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ICPR 1994: Jerusalem, Israel
- 12th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Conference A: Computer Vision & Image Processing, ICPR 1994, Jerusalem, Israel, 9-13 October, 1994, Volume 1. IEEE 1994, ISBN 0-8186-6265-4
- Frontmatter.
- Ioannis Matalas, Ralph Benjamin, Richard Kitney:
Edge detection and curve enhancement using the facet model and parametrized relaxation labelling. 1-5 - Albert Larré, Eduard Montseny:
A step edge detector algorithm based on symbolic analysis. ICPR (1) 1994: 6-10 - E. Fussfeld, Yehoshua Y. Zeevi:
Super-resolution estimation of edge images. 11-16 - Phil L. Palmer, Homam Dabis, Josef Kittler:
A performance measure of boundary detection algorithms. 17-21 - Bingcheng Li, Song De Ma:
Efficient computation of 3D moments. 22-26 - Song De Ma, Xun Chen:
Reconstruction of quadric surface from occluding contour. 27-31 - Marie-Odile Berger:
How to track efficiently piecewise curved contours with a view to reconstructing 3D objects. 32-36 - Adrian Hilton, John Illingworth, Terry Windeatt:
Statistics of surface curvature estimates. 37-41 - Djemel Ziou, Jean-Pierre Fabre, Shengrui Wang:
Performance evaluation of first order operators. 42-46 - Wenjing Tao, Hans Burkhardt:
An effective image thresholding method using a fuzzy compactness measure. 47-51 - Salvatore Tabbone:
Detecting junctions using properties of the Laplacian of Gaussian detector. 52-56 - Ji Y. Chang, Andrew J. Hanson:
Virtual line segment-based Hough transform. 57-62 - Timothy F. Cootes, Christopher J. Taylor:
Using grey-level models to improve active shape model search. 63-67 - Olof Henricsson, Walter M. Neuenschwander:
Controlling growing snakes by using key-points. 68-73 - Senthil Kumar, Dmitry B. Goldgof:
A robust technique for the estimation of the deformable hyperquadrics from images. 74-78 - Éric Bardinet, Laurent D. Cohen, Nicholas Ayache:
Fitting 3-D data using superquadrics and free-form deformations. 79-83 - Hans Netten, Ian T. Young, Michele Prins, Lucas J. van Vliet, Hans Tanke, Hans Vrolijk, Willem Sloos:
Automation of fluorescent dot counting in cell nuclei. 84-87 - Cheolwhan Lee, Yuan-Fang Wang, Darrin R. Uecker, Yulun Wang:
Image analysis for automated tracking in robot-assisted endoscopic surgery. 88-92 - Sei-ichiro Kamata, Michiharu Niimi, Eiji Kawaguchi:
Interactive analysis of multi-spectral images using a Hilbert curve. 93-97 - Shan Yu, Marc Berthod:
Urban area detection in satellite images using map knowledge by a feedback control technique. 98-102 - Francesco G. Callari, Umberto Maniscalco:
A new robust approach to image shading analysis and 3-D shape reconstruction. 103-107 - Mourad Zerroug, Ramakant Nevatia:
From an intensity image to 3-D segmented descriptions. 108-113 - Michael J. Brooks, Wojciech Chojnacki:
Direct computation of shape from shading. 114-119 - Ron Kimmel, Alfred M. Bruckstein:
Global shape from shading. 120-125 - Daphne Koller, Joseph Weber, Timothy Huang, Jitendra Malik, Gary H. Ogasawara, Stuart Russell, Bobby S. Rao:
Towards robust automatic traffic scene analysis in real-time. 126-131 - Cyril Zeller, Olivier D. Faugeras:
Applications of non-metric vision to some visual guided tasks. 132-136 - Ying Dai, Yasuaki Nakano, Hidetoshi Miyao:
Extraction of facial images from a complex background using SGLD matrices. 137-141 - Denis Lee, Ron Barber, Wayne Niblack, Myron Flickner, Jim Hafner, Dragutin Petkovic:
Indexing for complex queries on a query-by-content image database. 142-146 - Minori Noguchi, Shree K. Nayar:
Microscopic shape from focus using active illumination. 147-152 - Mats Gökstorp:
Computing depth from out-of-focus blur using a local frequency representation. 153-158 - Benoît Duc:
Motion estimation using invariance under group transformations. 159-163 - Thierry Cohignac, Christian Lopez, Jean-Michel Morel
Integral and local affine invariant parameter and application to shape recognition. 164-168 - Bingcheng Li, Song De Ma:
Moment difference method for the parameter estimation of a quadratic curve. 169-173 - Marcel Worring, Arnold W. M. Smeulders:
Discrete circular arcs. 174-178 - Théodore Papadopoulo, Olivier D. Faugeras:
Estimation of the second order spatio-temporal derivatives of deforming image curves. 179-184 - Paul L. Rosin:
Determining local natural scales of curves. 185-189 - Akihiro Sugimoto:
Geometric invariant of noncoplanar lines in a single view. 190-195 - Peter Meer, Sudhir Ramakrishna, Reiner Lenz:
Correspondence of coplanar features through p2-invariant representations. 196-200 - Luren Yang, Fritz Albregtsen:
Fast computation of invariant geometric moments: a new method giving correct results. 201-204 - Meir Barzohar, Daniel Keren, David B. Cooper:
Recognising groups of curves based on new affine mutual geometric invariants, with applications to recognizing intersecting roads in aerial images. 205-209 - Gerie W. A. M. van der Heijden:
Construction of a polygonal model using the Fisher-ratio criterion. 210-215 - Benoit Dubuc
, Steven W. Zucker:
Curve-like sets, normal complexity, and representation. 216-221 - Tat-Jen Cham
, Roberto Cipolla:
A local approach to recovering global skewed symmetry. 222-226 - Konstantin Y. Kupeev, Haim J. Wolfson:
On shape similarity. 227-231 - Elzbieta Marszalec, Matti Pietikäinen:
Online color camera calibration. 232-237 - Chao-Ming Wang, Zen Chen:
Camera parameter determination from a single view of a general planar calibration object. 238-242 - Quang-Tuan Luong, Olivier D. Faugeras:
On the direct determination of epipoles: a case study in algebraic methods for geometric problems. 243-247 - Quang-Tuan Luong, Olivier D. Faugeras:
An optimization framework for efficient self-calibration and motion determination. 248-252 - P. Jaillon, Annick Montanvert:
Image mosaicking applied to three-dimensional surfaces. 253-257 - Patrick Hébert, Denis Laurendeau, Denis Poussart:
Surface profile description: reliable geometric primitive extraction. 258-263 - Y. Tan, H. Freeman:
Use of the surface-attribute probe for 3-D object characterization. 264-268 - Roger Mohr, Changsheng Zhao, Gautier Koscielny:
Fusion of 3D B-spline surface patches reconstructed from image sequences. 269-273 - Winky Yan Kei Wai, John K. Tsotsos
Directing attention to onset and offset of image events for eye-head movement control. 274-279 - Claus B. Madsen, Henrik I. Christensen:
Determining angles with a movable observer. 280-284 - Iieisu Kinoshita, Koichiro Deguchi:
Simultaneous determination of camera pose and intrinsic parameters by visual servoing. 285-289 - Luc Van Gool, Theo Moons, Marc Proesmans, Marc Van Diest:
Affine reconstruction from perspective image pairs obtained by a translating camera. 290-294 - Byron Dom, David Steele, Dragutin Petkovic, Lionel Kuhlmann:
Algorithms for automatic disk head/slider inspection. 295-300 - Vincent Poulain D'Andecy, Jean Camillerapp, Ivan Leplumey:
Kalman filtering for segment detection: application to music scores analysis. 301-305 - Olivier Déforges, Dominique Barba:
A robust and multiscale document image segmentation for block line/text line structures extraction. 306-310 - Cullen Jennings, James R. Parker:
Vision knowledge vectorization: converting raster images into vector form. 311-315 - Yacov Hel-Or, Shimon Edelman:
A new approach to qualitative stereo. 316-320 - Masahiko Shizawa:
Reconstruction of multiple overlapping surfaces via standard regularization techniques. 321-325 - Michael Chan, Dimitris N. Metaxas:
Physics-based object pose and shape estimation from multiple views. 326-330 - Jiang Yu Zheng, Yoshihiro Fukagawa, Tetsuo Ohtsuka, Norihiro Abe:
Acquiring 3D models from rotation and highlights. 331-336 - X. Q. Li, Z. W. Zhao, H. D. Cheng, C.-M. Huang, R. W. Harris:
A fuzzy logic approach to image segmentation. 337-341 - Theo Gevers, V. K. Kajcovski:
Image segmentation by directed region subdivision. 342-346 - Matthew Lybanon, Suzanne M. Lea, Susan M. Himes:
Segmentation of diverse image types using opening and closing. 347-351 - Bingcheng Li, Song De Ma:
On the relation between region and contour representation. 352-355 - G. Sudhir, Subhashis Banerjee, K. K. Biswas, R. Bahl:
A cooperative integration of stereopsis and optic flow computation. 356-360 - Hongche Liu, Tsai-Hong Hong, Martin Herman, Rama Chellappa:
A generalized motion model for estimating optical flow using 3-D Hermite polynomials. 361-366 - Ron Kimmel, Nahum Kiryati
, Alfred M. Bruckstein:
Using multi-layer distance maps for motion planning on surfaces with moving obstacles. 367-372 - David Wilkes, Sven J. Dickinson, Ehud Rivlin, Ronen Basri:
Navigation based on a network of 2D images. 373-378 - Maria Petrou, Miroslaw Bober, Josef Kittler:
Multiresolution motion segmentation. 379-383 - Bernard Giai-Checa, Patrick Bouthemy, Thierry Viéville:
Segment-based detection of moving objects in a sequence of images. 384-389 - Yoshifumi Kitamura, Haruo Takemura, Narendra Ahuja, Fumio Kishino:
Efficient collision detection among objects in arbitrary motion using multiple shape representations. 390-396 - Thomas O'Donnell, Alok Gupta, Terrance E. Boult:
A periodic generalized cylinder model with local deformations for tracking closed contours exhibiting repeating motion. 397-402 - Harpreet S. Sawhney:
Simplifying motion and structure analysis using planar parallax and image warping. 403-408 - Serge Ayer, Philippe Schroeter, Patrick Brigger:
Time-varying motion estimation using orthogonal polynomials and applications. 409-414 - Mark Tabb, Narendra Ahuja:
A multiscale region-based approach to image matching. 415-419 - Thierry Viéville, Quang-Tuan Luong:
Computing motion and structure in image sequences without calibration. 420-425 - Benedicte Bascle, Patrick Bouthemy, Rachid Deriche, François G. Meyer:
Tracking complex primitives in an image sequence. 426-431 - Michael Chan, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Sven J. Dickinson:
Physics-based tracking of 3D objects in 2D image sequences. 432-436 - Ingemar J. Cox
, Sunita L. Hingorani:
An efficient implementation and evaluation of Reid's multiple hypothesis tracking algorithm for visual tracking. 437-442 - Dmitry Chetverikov:
GLDH based analysis of texture anisotropy and symmetry: an experimental study. 444-448 - Gabriele Lohmann:
Co-occurrence-based analysis and synthesis of textures. 449-453 - Anil K. Jain, Kalle Karu:
Automatic filter design for texture discrimination. 454-458 - Monika M. Gorkani, Rosalind W. Picard:
Texture orientation for sorting photos "at a glance". 459-464 - Matthew P. Howell, Patrick J. Flynn:
Guaranteed geometric hashing. 465-469 - Tal Arbel, Peter Whaite, Frank P. Ferrie:
Recognizing volumetric objects in the presence of uncertainty. 470-476 - Todd A. Cass:
Robust geometric matching for 3D object recognition. 477-482 - Efi Cohen, Haim J. Wolfson:
Partial matching of 3-D objects in CAD/CAM systems. 483-487 - Stan Z. Li, Han Wang
, Maria Petrou:
Relaxation labeling of Markov random fields. 488-492 - Robert M. Haralick:
Propagating covariance in computer vision. 493-498 - Hagit Zabrodsky, Shmuel Peleg, David Avnir:
Symmetry of fuzzy data. 499-504 - Horst Bischof, Walter G. Kropatsch:
Fuzzy curve pyramid. 505-509 - Carola Fassnacht, Pierre A. Devijver:
Image segmentation with a propagator Markov mesh model. 510-513 - Amar Mukherjee, Swapan K. Parui, B. B. Chaudhuri, R. Krishnan, K. K. Rao:
Detection of linear features in satellite imagery using robust estimation. 514-516 - Fabrice Bellet, Marc Salotti, Catherine Garbay:
Low level vision as the opportunist scheduling of incremental edge and region detection processes. 517-519 - Josiane Zerubia
, Zoltan Kato, Marc Berthod:
Multi-temperature annealing: a new approach for the energy-minimization of hierarchical Markov random field models. 520-522 - Ferran Marqués, Victor Vera, Antoni Gasull:
Recursive image sequence segmentation by hierarchical models. 523-525 - Evelyne Lutton, Patrice Martinez:
A genetic algorithm for the detection of 2D geometric primitives in images. 526-528 - Mehrdad Soumekh, Raj Acharya, A. Kriman:
Range-speed imaging with FM-CW signaling. 529-531 - Derek S. Morris, Moon Choo:
Thinning by thickening: using Gaussian filtering to perform feature preserving thinning. 532-535 - Václav Hlavác
, Tomás Pajdla, Milos Sommer:
Improvement of the curvature computation. 536-538 - Ian Poole, Derek Charleston:
Formal specification of image processing primitives in a functional language. 539-542 - Richard van Balen, Arnold W. M. Smeulders:
ScilImage: an environment for collaborative use and development of image processing software. 543-545 - C. L. Lee, Patrick S. P. Wang:
A new thinning algorithm. 546-548 - Xining Zhang, Robert M. Haralick, Visvanathan Ramesh:
Corner detection using the MAP technique. 549-552 - Olivier Monga, Richard Lengagne, Rachid Deriche:
Crest lines extraction in volume 3D medical images: a multi-scale approach. 553-555 - Sabine Urago, Josiane Zerubia
, Marc Berthod:
A Markovian model for contour grouping. 556-558 - Hang-Bong Kang, Ellen Lowenfeld Walker:
Multilevel grouping: combining bottom-up and top-down reasoning for object recognition. 559-562 - Zhengyou Zhang:
A new and efficient iterative approach to image matching. 563-565 - Marie-Pierre Dubuisson, Anil K. Jain:
A modified Hausdorff distance for object matching. 566-568 - Chitra Dorai, John Weng, Anil K. Jain:
Optimal registration of multiple range views. 569-571 - Daniel Scharstein:
Matching images by comparing their gradient fields. 572-575 - Gérard Subsol, Jean-Philippe Thirion, Nicholas Ayache:
Non rigid registration for building 3D anatomical atlases. 576-578 - Grégoire Malandain, Sara Fernández-Vidal, Jean-Marie Rocchisani:
Rigid registration of 3-D objects by motion analysis. 579-581 - Timo Ojala, Matti Pietikäinen, David Harwood:
Performance evaluation of texture measures with classification based on Kullback discrimination of distributions. 582-585 - Devesh Patel, Ian Hannah, E. R. Davies:
Foreign object detection via texture analysis. 586-588 - Lee Hepplewhite, T. John Stonham:
Surface inspection using texture recognition. 589-591 - Alexey Zalesny:
Homogeneity & texture. General approach. 592-594 - Richard J. Qian, Thomas S. Huang:
A two-dimensional edge detection scheme for general visual processing. 595-598 - Stuart G. Wolf, Ran Ginosar, Yehoshua Y. Zeevi:
Spatio-chromatic model for colour image processing. 599-601 - Warren S. Macchi, Niels da Vitoria Lobo:
Interreflections with rough surfaces. 602-605 - T. W. Cronin, N. Shashar, Lawrence B. Wolff:
Portable imaging polarimeters. 606-609 - Timothy F. Cootes, Christopher J. Taylor, Andreas Lanitis:
Multi-resolution search with active shape models. 610-612 - Walter M. Neuenschwander, Pascal Fua, Gábor Székely, Olaf Kübler:
Making snakes converge from minimal initialization. 613-615 - David A. Kosiba, Pierre M. Devaux, Sanjay Balasubramanian, Tarak Gandhi, Rangachar Kasturi:
An automatic jigsaw puzzle solver. 616-618 - Arie Pikaz, Its'hak Dinstein:
Optimal polygonal approximation of digital curves. 619-621 - Kenong Wu, Martin D. Levine:
Shape approximation: from multiview range images to parametric geons. 622-625 - Dominique Attali, Pascal Bertolino, Annick Montanvert:
Using polyballs to approximate shapes and skeletons. 626-628 - Hillel Rom, Gérard G. Medioni:
Part decomposition and description of 3D shapes. 629-632 - Richard P. Wildes:
Singularities of the visual motion field: 3D rotation or 3D translation. 633-636 - Thierry Viéville, Cyril Zeller, Luc Robert:
Recovering motion and structure from a set of planar patches in an uncalibrated image sequence. 637-640 - Yi-Sheng Yao, Rama Chellappa:
Estimation of unstabilized components in vehicular motion. 641-644 - Ting-Hu Wu, Rama Chellappa:
Stereoscopic recovery of egomotion and structure: models, uniqueness and experimental results. 645-648 - David W. Jacobs, Chakra Chennubhotla:
Finding structurally consistent motion correspondences. 650-653 - Yi-Sheng Yao, Rama Chellappa:
Dynamic feature point tracking in an image sequence. 654-657 - Tina Yu Tian, Mubarak Shah:
Estimating 3D motion and shape of multiple objects using Hough transform. 658-660 - Christoph Schnörr:
Segmentation of visual motion by minimizing convex non-quadratic functionals. 661-663 - Ming Xie:
On 3D reconstruction strategy: a case of conics. 665-667 - Hideo Saito, Nobuhiro Tsunashima:
Estimation of 3-D parametric models from shading image using genetic algorithms. 668-670 - Tsorng-Lin Chia, Zen Chen:
A vision method for computing 3-D location and shape parameters of a cone. 671-673 - Stephen S. Intille, Aaron F. Bobick:
Incorporating intensity edges in the recovery of occlusion regions. 674-677 - Mourad Zerroug, Ramakant Nevatia:
Segmentation and 3-D recovery of curved-axis generalized cylinders from an intensity image. 678-681 - Onno Wink, Arnold W. M. Smeulders, Dennis C. Koelma:
Location estimation of cylinders from a 2-D image. 682-684 - Rakesh Kumar, P. Anandan, Keith J. Hanna:
Direct recovery of shape from multiple views: a parallax based approach. 685-688 - Stéphane Laveau, Olivier D. Faugeras:
3-D scene representation as a collection of images. 689-691 - Jufu Feng, Qingyun Shi:
Improved 3-D shape recovery and correction algorithm from a single view. 692-694 - Zhengyou Zhang, Quang-Tuan Luong, Olivier D. Faugeras:
Motion of an uncalibrated stereo rig: self-calibration and metric reconstruction. 695-697 - Ronald Chung, Sai-Kee Wong:
Stereo image calibration using angle constraints. 698-700 - Jen-Luc Lotti, Gérard Giraudon:
Adaptive window algorithm for aerial image stereo. 701-703 - Luc Robert:
Camera calibration without feature extraction. 704-706 - Michael R. M. Jenkin, John K. Tsotsos
, Gregory Dudek:
The horoptor and active cyclotorsion. 707-710 - Xanthippos C. Magnisalis, Kim L. Boyer:
Hierarchical structural stereo matching with simultaneous autonomous camera calibration. 711-713 - K. Sunil Kumar, Uday B. Desai:
Integrated stereo vision-a multiresolution approach. 714-716 - Georgy L. Gimel'farb:
Intensity-based bi- and trinocular stereo vision: Bayesian decisions and regularizing assumptions. 717-719 - Hongtao Jiang, Erik Bølviken:
A general parameter updating approach to image classification. 720-722 - Michael Werman, Daphna Weinshall:
Similarity and affine distance between 2D point sets. 723-725 - Michael Lindenbaum:
On the amount of data required for reliable recognition. 726-729 - Serge Benayoun, Nicholas Ayache, Isaac Cohen:
Adaptive meshes and nonrigid motion computation. 730-732 - Jenny Benois-Pineau, Ling Wu, Philippe Delagnes, Dominique Barba:
Motion and structure based image segmentation for object oriented time-varying sequences coding. 733-735 - Zhigang Zhu
, Guangyou Xu, Dingji Shi:
Qualitative estimations of range and motion using spatio-temporal textural images. 736-738 - Thierry Viéville, Emmanuelle Clergue, Reyes Enciso, Hervé Mathieu:
Experimenting 3D vision on a robotic head. 739-742 - Steven C. Hsu, P. Anandan, Shmuel Peleg:
Accurate computation of optical flow by using layered motion representations. 743-746 - Yaser Yaccob, Larry Davis:
Recognizing facial expressions by spatio-temporal analysis. 747-749 - Jun Ohya, Fumio Kishino:
Human posture estimation from multiple images using genetic algorithm. 750-753 - Akitoshi Tsukamoto, Chil-Woo Lee, Saburo Tsuji:
Detection and pose estimation of human face with synthesized image models. 754-757 - Andrew H. Gee, Roberto Cipolla:
Estimating gaze from a single view of a face. 758-760 - Daniel Reisfeld, Nur Arad, Yehezkel Yeshurun:
Normalization of face images using few anchors. 761-763 - Young Ho Kwon, Niels da Vitoria Lobo:
Face detection using templates. 764-767 - D. M. Booth, C. J. Radford:
The detection of vehicles in airborne downward looking infrared linescan imagery. 769-772 - Nabil Madrane, Morris Goldberg:
Towards automatic annotation of video documents. 773-776 - Silke Richter, Dirk Wetzel:
A robust and stable road model. 777-780 - Lei-Jian Liu, Jing-Yu Yang, Ke Liu, Yong-Ge Wu, Wei Xia:
Auto image analysis of particle holograms. 781-783 - Ansgar Kaupp, Thomas Martin Lehmann, Rolf Effert, Dietrich Meyer-Ebrecht:
Automatic measurement of the angle of squint by Hough-transformation and covariance-filtering. 784-786 - Olli Silvén, Hannu Kauppinen:
Color vision based methodology for grading lumber. 787-790 - Robert Azencott, J. Yao:
Automated detection of cowhide defects using Markov random field techniques. 791-793 - Robert Sablatnig, Walter G. Kropatsch:
Automatic reading of analog display instruments. 794-797 - Sandrine Mathieu, Marc Berthod, Pierre Leymarie:
Determination of proportions and entropy of land use mixing in pixels of a multispectral satellite image. 798-800 - Franck Davoine, Jean-Marc Chassery:
Adaptive Delaunay triangulation for attractor image coding. 801-803 - A. Makarov, Jean-Marc Vesin, Murat Kunt:
Intrusion detection using extraction of moving edges. 804-807 - Sudeep Sarkar, Kim L. Boyer:
Using perceptual inference networks to manage vision processes. 808-810 - Marlies E. de Gunst, Jurgen den Hartog:
Knowledge-based updating of maps by interpretation of aerial images. 811-814 - Ramprasad Polana, Randal C. Nelson:
Recognizing activities. 815-818 - Itay Sherman, Hedva Spitzer:
Model for local image velocity detection of early visual processing. 819-821 - Nicolas Milhaud, Gérard G. Medioni:
Learning, recognition and navigation from a sequence of infrared images. 822-825 - Cheryl G. Howard, Peter Bock:
Using a hierarchical approach to avoid over-fitting in early vision. 826-829 - Stéphane Houzelle, Thomas M. Strat, Pascal Fua, Martin A. Fischler:
Using contextual information to set control parameters of a vision process. 830-832 - Bruce A. Draper, Gökhan Kutlu, Edward M. Riseman, Allen R. Hanson:
ISR3: communication and data storage for an unmanned ground vehicle. 833-836 - Luca Bogoni, Michele Rucci, Ruzena Bajcsy:
Investigating functionality: the case of piercing operation. 837-839 - Vicente Concepcion, Harry Wechsler:
Multiresolution attention and associative memory systems for time-varying imagery. 840-842 - Hiroshi Matsuo, Akira Iwata:
3-D object recognition using MEGI model from range data. 843-846 - Kevin Green, David W. Eggert, Louise Stark, Kevin W. Bowyer:
Generic recognition of articulated objects by reasoning about functionality. 847-849 - Xiaoyi Jiang, Urs Meier, Horst Bunke:
Scale-invariant polyhedral object recognition using fragmentary edge segments. 850-853 - Olaf Munkelt, Christoph Zierl:
Fast 3-D object recognition using feature based aspect-trees. 854-857 - Yoshitsugu Manabe, Kosuke Sato, Seiji Inokuchi:
An object recognition through continuous spectral images. 858-860 - Kenji Nagao, W. Eric L. Grimson:
Object recognition by alignment using invariant projections of planar surfaces. 861-864

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