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IEEE Computer, Volume 56
Volume 56, Number 1, January 2023
- Nita Patel
It's Your Commitment That Will Change the World. 4-7 - Erich J. Neuhold
50 & 25 Years Ago. 11-13 - Joanna F. DeFranco
, Jeffrey M. Voas
Machining a Sixth Sense: Intuition. 14-15 - Jeffrey M. Voas
, Ron Vetter
Outlook 2023. 16-18 - Gregory T. Byrd
, Yongshan Ding
Quantum Computing: Progress and Innovation. 20-29 - David L. Tennenhouse
Surprise-Inspired Networking. 30-41 - Vartan Piroumian
Making Digital Twins Work. 42-51 - Martin F. Arlitt
, Tom Coughlin
, Paolo Faraboschi
, Eitan Frachtenberg
, Phil Laplante
, Dejan S. Milojicic
, Nita Patel
, Roberto Saracco
Future of the Workforce. 52-63 - Nir Kshetri
Regulatory Technology and Supervisory Technology: Current Status, Facilitators, and Barriers. 64-75 - Keith W. Miller
Facial Recognition Technology: Navigating the Ethical Challenges. 76-81 - John Robie
, Alireza Famili
, Angelos Stavrou
Revisiting the Spaceborne Illuminators of Opportunity for Airborne Object Tracking. 82-92 - Steffen Wendzel
, Luca Caviglione
, Wojciech Mazurczyk
Avoiding Research Tribal Wars Using Taxonomies. 93-96 - Hsiao-Ying Lin
Standing on the Shoulders of AI Giants. 97-101 - Doron Drusinsky
Encrypting for Time- and/or Location-Based Decryption. 102-110 - Jonmichael Hands
, Tom Coughlin
New IEEE Media Sanitization Specification Enables Circular Economy for Storage. 111-116 - Rolf Oppliger
, Andreas Grünert:
How to Manage Cyber Risks: Lessons Learned From Medical Science. 117-119 - Markus Tauber
, Benedikt Gollan, Christoph Schmittner
, Philipp Knopf:
Passive Precision Farming Reshapes the Agricultural Sector. 120-124 - Cullen E. Bash, Ninad Hogade, Dejan S. Milojicic
, Gourav Rattihalli, Chandrakant D. Patel:
Sustainability: Fundamentals-Based Approach to Paying It Forward. 125-132 - Ricardo Valerdi
Lessons From the Father of Software Engineering. 133-136 - Hannes Werthner
, Allison Stanger
, Viola Schiaffonati
, Peter Knees
, Lynda Hardman
, Carlo Ghezzi
Digital Humanism: The Time Is Now. 138-142 - Hal Berghel
The Dictator's Dilemma and the "Sovereignty of Cyberspace" Delusion. 144-149 - Michael Zyda
The Metaverse University. 150-156
Volume 56, Number 2, February 2023
- Ron Vetter
Security Issues for the Internet of Drones. 4-5 - Erich J. Neuhold
50 & 25 Years Ago. 9-11 - Ergun Akleman
Computing Through Time. 10 - Joanna F. DeFranco
, Jeffrey M. Voas
Computing New Medicines. 12-13 - Riccardo Mariani
, Francesca Rossi, Rita Cucchiara
, Marco Pavone
, Barnaby Simkin, Ansgar Koene, Jochen Papenbrock:
Trustworthy AI - Part 1. 14-18 - Amika M. Singh
, Munindar P. Singh
Wasabi: A Conceptual Model for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence. 20-28 - David Fernández Llorca
, Emilia Gómez:
Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence Requirements in the Autonomous Driving Domain. 29-39 - Mohammad Reza Mousavi
, Ana Cavalcanti
, Michael Fisher
, Louise A. Dennis
, Robert M. Hierons
, Bilal Y. Kaddouh, Effie Lai-Chong Law, Robert C. Richardson, Jan Oliver Ringert
, Ivan Tyukin, Jim Woodcock
Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Through Verifiability. 40-47 - Pin-Yu Chen
, Payel Das:
AI Maintenance: A Robustness Perspective. 48-56 - Annachiara Ruospo
, Ernesto Sánchez
, Lucas Matana Luza
, Luigi Dilillo
, Marcello Traiola
, Alberto Bosio
A Survey on Deep Learning Resilience Assessment Methodologies. 57-66 - Anabel Martínez-Vargas
, Jesús A. Gómez-Avilés, MA Cosío León
, Ángel G. Andrade
Explaining the Walking Through of a Team of Algorithms. 67-81 - Skyler Speakman
, Girmaw Abebe Tadesse
, Celia Cintas
, William Ogallo, Tanya Akumu
, Adebayo Oshingbesan
Detecting Systematic Deviations in Data and Models. 82-92 - Prahalad Kashyap Haresamudram
, Stefan Larsson, Fredrik Heintz
Three Levels of AI Transparency. 93-100 - Alexis Richter, Josh Yamamoto, Eitan Frachtenberg
Why Are There So Few Women in Computer Systems Research? 101-105 - Mikko Rajanen
Open Source Usability and User Experience. 106-110 - Sorel Reisman
Metaverse-Based Instructional Settings: Matters That Matter. 111-115 - Claudia Andruetto
, Rafia Inam, Martin Törngren
Adding Cyberphysical Systems to the Engineering Education "Pi". 116-120 - Norita B. Ahmad
, Areeba Hamid
Will Data Science Outrun the Data Scientist? 121-128 - Mark Campbell
Tomorrow's Applications Require IT Operations That Are Autonomous, Ubiquitous, and Smarter - In a Word, Invisible. 129-133 - Pete Ford
The Quantum Cybersecurity Threat May Arrive Sooner Than You Think. 134-136 - Nir Kshetri
National Metaverse Strategies. 137-142 - Riccardo Mariani
, Jyotika Athavale, Andrea Matteucci, Darren Galpin
, Rob Schaaf
Functional Safety Standards Committee: Results and Perspectives. 143-148
Volume 56, Number 3, March 2023
- Erich J. Neuhold
50 & 25 Years Ago. 7-9 - Joanna F. DeFranco
, Jeffrey M. Voas
Perfect Strangers. 10-12 - Jeffrey M. Voas
In This Issue. 11-12 - Joanna F. DeFranco
, Jeffrey M. Voas
Thoughts on Automotive IoT. 13-18 - Shameek Bhattacharjee
, Sajal K. Das
Building a Unified Data Falsification Threat Landscape for Internet of Things/Cyberphysical Systems Applications. 20-31 - Varun Gupta
, Jose Maria Fernandez-Crehuet
, Chetna Gupta
A Freelancer-Supported Requirement Engineering Framework for Software Start-Ups. 32-46 - Robert P. Dick
, Rob Aitken, Jace Mogill, John Paul Strachan
, Kirk Bresniker
, Wei Lu
, Yorie Nakahira
, Zhiyong Li
, Matthew J. Marinella
, William Severa
, A. Alec Talin
, Craig M. Vineyard, Suhas Kumar
, Christian Mailhiot, Lennie Klebanoff:
Research Challenges for Energy-Efficient Computing in Automated Vehicles. 47-58 - Shane Allcroft
, Mohammed Metwaly
, Zachery Berg
, Isha Ghodgaonkar, Fischer Bordwell
, Xinxin Zhao, Xinglei Liu
, Jiahao Xu, Subhankar Chakraborty, Vishnu Banna, Akhil Chinnakotla
, Abhinav Goel
, Caleb Tung
, Gore Kao, Wei Zakharov, David A. Shoham, George K. Thiruvathukal
, Yung-Hsiang Lu
Observing Human Mobility Internationally During COVID-19. 59-69 - Stylianos I. Venieris
, Christos-Savvas Bouganis
, Nicholas D. Lane:
Multiple-Deep Neural Network Accelerators for Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence Systems. 70-79 - Tharaka Hewa
, Pawani Porambage
, Anshuman Kalla
, Diana Pamela Moya Osorio, Madhusanka Liyanage
, Mika Ylianttila
Blockchain and Game Theory Convergence for Network Slice Brokering. 80-91 - Don N. Krieger
Random Access Concatenated Libraries and dd Enable a Short-Latency, Content-Rich Website on an Inexpensive Shared Server. 92-100 - Ariel Rosenfeld
Is DBLP a Good Computer Science Journals Database? 101-108 - Feras A. Batarseh
, Ajay Kulkarni:
AI for Water. 109-113 - Jon Pérez-Cerrolaza
, Francisco J. Cazorla
, Jaume Abella
Uncertainty Management in Dependable and Intelligent Embedded Software. 114-117 - Pedro Reviriego
, Elena Merino Gómez
, Fabrizio Lombardi
The Byzantine Empire and Its Generals: An Ancient Empire Back to Life in Computer Security. 118-124 - Jim Handy, Tom Coughlin
Optane's Dead: Now What? 125-130 - George F. Hurlburt
The Importance of Educating Computational Educators. 131-134 - Hal Berghel
911 Swatting, VoIP, and Doxxing. 135-139 - Michael Zyda
American Professor. 140-149
Volume 56, Number 4, April 2023
- Erich J. Neuhold
50 & 25 Years Ago. 7-10 - Ergun Akleman
Computing Through Time. 8 - Jeffrey M. Voas
Good Enough. 11-12 - Qinghua Lu
, Liming Zhu
, Jon Whittle
, James Bret Michael
Software Engineering for Responsible AI. 13-16 - Walid Maalej
, Yen Dieu Pham, Larissa Chazette
Tailoring Requirements Engineering for Responsible AI. 18-27 - Gongyuan Li
, Bohan Liu
, He Zhang
Quality Attributes of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence in Normative Documents and Secondary Studies: A Preliminary Review. 28-37 - Zhicheng Bao
, Weishan Zhang
, Xingjie Zeng
, Hongwei Zhao
, Cihao Dong, Yuming Nie, Yuru Liu, Yuange Liu
, Junzhong Wu:
Software Architecture for Responsible Artificial Intelligence Systems: Practice in the Digitization of Industrial Drawings. 38-49 - Ding Li
, Yan Liu
, Jun Huang
, Zerui Wang
A Trustworthy View on Explainable Artificial Intelligence Method Evaluation. 50-60 - Ashwin Kumar Raja
, Jianlong Zhou
AI Accountability: Approaches, Affecting Factors, and Challenges. 61-70 - Khaled Badran
, Pierre-Olivier Côté, Amanda Kolopanis, Rached Bouchoucha, Antonio Collante
, Diego Elias Costa
, Emad Shihab
, Foutse Khomh
Can Ensembling Preprocessing Algorithms Lead to Better Machine Learning Fairness? 71-79 - Shunli Zhang
, Laurence T. Yang
, Yue Zhang
, Xiaokang Zhou
, Zongmin Cui
Data-Driven System-Level Design Framework for Responsible Cyber-Physical-Social Systems. 80-91 - Xiaoya Xia
, Wei Wang, Shengyu Zhao, Sikang Bian, Rong Wang:
Lessons Learned From the Ant Group Open Source Program Office. 92-97 - Joanna F. DeFranco
, Phil Laplante
Labeling "Things". 98-101 - Roee Shraga, Avigdor Gal
One Algorithm to Rule Them All: On the Changing Roles of Humans in Data Integration. 102-109 - Nir Kshetri
, Jeffrey M. Voas
, Ralf Bebenroth
Nations Play Their Chips. 110-114 - Kin Long Kelvin Lee
, Nalini Kumar:
Artificial Intelligence for Scientific Discovery at High-Performance Computing Scales. 116-122 - Paolo Faraboschi
, Eitan Frachtenberg
, Phil Laplante
, Dejan S. Milojicic
, Roberto Saracco
Digital Transformation: Lights and Shadows. 123-130 - Domenico Talia
, Paolo Trunfio
Urgent Computing for Protecting People From Natural Disasters. 131-134 - Fariborz Farahmand
Quantum Cognition: A Cognitive Architecture for Human-AI and In-Memory Computing. 135-138 - Henry C. B. Chan
3E Model: How to Use OERs to Enhance Teaching/Learning. 139-142 - Thomas C. Wingfield, James Bret Michael
Waterfall: Cascading Effects of a Strategic Cyber Campaign. 143-148
Volume 56, Number 5, May 2023
- Erich J. Neuhold
50 & 25 Years Ago. 7-10 - Joanna F. DeFranco
, Nir Kshetri
, Jeffrey M. Voas
Sustainable Blockchain? 11-12 - Riccardo Mariani
, Francesca Rossi
, Rita Cucchiara
, Marco Pavone
, Barnaby Simkin, Ansgar Koene, Jochen Papenbrock:
Trustworthy AI - Part II. 13-16 - Isabelle Hupont
, Marina Micheli
, Blagoj Delipetrev
, Emilia Gómez
, Josep Soler Garrido
Documenting High-Risk AI: A European Regulatory Perspective. 18-27 - Sourav Mazumder, Subhankar Dhar
, Avinash Asthana
A Framework for Trustworthy AI in Credit Risk Management: Perspectives and Practices. 28-40 - Axel Brando
, Isabel Serra
, Enrico Mezzetti
, Francisco J. Cazorla
, Jon Pérez-Cerrolaza
, Jaume Abella
On Neural Networks Redundancy and Diversity for Their Use in Safety-Critical Systems. 41-50 - Shahroz Tariq
, Sowon Jeon, Simon S. Woo:
Evaluating Trustworthiness and Racial Bias in Face Recognition APIs Using Deepfakes. 51-61 - Richard Jiarui Tong
, Timothy Xueqian Lee:
Trustworthy AI That Engages Humans as Partners in Teaching and Learning. 62-73 - Elizabeth Demissie Degefe
, Yulius Denny Prabowo
, Krishna Savani
, Abhishek Sheetal
Functional Analogies Increase Trust in Black-Box AI Systems Among Lay Consumers: The Case of GeNose C-19. 74-83 - Lucia Migliorelli
, Simona Tiribelli
, Alessandro Cacciatore
, Benedetta Giovanola
, Emanuele Frontoni
, Sara Moccia
Accountable Deep-Learning-Based Vision Systems for Preterm Infant Monitoring. 84-93 - Jonathan Grudin
ChatGPT and Chat History: Challenges for the New Wave. 94-100 - Philip Koopman
UL 4600: What to Include in an Autonomous Vehicle Safety Case. 101-104 - Phil Laplante
, Jeffrey M. Voas
"Frameworking" Carbon-Aware Computing Research. 105-108 - Abdul Majeed
, Seong Oun Hwang
Data-Centric Artificial Intelligence, Preprocessing, and the Quest for Transformative Artificial Intelligence Systems Development. 109-115 - San Murugesan
, Aswani Kumar Cherukuri
The Rise of Generative Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Education: The Promises and Perils. 116-121 - Anomadarshi Barua
, Mohammad Abdullah Al Faruque
Hardware/Software Co-Design for Sensor Security. 122-125 - Jim Handy, Tom Coughlin
Semiconductor Architectures Enable Compute in Memory. 126-129 - Hal Berghel
ChatGPT and AIChat Epistemology. 130-137 - Claude Y. Laporte
, Guillaume Verret, Mirna Muñoz
A Software Project That Partially Failed: A Small Organization That Ignored the Management and Technical Practices of Software Standards. 138-144 - Michael Zyda
Do We Need Universities Anymore? 145-150
Volume 56, Number 6, June 2023
- Erich J. Neuhold
50 & 25 Years Ago. 7-10 - Ergun Akleman
Computing Through Time. 9 - Jeffrey M. Voas
Disappearing. 11-12 - Jeffrey M. Voas
In This Issue. 12 - Norita B. Ahmad
, Joseph Williams:
Green and Sustainable Computing. 13-15 - Donghee Shin
, Emily Y. Shin:
Human-Centered AI: A Framework for Green and Sustainable AI. 16-25 - Stefano Galantino
, Fulvio Risso
, Vlad C. Coroama
, Antonio Manzalini:
Assessing the Potential Energy Savings of a Fluidified Infrastructure. 26-34 - María Gutiérrez
, María Ángeles Moraga
, Félix García
, Coral Calero
Green-IN Machine Learning at a Glance. 35-43 - Elangovan Ramanujam
, Thinagaran Perumal
, Shankar Krishnan
Fall Detection Systems at Night. 44-51 - Maria Hoffmann Jensen
, Peter Axel Nielsen
, John Stouby Persson
From Big Data Technologies to Big Data Benefits. 52-61 - Reuben Kirkham
The Ethical Problems With IT "Experts" in the Legal System. 62-71 - Norita B. Ahmad
, San Murugesan
, Nir Kshetri
Generative Artificial Intelligence and the Education Sector. 72-76 - Matthew L. Levy
Cybersecurity Risks Unique to Open Source and What Communities Are Doing to Reduce Them. 78-83 - Terrance L. Speicher
, Joanna F. DeFranco
Industry 4.0 and Digital Twins. 84-88 - Donghee Shin
, Emily Y. Shin:
Data's Impact on Algorithmic Bias. 90-94 - Mark Campbell
The Road to Decentralized Identity: The Techniques, Promises, and Challenges of Tomorrow's Digital Identity. 96-100 - Nir Kshetri
The Economics of Chip War: China's Struggle to Develop the Semiconductor Industry. 101-106 - Jim Whitmore
Information-Driven Security Analysis: Tools and Techniques for the Study and Practice of Security Engineering. 107-120
Volume 56, Number 7, July 2023
- Pablo R. Bodmann
, George Papadimitriou
, Rubens Luiz Rech Junior
, Dimitris Gizopoulos
, Paolo Rech
Soft Error Effects on Arm Microprocessors: Early Estimations Versus Chip. 4-6 - Erich J. Neuhold
50 & 25 Years Ago. 10-13 - Ergun Akleman
Computing Through Time. 11 - Nir Kshetri
, Joanna F. DeFranco
, Jeffrey M. Voas
Is It Live, or Is It Deepfake? 14-16 - Dejan S. Milojicic
, Phil Laplante
Predicting Technology and Its Impact on Humanity. 17-20 - Katina Michael
Biometric Surveillance and the Future of War. 21-30 - Lanier A. Watkins
, Denzel Hamilton, Tyler A. Young, Sebastián A. Zanlongo, Louis L. Whitcomb
, Andrew R. Spielvogel, Barbara Kobzik-Juul:
The Roles of Autonomy and Assurance in the Future of Uncrewed Aircraft Systems in Low-Altitude Airspace Operations. 41-53 - Badis Hammi
, Sherali Zeadally
Software Supply-Chain Security: Issues and Countermeasures. 54-66 - Torsten Hoefler
, Duncan Roweth, Keith D. Underwood, Robert Alverson, Mark Griswold, Vahid Tabatabaee, Mohan Kalkunte, Surendra Anubolu, Siyuan Shen, Moray McLaren, Abdul Kabbani, Steve Scott:
Data Center Ethernet and Remote Direct Memory Access: Issues at Hyperscale. 67-77 - Dave Landsman
, Karin Strauss
The DNA Data Storage Model. 78-85 - Hal Berghel
"Free" Online Services and Gonzo Capitalism. 86-92 - Cullen E. Bash, Paolo Faraboschi
, Eitan Frachtenberg
, Phil Laplante
, Dejan S. Milojicic
, Roberto Saracco
Megatrends. 93-100 - Keith W. Miller
Computer-Enhanced Communication Among Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Hearing People. 101-105 - Laura Belli
, Luca Davoli
, Gianluigi Ferrari
Smart City as an Urban Intelligent Digital System: The Case of Parma. 106-109 - Phil Laplante
Tribute to Fred Brooks. 110-111 - George O. Strawn
Some Computer Science Education Reminiscences by an Old Educator. 112-115 - Hsiao-Ying Lin
Team With the Strong, Work With the Wise. 116-120 - Doron Drusinsky
, Matthew Litton
, James Bret Michael
Machine-Learned Verification and Advance Notice Oracles for Autonomous Systems. 121-130 - Michael Zyda
Hubris - From the Metaverse to ChatGPT to TikTok's Time of Tribulation. 131-136 - Sudeep Pasricha
Ethics for Digital Medicine: A Path for Ethical Emerging Medical IoT Design. 32-40
Volume 56, Number 8, August 2023
- Hailong Yang
, Yi Liu
, Zhongzhi Luan
, Lin Gan
, Guangwen Yang, Depei Qian
Input-Aware Sparse Tensor Storage Format Selection for Optimizing MTTKRP. 4-7 - Erich J. Neuhold
50 & 25 Years Ago. 11-14 - Ergun Akleman
Computing Through Time. 12 - Nir Kshetri
, Joanna F. DeFranco
, Jeffrey M. Voas
Dusting Off Your Resume. 15-18 - Jeffrey M. Voas
In This Issue. 16-17 - Sean McGregor
A Scaled Multiyear Responsible Artificial Intelligence Impact Assessment. 20-27 - Xiao Hu, Ziteng Jiao
, Ayden Kocher
, Zhenyu Wu
, Junjie Liu
, James C. Davis
, George K. Thiruvathukal
, Yung-Hsiang Lu
Evolution of Winning Solutions in the 2021 Low-Power Computer Vision Challenge. 28-37 - Maciej Rys
, Peter A. Gloor
There Is Truth in Legends: Lessons for Team Performance From Hackathons. 38-47 - Tianxiang Tan
, Guohong Cao:
Deep Learning on Mobile Devices With Neural Processing Units. 48-57 - Teik Guan Tan
, Jianying Zhou
, Vishal Sharma
, Saraju P. Mohanty
Post-Quantum Adversarial Modeling: A User's Perspective. 58-67 - Pradeeban Kathiravelu
, Nan Li
, Nishchal Singi
, Ananth Reddy Bhimireddy, Ryan Birmingham, Judy Wawira Gichoya, Hari Trivedi
, Nabile M. Safdar, Ashish Sharma, Puneet Sharma
Visualizing Scanner Utilization From MRI Metadata and Clinical Data. 68-76 - Nir Kshetri
The Economics of Generative Artificial Intelligence in the Academic Industry. 77-83 - Jeff Daniels
Building the Factory of the Future With the Industrial Internet of Things. 84-88 - Nir Kshetri
The Economics of Deepfakes. 89-94 - Donghee Shin
, Norita B. Ahmad
Algorithmic Nudge: An Approach to Designing Human-Centered Generative Artificial Intelligence. 95-99 - Mark Campbell
, Mladan Jovanovic
Detecting Artificial Intelligence: A New Cyberarms Race Begins. 100-105
Volume 56, Number 9, September 2023
- Chia-Lin Yang
Understanding Computer Architecture Sustainability. 4-5 - Erich J. Neuhold
50 & 25 Years Ago. 9-12 - Ergun Akleman
Computing Through Time. 10 - Joanna F. DeFranco
, Nir Kshetri
, Jeffrey M. Voas
Are We Writing for Bots or Humans? 13-14 - Joanna F. DeFranco
Computing in Telemedicine. 15-17 - Sashko Ristov
, Marjan Gusev
, Armin Hohenegger, Radu Prodan
, Dimitar Mileski
, Pano Gushev
, Goran Temelkov:
Serverless Electrocardiogram Stream Processing in Federated Clouds With Lambda Architecture. 18-27 - Jeffrey R. Balzer, Julia Caviness
, Don Krieger
The Evolution of Real-Time Remote Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring. 28-38 - Pradeeban Kathiravelu
, Dalibor Fonovic
, Tihana Galinac Grbac
, Zachary Zaiman, Luís Veiga
, Judy Wawira Gichoya
, Saptarshi Purkayastha
, Babak Mahmoudi:
The Telehealth Dilemma - Health-Care Deserts Meet the Internet's Remote Regions. 39-49 - Nakia Grayson, Ronald Pulivarti
, Bronwyn Hodges, Kevin Littlefield, Jeremy Miller, Chris Peloquin, Julie Snyder, Sue Wang
, Ryan Williams:
Mitigating Privacy and Cybersecurity Risks Affecting Telehealth Remote Patient Monitoring Ecosystems. 50-61 - Takuro Watanabe
, Chengshuo Xia
, Koji Fujita
, Yuta Sugiura
Screening for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Using Daily Behavior on Mobile Devices. 62-70 - Varun Gupta
, Chetna Gupta
Navigating Foreign Language-Taught Degrees: Embracing Artificial Intelligence-Driven Language Translators to Overcome Linguistic Challenges. 71-76 - Hal Berghel
Fatal Flaws in ChatAI as a Content Generator. 78-82 - Alwyn E. Goodloe
Assuring Safety-Critical Machine Learning-Enabled Systems: Challenges and Promise. 83-88 - Hsiao-Ying Lin
Embedded Artificial Intelligence: Intelligence on Devices. 90-93 - David Flynn, Thomas M. Coughlin
Overcoming Performance Bottlenecks With a Network File System in Solid State Drives. 94-98 - Georgios Mylonas
, Athanasios P. Kalogeras
, George Pavlidis
, Aris S. Lalos
, Ana García-López
Digital Twins for Protecting Cultural Heritage Against Climate Change. 100-104 - Michael Zyda
The Metaverse Is Just a Software Layer ... 105-108
Volume 56, Number 10, October 2023
- Paolo Montuschi
, Yuan-Hao Chang
, Vincenzo Piuri
In-Memory Computing: The Emerging Computing Topic in the Post-von Neumann Era. 4-6 - Erich J. Neuhold
50 & 25 Years Ago. 10-13 - Ergun Akleman
Computing Through Time. 11 - Hsiao-Ying Lin
, Jeffrey M. Voas
Lower Energy Large Language Models (LLMs). 14-16 - Jeffrey M. Voas
In This Issue. 15 - Joanna F. DeFranco
Computing in Telemedicine - Part II. 17-19 - Htet Yamin Ko Ko
, Chitrini Mozumder, Nitin Kumar Tripathi, Indrajit Pal
Recent Trends in Telecardiology and Telemedicine: Where Are They Leading Now? 20-30 - Noman Nasir Minhas
, Muhammad Wahaj Mubeen, Hasnain Khawaja:
Distributed Ledger Technologies for Electronic Health Care: IOTA-Based Remote Patient Monitoring and Telemedicine System. 31-39 - Nikolay Nikolov
, Arnor Solberg, Radu Prodan
, Ahmet Soylu
, Mihhail Matskin, Dumitru Roman
Container-Based Data Pipelines on the Computing Continuum for Remote Patient Monitoring. 40-48 - Jingwei Hao
, Senlin Luo
, Limin Pan
, Chuantao Chen:
VD-HEN: Capturing Semantic Dependencies for Source Code Vulnerability Detection With a Hierarchical Embedding Network. 49-61 - Novak Boskov
, Ari Trachtenberg, David Starobinski
Enabling Cost-Benefit Analysis of Data Sync Protocols. 62-71 - Stephen J. Andriole
What C-Suites Should Expect From Business Schools. 72-76 - Nir Kshetri
, Jeffrey M. Voas
, Yogesh K. Dwivedi
, Diana Rojas-Torres
, Gayle O'Keefe:
Metaverse's Rise and Decline. 77-82 - Joanna F. DeFranco
, Jeffrey M. Voas
Social Media's Mental Health Quagmire. 83-85 - Subhamoy Maitra
, Pantelimon Stanica
An Overview and Concerns Related to Quantum Cryptanalysis: Past, Present, and Future. 86-92 - Paolo Faraboschi
, Eitan Frachtenberg
, Phil Laplante
, Dejan S. Milojicic
, Roberto Saracco
Artificial General Intelligence: Humanity's Downturn or Unlimited Prosperity. 93-101 - Preeti S. Chauhan
, Nir Kshetri
Ransomware as a Service Kit: A Novel Cybercrime Strategy to Monetize Victims' Data. 102-106 - Joanna F. DeFranco
, Nir Kshetri
, Jeffrey M. Voas
"Sensoring" the Farm. 108-112
Volume 56, Number 11, November 2023
- Shixia Liu
Enhancing Training Data Quality With Visual Analytics. 4-6 - Erich J. Neuhold
50 & 25 Years Ago. 10-13 - Ergun Akleman
Computing Through Time. 11 - Jeffrey M. Voas
Hiding in the Shadows: Do Shadows Still Exist? 14-16 - Jeffrey M. Voas
In this Issue. 15 - Marilyn Wolf
, Jan Madsen
Computer Engineering Education. 17-19 - Martin Schoeberl
, Luca Pezzarossa
Chip Design and Verification in a Computer Engineering Education. 20-29 - Allen-Jasmin Farcas
, Radu Marculescu
Teaching Edge AI at the Undergraduate Level: A Hardware-Software Co-Design Approach. 30-38 - Mingxuan Liu
, Jianhua Gu
, Zhenhao Guo, Tianhai Zhao:
AempOS: An Educational Multiprocessor Operating System. 39-47 - Guangfu Wu
, Enning Li, Taigui Wei:
Multimaster Node Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Consensus Algorithm Based on Consistent Hash Algorithm. 48-63 - Tobias Dreesbach
, Jan Heinrich Beinke, Arne Dethloff, Fabian van Dülmen, Oliver Thomas:
Impact and Limitations of AR-Based Guidance for Assembly Workers. 64-72 - Junrui Wu
, Wenyong Wang
, Sai Zou, Wei Ni
, Lisheng Huang
, Yong Tang
Can Video as a Service Paradigm Lead to the Future Internet of Video Things? 73-84 - Manish Parashar
, Tess DeBlanc-Knowles, Erwin P. Gianchandani
, Lynne E. Parker
Strengthening and Democratizing Artificial Intelligence Research and Development. 85-90 - Mohamad Kassab
, Ben Amaba
, Edward S. Pound
, Brian Fox
Is the Solution for Cybercrime Also a Path to Greater Productivity? 91-94 - Hal Berghel
The Thousand Talents Program Prosecutions in Context. 95-102 - Mladan Jovanovic
, Mark Campbell
Connecting AI: Merging Large Language Models and Knowledge Graph. 103-108 - Sorel Reisman
What You Should Expect From B-Schools. 109-112 - Paolo Azzoni, Jean-Luc di Paola Galloni, Dimitrios Serpanos
Chips Shortage and Chips Acts: The Inside View. 113-117 - Fariborz Farahmand
A System Engineering Approach to AI Security and Safety. 118-122 - Michael Zyda
Game Technology Takes Over the Film Industry. 124-128
Volume 56, Number 12, December 2023
- Simin Yang
, Mathieu Barthet
, Courtney N. Reed
, Elaine Chew
Do You Hear What I Hear? 4-6 - Erich J. Neuhold
50 & 25 Years Ago. 10-13 - Ergun Akleman
Computing Through Time. 11 - Nita Patel
Engaging, Changing, Leading: Opportunities That Shape Our World. 14-17 - Jeffrey M. Voas
"Propagating" Disinformation. 25-26 - Irena Bojanova
, Rick Kuhn
, Jeffrey M. Voas
Emerging Disruptive Technologies. 27-30 - Carlos Henrique C. Duarte
Authorship and Peer Review in the Era of Artificial Intelligence. 32-41 - Chengshuo Xia
, Yuta Sugiura
Virtual Sensors With 3D Digital Human Motion for Interactive Simulation. 42-54 - Sylvain Fleury
, Fabien Bernard
, Raphael Paquin, Philippe Blanchard
, Simon Richir
Augmented and Virtual Reality Simulation in Industry. 55-64 - Ying-Dar Lin
, Yuan-Cheng Lai
, Didik Sudyana
, Ren-Hung Hwang
Artificial Intelligence for Internet of Things as a Service: Small or Big Data, Private or Public Model, Centralized or Federated Learning? 65-79 - Catherine Mulligan
, Tiago Silva, Joaquim Jorge
A Research Agenda for NFTs. 80-90 - Mohamad Kassab
, Joanna F. DeFranco
Unleashing the Potential: Integrating ChatGPT and the Internet of Things for Enhanced User Experiences and Automation. 91-94 - Dirk Riehle
The Future of the Open Source Definition. 95-99 - Mary Sánchez-Gordón
, Edmundo Tovar
, Ricardo Colomo Palacios
, Nelson Piedra
, Manuel Castro
Educating Augmented Programmers. 100-104 - Norita B. Ahmad
, Salwa Beheiry:
Sustainability in the Data Age: Harnessing the Power of Data for a Greener Future. 106-110 - Nir Kshetri
Generative Artificial Intelligence and the Economics of Effective Prompting. 112-118 - Joseph Weiss
, James Bret Michael
, Michael T. Swearingen:
There Is No Chilling When Your Control System Cybersecurity Is Unfulfilling. 120-124

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