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Advanced Robotics, Volume 27
Volume 27, Number 1, 2013
- Dragomir N. Nenchev:
Special Issue on Cutting Edge of Robotics in Japan 2013. 1
- Hiroko Kamide, Koji Kawabe, Satoshi Shigemi, Tatsuo Arai:
Development of a psychological scale for general impressions of humanoid. 3-17 - Ryosuke Kawanishi, Atsushi Yamashita, Toru Kaneko, Hajime Asama
Parallel line-based structure from motion by using omnidirectional camera in textureless scene. 19-32 - Nicolas Schmit, Masafumi Okada:
Optimal design of nonlinear springs in robot mechanism: simultaneous design of trajectory and spring force profiles. 33-46 - Hiroya Yamada, Shunichi Takaoka, Shigeo Hirose:
A snake-like robot for real-world inspection applications (the design and control of a practical active cord mechanism). 47-60 - Hiroyuki Ishii, Qing Shi, Shogo Fumino, Shinichiro Konno, Shinichi Kinoshita, Satoshi Okabayashi, Naritoshi Iida, Hiroshi Kimura, Yu Tahara, Shigenobu Shibata, Atsuo Takanishi:
A novel method to develop an animal model of depression using a small mobile robot. 61-69 - Shunsuke Yajima
, Seiichiro Katsura:
A decoupling controller design and analysis of multilateral control using disturbance observer in modal space. 71-80
Volume 27, Number 2, 2013
- Hamid Abdi, Anthony A. Maciejewski
, Saeid Nahavandi:
Reliability maps for probabilistic guarantees of task motion for robotic manipulators. 81-92 - Naoki Oyama, Zhaojia Liu, Lounell B. Gueta, Jun Ota
Task apportionment in a rearrangement problem of multiple mobile robots. 93-107 - Valerio Salvucci, Yasuto Kimura, Sehoon Oh
, Yoichi Hori:
Non-linear phase different control for precise output force of bi-articularly actuated manipulators. 109-120 - Zhuming Bi:
Design of a spherical parallel kinematic machine for ankle rehabilitation. 121-132 - Amir Rezaei, Alireza Akbarzadeh Tootoonchi
Position and stiffness analysis of a new asymmetric 2PRR-PPR parallel CNC machine. 133-145 - Yi Cao, Clément Gosselin
, Ping Ren, Hui Zhou:
Orientationability analyses of a special class of the Stewart-Gough parallel manipulators using the unit quaternion representation. 147-158
Volume 27, Number 3, 2013
- Hoang Huu Viet, Sang Hyeok An, TaeChoong Chung:
Dyna-Q-based vector direction for path planning problem of autonomous mobile robots in unknown environments. 159-173 - Han-Pang Huang, Jiu-Lou Yan, Teng-Hu Cheng:
State-incremental optimal control of 3D COG pattern generation for humanoid robots. 175-188 - Sang-Duck Lee, Byeong-Sang Kim, Jae-Bok Song:
Human-robot collision model with effective mass and manipulability for design of a spatial manipulator. 189-198 - Masahiko Hoshina, Tomoaki Mashimo, Naoki Fukaya, Osamu Matsubara, Shigeki Toyama:
Spherical ultrasonic motor drive system for camera orientation in pipe inspection. 199-209 - Manuel Nandayapa
, Chowarit Mitsantisuk, Kiyoshi Ohishi
Enhancing transparency on a ball screw teleoperation robot system using a novel velocity estimation method with FPGA. 211-222
- Inyong Ha, Yusuke Tamura
, Hajime Asama
Development of open platform humanoid robot DARwIn-OP. 223-232
Volume 27, Number 4, 2013
- Yanjiang Huang, Lounell B. Gueta, Ryosuke Chiba, Tamio Arai, Tsuyoshi Ueyama, Jun Ota
Selection of manipulator system for multiple-goal task by evaluating task completion time and cost with computational time constraints. 233-245 - Kwangjin Yang, Daehan Jung, Salah Sukkarieh
Continuous curvature path-smoothing algorithm using cubic B zier spiral curves for non-holonomic robots. 247-258 - David Schacter, Christopher Wang, Goldie Nejat, Beno Benhabib:
A two-dimensional facial-affect estimation system for human-robot interaction using facial expression parameters. 259-273 - Junzhi Yu, Ming Wang, Zongshuai Su, Min Tan, Jianwei Zhang:
Dynamic modeling of a CPG-governed multijoint robotic fish. 275-285 - Kimitoshi Yamazaki, Takemitsu Mori, Takashi Yamamoto, Masayuki Inaba:
Cuboid-based mapping using time-series range data for a daily assistive robot working on a daily environment. 287-299
- Yonghyun Jo, Han-Young Jang, Yeon-Ho Kim, Joon-Kee Cho, Hadi Moradi, JungHyun Han:
Memory-efficient real-time map building using octree of planes and points. 301-308
Volume 27, Number 5, 2013
- Fumitoshi Matsuno
, Itsuki Noda, Robin R. Murphy, Andreas Birk
Preface. 309
- Ramazan Havangi
, Mohammad Ali Nekoui, Hamid D. Taghirad
, Mohammad Teshnehlab:
An intelligent UFastSLAM with MCMC move step. 311-324 - David Portugal
, Rui P. Rocha
Multi-robot patrolling algorithms: examining performance and scalability. 325-336 - Quirin Hamp, Omar Gorgis, Patrick Labenda, Marc Neumann
, Thomas Predki, Leif Heckes, Alexander Kleiner, Leonhard M. Reindl
Study of efficiency of USAR operations with assistive technologies. 337-350 - Yungeun Choe, Inwook Shim
, Myung Jin Chung:
Urban structure classification using the 3D normal distribution transform for practical robot applications. 351-371 - Wing-Yue Geoffrey Louie, Goldie Nejat:
A victim identification methodology for rescue robots operating in cluttered USAR environments. 373-384 - Masaru Shimizu, Tomoichi Takahashi:
Training platform for rescue robot operation and pair operations of multi-robots. 385-391 - Seonghee Jeong, Takayuki Takahashi:
Unified evaluation index of safety and dexterity of a human symbiotic manipulator. 393-405
Volume 27, Number 6, 2013
- Motoki Takagi, Jumpei Arata, Akihito Sano, Hideo Fujimoto:
A new desk-top encounter-type haptic device with an actively driven pen-tablet LCD panel. 407-415 - Yo Kobayashi
, Akinori Onishi, Hiroki Watanabe, Takeharu Hoshi, Kazuya Kawamura, Masakatsu G. Fujie:
Developing a method to plan robotic straight needle insertion using a probability-based assessment of puncture occurrence. 417-430 - Kwangjin Yang, Seng Keat Gan, Salah Sukkarieh
A Gaussian process-based RRT planner for the exploration of an unknown and cluttered environment with a UAV. 431-443 - Zhaojia Liu, Hiromasa Kamogawa, Jun Ota
Fast grasping of unknown objects through automatic determination of the required number of mobile robots. 445-458 - Christian Dornhege, Alexander Kleiner:
A frontier-void-based approach for autonomous exploration in 3D. 459-468 - Yasuhiro Sugimoto, Keisuke Naniwa
, Koichi Osuka, Yoshiyuki Sankai:
Static and dynamic properties of McKibben pneumatic actuator for self-stability of legged-robot motion. 469-480
Volume 27, Number 7, 2013
- Rui Fukui, Masahiko Watanabe, Masamichi Shimosaka, Tomomasa Sato:
Development of wrist contour measuring device for an interface using hand shape recognition. 481-492 - Takehito Kikuchi
, Toshimasa Tanaka, Kenichi Anzai, Sensi Kawakami, Masayuki Hosaka, Kazumi Niino:
Evaluation of line-tracing controller of intelligently controllable walker. 493-502 - Shinya Onogi
, Yasuhiro Urayama, Sachie Irisawa, Kohji Masuda:
Robotic ultrasound probe handling auxiliary by active compliance control. 503-512 - Takamitsu Matsubara, Daisuke Shinohara, Masatsugu Kidode:
Reinforcement learning of a motor skill for wearing a T-shirt using topology coordinates. 513-524 - Teppei Tsujita, Kazuya Sase, Atsushi Konno, Masano Nakayama, XiaoShuai Chen, Koyu Abe, Masaru Uchiyama:
Design and evaluation of an encountered-type haptic interface using MR fluid for surgical simulators. 525-540 - Kenji Hashimoto, Yuki Takezaki, Hun-ok Lim, Atsuo Takanishi:
Walking stabilization based on gait analysis for biped humanoid robot. 541-551 - Fuminobu Kimura
, Akio Yamamoto:
Effect of delays in softness display using contact area control: rendering of surface viscoelasticity. 553-566
Volume 27, Number 8, 2013
- Byeong-Sang Kim, Shinsuk Park, Jae-Bok Song, Byungchan Kim:
Equilibrium point control of a robot manipulator using biologically-inspired redundant actuation system. 567-579 - Zhaojia Liu, Lounell B. Gueta, Jun Ota
A strategy for fast grasping of unknown objects using partial shape information from range sensors. 581-595 - Guangming Wang, Xiandong Ma
, Tianjiang Hu, Daibing Zhang:
Experimental and analytical study on factors influencing biomimetic undulating fin propulsion performance based on orthogonal experimental design. 597-609 - Yi Sun
, Shugen Ma:
A versatile locomotion mechanism for amphibious robots: eccentric paddle mechanism. 611-625 - Shahrul Naim Sidek
, Nilanjan Sarkar:
Exploiting wheel slips of mobile robots to improve navigation performance. 627-639 - Gattupalli Aditya, Vijay Eathakota, Arun Kumar Singh, K. Madhava Krishna:
A simulation framework for evolution on uneven terrains for synchronous drive robot. 641-654
Volume 27, Number 9, 2013
- Atsushi Konno, Koki Kikuchi, Nathan Michael:
Preface. 655 - Masaki Hamamoto, Yoshiji Ohta, Keita Hara, Toshiaki Hisada:
Free-flight analysis of dragonfly hovering by fluid-structure interaction analysis based on an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method. 657-666 - Matt Shields, Kamran Mohseni:
Passive mitigation of roll stall for low aspect ratio wings. 667-681 - Ryuta Ozawa, François Chaumette
Dynamic visual servoing with image moments for an unmanned aerial vehicle using a virtual spring approach. 683-696 - Luciano C. A. Pimenta
, Guilherme A. S. Pereira
, Mateus M. Gonçalves, Nathan Michael, Matthew Turpin, Vijay Kumar:
Decentralized controllers for perimeter surveillance with teams of aerial robots. 697-709 - Jörg Müller, Wolfram Burgard
Efficient probabilistic localization for autonomous indoor airships using sonar, air flow, and IMU sensors. 711-724 - Patrick P. Neumann, Victor Manuel Hernandez Bennetts, Achim J. Lilienthal
, Matthias Bartholmai, Jochen H. Schiller
Gas source localization with a micro-drone using bio-inspired and particle filter-based algorithms. 725-738
Volume 27, Number 10, 2013
- Seo-Yeon Hwang, Jae-Bok Song:
Clustering and probabilistic matching of arbitrarily shaped ceiling features for monocular vision-based SLAM. 739-747 - Chyon Hae Kim
, Hiroshi Tsujino
, Hiroyuki Nakahara
Reinforcement learning system based on heuristics free state focusing. 749-758 - Sukjune Yoon, Seungyong Hyung, Minhyung Lee, Kyung Shik Roh, SungHwan Ahn, Andrew P. Gee, Pished Bunnun, Andrew Calway, Walterio W. Mayol-Cuevas:
Real-time 3D simultaneous localization and map-building for a dynamic walking humanoid robot. 759-772 - Pablo J. Prieto, Ernesto Rubio, Luis Hernández, Orlando Urquijo:
Proxy-based sliding mode control on platform of 3 degree of freedom (3-DOF). 773-784 - Leonardo Marquez Pedro
, Valdinei Luís Belini
, Glauco Augusto de Paula Caurin
Learning how to grasp based on neural network retraining. 785-797 - Huimin Lu, Xun Li, Hui Zhang, Mei Hu, Zhiqiang Zheng:
Robust and real-time self-localization based on omnidirectional vision for soccer robots. 799-811
Volume 27, Number 11, 2013
- Mohammed Moshiul Hoque
, Tomomi Onuki, Yoshinori Kobayashi, Yoshinori Kuno
Effect of robot's gaze behaviors for attracting and controlling human attention. 813-829 - Javier Echavarri Otero, Marco Ceccarelli
, Giuseppe Carbone
, Cristina Alén
, José Luis Muñoz Sanz, Andrés Díaz Lantada, Juan Manuel Muñoz-Guijosa
Towards a safety index for assessing head injury potential in service robotics. 831-844 - S. Javad Hasaneini, C. J. B. Macnab, John E. A. Bertram, Henry Leung:
The dynamic optimization approach to locomotion dynamics: human-like gaits from a minimally-constrained biped model. 845-859 - Jadav Das, Nilanjan Sarkar:
Passivity-based target manipulation inside a deformable object by a robotic system with noncollocated feedback. 861-875 - Seung-Hee Lee, Heon-Cheol Lee, Beom Hee Lee:
A scan restoration method for robust polar scan matching in dynamic environments. 877-891 - Ramón González, Francisco Rodríguez
, José Luis Guzmán
, Cédric Pradalier, Roland Siegwart
Control of off-road mobile robots using visual odometry and slip compensation. 893-906
Volume 27, Number 12, 2013
- Fumihito Sugai, Satoko Abiko, Xin Jiang, Atsushi Konno, Masaru Uchiyama:
Compensation for dead band of force measurement based on the coefficient of restitution in a hybrid simulator. 907-917 - Victor Ragusila, Mohammad Reza Emami:
A novel robotic leg design with hybrid dynamics. 919-931 - Keisuke Nakamura, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Hiroshi G. Okuno
A real-time super-resolution robot audition system that improves the robustness of simultaneous speech recognition. 933-945 - Shuji Oishi
, Ryo Kurazume
, Yumi Iwashita, Tsutomu Hasegawa:
Range image smoothing and completion utilizing laser intensity. 947-958 - Xin Xin:
On simultaneous control of the energy and actuated variables of underactuated mechanical systems - example of the acrobot with counterweight. 959-969
- Junzhi Yu, Changming Wei:
Towards development of a slider-crank centered self-propelled dolphin robot. 971-977
Volume 27, Number 13, 2013
- Marco Ceccarelli
, Cesare Rossi
Preface. 979-980 - Sergio Savino
An algorithm for robot motion detection by means of a stereoscopic vision system. 981-991 - Tadej Petric
, Andrej Gams
, Tadej Debevec
, Leon Zlajpah, Jan Babic
Control approaches for robotic knee exoskeleton and their effects on human motion. 993-1002 - Luka Peternel
, Jan Babic
Learning of compliant human-robot interaction using full-body haptic interface. 1003-1012 - Fotios Dimeas
, Panagiotis N. Koustoumpardis
, Nikos A. Aspragathos
Admittance neuro-control of a lifting device to reduce human effort. 1013-1022 - Bojan Nemec, Rok Vuga, Ales Ude
Efficient sensorimotor learning from multiple demonstrations. 1023-1031 - Giuseppe Carbone
, Ettore D'Aliesio, Gunnar Borchert, Annika Raatz
Design and validation of the binary actuated parallel manipulator BAPAMAN2. 1033-1043
Volume 27, Number 14, 2013
- Nicolas Perrin, Olivier Stasse
, Florent Lamiraux, Eiichi Yoshida
Humanoid motion generation and swept volumes: theoretical bounds for safe steps. 1045-1058 - Yusuke Kariya, Hiroyuki Yahagi, Masato Takehisa, Shigeki Yoshihara, Taiki Ogata
, Tatsunori Hara
, Jun Ota
Modeling and designing aircraft taxiing patterns for a large airport. 1059-1072 - Dong Yeop Kim
, Hyukdoo Choi, Heesung Lee
, Euntai Kim:
A new cvSLAM exploiting a partially known landmark association. 1073-1086 - Yu Tian, Nilanjan Sarkar:
Game-based pursuit evasion for nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots subject to wheel slips. 1087-1097 - Masahiro Hirai, Shigeo Hirose, Woosub Lee:
Gunryu III: reconfigurable magnetic wall-climbing robot for decommissioning of nuclear reactor. 1099-1111 - Rahul Kala
Rapidly exploring random graphs: motion planning of multiple mobile robots. 1113-1122 - Eduardo Gamaliel Hernández-Martínez, José-Job Flores-Godoy
, Guillermo Fernández-Anaya
Marching control based on the leader-followers scheme and formation graphs. 1123-1135
Volume 27, Number 15, 2013
- Shigeo Hirose, Evgeny Lazarenko, Gen Endo
Non-Tumbling Gait and directional normalized energy stability margin. 1137-1145 - Isaku Nagai, Genki Yamauchi, Keiji Nagatani, Keigo Watanabe, Kazuya Yoshida
Positioning device for outdoor mobile robots using optical sensors and lasers. 1147-1160 - Ui-Hyun Kim, Hiroshi G. Okuno
Improved binaural sound localization and tracking for unknown time-varying number of speakers. 1161-1173 - Wonseok Choi, Seyoung Oh:
Fast nearest neighbor search algorithm using the cache technique. 1175-1187 - Chang-Bae Moon, Woojin Chung:
Trajectory time scaling of a mobile robot to avoid dynamic obstacles on the basis of the INLVO. 1189-1198 - Chyon Hae Kim
, Shigeki Sugano
A GPU parallel computing method for LPUSS. 1199-1207 - Gianluca Palli
, Salvatore Pirozzi
Optical sensor for angular position measurements embedded in robotic finger joints. 1209-1220
Volume 27, Number 16, 2013
- Micael S. Couceiro
, Rui P. Rocha
, Nuno M. F. Ferreira
A PSO multi-robot exploration approach over unreliable MANETs. 1221-1234 - Hitoshi Kino
, Shiro Kikuchi, Yuki Matsutani, Kenji Tahara
, Takahiro Nishiyama
Numerical analysis of feedforward position control for non-pulley musculoskeletal system: a case study of muscular arrangements of a two-link planar system with six muscles. 1235-1248 - Roope Eskola, Heikki Handroos:
Novel horseback riding simulator based on 6-DOF motion measurement, a motion base, and interactive control of gaits. 1249-1257 - Fan Liang, Yang Yu, Xiaofeng Meng:
Multivariate vector autoregressive prognosis-based model following control method for robot-assisted beating heart surgery. 1259-1271 - Mohan Santhakumar
A nonregressor nonlinear disturbance observer-based adaptive control scheme for an underwater manipulator. 1273-1283 - Heon-Cheol Lee, Beom Hee Lee:
Enhanced-spectrum-based map merging for multi-robot systems. 1285-1300
Volume 27, Number 17, 2013
- Yu Song, Qingling Li, Yifei Kang, Deli Yan:
Effective cubature FastSLAM: SLAM with Rao-Blackwellized particle filter and cubature rule for Gaussian weighted integral. 1301-1312 - Hisayoshi Sugiyama, Tetsuo Tsujioka, Masashi Murata:
Real-time exploration of a multi-robot rescue system in disaster areas. 1313-1323 - Aram Kawewong, Noppharit Tongprasit, Osamu Hasegawa:
A speeded-up online incremental vision-based loop-closure detection for long-term SLAM. 1325-1336 - Shinji Suzuki, Yasuhisa Hirata, Kazuhiro Kosuge, Hiroshi Onodera:
Motion support during the swing phase using cooperative walking support system. 1337-1349 - Yasushi Iwatani
A feedback combination of global optimization and local optimization for robust template-based visual tracking. 1351-1359 - Ling Mao, Zhenbo Li, Dawei Zhang, Jiapin Chen, Jiamin Qi:
A distributed market-based boundary coverage algorithm for multiple microrobots with network connectivity maintenance. 1361-1373 - Fumihide Tanaka, Toshimitsu Takahashi, Masahiko Morita:
Tricycle-style operation interface for children to control a telepresence robot. 1375-1384
Volume 27, Number 18, 2013
- Yasuhisa Hasegawa
, Saori Oura, Junji Takahashi:
Exoskeletal meal assistance system (EMAS II) for patients with progressive muscular disease. 1385-1398 - Dai Owaki, Koichi Osuka, Akio Ishiguro:
Stabilization mechanism underlying passive dynamic running. 1399-1407 - Shota Taki, Yoichi Handa, Naoyuki Hara, Dragomir N. Nenchev:
Simple timing generation along workspace paths for nonredundant robotic limbs. 1409-1420 - Xuan Vinh Ha, Cheolkeun Ha, Jewon Lee:
Novel hybrid optimization algorithm using PSO and MADS for the trajectory estimation of a four track wheel skid-steered mobile robot. 1421-1437 - Huimin Lu, Xun Li, Hui Zhang, Zhiqiang Zheng:
Robust place recognition based on omnidirectional vision and real-time local visual features for mobile robots. 1439-1453 - Óscar Martínez Mozos
, Hitoshi Mizutani, Hojung Jung
, Ryo Kurazume
, Tsutomu Hasegawa:
Categorization of indoor places by combining local binary pattern histograms of range and reflectance data from laser range finders. 1455-1464 - Kyohei Otsu, Masatsugu Otsuki
, Genya Ishigami
, Takashi Kubota:
Terrain adaptive detector selection for visual odometry in natural scenes. 1465-1476

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