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IEEE Computer, Volume 28, 1995
Volume 28, Number 1, January 1995
- Ted G. Lewis:
Movers and Shakers '95. 8
- Martin Cheek:
The Chip Wars: Bloody and Brutal for Intel. 9-10
- Hossein Saiedian, Richard Kuzara:
SEI Capability Maturity Model's Impact on Contractors. 16-26 - Avigdor Gal, Opher Etzion:
Maintaining Data-Driven Rules in Databases. 28-38 - Nicholas Carriero, Eric Freeman, David Gelernter, David Kaminsky:
Adaptive Parallelism and Piranha. 40-49
- T. Mark A. Lomas, Bruce Christianson
To Whom am I Speaking? Remote Booting in a Hostile World. 50-54
- Robert L. Glass:
In Search of Self-Belief: The "BOP" Phenomenen. 55-57 - David J. Musliner, James A. Hendler, Ashok K. Agrawala, Edmund H. Durfee
, Jay K. Strosnider, C. J. Paul:
The Challenges of Real-Time All. 58-66
- Alan H. Karp, Michael T. Heath, Don Heller, Horst D. Simon:
1994 Gordon Bell Prize Winners: Judges' Summary. 68-74
- Capers Jones:
How Office Space Affects Programming Productivity. 76-77
- Ronald J. Vetter:
Videoconferencing on the Internet. 77-79
- Irah H. Donner:
Is the Patent Office Correctly Examining Computer-Related Patent Applications? Part 2. 93-94
- George McKee:
A Few (Proposed) Fundamental Laws of Computation. 120
Volume 28, Number 2, February 1995
- Ted G. Lewis:
Is the Macintosh Dead Meat? 6-7
- Erin English:
Touch-Screen Technology Takes Off. 7-8
- Apostolos Dollas, Nick Kanopoulos:
Reducing the Time to Market Through Rapid Prototyping - Guest Editors' Introduction. 14-15 - Peter M. Athanas, A. Lynn Abbott:
Real-Time Image Processing on a Custom Computing Platform. 16-24 - Luiz André Barroso, Sasan Iman, Jaeheon Jeong, Koray Öner, Michel Dubois:
RPM: A Rapid Prototyping Engine for Multiprocessor Systems. 26-34 - Rudy Lauwereins, Marc Engels
, Marleen Adé, J. A. Peperstraete:
Grape-II: A System-Level Prototyping Environment for DSP Applications. 35-43 - Tarek Ben Ismail, Ahmed Amine Jerraya:
Synthesis Steps and Design Models for Codesign. 44-52 - Reid A. Baldwin, Moon-Jung Chung:
A Formal Approach to Managing Design Processes. 54-63
- Niklaus Wirth:
A Plea for Lean Software. 64-68
- David A. Wood, Mark D. Hill:
Cost-Effective Parallel Computing. 69-72
- Capers Jones:
Determining Software Schedules. 73-75
- Mark A. Richards:
Simulation Libraries for System-Level Design. 76-77
- Irah H. Donner:
Computer-Related Inventions: When "Obvious" is Not So Obvious. 78-79
- John Swartz:
Can System Integrators Learn From Baggage Crisis? 112
Volume 28, Number 3, March 1995
- Ted G. Lewis:
Sleeper at Compcon. 6-7
- Monica Snell:
Analysts Predict $3.79 Billion Market for Visual Development Tools by 1999. 8-9
- Margaret M. Burnett, David W. McIntyre:
Visual Programming - Guest Editors' Introduction. 14-16 - Alexander Repenning
, Tamara Sumner:
Agentsheets: A Medium for Creating Domain-Oriented Languages. 17-25 - Takayuki Dan Kimura, Ajay Apte, Samudra Sengupta, Julie W. Chan:
Form/Formula: A Visual Programming Paradigm for User-Definable User Interfaces. 27-35 - Gabor Karsai:
A Configurable Visual Programming Environment: A Tool for Domain-Specific Programming. 36-44 - Margaret M. Burnett, Marla J. Baker, Carisa Bohus, Paul Carlson, Sherry Yang, Pieter van Zee:
Scaling Up Visual Programming Languages. 45-54 - Gennaro Costagliola
, Genoveffa Tortora, Sergio Orefice
, Andrea De Lucia
Automatic Generation of Visual Programming Environments. 56-66
- Richard M. Adler:
Emerging Standards for Component Software. 68-77
- Ware Myers:
Taligent's CommonPoint: The Promise of Objects. 78-83
- Glen Bull, Roger Geyer, Daniel Arkin, Christine Appert:
Current Technologies in K-12 Education. 84-85
- Capers Jones:
Patterns of Large Software Systems: Failure and Success. 86-87
- Irah H. Donner:
GATT is Gonna Get Ya! 98-99
- Veljko M. Milutinovic, Zvezdan Petkovic:
Ten Lessons Learned from a RISC Design. 120
Volume 28, Number 4, April 1995
- Ted G. Lewis:
Infobusiness Meets Neuromancer. 7-8
- Brian Riggs, Erin English:
Unix Transformations. 8-9
- Richard M. Adler:
Distributed Coordination Models for Client/Server Computing. 14-22 - Maya B. Gokhale, William Holmes, Ken Iobst:
Processing in Memory: The Terasys Massively Parallel PIM Array. 23-31 - Margaret Martonosi, Anoop Gupta, Thomas E. Anderson:
Tuning Memory Performance of Sequential and Parallel Programs. 32-40
- Alan Wood:
Predicting Client/Server Availability. 41-48
- Ted G. Lewis:
Where Is Client/Server Software Headed? 49-55 - Jonathan P. Bowen
, Michael G. Hinchey:
Ten Commandments of Formal Methods. 56-63
- Jörg Liebeherr:
Multimedia Networks: Issues and Challenges. 68-69
- Capers Jones:
Gaps in Programming Educations. 70-71
- Irah H. Donner:
Billing Taxes Novell with Novel Patent-Infringement Claim. 72-73
- Jim Butler:
Orbiting the Metaworld. 96 - Will Tracz:
Confessions of a Used Program Salesman: Going Fishing. Computer 28(4): 96 (1995)
Volume 28, Number 5, May 1995
- Ted G. Lewis:
Are Telephone Companies Passé? 8-9
- Christine Blank:
The FSN Challenge: Large-Scale Interactive Television. 9-12
- Arturo A. Rodriguez, Lawrence A. Rowe:
Multimedia Systems and Applications - Guest Editors' Introduction. 20-22 - Borko Furht, Devendra Kalra, Frederick L. Kitson, Arturo A. Rodriguez, William E. Wall:
Design Issues for Interactive Television Systems. 25-39 - Jim Gemmell, Harrick M. Vin, Dilip D. Kandlur, P. Venkat Rangan, Lawrence A. Rowe:
Multimedia Storage Servers: A Tutorial. 40-49 - Klara Nahrstedt, Ralf Steinmetz
Resource Management in Networked Multimedia Systems. 52-63 - Robert Simon, Donald Krieger, Taieb Znati, Raymond Lofink, Robert J. Sclabassi:
Multimedia MedNet: A Medical Collaboration and Consultation System. 65-73 - Beverly Park Woolf, Wendy Hall:
Multimedia Pedagogues: Interactive Systems for teaching and Learning. 74-80
- Irah H. Donner:
Be Careful about Disclosing your Invention. 83
- Christoph G. Thomas:
BASAR: A Framework for Integrating Agents in the World Wide Web. 84-86 - John Murray:
Anarchy and Chaos on the Net. 87
- Capers Jones:
Legal Status of Software Engineering. 98-99
- Shankar Hemmady:
VLSI Test Automation: Fact or Fiction? 120
Volume 28, Number 6, June 1995
- Ted G. Lewis:
Where the Big Money is. 6-7
- Martin Cheek:
Computer Telephony Integration. 8-9
- John A. Stankovic, Marco Spuri, Marco Di Natale, Giorgio C. Buttazzo:
Implications of Classical Scheduling Results for Real-Time Systems. 16-25 - Oryal Tanir, Vinod K. Agarwal, P. C. P. Bhatt:
A Specification-Driven Architectural Design Environment. 26-35 - Wade Walker
, Harvey G. Cragon:
Interrupt Processing in Concurrent Processors. 36-46 - Jeffrey A. Clark, Dhiraj K. Pradhan:
Fault Injection: A Method for Validating Computer-System Dependability. 47-56
- Duane K. Boman:
International Survey: Virtual-Environment Research. 57-65 - Larry Press:
Resources for Networks in Less-Industrialized Nations. 66-71
- Beth A. Schroeder:
On-Line Monitoring: A Tutorial. 72-78
- Scott Hamilton:
Evolving the HPCCI: Recommendations from the NRC/CSTB 1995 Report. 79-81
- Prabhu Ram, Douglas K. Rand:
Satan: Double-Edged Sword. 82-83
- Irah H. Donner:
Patent or Perish. 84-85
- Capers Jones:
Why Is Technology Transfer so Hard? 86-87
- Gianluca Marcellino:
The Virtual and the Paperless Office. 120 - Behrooz Parhami:
The Right Acronym at the Right Time. Computer 28(6): 120 (1995)
Volume 28, Number 7, July 1995
- Ted G. Lewis:
The End of Work As We Know It. 10-11
- Cynthia Bournellis:
CD-ROM Technology Takes Off. 11-12
- David R. Pratt, Michael Zyda, Kristen M. Kelleher:
Virtual Reality: In the Mind of the Beholder - Guest Editors' Introduction. 17-19 - John C. Goble, Ken Hinckley
, Randy F. Pausch, John W. Snell, Neal F. Kassell:
Two-Handed Spatial Interface Tools for Neurosurgial Planning. 20-26 - Larry F. Hodges, Rob Kooper
, Thomas C. Meyer, Barbara O. Rothbaum, Dan Opdyke, Johannes J. de Graaff, James S. Williford, Max M. North:
Virtual Environments for Treating the Fear of Heights. 27-34 - Jon G. Kuhl, Douglas Evans, Yiannis E. Papelis, Richard Romano
, Ginger S. Watson:
The Iowa Driving Simulator: An Immersive Research Environment. 35-41 - Wolfgang Krüger, Christian-A. Bohn, Bernd Fröhlich, Heinrich Schüth, Wolfgang Strauss, Gerold Wesche:
The Responsive Workbench: A Virtual Work Environment. 42-48 - Thomas W. Mastaglio, Robert Callaahan:
A Large-Scale Complex Virtual Environment for Team Training. 49-56 - Michael F. Polis, Stephen J. Gifford, David M. McKeown Jr.:
Automating the Construction of Large-Scale Virtual Worlds. 57-65
- Ralph E. Gomory:
National Productivity and Computers: HICSS 96 Plenary Address. 66-72
- Mark T. Bolas, Ian McDowall, Russell Mead:
Applications Drive VR Interface Selection. 72-75
- Irah H. Donner:
Intellectual Property Protection for Multimedia Applications, Part 1: So Many Flavors, So Little Time. 92-93
- Theresa-Marie Rhyne:
Scientific Visualization and Technology Transfer: An EPA Case Study. 94-96
- Charles R. Severance:
A New Vision for Standards. 97
- John Murray:
Creationism and Evolution in Software. 104
Volume 28, Number 8, August 1995
- Ted G. Lewis:
Windows 95: Next Step to Desktop NT? 8-9
- Erin English:
Two New Standards Square Off. 12-13
- Ted G. Lewis, Dave Power, Bertrand Meyer
, Jack Grimes, Mike Potel, Ronald J. Vetter, Phillip A. Laplante, Wolfgang Pree, Gustav Pomberger, Mark D. Hill, James R. Larus, David A. Wood, Hesham El-Rewini, Bruce W. Weide:
Where Is Software Headed? A Virtual Roundtable. 20-32
- Ran Giladi
, Niv Ahituv:
SPEC as a Performance Evaluation Measure. 33-42 - Anneliese von Mayrhauser, A. Marie Vans:
Program Comprehension During Software Maintenance and Evolution. 44-55
- Vladimir Estivill-Castro
Computer Science Research in Mexico. 56-62 - Kenneth L. Kraemer, Jason L. Dedrick:
From Nationalism to Pragmatism: IT Policy in China. 63-73
- Shahid H. Bokhari:
The Linux Operating System. 74-79
- John Murray:
Of Deck Chairsss, Suitss, and Quiz Shows. 80-81
- Charles R. Severance:
The Value of the Formal Standards Process. 82-83
- Capers Jones:
What Goes Into An Information Warehouse? 84-85
- Clit Jurgens:
Fibre Channel: A Connection to the Future. 88-90
- Irah H. Donner:
Intellectual Property Protection for Multimedia Applications, Part 2: Putting the Pieces Together. 99-100
- David M. Teleki:
Carpet Bugs. 120
Volume 28, Number 9, September 1995
- Ted G. Lewis:
Living in Real Time, Side A (What Is the Info Age?). 8-10
- Erin English:
Groupware Makes Its Market Move. 11-12
- Venkat N. Gudivada, Vijay V. Raghavan:
Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems - Guest Editors' Introduction. 18-22 - Myron Flickner, Harpreet S. Sawhney, Jonathan Ashley, Qian Huang, Byron Dom, Monika Gorkani, Jim Hafner, Denis Lee, Dragutin Petkovic, David Steele, Peter Yanker:
Query by Image and Video Content: The QBIC System. 23-32 - Anne Brink, Sherry Marcus, V. S. Subrahmanian:
Heterogeneous Multimedia Reasoning. 33-39 - Virginia E. Ogle, Michael Stonebraker:
Chabot: Retrieval from a Relational Database of Images. 40-48 - Rohini K. Srihari:
Automatic Indexing and Content-Based Retrieval of Captioned Images. 49-56 - Rajiv Mehrotra, James E. Gary:
Similar-Shape Retrieval in Shape Data Management. 57-62
- Hal Berghel:
Using the WWW Test Pattern to check HTML Client Compliance. 63-65
- Charles R. Severance:
What is a Profile? 66
- Irah H. Donner:
Photocopyright Infringement. 67-68
- Capers Jones:
End-User Programming. 68-70
- Alexander D. Stoyenko:
Engineering Complex Computer Systems: A Challenge for Computer Types Everywhere - Part 1: Let's Agree On What These Systems Are. 85-86
- Paul Carpenter:
Never Mind the Functionality, Look At the Graphics! A Cautionary Tale. 112
Volume 28, Number 10, October 1995
- Ted G. Lewis:
Living in Real Time, Side B (Where Will the Brain Power Come From?). 8-10
- Erin English:
TCP/IP Gets a Face-Lift. 12-13
- Sowmitri Swamy, Arthur Molin, Burt Covnot:
OO-VHDL: Object-Oriented Extensions to VHDL. 18-26 - Judith D. Ahrens, Noah S. Prywes:
Transition to a Legacy- and Reuse-Based Software Life Cycle. 27-36 - Prithviraj Banerjee, John A. Chandy
, Manish Gupta, Eugene W. Hodges IV, John G. Holm, Antonio Lain, Daniel J. Palermo, Shankar Ramaswamy, Ernesto Su:
The Paradigm Compiler for Distributed-Memory Multicomputers. 37-47
- Emdad H. Khan, Mansoor Al-A'Ali, Moheb R. Giris:
Object-Oriented Programming for Structured Procedural Programmers. 48-57
- Hesham El-Rewini, Scott Hamilton, Yen-Ping Shan, Ralph Earle, Skip McGaughey, Abdelsalam Helal, Ravi Badrachalam, Andrew A. Chien, Andrew S. Grimshaw, Byung Suk Lee, Andrew E. Wade, Dave Morse, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Evaggelia Pitoura, Robert V. Binder, Peter Wegner:
Object Technology: A Virtual Roundtable. 58-72 - Judith Gal-Ezer, Catriel Beeri, David Harel, Amiram Yehudai:
A High School Program in Computer Science. 73-80
- Irah H. Donner:
Ground Rules for Software Maintenance. 84-85
- John L. Hill:
Publicly Available Specification: A new Paradigm for Developing International Standards. 97-98
- Rolf Oppliger:
Internet Security Enters the Middle Ages. 100-101
- Capers Jones:
Software Benchmarking. 102-103
- Judith Martin:
Miss Manners Looks at Netiquette. Computer 28(10): 120 (1995)
Volume 28, Number 11, November 1995
- Ted G. Lewis:
HP Means High-Powered: FutureBusiness, Side A. 6-8
- Thomas Kaneshige:
SNMP Upgrade Lacks Proposed Security Features. 10-11
- Cherri M. Pancake, Margaret L. Simmons, Jerry C. Yan:
Performance Evaluation Tools for Parallel and Distributed Systems - Guest Editors' Introduction. 16-19 - Michael T. Heath, Allen D. Malony, Diane T. Rover:
The Visual Display of Parallel Performance Data. 21-28 - Hank Jakiela:
Performance Visualization of a Distributed System: A Case Study. 30-36 - Barton P. Miller, Mark D. Callaghan, Jonathan M. Cargille, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth, R. Bruce Irvin, Karen L. Karavanic, Krishna Kunchithapadam, Tia Newhall:
The Paradyn Parallel Performance Measurement Tool. 37-46 - Thomas Fahringer:
Estimating and Optimizing Performance for Parallel Programs. 47-56 - Daniel A. Reed, Keith A. Shields, Will H. Scullin, Luis F. Tawera, Christopher L. Elford:
Virtual Reality and Parallel Systems Performance Analysis. 57-67
- Thomas T. Kwan, Robert McCrath, Daniel A. Reed:
NCSA's World Wide Web Server: Design and Performance. 68-74
- Daniel Berleant, Byron Liu:
Robert's Rule of Order for E-Mail Meetings. 84-85
- Irah H. Donner:
Exchanging Software over the Internet Could be Hazardous. 86-87
- Capers Jones:
Backfiring: Converting Lines of Code to Function Points. 87-88
- Raghu Singh:
The Software Life Cycle Process Standard. 89-90
- Eric A. Weiss:
Candidates for Change? 112
Volume 28, Number 12, December 1995
- Ted G. Lewis:
The Nethead Gang. 8-10
- Thomas Kaneshige:
The Dawning of the Single-Chip Age. 10-11
- Germinal Boloix, Pierre N. Robillard:
A Software System Evaluation Framework. 17-26 - Hesham El-Rewini, Hesham H. Ali, Ted G. Lewis:
Task Scheduling in Multiprocessing Systems. 27-37 - Philip K. McKinley, Yih-jia Tsai, David F. Robinson:
Collective Communication in Wormhole-Routed Massively Parallel Computers. 39-50
- Christopher H. Nevison:
Parallel Computing in the Undergraduate Curriculum. 51-56
- Trung A. Diep, John Paul Shen:
VMW: A Visualization-Based Microarchitecture Workbench. 57-64
- Ronald J. Vetter:
Computer-Controlled Devices Reach the Internet. 66-67
- Ilija Ekmecic, Igor Tartalja, Veljko M. Milutinovic:
EM³: A Taxonomy of Heterogeneous Computing Systems. 68-70
- Irah H. Donner:
The Info Age Law Firm. 86-87
- Capers Jones:
How Software Personnel Learn New Skills. 88-89
- Terry Wright:
A Case for Symmetrical Bandwidth. 93-94
- George McKee:
Computer SCience or Simply 'Computics'? 136

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