer-Policy: no-referrer, strict-origin-when-cross-origin

Do the same, but with a <meta> element:

  content="no-referrer, strict-origin-when-cross-origin" />

The referrerpolicy attribute doesn't support multiple values, so only set no-referrer:

<a href="/" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"> My link </a>

See also