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Automatica, Volume 32
Volume 32, Number 1, January 1996
- Huibert Kwakernaak:
AUtomatica and applications papers. 1 - Sandeep S. Mulgund, Robert F. Stengel:
Optimal nonlinear estimation for aircraft flight control in wind shear. 3-13 - Katerina Yamalidou, John O. Moody, Michael D. Lemmon, Panos J. Antsaklis:
Feedback control of petri nets based on place invariants. 15-28 - Zongli Lin, Anton A. Stoorvogel, Ali Saberi:
Output regulation for linear systems subject to input saturation. 29-47 - Fumitoshi Matsuno, Michinori Hatayama, Hideaki Senda, Tomoaki Ishibe, Yoshiyuki Sakawa:
Modeling and control of a flexible solar array paddle as a clamped-free-free-free rectangular plate. 49-58 - O. O. Badmus, S. Chowdhury, Carl N. Nett:
Nonlinear control of surge in axial compression systems. 59-70 - Éric Poulin
, André Pomerleau, André Desbiens, Daniel Hodouin:
Development and evaluation of an auto-tuning and adaptive PID controller. 71-82 - Zijad Aganovic, Zoran Gajic, Xuemin Shen
New method for optimal control and filtering of weakly coupled linear discrete stochastic systems. 83-88 - H. G. Natke, C. Cempel:
Holistic modelling as a tool for the diagnosis of critical complex systems. 89-94 - C. Frangos, Y. Yavin:
Feasible control design for plants with discrete-time Markov jump parameters. 95-100 - Philippe Martin
, Santosh Devasia, Brad Paden:
A different look at output tracking: control of a vtol aircraft. 101-107 - Der-Cherng Liaw, Eyad H. Abed:
Active control of compressor stall inception: a bifurcation-theoretic approach. 109-115 - Chandra Kambhampati
, S. Manchanda, A. Delgado, Gary G. R. Green, Kevin Warwick
, M. T. Tham:
The relative order and inverses of recurrent networks. 117-123 - S. B. Phadke
, M. M. Kuber:
Comments on 'on compensation for neglected actuator dynamics'. 125 - Federico Najson, Eliezer Kreindler:
Authors' reply to drs Phadke's and Kuber's comments. 127 - Maria Inés Troparevsky:
Adaptive stabilization of time-varying discrete-time linear systems. 129-131 - Chi-Jo Wang:
State feedback impulse elimination of linear time-varying singular systems. 133-136
Volume 32, Number 2, February 1996
- Huibert Kwakernaak:
Automatica review and publication times. 145 - Naim A. Kheir, Karl Johan Åström, David M. Auslander, Ka C. Cheok, Gene F. Franklin, M. Masten, M. Rabins:
Control systems engineering education. 147-166 - Frank L. Lewis, Kai Liu:
Towards a paradigm for fuzzy logic control. 167-181 - William Paul Heath
Orthogonal functions for cross-directional control of web forming processes. 183-198 - Zi-Li Deng, Huanshui Zhang, Shu-Jun Liu, Lu Zhou:
Optimal and self-tuning white noise estimators with applications to deconvolution and filtering problems. 199-216 - Giuseppe Conte
, Leopoldo Jetto, Sauro Longhi
, Anna Maria Perdon
Exact output control for a family of linear plants with parameter uncertainties. 217-222 - Tongwen Chen
, Bruce A. Francis:
H∞-optimal sampled-data control: Computation and designs. 223-228 - Trifon G. Koussiouris, Konstantinos G. Tzierakis:
Frequency-domain conditions for disturbance rejection and decoupling with stability or pole placement. 229-234 - Jacques Kiseta Sabiti:
A fast estimation method for ARMA processes. 235-239 - François Dufour, Pierre Bertrand:
An image-based filter for discrete-time markovian jump linear systems. 241-247 - A. V. B. Subrahmanyam, D. C. Saha, G. P. Rao:
Irreducible continuous model identification via Markov parameter estimation. 249-253 - Bernardo A. León de la Barra, Mario El-Khoury, Mario Fernández
On undershoot in scalar discrete-time systems. 255-259 - Aniruddha Datta, James Ochoa:
Adaptive internal model control: Design and stability analysis. 261-266 - Pradeep Misra:
Time-invariant representation of discrete periodic systems. 267-272 - Shuzhi Sam Ge
Adaptive controller design for flexible joint manipulators. 273-278 - Jian-Xin Xu, Hideki Hashimoto:
VSS theory-based parameter identification scheme for MIMO systems. 279-284 - S. B. Phadke
Comments on 'Sliding mode control of linear systems with mismatched uncertainties'. 285-286 - Chi-Man Kwan
Author's reply to Dr Phadke's comments. 287 - Basilio Bona:
Intelligent seam tracking for robotic welding : By Nitin Nayak and Asok Ray. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1993). ISBN 3-540-19826-1. 289-290 - Gerrit van Straten, Karel J. Keesman:
Concise encyclopedia of environmental systems : Edited by P. C. Young. Pergamon Press, Oxford (1993) ISBN 0-08-036198-6. 290-292 - Conor Downing:
Adaptech PIM + TR : Adaptech, 4 Rue du Tour Z.I Champ Rousin, F-38400 St Martin-d'Heres, France. 293-294
Volume 32, Number 3, March 1996
- Huibert Kwakernaak:
Electronic text processing, Automatica and Elsevier. 303-304 - Robert Tenno, Paavo Uronen:
State estimation for a large-scale wastewater treatment system. 305-317 - Tore K. Gustafsson, Pertti M. Mäkilä:
Modelling of uncertain systems via linear programming. 319-335 - Tor Arne Johansen:
Identification of non-linear systems using empirical data and prior knowledge - an optimization approach. 337-356 - Jacob van der Woude:
Disturbance decoupling by measurement feedback for structured transfer matrix systems. 357-363 - Vladimir L. Kharitonov
Robust stability of nested polynomial families. 365-367 - Hossein M. Oloomi, Mahmoud E. Sawan:
H∞ model matching problem for singularly perturbed systems. 369-377 - Vasfi Eldem:
Decoupling through specified input-output channels with internal stability. 379-384 - Michael B. Rosenhaus:
Construction of a fault location algorithm. 385-390 - Brett Ninness
Integral constraints on the accuracy of least-squares estimation. 391-397 - Marc W. McConley:
A separate bias U-D factorization filter. 399-401 - Jenq-Tzong H. Chan:
Data-based synthesis of a multivariable linear-quadratic regulator. 403-407 - R. Bakker, Anuradha M. Annaswamy:
Low-order multivariable adaptive control with application to flexible structures. 409-417 - Michael J. Chapman, Keith R. Godfrey:
Nonlinear compartmental model indistinguishability. 419-422 - Marios M. Polycarpou, Petros A. Ioannou:
A robust adaptive nonlinear control design. 423-427 - Bengt Lindoff, Jan Holst:
Exact distribution and moments for the RLS estimate in a time-varying AR(1) process. 429-433 - Jun Wang
, Guang Wu:
A multilayer recurrent neural network for on-line synthesis of minimum-norm linear feedback control systems via pole assignment. 435-442 - Bruno Siciliano
, Luigi Villani
A passivity-based approach to force regulation and motion control of robot manipulators. 443-447 - Gianni Ferretti
, Claudio Maffezzoni, Riccardo Scattolini
On the identifiability of the time delay with least-squares methods. 449-453 - Romeo Ortega, Per Johan Nicklasson, Gerardo Espinosa-Pérez
On speed control of induction motors. 455-460 - Wanquan Liu
, Wei-Yong Yan, Kok Lay Teo:
Initial and transient response improvement for singular systems. 461-464 - Chang-Jun Seo, Byung Kook Kim:
Robust and reliable H∞ control for linear systems with parameter uncertainty and actuator failure. 465-467 - S. P. Chan:
An approach to perturbation compensation for variable structure systems. 469-473 - A. El Kashlan, M. El Geneidy:
Design of decentralized control for symmetrically interconnected systems. 475-476
Volume 32, Number 4, April 1996
- Mituhiko Araki, Yoshimichi Ito, Tomomichi Hagiwara
Frequency response of sampled-data systems. 483-497 - Guillermo I. Gómez, Graham C. Goodwin:
Integral constraints on sensitivity vectors for multivariable linear systems. 499-518 - Phil G. Howlett
Optimal strategies for the control of a train. 519-532 - Kristinn Kristinsson, Guy Albert Dumont
Cross-directional control on paper machines using gram polynomials. 533-548 - Kostas Tsakalis:
Performance limitations of adaptive parameter estimation and system identification algorithms in the absence of excitation. 549-560 - Chun-Bo Feng, Yuqiang Wu:
A design scheme of variable structure adaptive control for uncertain dynamic systems. 561-567 - Fotis N. Koumboulis
Input-output triangular decoupling and data sensitivity. 569-573 - S. O. Reza Moheimani
, Ian R. Petersen:
Optimal guaranteed cost control of uncertain systems via static and dynamic output feedback. 575-579 - Jang-Lee Hong, Ching-Cheng Teng:
A derivation of the Glover-Doyle algorithms for general H∞ control problems. 581-589 - Alfonso Baños
Stabilization of nonlinear systems based on a generalized Bézout identity. 591-595 - Giuseppe De Nicolao, Riccardo Scattolini
, Gilda Sala:
An adaptive predictive regulator with input saturations. 597-601 - Andrey V. Savkin, Ian R. Petersen:
Model validation for robust control of uncertain systems with an integral quadratic constraint. 603-606 - Xiaohua Xia:
A parameterization approach to disturbance decoupling problem with stability of nonlinear systems, . 607-610 - Youyi Wang, David J. Hill:
Robust nonlinear coordinated control of power systems. 611-618 - Zongli Lin, Ali Saberi, Andrew R. Teel:
The almost disturbance decoupling problem with internal stability for linear systems subject to input saturation - state feedback case. 619-624 - Miroslav Krstic
, Petar V. Kokotovic:
Modular approach to adaptive nonlinear stabilization. 625-629 - Paolo Castaldi
, Umberto Soverini:
Identification of dynamic errors-in-variables models. 631-636 - Shaohua Tan, Yi Yu:
Adaptive fuzzy modeling of nonlinear dynamical systems. 637-643 - Jun-ichi Imura
, Toshiharu Sugie, Tsuneo Yoshikawa:
A Hamilton-Jacobi inequality approach to the strict H∞ control problem of nonlinear systems. 645-650 - Abdelaziz Hmamed:
Componentwise stability of continuous-time delay linear systems. 651-653 - N. K. Bose:
Edge property from end-points for scattering Hurwitz polynomials. 655-657 - Manfred Thoma:
Process control engineering : Edited by M. Pokle. VCH, Weinheim (1994). 659-660 - Pierre Bernhard:
Advances in dynamic games and applications : Edited by T. Basar and A. Lowrie. Birkhäuser, Boston (1994). 660-661
Volume 32, Number 5, May 1996
- Jean-Michel Coron, El-Yazid Keraï:
Explicit feedbacks stabilizing the attitude of a rigid spacecraft with two control torques. 669-677 - Brian Armstrong, Bimal Amin:
PID control in the presence of static friction: A comparison of algebraic and describing function analysis. 679-692 - Bo Wahlberg
, P. M. Mäkilä:
On approximation of stable linear dynamical systems using Laguerre and Kautz functions. 693-708 - Anders Lindquist
, Giorgio Picci:
Canonical correlation analysis, approximate covariance extension, and identification of stationary time series. 709-733 - Randy A. Freeman, Petar V. Kokotovic:
Tracking controllers for systems linear in the unmeasured states. 735-746 - A. H. W. (Ton) Geerts, Johannes M. Schumacher
Impulsive-smooth behavior in multimode systems part I: State-space and polynomial representations. 747-758 - Daniel E. Miller:
A tradeoff between period and order of linear periodic stabilizing compensators. 759-771 - Tzuen-Lih Chern, Chin-Wen Chuang, Rong-Lin Jiang:
Design of discrete integral variable structure control systems and application to a brushless DC motor control. 773-779 - Liuping Wang
, William R. Cluett:
Use of PRESS residuals in dynamic system identification. 781-784 - Basílio E. A. Milani, Carlos Eduardo Trabuco Dórea:
On invariant polyhedra of continuous-time systems subject to additive disturbances. 785-789 - Tae-Yong Kuc, Jin Soo Lee:
Learning strictly positive real linear systems with uncertain parameters and unknown input disturbances. 791-792 - Anthony Tzes
, Ke Le:
Weighted minimum uncertainty prediction control. 793-795 - Kuo-Kai Shyu, Shang-Ru Chen:
Estimation of asymptotic stability region and sliding domain of uncertain variable structure systems with bounded controllers. 797-800
Volume 32, Number 6, June 1996
- Huibert Kwakernaak:
Automatica cumulative contents and indexes 1963-1995. 805 - Lahcen Saydy:
New stability/performance results for singularly perturbed systems. 807-818 - A. H. W. (Ton) Geerts, Johannes M. Schumacher
Impulsive-smooth behavior in multimode systemss part II: Minimality and equivalence. 819-832 - Chiang-Ju Chien, King-Chuan Sun, A.-Chen Wu, Li-Chen Fu
A robust MRAC using variable structure design for multivariable plants. 833-848 - Marco C. Campi:
The problem of pole-zero cancellation in transfer function identification and application to adaptive stabilization. 849-857 - Marcel Staroswiecki, Mireille Bayart
Models and languages for the interoperability of smart instruments. 859-873 - Hans G. M. Dötsch, Paul M. J. Van den Hof
Test for local structural identifiability of high-order non-linearly parametrized state space models. 875-883 - Tomas McKelvey
, Hüseyin Akçay
, Lennart Ljung
Subspace-based identification of infinite-dimensional multivariable systems from frequency-response data. 885-902 - C. M. Kwan
, Frank L. Lewis, Kai Shing Yeung:
Adaptive control of induction motors without flux measurements. 903-908 - Hoai Nghia Duong, Ioan Doré Landau:
An IV based criterion for model order selection. 909-914 - Wei Lin:
Global asymptotic stabilization of general nonlinear systems with stable free dynamics via passivity and bounded feedback. 915-924 - Wu-Chung Su, Sergey V. Drakunov, Ümit Özgüner:
Constructing discontinuity surfaces for variable structure systems: A Lyapunov approach. 925-928 - Wei Zhan
, Le Yi Wang:
Disturbance attenuation via state feedback for systems with a saturation nonlinearity in the control channel. 929-931 - Zongli Lin, Ali Saberi, Michael Gutmann, Yacov A. Shamash:
Linear controller for an inverted pendulum having restricted travel: A high-and-low gain approach. 933-937 - Antonio Loría
, Romeo Ortega:
Force/position regulation for robot manipulators with unmeasurable velocities and uncertain gravity. 939-943 - Harry L. Trentelman:
Feedback control systems : 3rd ed., by John van de Vegte. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1994). ISBN 0-13-016379-1. 945-946 - Jan Stecha:
Modeling of dynamic systems : By Lennart Ljung and Torkel Glad. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1994). ISBN 0-13-597097-0. 946-947 - Anders Rantzer:
Control of uncertain systems: A linear programming approach : By Munther A. Dahleh and Ignacio J. Diaz-Bobillo. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1995). ISBN 0-13-280645-2. 947-948 - Ger Honderd:
Iterative learning control for deterministic systems : By Kevin L. Moore. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1992). ISBN 3-540-19707-9. 948-949
Volume 32, Number 7, July 1996
- Huibert Kwakernaak:
New editorial appointment. 957-958 - Ian R. Petersen, Matthew R. James
Performance analysis and controller synthesis for nonlinear systems with stochastic uncertainty constraints. 959-972 - Fabienne Berthier
, J.-P. Diard, Luc Pronzato, Eric Walter:
Identifiability and distinguishability concepts in electrochemistry. 973-984 - Er-Wei Bai, Krishan M. Nagpal, Roberto Tempo:
Bounded-error parameter estimation: Noise models and recursive algorithms. 985-999 - Andrey V. Savkin, Ian R. Petersen:
Robust control with a terminal state constraint. 1001-1005 - Pascal Gahinet:
Explicit controller formulas for LMI-based H∞ synthesis. 1007-1014 - Osvaldo Maria Grasselli, Sauro Longhi
, Antonio Tornambè
, Paolo Valigi
Robust output regulation and tracking for linear periodic systems under structured uncertainties. 1015-1019 - A. Nazli Gündes, M. Güntekin Kabuli:
Reliable stabilization with integral action in decentralized control systems. 1021-1025 - Pedro Albertos
, Julián Salt
, Josep Tornero:
Dual-rate adaptive control. 1027-1030 - Brian D. O. Anderson, Manfred Deistler, Wolfgang Scherrer:
Solution set properties for static errors-in-variables problems. 1031-1035 - Feng Zhao, Vadim I. Utkin:
Adaptive simulation and control of variable-structure control systems in sliding regimes. 1037-1042 - Konrad Szafnicki, Didier Graillot:
Knowledge-based real-time fault detection and supervision of urban drainage systems. 1043-1047 - Luigi Chisci
, Andrea Garulli
, Giovanni Zappa:
Recursive state bounding by parallelotopes. 1049-1055 - Jaesop Kong, Jin H. Seo:
Graph-theoretic characterization of fixed modes in frequency domain. 1057-1060 - Chih-Min Lin, Maan-Huang Tu:
Multivariable model reference linear quadratic optimal systems. 1061-1065 - Keck Voon Ling
, Khiang Wee Lim:
A state space GPC with extensions to multirate control. 1067-1071 - Han Ho Choi, Myung Jin Chung:
Observer-based H∞ controller design for state delayed linear systems. 1073-1075 - Mao-Lin Ni, Ying Chen:
Decentralized stabilization and output tracking of large-scale uncertain systems. 1077-1080 - Driss Mehdi, Mohammed Al Hamid, François Perrin:
Robustness and optimality of linear quadratic controller for uncertain systems. 1081-1083 - Zongli Lin, Ali Saberi, Peddapullaiah Sannuti, Yacov A. Shamash:
Perfect regulation of linear discrete-time systems: A low-gain-based design approach. 1085-1091
Volume 32, Number 8, August 1996
- Lennart Ljung:
Automatica prize paper awards 1996. 1099 - Mehdi Abrishamchian, B. Ross Barmish:
Reduction of robust stabilization problems to standard H∞ problems for classes of systems with structured uncertainty. 1101-1115 - Karolos M. Grigoriadis
, Robert E. Skelton:
Low-order control design for LMI problems using alternating projection methods. 1117-1125 - Jun Hu, Darren M. Dawson:
Adaptive control of induction motor systems despite rotor resistance uncertainty. 1127-1143 - Matthew L. Tyler, Manfred Morari:
Performance monitoring of control systems using likelihood methods. 1145-1162 - Victor F. Sokolov:
Closed-loop identification for the best asymptotic performance of adaptive robust control. 1163-1176 - John D. Finney, Bonnie S. Heck:
Matrix scaling for large-scale system decomposition. 1177-1181 - Jian-Hua Ge, Paul Martin Frank, Ching-Fang Lin:
Robust H∞ state feedback control for linear systems with state delay and parameter uncertainty. 1183-1185 - Jianliang Wang
, N. Sundararajan:
Extended nonlinear flight controller design for aircraft. 1187-1193 - Sing Kiong Nguang
, Minyue Fu
Robust nonlinear H∞ filtering. 1195-1199 - Ali Saberi, Peddapullaiah Sannuti, Anton A. Stoorvogel:
H2 optimal controllers with measurement feedback for continuous-time systems - Flexibility in closed-loop pole placement. 1201-1209 - Zhong-Ping Jiang, Iven M. Y. Mareels
, Yuan Wang:
A Lyapunov formulation of the nonlinear small-gain theorem for interconnected ISS systems. 1211-1215 - Luc Jaulin, Eric Walter:
Guaranteed tuning, with application to robust control and motion planning. 1217-1221 - Peter J. Gawthrop, Richard W. Jones, Daniel G. Sbarbaro
Emulator-based control and internal model control: Complementary approaches to robust control design. 1223-1227 - Eun Tae Jeung, Do Chang Oh, Jong Hae Kim, Hong Bae Park:
Robust controller design for uncertain systems with time delays: LMI approach. 1229-1231 - Andreas Moser:
Extending the domain of definition of functional series for nonlinear systems. 1233-1234 - Claes G. Källström:
Guidance and control of ocean vehicles : By Thor I. Fossen. Wiley, Chichester (1996). ISBN 0-471-94113-1. 1235 - H. Vincent Poor:
Detection of abrupt changes: Theory and application : By Michèle and Igor V. Nikiforov. PTR Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1993). ISBN 0-13-126780-9. 1235-1236
Volume 32, Number 9, September 1996
- Jacques Hernandez, Jean-Pierre Barbot:
Sliding observer-based feedback control for flexible joints manipulator. 1243-1254 - Alberto Tesi
, Eyad H. Abed, Roberto Genesio, Hua O. Wang:
Harmonic balance analysis of period-doubling bifurcations with implications for control of nonlinear dynamics. 1255-1271 - Laurent El Ghaoui
, Gérard Scorletti:
Control of rational systems using linear-fractional representations and linear matrix inequalities. 1273-1284 - Bryon R. Maner, Francis J. Doyle III, Babatunde A. Ogunnaike
, Ronald K. Pearson:
Nonlinear model predictive control of a simulated multivariable polymerization reactor using second-order Volterra models. 1285-1301 - François Chaplais, Kamal Alaoui:
Two time scaled parameter identification by coordination of local identifiers. 1303-1309 - Graham W. Pulford, Robin J. Evans
Probabilistic data association for systems with multiple simultaneous measurements. 1311-1316 - Alexander I. Matasov, Vladimir Samokhvalov:
Guaranteeing parameter estimation with anomalous measurement errors. 1317-1322 - Rabah W. Aldhaheri
, Hassan K. Khalil:
Effect of unmodeled actuator dynamics on output feedback stabilization of nonlinear systems. 1323-1327 - Amit Ailon, Rogelio Lozano:
Controller-observers for set-point tracking of flexible-joint robots including Coriolis and centripetal effects in motor dynamics. 1329-1331 - Vijay V. Patel:
On least-degree unit interpolation in RH∞. 1333-1335 - Jong Hae Kim, Eun Tae Jeung, Hong Bae Park:
Robust control for parameter uncertain delay systems in state and control input. 1337-1339 - Geert Jan Olsder:
Foundations of game theory: Noncooperative games : By Nicolai N. Vorob'ev. Birkhäuser-Verlag, Basel (1994). ISBN 3-7643-2378-7. ISBN 0-8176-2378-7. 1341-1342
Volume 32, Number 10, October 1996
- Huibert Kwakernaak:
Editorial. 1347-1348 - Soura Dasgupta, Brian D. O. Anderson:
A Parametrization for the closed-loop identification of nonlinear time-varying systems. 1349-1360 - Mayuresh V. Kothare, Venkataramanan Balakrishnan
, Manfred Morari:
Robust constrained model predictive control using linear matrix inequalities, . 1361-1379 - Fernando Paganini:
Robust stability under mixed time-varying, time-invariant and parametric uncertainty. 1381-1392 - Paul A. S. De Wit, Romeo Ortega, Iven Mareels
Indirect field-oriented control of induction motors is robustly globally stable. 1393-1402 - Rudolf Kulhavý
, Frantisek J. Kraus:
On duality of regularized exponential and linear forgetting. 1403-1415 - Fen Wu
Induced L2 norm model reduction of polytopic uncertain linear systems. 1417-1426 - Quan-Gen Zhou, William R. Cluett:
Recursive Identification of Time-varying Systems via Incremental Estimation. 1427-1431 - Ralf Rothfuß, Joachim Rudolph
, Michael Zeitz:
Flatness based control of a nonlinear chemical reactor model. 1433-1439 - Basil Kouvaritakis, Jesse R. Gossner, J. Anthony Rossiter
A priori stability conditions for an arbitrary number of unstable poles. 1441-1446 - Clive Marsh, Hao Wei:
Robustness bounds for systems with parametric uncertainty. 1447-1453 - Amit Ailon:
Output controllers based on iterative schemes for set-point regulation of uncertain flexible-joint robot models. 1455-1461 - Mark M. Kogan
, Juri I. Neimark:
Locally optimal adaptive control without persistent excitation. 1463-1467 - Gang Feng
, Shu-Guang Cao, Neville W. Rees:
An approach to H∞ control of a class of nonlinear systems. 1469-1474 - Giuseppe De Nicolao, Lalo Magni
, Riccardo Scattolini
Robust predictive control of systems with uncertain impulse response. 1475-1479 - H. Kashiwagi:
Identification of multivariable industrial processes, for simulation, diagnosis and control : By Y. Zhu and T. Backx. Springer-Verlag, London (1993). ISBN 0-387-19835-0/3-540-19835-0. 1481
Volume 32, Number 11, November 1996
- Huibert Kwakernaak:
The Automatica and editor-in-chief's world wide web sites. 1491 - Jacob Reiner, Gary J. Balas, William L. Garrard:
Flight control design using robust dynamic inversion and time-scale separation. 1493-1504 - T. J. Harris, F. Boudreau, John F. Macgregor:
Performance assessment of multivariable feedback controllers. 1505-1518 - Ruth F. Curtain, George Weiss
, Martin Weiss:
Coprime factorization for regular linear systems. 1519-1531 - Keyvan Hashtrudi-Zaad, Khashayar Khorasani:
An integral manifold approach to tracking control for a class of non-minimum phase linear systems using output feedback. 1533-1552 - Panagiotis D. Christofides, Prodromos Daoutidis:
Compensation of measurable disturbances for two-time-scale nonlinear systems. 1553-1573 - Kanti B. Datta, Vijay V. Patel:
H∞-based synthesis for a robust controller of interval plants. 1575-1579 - Xin Xin, Lei Guo, Chun-Bo Feng:
Reduced-order controllers for continuous and discrete-time singular H∞ control problems based on LMI. 1581-1585 - N. L. C. Chui, Jan M. Maciejowski:
Realization of stable models with subspace methods. 1587-1595 - D. L. Yu
, Derek Nicholas Shields:
A bilinear fault detection observer. 1597-1602 - Guang-Hong Yang, Si-Ying Zhang:
Decentralized robust control for interconnected systems with time-varying uncertainties. 1603-1608 - Carla A. Schwartz, Aiguo Yan:
Smooth stabilization of nonlinear control systems. 1609-1611 - Marc De Neyer, Raymond Gorez:
Comments on 'practical design of nonlinear fuzzy controllers with stability analysis for regulating processes with unknown mathematical models'. 1613-1614 - H. Ying:
Author's reply to M. De Neyer and R. Gorez's comments. 1615 - Bernard Delyon:
Adaptive IRR filtering in signal processing and control : By Phillip A. Regalia. Marcel Dekker, New York (1995). ISBN 0-8247-9289-0. 1617 - Shaohua Tan:
NeuroFuzzy adaptive modelling and control : By Martin Brown and Chris Harris. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1994). IBSN 0-13-134453-6. 1618-1619 - Peter C. Young, Wlodek Tych
Operational control of water systems: Structures, algorithms and applications : By M. A. Brdys and B. Ulanicki. 1619-1620
Volume 32, Number 12, December 1996
- Huibert Kwakernaak:
Electronic submission and review of technical communiques and correspondence items. 1627-1628 - Sarangapani Jagannathan, Frank L. Lewis:
Robust implicit self-tuning regulator: Convergence and stability. 1629-1644 - Bernard Hanzon, Jan M. Maciejowski:
Constructive algebra methods for the L2-problem for stable linear systems. 1645-1657 - Håkan Hjalmarsson
, Michel Gevers, Franky De Bruyne:
For model-based control design, closed-loop identification gives better performance. 1659-1673 - Tzyh Jong Tarn, Ning Xi, Antal K. Bejczy:
Path-based approach to integrated planning and control for robotic systems : A path-based approach provides an analytical integration of robot planning and control. As a result, the task level control can be achieved, and the system is capable of coping with unexpected or uncertain events. 1675-1687 - Tomas McKelvey, Thomas Abrahamsson, Lennart Ljung:
Vibration data analysis for a commercial aircraft : Multivariable vibration data from an aircraft is analyzed using modern system identification tools. The identified linear vibrational model accurately describes the measured motion. 1689-1700 - Yonghong Tan, Achiel R. Van Cauwenberghe:
Nonlinear one-step-ahead control using neural networks: Control strategy and stability design. 1701-1706 - Sarangapani Jagannathan, Frank L. Lewis:
Identification of nonlinear dynamical systems using multilayered neural networks. 1707-1712 - Wei Lin, Liyi Dai:
Solutions to the output regulation problem of linear singular systems. 1713-1718 - Miroslav Kárný
Towards fully probabilistic control design. 1719-1722 - El Houssaine Tissir
, Abdelaziz Hmamed:
Further results on stability of dbt(t) = Ax(t) + Bx(t-τ). 1723-1726 - Brian G. Romanchuk:
Computing regions of attraction with polytopes: Planar case. 1727-1732 - Miomir Vukobratovic, Dusko Katic:
Stabilizing position/force control of robots interacting with environment by learning connectionist structures. 1733-1739 - T. Sasagawa, Jacques L. Willems:
Parametrization method for calculating exact stability bounds of stochastic linear systems with multiplicative noise. 1741-1747 - Altug Iftar, Ümit Özgüner:
A game theoretic approach to the optimal control of uncertain systems. 1749-1752 - Wei Xing Zheng:
Identification of closed-loop systems with low-order controllers. 1753-1757 - Li Yu, Jian Chu, Hongye Su:
Robust memoryless H∞ controller design for linear time-delay systems with norm-bounded time-varying uncertainty. 1759-1762

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