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30th CCS 2023: Copenhagen, Denmark
- Weizhi Meng, Christian Damsgaard Jensen, Cas Cremers, Engin Kirda:
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, CCS 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 26-30, 2023. ACM 2023
Session 1: Cryptography for Anonymity
- Alexander Bienstock
, Paul Rösler
, Yi Tang
ASMesh: Anonymous and Secure Messaging in Mesh Networks Using Stronger, Anonymous Double Ratchet. 1-15 - Ward Beullens
, Vadim Lyubashevsky
, Ngoc Khanh Nguyen
, Gregor Seiler
Lattice-Based Blind Signatures: Short, Efficient, and Round-Optimal. 16-29 - Omid Mir
, Balthazar Bauer
, Scott Griffy
, Anna Lysyanskaya
, Daniel Slamanig
Aggregate Signatures with Versatile Randomization and Issuer-Hiding Multi-Authority Anonymous Credentials. 30-44 - Julia Kastner
, Julian Loss
, Omar Renawi
Concurrent Security of Anonymous Credentials Light, Revisited. 45-59
Session 2: Machine Learning Applications I
- Savino Dambra
, Yufei Han
, Simone Aonzo
, Platon Kotzias
, Antonino Vitale
, Juan Caballero
, Davide Balzarotti
, Leyla Bilge
Decoding the Secrets of Machine Learning in Malware Classification: A Deep Dive into Datasets, Feature Extraction, and Model Performance. 60-74 - Cong Shi
, Tianfang Zhang
, Zhaoyi Xu
, Shuping Li
, Donglin Gao
, Changming Li
, Athina P. Petropulu
, Chung-Tse Michael Wu
, Yingying Chen
Privacy Leakage via Speech-induced Vibrations on Room Objects through Remote Sensing based on Phased-MIMO. 75-89 - Ping He
, Yifan Xia
, Xuhong Zhang
, Shouling Ji
Efficient Query-Based Attack against ML-Based Android Malware Detection under Zero Knowledge Setting. 90-104 - Francesco Marchiori
, Mauro Conti
Your Battery Is a Blast! Safeguarding Against Counterfeit Batteries with Authentication. 105-119
Session 3: Attacks & Threats
- Bowen He
, Yuan Chen
, Zhuo Chen
, Xiaohui Hu
, Yufeng Hu
, Lei Wu
, Rui Chang
, Haoyu Wang
, Yajin Zhou
TxPhishScope: Towards Detecting and Understanding Transaction-based Phishing on Ethereum. 120-134 - Aviv Yaish
, Gilad Stern
, Aviv Zohar
Uncle Maker: (Time)Stamping Out The Competition in Ethereum. 135-149 - Chao Li
, Balaji Palanisamy
, Runhua Xu
, Li Duan
, Jiqiang Liu
, Wei Wang
How Hard is Takeover in DPoS Blockchains? Understanding the Security of Coin-based Voting Governance. 150-164 - Zihao Li
, Jianfeng Li
, Zheyuan He
, Xiapu Luo
, Ting Wang
, Xiaoze Ni
, Wenwu Yang
, Xi Chen
, Ting Chen
Demystifying DeFi MEV Activities in Flashbots Bundle. 165-179
Session 4: Usable Privacy
- Tinhinane Medjkoune
, Oana Goga
, Juliette Senechal
Marketing to Children Through Online Targeted Advertising: Targeting Mechanisms and Legal Aspects. 180-194 - Maryam Mustafa
, Abdul Moeed Asad
, Shehrbano Hassan
, Urooj Haider
, Zainab Durrani
, Katharina Krombholz
Pakistani Teens and Privacy - How Gender Disparities, Religion and Family Values Impact the Privacy Design Space. 195-209 - Bailey Kacsmar
, Vasisht Duddu
, Kyle Tilbury
, Blase Ur
, Florian Kerschbaum
Comprehension from Chaos: Towards Informed Consent for Private Computation. 210-224 - Emiram Kablo
, Patricia Arias Cabarcos
Privacy in the Age of Neurotechnology: Investigating Public Attitudes towards Brain Data Collection and Use. 225-238
Session 5: Side-Channels
- Jingyang Hu
, Hongbo Wang
, Tianyue Zheng
, Jingzhi Hu
, Zhe Chen, Hongbo Jiang, Jun Luo:
Password-Stealing without Hacking: Wi-Fi Enabled Practical Keystroke Eavesdropping. 239-252 - Tao Ni
, Xiaokuan Zhang
, Qingchuan Zhao
Recovering Fingerprints from In-Display Fingerprint Sensors via Electromagnetic Side Channel. 253-267 - Ben Nassi
, Ofek Vayner
, Etay Iluz
, Dudi Nassi
, Jan Jancar
, Daniel Genkin
, Eran Tromer
, Boris Zadov
, Yuval Elovici
Optical Cryptanalysis: Recovering Cryptographic Keys from Power LED Light Fluctuations. 268-280 - Zihao Wang
, Jiale Guan
, XiaoFeng Wang
, Wenhao Wang
, Luyi Xing
, Fares Fahad S. Alharbi
The Danger of Minimum Exposures: Understanding Cross-App Information Leaks on iOS through Multi-Side-Channel Learning. 281-295
Session 6: Cryptography & DNS
- Fenglu Zhang
, Baojun Liu
, Eihal Alowaisheq
, Jianjun Chen
, Chaoyi Lu
, Linjian Song
, Yong Ma
, Ying Liu
, Haixin Duan
, Min Yang
Silence is not Golden: Disrupting the Load Balancing of Authoritative DNS Servers. 296-310 - Wei Xu
, Xiang Li
, Chaoyi Lu
, Baojun Liu
, Haixin Duan
, Jia Zhang
, Jianjun Chen
, Tao Wan
TsuKing: Coordinating DNS Resolvers and Queries into Potent DoS Amplifiers. 311-325 - Zhenrui Zhang, Geng Hong, Xiang Li
, Zhuoqun Fu
, Jia Zhang
, Mingxuan Liu
, Chuhan Wang
, Jianjun Chen
, Baojun Liu
, Haixin Duan
, Chao Zhang
, Min Yang
Under the Dark: A Systematical Study of Stealthy Mining Pools (Ab)use in the Wild. 326-340 - Boyang Ma
, Yilin Yang
, Jinku Li
, Fengwei Zhang
, Wenbo Shen
, Yajin Zhou
, Jianfeng Ma
Travelling the Hypervisor and SSD: A Tag-Based Approach Against Crypto Ransomware with Fine-Grained Data Recovery. 341-355
Session 7: Digital Signatures
- Sourav Das
, Philippe Camacho
, Zhuolun Xiang
, Javier Nieto
, Benedikt Bünz
, Ling Ren
Threshold Signatures from Inner Product Argument: Succinct, Weighted, and Multi-threshold. 356-370 - Sihang Pu
, Sri Aravinda Krishnan Thyagarajan
, Nico Döttling
, Lucjan Hanzlik
Post Quantum Fuzzy Stealth Signatures and Applications. 371-385 - Nils Fleischhacker
, Gottfried Herold
, Mark Simkin
, Zhenfei Zhang
Chipmunk: Better Synchronized Multi-Signatures from Lattices. 386-400 - Seongkwang Kim
, Jincheol Ha, Mincheol Son, ByeongHak Lee, Dukjae Moon, Joohee Lee
, Sangyub Lee
, Jihoon Kwon, Jihoon Cho, Hyojin Yoon, Jooyoung Lee:
AIM: Symmetric Primitive for Shorter Signatures with Stronger Security. 401-415
Session 8: Machine Learning Applications II
- Yiling He
, Jian Lou
, Zhan Qin
, Kui Ren
FINER: Enhancing State-of-the-art Classifiers with Feature Attribution to Facilitate Security Analysis. 416-430 - Jinwen He
, Kai Chen
, Guozhu Meng
, Jiangshan Zhang
, Congyi Li
Good-looking but Lacking Faithfulness: Understanding Local Explanation Methods through Trend-based Testing. 431-445 - Tianfang Zhang
, Zhengkun Ye
, Ahmed Tanvir Mahdad
, Md Mojibur Rahman Redoy Akanda
, Cong Shi
, Yan Wang
, Nitesh Saxena
, Yingying Chen
FaceReader: Unobtrusively Mining Vital Signs and Vital Sign Embedded Sensitive Info via AR/VR Motion Sensors. 446-459 - Zhiyuan Yu
, Shixuan Zhai
, Ning Zhang
AntiFake: Using Adversarial Audio to Prevent Unauthorized Speech Synthesis. 460-474
Session 9: Consensus Protocols
- Mahimna Kelkar
, Soubhik Deb
, Sishan Long
, Ari Juels
, Sreeram Kannan
Themis: Fast, Strong Order-Fairness in Byzantine Consensus. 475-489 - Dahlia Malkhi
, Atsuki Momose
, Ling Ren
Towards Practical Sleepy BFT. 490-503 - Xiaohai Dai
, Bolin Zhang
, Hai Jin
, Ling Ren
ParBFT: Faster Asynchronous BFT Consensus with a Parallel Optimistic Path. 504-518 - Erica Blum
, Jonathan Katz
, Julian Loss
, Kartik Nayak
, Simon Ochsenreither
Abraxas: Throughput-Efficient Hybrid Asynchronous Consensus. 519-533
Session 10: Language-Based Security
- Yuyang Sang
, Ning Luo
, Samuel Judson
, Ben Chaimberg
, Timos Antonopoulos
, Xiao Wang
, Ruzica Piskac
, Zhong Shao
Ou: Automating the Parallelization of Zero-Knowledge Protocols. 534-548 - Benjamin Eriksson
, Amanda Stjerna
, Riccardo De Masellis
, Philipp Rümmer
, Andrei Sabelfeld
Black Ostrich: Web Application Scanning with String Solvers. 549-563 - Théophile Wallez
, Jonathan Protzenko
, Karthikeyan Bhargavan
Comparse: Provably Secure Formats for Cryptographic Protocols. 564-578
Session 11: Quantum & Space
- Chuanqi Xu
, Ferhat Erata
, Jakub Szefer
Exploration of Power Side-Channel Vulnerabilities in Quantum Computer Controllers. 579-593 - Chuanqi Xu
, Jessie Chen
, Allen Mi
, Jakub Szefer
Securing NISQ Quantum Computer Reset Operations Against Higher Energy State Attacks. 594-607 - Joshua Smailes
, Sebastian Köhler
, Simon Birnbach
, Martin Strohmeier
, Ivan Martinovic
Watch This Space: Securing Satellite Communication through Resilient Transmitter Fingerprinting. 608-621 - Kyungho Joo
, Dong Hoon Lee
, Yeonseon Jeong
, Wonsuk Choi
Protecting HRP UWB Ranging System Against Distance Reduction Attacks. 622-635
Session 12: IoT: Attacks, Vulnerabilities, & Everything
- Daniele Antonioli
BLUFFS: Bluetooth Forward and Future Secrecy Attacks and Defenses. 636-650 - Yan He
, Qiuye He
, Song Fang
, Yao Liu
When Free Tier Becomes Free to Enter: A Non-Intrusive Way to Identify Security Cameras with no Cloud Subscription. 651-665 - Mujtahid Akon
, Tianchang Yang
, Yilu Dong
, Syed Rafiul Hussain
Formal Analysis of Access Control Mechanism of 5G Core Network. 666-680 - David Schmidt
, Carlotta Tagliaro
, Kevin Borgolte
, Martina Lindorfer
IoTFlow: Inferring IoT Device Behavior at Scale through Static Mobile Companion App Analysis. 681-695
Session 13: Homomorphic Encryption I
- Jung Hee Cheon
, Wonhee Cho
, Jaehyung Kim
, Damien Stehlé
Homomorphic Multiple Precision Multiplication for CKKS and Reduced Modulus Consumption. 696-710 - Sylvain Chatel
, Christian Mouchet
, Ali Utkan Sahin
, Apostolos Pyrgelis
, Carmela Troncoso
, Jean-Pierre Hubaux
PELTA - Shielding Multiparty-FHE against Malicious Adversaries. 711-725 - Taechan Kim
, Hyesun Kwak
, Dongwon Lee
, Jinyeong Seo
, Yongsoo Song
Asymptotically Faster Multi-Key Homomorphic Encryption from Homomorphic Gadget Decomposition. 726-740 - Michiel Van Beirendonck
, Jan-Pieter D'Anvers
, Furkan Turan
, Ingrid Verbauwhede
FPT: A Fixed-Point Accelerator for Torus Fully Homomorphic Encryption. 741-755
Session 14: Machine Learning Attacks I
- Yue Qin
, Zhuoqun Fu
, Chuyun Deng
, Xiaojing Liao
, Jia Zhang
, Haixin Duan
Stolen Risks of Models with Security Properties. 756-770 - Yi Zeng
, Minzhou Pan
, Hoang Anh Just
, Lingjuan Lyu
, Meikang Qiu
, Ruoxi Jia
Narcissus: A Practical Clean-Label Backdoor Attack with Limited Information. 771-785 - Ryan Feng
, Ashish Hooda
, Neal Mangaokar
, Kassem Fawaz
, Somesh Jha
, Atul Prakash
Stateful Defenses for Machine Learning Models Are Not Yet Secure Against Black-box Attacks. 786-800 - Vibha Belavadi
, Yan Zhou
, Murat Kantarcioglu
, Bhavani Thuraisingham
Attack Some while Protecting Others: Selective Attack Strategies for Attacking and Protecting Multiple Concepts. 801-814
Session 15: Cryptographic Constructs & Models
- Sisi Duan
, Xin Wang
, Haibin Zhang
FIN: Practical Signature-Free Asynchronous Common Subset in Constant Time. 815-829 - Erica Blum
, Derek Leung
, Julian Loss
, Jonathan Katz
, Tal Rabin
Analyzing the Real-World Security of the Algorand Blockchain. 830-844 - Peter Gazi
, Aggelos Kiayias
, Alexander Russell
Fait Accompli Committee Selection: Improving the Size-Security Tradeoff of Stake-Based Committees. 845-858 - Erkan Tairi
, Pedro Moreno-Sanchez
, Clara Schneidewind
LedgerLocks: A Security Framework for Blockchain Protocols Based on Adaptor Signatures. 859-873
Session 16: Defenses
- Kha Dinh Duy
, Kyuwon Cho
, Taehyun Noh
, Hojoon Lee
Capacity: Cryptographically-Enforced In-Process Capabilities for Modern ARM Architectures. 874-888 - Martin Unterguggenberger
, David Schrammel
, Lukas Lamster
, Pascal Nasahl
, Stefan Mangard
Cryptographically Enforced Memory Safety. 889-903 - Hanwen Lei
, Ziqi Zhang
, Shaokun Zhang
, Peng Jiang
, Zhineng Zhong
, Ningyu He
, Ding Li
, Yao Guo
, Xiangqun Chen
Put Your Memory in Order: Efficient Domain-based Memory Isolation for WASM Applications. 904-918 - Jiali Xu
, Mengyao Xie
, Chenggang Wu
, Yinqian Zhang
, Qijing Li
, Xuan Huang
, Yuanming Lai
, Yan Kang
, Wei Wang
, Qiang Wei
, Zhe Wang
PANIC: PAN-assisted Intra-process Memory Isolation on ARM. 919-933
Session 17: Secure Hardware
- Qinhan Tan
, Yonathan Fisseha
, Shibo Chen
, Lauren Biernacki
, Jean-Baptiste Jeannin
, Sharad Malik
, Todd M. Austin
Security Verification of Low-Trust Architectures. 945-959 - Zhenkai Zhang
, Tyler N. Allen
, Fan Yao
, Xing Gao
, Rong Ge
TunneLs for Bootlegging: Fully Reverse-Engineering GPU TLBs for Challenging Isolation Guarantees of NVIDIA MIG. 960-974 - Till Schlüter
, Amit Choudhari
, Lorenz Hetterich
, Leon Trampert
, Hamed Nemati
, Ahmad Ibrahim
, Michael Schwarz
, Christian Rossow
, Nils Ole Tippenhauer
FetchBench: Systematic Identification and Characterization of Proprietary Prefetchers. 975-989 - Jakob Feldtkeller
, Tim Güneysu
, Thorben Moos
, Jan Richter-Brockmann
, Sayandeep Saha
, Pascal Sasdrich
, François-Xavier Standaert
Combined Private Circuits - Combined Security Refurbished. 990-1004
Session 18: Traffic Analysis
- Chuanpu Fu
, Qi Li
, Ke Xu
, Jianping Wu
Point Cloud Analysis for ML-Based Malicious Traffic Detection: Reducing Majorities of False Positive Alarms. 1005-1019 - Peiyang Li
, Ye Wang
, Qi Li
, Zhuotao Liu
, Ke Xu
, Ju Ren
, Zhiying Liu
, Ruilin Lin
Learning from Limited Heterogeneous Training Data: Meta-Learning for Unsupervised Zero-Day Web Attack Detection across Web Domains. 1020-1034 - Alireza Bahramali
, Ardavan Bozorgi
, Amir Houmansadr
Realistic Website Fingerprinting By Augmenting Network Traces. 1035-1049 - Zhaoxin Jin
, Tianbo Lu
, Shuang Luo
, Jiaze Shang
Transformer-based Model for Multi-tab Website Fingerprinting Attack. 1050-1064
Session 19: Advanced Public Key Encryption
- Noemi Glaeser
, Dimitris Kolonelos
, Giulio Malavolta
, Ahmadreza Rahimi
Efficient Registration-Based Encryption. 1065-1079 - Matthew Green
, Abhishek Jain
, Gijs Van Laer
Efficient Set Membership Encryption and Applications. 1080-1092 - Rachit Garg
, George Lu
, Brent Waters
, David J. Wu
Realizing Flexible Broadcast Encryption: How to Broadcast to a Public-Key Directory. 1093-1107 - Joël Alwen
, Dominik Hartmann
, Eike Kiltz
, Marta Mularczyk
, Peter Schwabe
Post-Quantum Multi-Recipient Public Key Encryption. 1108-1122
Session 20: Machine Learning Attacks II
- Tejas Kannan
, Nick Feamster
, Henry Hoffmann
Prediction Privacy in Distributed Multi-Exit Neural Networks: Vulnerabilities and Solutions. 1123-1137 - Teodora Baluta
, Ivica Nikolic
, Racchit Jain
, Divesh Aggarwal
, Prateek Saxena
Unforgeability in Stochastic Gradient Descent. 1138-1152 - Lingshuo Meng
, Yijie Bai
, Yanjiao Chen
, Yutong Hu
, Wenyuan Xu
, Haiqin Weng
Devil in Disguise: Breaching Graph Neural Networks Privacy through Infiltration. 1153-1167 - Zhengyuan Jiang
, Jinghuai Zhang
, Neil Zhenqiang Gong
Evading Watermark based Detection of AI-Generated Content. 1168-1181
Session 21: Defenses & Smart Contract Security
- Fuchen Ma
, Yuanliang Chen
, Yuanhang Zhou
, Jingxuan Sun
, Zhuo Su, Yu Jiang
, Jiaguang Sun
, Huizhong Li
Phoenix: Detect and Locate Resilience Issues in Blockchain via Context-Sensitive Chaos. 1182-1196 - Sven Smolka
, Jens-Rene Giesen
, Pascal Winkler
, Oussama Draissi
, Lucas Davi
, Ghassan Karame
, Klaus Pohl
Fuzz on the Beach: Fuzzing Solana Smart Contracts. 1197-1211 - Kushal Babel
, Mojan Javaheripi
, Yan Ji
, Mahimna Kelkar
, Farinaz Koushanfar
, Ari Juels
Lanturn: Measuring Economic Security of Smart Contracts Through Adaptive Learning. 1212-1226 - Nirvan Tyagi
, Arasu Arun
, Cody Freitag
, Riad S. Wahby
, Joseph Bonneau
, David Mazières
Riggs: Decentralized Sealed-Bid Auctions. 1227-1241
Session 22: Fuzzing I
- Yinxi Liu
, Wei Meng
DSFuzz: Detecting Deep State Bugs with Dependent State Exploration. 1242-1256 - Yunhang Zhang
, Chengbin Pang
, Stefan Nagy
, Xun Chen
, Jun Xu
Profile-guided System Optimizations for Accelerated Greybox Fuzzing. 1257-1271 - Peng Deng
, Zhemin Yang
, Lei Zhang
, Guangliang Yang, Wenzheng Hong
, Yuan Zhang
, Min Yang:
NestFuzz: Enhancing Fuzzing with Comprehensive Understanding of Input Processing Logic. 1272-1286 - Qingkai Shi
, Junyang Shao
, Yapeng Ye
, Mingwei Zheng
, Xiangyu Zhang
Lifting Network Protocol Implementation to Precise Format Specification with Security Applications. 1287-1301
Session 23: IoT & Embedded Security
- Shilin Xiao
, Xiaoyu Ji
, Chen Yan
, Zhicong Zheng
, Wenyuan Xu
MicPro: Microphone-based Voice Privacy Protection. 1302-1316 - Yi Zhu
, Chenglin Miao
, Hongfei Xue
, Zhengxiong Li
, Yunnan Yu
, Wenyao Xu
, Lu Su
, Chunming Qiao
TileMask: A Passive-Reflection-based Attack against mmWave Radar Object Detection in Autonomous Driving. 1317-1331 - Xi Tan
, Ziming Zhao
SHERLOC: Secure and Holistic Control-Flow Violation Detection on Embedded Systems. 1332-1346 - Sashidhar Jakkamsetti
, Youngil Kim
, Gene Tsudik
Caveat (IoT) Emptor: Towards Transparency of IoT Device Presence. 1347-1361
Session 24: Formal Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols
- Faezeh Nasrabadi
, Robert Künnemann
, Hamed Nemati
CryptoBap: A Binary Analysis Platform for Cryptographic Protocols. 1362-1376 - Linard Arquint
, Malte Schwerhoff
, Vaibhav Mehta
, Peter Müller
A Generic Methodology for the Modular Verification of Security Protocol Implementations. 1377-1391 - Sergiu Bursuc
, Ross Horne
, Sjouke Mauw
, Semen Yurkov
Provably Unlinkable Smart Card-based Payments. 1392-1406 - Lea Salome Brugger
, Laura Kovács
, Anja Petkovic Komel
, Sophie Rain
, Michael Rawson
CheckMate: Automated Game-Theoretic Security Reasoning. 1407-1421
Session 25: Zero Knowledge Proofs
- Alexandre Belling
, Azam Soleimanian
, Olivier Bégassat
Recursion over Public-Coin Interactive Proof Systems; Faster Hash Verification. 1422-1436 - David Balbás
, Dario Fiore
, María Isabel González Vasco
, Damien Robissout
, Claudio Soriente
Modular Sumcheck Proofs with Applications to Machine Learning and Image Processing. 1437-1451 - Yibin Yang
, David Heath
, Carmit Hazay
, Vladimir Kolesnikov
, Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam
Batchman and Robin: Batched and Non-batched Branching for Interactive ZK. 1452-1466 - Diego F. Aranha
, Carsten Baum
, Kristian Gjøsteen
, Tjerand Silde
Verifiable Mix-Nets and Distributed Decryption for Voting from Lattice-Based Assumptions. 1467-1481
Session 26: Federated Learning
- Marco Arazzi
, Mauro Conti
, Antonino Nocera
, Stjepan Picek
Turning Privacy-preserving Mechanisms against Federated Learning. 1482-1495 - Qi Li, Zhuotao Liu, Qi Li, Ke Xu:
martFL: Enabling Utility-Driven Data Marketplace with a Robust and Verifiable Federated Learning Architecture. 1496-1510 - Chulin Xie
, Yunhui Long
, Pin-Yu Chen
, Qinbin Li
, Sanmi Koyejo
, Bo Li
Unraveling the Connections between Privacy and Certified Robustness in Federated Learning Against Poisoning Attacks. 1511-1525 - Torsten Krauß
, Alexandra Dmitrienko
MESAS: Poisoning Defense for Federated Learning Resilient against Adaptive Attackers. 1526-1540
Session 27: Interoperability & 2nd Layer Solutions
- Zhonghui Ge
, Jiayuan Gu
, Chenke Wang
, Yu Long
, Xian Xu
, Dawu Gu
Accio: Variable-Amount, Optimized-Unlinkable and NIZK-Free Off-Chain Payments via Hubs. 1541-1555 - Andrei Tonkikh
, Pavel Ponomarev
, Petr Kuznetsov
, Yvonne-Anne Pignolet
CryptoConcurrency: (Almost) Consensusless Asset Transfer with Shared Accounts. 1556-1570 - Peiyao Sheng
, Xuechao Wang
, Sreeram Kannan, Kartik Nayak, Pramod Viswanath:
TrustBoost: Boosting Trust among Interoperable Blockchains. 1571-1584 - Ertem Nusret Tas
, Runchao Han
, David Tse
, Mingchao Yu
Interchain Timestamping for Mesh Security. 1585-1599
Session 28: Fuzzing II
- Peng Chen
, Yuxuan Xie
, Yunlong Lyu
, Yuxiao Wang
, Hao Chen
Hopper: Interpretative Fuzzing for Libraries. 1600-1614 - Ruijie Meng
, George Pîrlea
, Abhik Roychoudhury
, Ilya Sergey
Greybox Fuzzing of Distributed Systems. 1615-1629 - Xin Tan
, Yuan Zhang
, Jiadong Lu
, Xin Xiong
, Zhuang Liu
, Min Yang
SyzDirect: Directed Greybox Fuzzing for Linux Kernel. 1630-1644 - Wen Li
, Haoran Yang
, Xiapu Luo
, Long Cheng
, Haipeng Cai
PyRTFuzz: Detecting Bugs in Python Runtimes via Two-Level Collaborative Fuzzing. 1645-1659
Session 29: Cryptography & Side-Channels
- Liu Liu
, Xinwen Fu
, Xiaodong Chen
, Jianpeng Wang
, Zhongjie Ba
, Feng Lin
, Li Lu
, Kui Ren
FITS: Matching Camera Fingerprints Subject to Software Noise Pollution. 1660-1674 - Saleh Khalaj Monfared
, Tahoura Mosavirik
, Shahin Tajik
LeakyOhm: Secret Bits Extraction using Impedance Analysis. 1675-1689 - Antoine Geimer
, Mathéo Vergnolle
, Frédéric Recoules
, Lesly-Ann Daniel
, Sébastien Bardin
, Clémentine Maurice
A Systematic Evaluation of Automated Tools for Side-Channel Vulnerabilities Detection in Cryptographic Libraries. 1690-1704 - Daniel Lammers
, Amir Moradi
, Nicolai Müller
, Aein Rezaei Shahmirzadi
A Thorough Evaluation of RAMBAM. 1705-1717
Session 30: Information Flow & Differential Privacy
- Mário S. Alvim
, Natasha Fernandes
, Annabelle McIver
, Carroll Morgan
, Gabriel Henrique Nunes
A Novel Analysis of Utility in Privacy Pipelines, Using Kronecker Products and Quantitative Information Flow. 1718-1731 - McKenna McCall
, Abhishek Bichhawat
, Limin Jia
Tainted Secure Multi-Execution to Restrict Attacker Influence. 1732-1745 - Toby Murray
, Mukesh Tiwari
, Gidon Ernst
, David A. Naumann
Assume but Verify: Deductive Verification of Leaked Information in Concurrent Applications. 1746-1760 - Rohit Chadha
, A. Prasad Sistla
, Mahesh Viswanathan
, Bishnu Bhusal
Deciding Differential Privacy of Online Algorithms with Multiple Variables. 1761-1775
Session 31: Cryptography for Blockchains
- Aniket Kate
, Easwar Vivek Mangipudi
, Siva Maradana
, Pratyay Mukherjee
FlexiRand: Output Private (Distributed) VRFs and Application to Blockchains. 1776-1790 - Renas Bacho
, Julian Loss
Adaptively Secure (Aggregatable) PVSS and Application to Distributed Randomness Beacons. 1791-1804 - Francesca Falzon
, Kaoutar Elkhiyaoui
, Yacov Manevich
, Angelo De Caro
Short Privacy-Preserving Proofs of Liabilities. 1805-1819 - Weijie Wang
, Yujie Lu
, Charalampos Papamanthou
, Fan Zhang
The Locality of Memory Checking. 1820-1834
Session 32: Language Models & Verification
- Ali Naseh
, Kalpesh Krishna
, Mohit Iyyer
, Amir Houmansadr
Stealing the Decoding Algorithms of Language Models. 1835-1849 - Stefano Calzavara
, Lorenzo Cazzaro
, Giulio Ermanno Pibiri
, Nicola Prezza
Verifiable Learning for Robust Tree Ensembles. 1850-1864 - Jingxuan He
, Martin T. Vechev
Large Language Models for Code: Security Hardening and Adversarial Testing. 1865-1879 - Sanjam Garg
, Aarushi Goel
, Somesh Jha
, Saeed Mahloujifar
, Mohammad Mahmoody
, Guru-Vamsi Policharla
, Mingyuan Wang
Experimenting with Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Training. 1880-1894
Session 33: Differential Privacy
- Johan Lokna
, Anouk Paradis
, Dimitar I. Dimitrov
, Martin T. Vechev
Group and Attack: Auditing Differential Privacy. 1905-1918 - Ari Biswas
, Graham Cormode
Interactive Proofs For Differentially Private Counting. 1919-1933 - Yuting Liang
, Ke Yi
Concentrated Geo-Privacy. 1934-1948 - Samuel Haney
, Michael Shoemate
, Grace Tian
, Salil P. Vadhan
, Andrew Vyrros
, Vicki Xu
, Wanrong Zhang
Concurrent Composition for Interactive Differential Privacy with Adaptive Privacy-Loss Parameters. 1949-1963
Session 34: Kernel & System Calls
- Alexander J. Gaidis
, Vaggelis Atlidakis
, Vasileios P. Kemerlis
SysXCHG: Refining Privilege with Adaptive System Call Filters. 1964-1978 - Vidya Lakshmi Rajagopalan
, Konstantinos Kleftogiorgos
, Enes Göktas
, Jun Xu
, Georgios Portokalidis
SysPart: Automated Temporal System Call Filtering for Binaries. 1979-1993 - Zhenghao Hu
, Sangho Lee
, Marcus Peinado
Hacksaw: Hardware-Centric Kernel Debloating via Device Inventory and Dependency Analysis. 1994-2008 - Pansilu Pitigalaarachchi
, Xuhua Ding
, Haiqing Qiu
, Haoxin Tu
, Jiaqi Hong
, Lingxiao Jiang
KRover: A Symbolic Execution Engine for Dynamic Kernel Analysis. 2009-2023
Session 35: Speculative Execution & Information Flow
- Chongzhou Fang
, Ning Miao
, Han Wang
, Jiacheng Zhou
, Tyler Sheaves
, John Marty Emmert
, Avesta Sasan
, Houman Homayoun
Gotcha! I Know What You Are Doing on the FPGA Cloud: Fingerprinting Co-Located Cloud FPGA Accelerators via Measuring Communication Links. 2024-2037 - Jason Kim
, Stephan van Schaik
, Daniel Genkin
, Yuval Yarom
iLeakage: Browser-based Timerless Speculative Execution Attacks on Apple Devices. 2038-2052 - Rutvik Choudhary
, Alan Wang
, Zirui Neil Zhao
, Adam Morrison
, Christopher W. Fletcher
Declassiflow: A Static Analysis for Modeling Non-Speculative Knowledge to Relax Speculative Execution Security Measures. 2053-2067 - Drew Zagieboylo
, Charles Sherk
, Andrew C. Myers
, G. Edward Suh
SpecVerilog: Adapting Information Flow Control for Secure Speculation. 2068-2082
Session 36: Verified Cryptographic Implementations
- Sander Huyghebaert
, Steven Keuchel
, Coen De Roover
, Dominique Devriese
Formalizing, Verifying and Applying ISA Security Guarantees as Universal Contracts. 2083-2097 - Samuel Dittmer
, Karim Eldefrawy
, Stéphane Graham-Lengrand
, Steve Lu
, Rafail Ostrovsky
, Vitor Pereira
Boosting the Performance of High-Assurance Cryptography: Parallel Execution and Optimizing Memory Access in Formally-Verified Line-Point Zero-Knowledge. 2098-2112 - Yi Zhou
, Sydney Gibson
, Sarah Cai
, Menucha Winchell
, Bryan Parno
Galápagos: Developing Verified Low Level Cryptography on Heterogeneous Hardwares. 2113-2127 - Zilong Wang
, Gideon Mohr
, Klaus von Gleissenthall
, Jan Reineke
, Marco Guarnieri
Specification and Verification of Side-channel Security for Open-source Processors via Leakage Contracts. 2128-2142
Session 37: Multiparty Computation I
- Kyle Storrier
, Adithya Vadapalli
, Allan Lyons
, Ryan Henry
Grotto: Screaming fast (2+1)-PC or ℤ2n via (2, 2)-DPFs. 2143-2157 - Gabrielle Beck
, Aarushi Goel
, Aditya Hegde
, Abhishek Jain
, Zhengzhong Jin
, Gabriel Kaptchuk
Scalable Multiparty Garbling. 2158-2172 - S. Dov Gordon
, Phi Hung Le
, Daniel McVicker
Linear Communication in Malicious Majority MPC. 2173-2187 - Feng-Hao Liu
, En Zhang
, Leiyong Qin
Efficient Multiparty Probabilistic Threshold Private Set Intersection. 2188-2201
Session 38: Network Security
- Yue Qin
, Yue Xiao
, Xiaojing Liao
Vulnerability Intelligence Alignment via Masked Graph Attention Networks. 2202-2216 - Roman Beltiukov
, Wenbo Guo
, Arpit Gupta
, Walter Willinger
In Search of netUnicorn: A Data-Collection Platform to Develop Generalizable ML Models for Network Security Problems. 2217-2231 - Arezoo Rajabi
, Surudhi Asokraj
, Fengqing Jiang
, Luyao Niu
, Bhaskar Ramasubramanian
, James A. Ritcey
, Radha Poovendran
MDTD: A Multi-Domain Trojan Detector for Deep Neural Networks. 2232-2246 - Enes Altinisik
, Fatih Deniz
, Hüsrev Taha Sencar
ProvG-Searcher: A Graph Representation Learning Approach for Efficient Provenance Graph Search. 2247-2261
Session 39: Privacy in Computation
- Chengkun Wei
, Ruijing Yu
, Yuan Fan
, Wenzhi Chen
, Tianhao Wang
Securely Sampling Discrete Gaussian Noise for Multi-Party Differential Privacy. 2262-2276 - Ji Guan
, Wang Fang
, Mingyu Huang
, Mingsheng Ying
Detecting Violations of Differential Privacy for Quantum Algorithms. 2277-2291 - Borja Balle
, James Bell
, Adrià Gascón
Amplification by Shuffling without Shuffling. 2292-2305 - Shashank Balla
, Farinaz Koushanfar
HELiKs: HE Linear Algebra Kernels for Secure Inference. 2306-2320
Session 40: Medley
- Song Liao
, Long Cheng
, Haipeng Cai
, Linke Guo
, Hongxin Hu
SkillScanner: Detecting Policy-Violating Voice Applications Through Static Analysis at the Development Phase. 2321-2335 - Zongjie Li
, Chaozheng Wang
, Shuai Wang
, Cuiyun Gao
Protecting Intellectual Property of Large Language Model-Based Code Generation APIs via Watermarks. 2336-2350 - Jaehyung Lee
, Woosuk Lee
Simplifying Mixed Boolean-Arithmetic Obfuscation by Program Synthesis and Term Rewriting. 2351-2365 - Su Yang
, Yang Xiao
, Zhengzi Xu
, Chengyi Sun
, Chen Ji
, Yuqing Zhang
Enhancing OSS Patch Backporting with Semantics. 2366-2380
Session 41: Measuring Security Deployments
- Dhruv Kuchhal
, Muhammad Saad
, Adam Oest
, Frank Li
Evaluating the Security Posture of Real-World FIDO2 Deployments. 2381-2395 - Feng Dong
, Shaofei Li
, Peng Jiang
, Ding Li
, Haoyu Wang
, Liangyi Huang
, Xusheng Xiao
, Jiedong Chen
, Xiapu Luo
, Yao Guo
, Xiangqun Chen
Are we there yet? An Industrial Viewpoint on Provenance-based Endpoint Detection and Response Tools. 2396-2410 - Yue Zhang
, Yuqing Yang
, Zhiqiang Lin
Don't Leak Your Keys: Understanding, Measuring, and Exploiting the AppSecret Leaks in Mini-Programs. 2411-2425 - Felix Fischer
, Jonas Höbenreich
, Jens Grossklags
The Effectiveness of Security Interventions on GitHub. 2426-2440
Session 42: Attacking the Web
- Jianjia Yu
, Song Li
, Junmin Zhu
, Yinzhi Cao
CoCo: Efficient Browser Extension Vulnerability Detection via Coverage-guided, Concurrent Abstract Interpretation. 2441-2455 - Dominik Trevor Noß
, Lukas Knittel
, Christian Mainka
, Marcus Niemietz
, Jörg Schwenk
Finding All Cross-Site Needles in the DOM Stack: A Comprehensive Methodology for the Automatic XS-Leak Detection in Web Browsers. 2456-2470 - Chao Wang
, Yue Zhang
, Zhiqiang Lin
Uncovering and Exploiting Hidden APIs in Mobile Super Apps. 2471-2485 - Changqing Miao
, Jianan Feng
, Wei You
, Wenchang Shi
, Jianjun Huang
, Bin Liang
A Good Fishman Knows All the Angles: A Critical Evaluation of Google's Phishing Page Classifier. 2486-2500
Session 43: Multiparty Computation II
- Jakob Burkhardt
, Ivan Damgård
, Tore Kasper Frederiksen
, Satrajit Ghosh
, Claudio Orlandi
Improved Distributed RSA Key Generation Using the Miller-Rabin Test. 2501-2515 - Yibin Yang
, Stanislav Peceny
, David Heath
, Vladimir Kolesnikov
Towards Generic MPC Compilers via Variable Instruction Set Architectures (VISAs). 2516-2530 - Benjamin Levy
, Muhammad Ishaq
, Benjamin Sherman
, Lindsey Kennard
, Ana L. Milanova
, Vassilis Zikas
COMBINE: COMpilation and Backend-INdependent vEctorization for Multi-Party Computation. 2531-2545 - Amit Singh Bhati
, Erik Pohle
, Aysajan Abidin
, Elena Andreeva
, Bart Preneel
Let's Go Eevee! A Friendly and Suitable Family of AEAD Modes for IoT-to-Cloud Secure Computation. 2546-2560
Session 44: Machine Learning, Cryptography, & Cyber-Physical Systems
- Atsuki Momose
, Sourav Das
, Ling Ren
On the Security of KZG Commitment for VSS. 2561-2575 - Suman Maiti
, Anjana Balabhaskara
, Sunandan Adhikary
, Ipsita Koley
, Soumyajit Dey
Targeted Attack Synthesis for Smart Grid Vulnerability Analysis. 2576-2590 - Jinwen Wang
, Yujie Wang
, Ning Zhang
Secure and Timely GPU Execution in Cyber-physical Systems. 2591-2605 - Cathy Yuanchen Li
, Jana Sotáková
, Emily Wenger
, Mohamed Malhou
, Evrard Garcelon
, François Charton
, Kristin E. Lauter
SalsaPicante: A Machine Learning Attack on LWE with Binary Secrets. 2606-2620
Session 45: Privacy in Machine Learning
- Chengkun Wei
, Minghu Zhao
, Zhikun Zhang
, Min Chen
, Wenlong Meng
, Bo Liu
, Yuan Fan
, Wenzhi Chen
DPMLBench: Holistic Evaluation of Differentially Private Machine Learning. 2621-2635 - Hanshen Xiao
, Jun Wan
, Srinivas Devadas
Geometry of Sensitivity: Twice Sampling and Hybrid Clipping in Differential Privacy with Optimal Gaussian Noise and Application to Deep Learning. 2636-2650 - Xiaochen Zhu
, Vincent Y. F. Tan
, Xiaokui Xiao
Blink: Link Local Differential Privacy in Graph Neural Networks via Bayesian Estimation. 2651-2664 - Minxin Du
, Xiang Yue
, Sherman S. M. Chow
, Tianhao Wang
, Chenyu Huang
, Huan Sun
DP-Forward: Fine-tuning and Inference on Language Models with Differential Privacy in Forward Pass. 2665-2679
Session 46: Program Analysis & Instrumentation
- Nikita Yadav
, Vinod Ganapathy
Whole-Program Control-Flow Path Attestation. 2680-2694 - Yufei Du
, Omar Alrawi
, Kevin Z. Snow
, Manos Antonakakis
, Fabian Monrose
Improving Security Tasks Using Compiler Provenance Information Recovered At the Binary-Level. 2695-2709 - Yuanpeng Wang
, Ziqi Zhang
, Ningyu He
, Zhineng Zhong
, Shengjian Guo
, Qinkun Bao
, Ding Li
, Yao Guo
, Xiangqun Chen
SymGX: Detecting Cross-boundary Pointer Vulnerabilities of SGX Applications via Static Symbolic Execution. 2710-2724 - Ziyi Lin
, Jinku Li
, Bowen Li
, Haoyu Ma
, Debin Gao
, Jianfeng Ma
TypeSqueezer: When Static Recovery of Function Signatures for Binary Executables Meets Dynamic Analysis. 2725-2739
Session 47: Security Professionals
- Jan H. Klemmer
, Marco Gutfleisch
, Christian Stransky
, Yasemin Acar
, M. Angela Sasse
, Sascha Fahl
"Make Them Change it Every Week!": A Qualitative Exploration of Online Developer Advice on Usable and Secure Authentication. 2740-2754 - Thomas Geras
, Thomas Schreck
Sharing Communities: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. 2755-2769 - Mathew Vermeer
, Natalia Kadenko
, Michel van Eeten
, Carlos Gañán
, Simon Parkin
Alert Alchemy: SOC Workflows and Decisions in the Management of NIDS Rules. 2770-2784 - Neil Perry
, Megha Srivastava
, Deepak Kumar
, Dan Boneh
Do Users Write More Insecure Code with AI Assistants? 2785-2799
Session 48: Defending the Web
- Wenya Wang
, Xingwei Lin
, Jingyi Wang
, Wang Gao
, Dawu Gu
, Wei Lv
, Jiashui Wang
HODOR: Shrinking Attack Surface on Node.js via System Call Limitation. 2800-2814 - Felix Linker
, David A. Basin
ADEM: An Authentic Digital EMblem. 2815-2829 - David A. Basin
, Juan Guarnizo
, Srdan Krstic
, Hoang Nguyen Phuoc Bao
, Martín Ochoa
Is Modeling Access Control Worth It? 2830-2844 - Zilun Wang
, Wei Meng
, Michael R. Lyu
Fine-Grained Data-Centric Content Protection Policy for Web Applications. 2845-2859
Session 49: Cryptographic Protocols
- Hien Chu
, Khue Do
, Lucjan Hanzlik
On the Security of Rate-limited Privacy Pass. 2871-2885 - Keegan Ryan
, Kaiwen He
, George Arnold Sullivan
, Nadia Heninger
Passive SSH Key Compromise via Lattices. 2886-2900 - Marc Fischlin
Stealth Key Exchange and Confined Access to the Record Protocol Data in TLS 1.3. 2901-2914 - Julia Len
, Melissa Chase
, Esha Ghosh
, Daniel Jost
, Balachandar Kesavan
, Antonio Marcedone
ELEKTRA: Efficient Lightweight multi-dEvice Key TRAnsparency. 2915-2929
Session 50: Homomorphic Encryption II
- Song Bian
, Zhou Zhang
, Haowen Pan
, Ran Mao
, Zian Zhao
, Yier Jin
, Zhenyu Guan
HE3DB: An Efficient and Elastic Encrypted Database Via Arithmetic-And-Logic Fully Homomorphic Encryption. 2930-2944 - Rasoul Akhavan Mahdavi
, Haoyan Ni
, Dimitry Linkov
, Florian Kerschbaum
Level Up: Private Non-Interactive Decision Tree Evaluation using Levelled Homomorphic Encryption. 2945-2958 - Binbin Tu
, Yu Chen
, Qi Liu
, Cong Zhang
Fast Unbalanced Private Set Union from Fully Homomorphic Encryption. 2959-2973 - Haiyang Xue
, Man Ho Au
, Mengling Liu
, Kwan Yin Chan
, Handong Cui
, Xiang Xie
, Tsz Hon Yuen
, Chengru Zhang
Efficient Multiplicative-to-Additive Function from Joye-Libert Cryptosystem and Its Application to Threshold ECDSA. 2974-2988
Session 51: Privacy in Systems
- Xueyuan Han
, James Mickens
, Siddhartha Sen
Splice: Efficiently Removing a User's Data from In-memory Application State. 2989-3002 - Lei Xu
, Leqian Zheng
, Chengzhi Xu
, Xingliang Yuan
, Cong Wang
Leakage-Abuse Attacks Against Forward and Backward Private Searchable Symmetric Encryption. 3003-3017 - Cláudio Correia
, Miguel Correia
, Luís E. T. Rodrigues
Using Range-Revocable Pseudonyms to Provide Backward Unlinkability in the Edge. 3018-3032 - Elia Anzuoni
, Tommaso Gagliardoni
Shufflecake: Plausible Deniability for Multiple Hidden Filesystems on Linux. 3033-3047
Session 52: Attacks & Malware
- Nanzi Yang
, Wenbo Shen
, Jinku Li
, Xunqi Liu
, Xin Guo
, Jianfeng Ma
Take Over the Whole Cluster: Attacking Kubernetes via Excessive Permissions of Third-party Applications. 3048-3062 - Zhi Li
, Weijie Liu
, XiaoFeng Wang
, Bin Yuan
, Hongliang Tian
, Hai Jin
, Shoumeng Yan
Lost along the Way: Understanding and Mitigating Path-Misresolution Threats to Container Isolation. 3063-3077 - Shijia Li
, Jiang Ming
, Pengda Qiu
, Qiyuan Chen
, Lanqing Liu
, Huaifeng Bao
, Qiang Wang
, Chunfu Jia
PackGenome: Automatically Generating Robust YARA Rules for Accurate Malware Packer Detection. 3078-3092 - Kyle Zeng
, Zhenpeng Lin
, Kangjie Lu
, Xinyu Xing
, Ruoyu Wang
, Adam Doupé
, Yan Shoshitaishvili
, Tiffany Bao
RetSpill: Igniting User-Controlled Data to Burn Away Linux Kernel Protections. 3093-3107
Session 53: Usable Authentication
- Suood Alroomi
, Frank Li
Measuring Website Password Creation Policies At Scale. 3108-3122 - Collins W. Munyendo
, Peter Mayer
, Adam J. Aviv
"I just stopped using one and started using the other": Motivations, Techniques, and Challenges When Switching Password Managers. 3123-3137 - Sabrina Amft
, Sandra Höltervennhoff
, Nicolas Huaman
, Alexander Krause
, Lucy Simko
, Yasemin Acar
, Sascha Fahl
"We've Disabled MFA for You": An Evaluation of the Security and Usability of Multi-Factor Authentication Recovery Deployments. 3138-3152 - Easwar Vivek Mangipudi
, Udit Desai
, Mohsen Minaei
, Mainack Mondal
, Aniket Kate
Uncovering Impact of Mental Models towards Adoption of Multi-device Crypto-Wallets. 3153-3167
Session 54: Measuring the Web
- Florian Hantke
, Stefano Calzavara
, Moritz Wilhelm
, Alvise Rabitti
, Ben Stock
You Call This Archaeology? Evaluating Web Archives for Reproducible Web Security Measurements. 3168-3182 - Gibran Gómez
, Kevin van Liebergen
, Juan Caballero
Cybercrime Bitcoin Revenue Estimations: Quantifying the Impact of Methodology and Coverage. 3183-3197 - Jeremy Rack
, Cristian-Alexandru Staicu
Jack-in-the-box: An Empirical Study of JavaScript Bundling on the Web and its Security Implications. 3198-3212 - Geng Hong
, Mengying Wu
, Pei Chen
, Xiaojing Liao
, Guoyi Ye
, Min Yang
Understanding and Detecting Abused Image Hosting Modules as Malicious Services. 3213-3227
Session 55: Security of Cryptographic Protocols & Implementations
- Diego F. Aranha
, Benjamin Salling Hvass
, Bas Spitters
, Mehdi Tibouchi
Faster Constant-time Evaluation of the Kronecker Symbol with Application to Elliptic Curve Hashing. 3228-3238 - Marc Fischlin
, Felix Günther
Verifiable Verification in Cryptographic Protocols. 3239-3253 - Sam A. Markelon
, Mia Filic
, Thomas Shrimpton
Compact Frequency Estimators in Adversarial Environments. 3254-3268 - Antonio de la Piedra
, Marloes Venema
, Greg Alpár
ACABELLA: Automated (Crypt)analysis of Attribute-Based Encryption Leveraging Linear Algebra. 3269-3283
Session 56: Oblivious Algorithms & Data Structures
- Lennart Braun
, Mahak Pancholi
, Rahul Rachuri
, Mark Simkin
Ramen: Souper Fast Three-Party Computation for RAM Programs. 3284-3297 - Gilad Asharov
, Koki Hamada, Ryo Kikuchi, Ariel Nof, Benny Pinkas, Junichi Tomida:
Secure Statistical Analysis on Multiple Datasets: Join and Group-By. 3298-3312 - Gilad Asharov
, Ilan Komargodski
, Yehuda Michelson
FutORAMa: A Concretely Efficient Hierarchical Oblivious RAM. 3313-3327 - Sajin Sasy
, Aaron Johnson
, Ian Goldberg
Waks-On/Waks-Off: Fast Oblivious Offline/Online Shuffling and Sorting with Waksman Networks. 3328-3342
Session 57: Privacy in the Digital World
- David Klein
, Benny Rolle
, Thomas Barber
, Manuel Karl
, Martin Johns
General Data Protection Runtime: Enforcing Transparent GDPR Compliance for Existing Applications. 3343-3357 - Aloni Cohen
, Adam D. Smith
, Marika Swanberg
, Prashant Nalini Vasudevan
Control, Confidentiality, and the Right to be Forgotten. 3358-3372 - Anhao Xiang
, Weiping Pei
, Chuan Yue
PolicyChecker: Analyzing the GDPR Completeness of Mobile Apps' Privacy Policies. 3373-3387 - Kelsey Merrill
, Zachary Newman
, Santiago Torres-Arias
, Karen R. Sollins
Speranza: Usable, Privacy-friendly Software Signing. 3388-3402
Session 58: Measuring Machine Learning & Software Security
- Yiting Qu
, Xinyue Shen
, Xinlei He
, Michael Backes
, Savvas Zannettou
, Yang Zhang
Unsafe Diffusion: On the Generation of Unsafe Images and Hateful Memes From Text-To-Image Models. 3403-3417 - Zeyang Sha
, Zheng Li
, Ning Yu
, Yang Zhang
DE-FAKE: Detection and Attribution of Fake Images Generated by Text-to-Image Generation Models. 3418-3432 - Daniel Olszewski
, Allison Lu
, Carson Stillman
, Kevin Warren
, Cole Kitroser
, Alejandro Pascual
, Divyajyoti Ukirde
, Kevin R. B. Butler, Patrick Traynor
"Get in Researchers; We're Measuring Reproducibility": A Reproducibility Study of Machine Learning Papers in Tier 1 Security Conferences. 3433-3459 - Ita Ryan
, Utz Roedig
, Klaas-Jan Stol
Unhelpful Assumptions in Software Security Research. 3460-3474
Session 59: Tracking the Web
- Mohammad Ghasemisharif
, Jason Polakis
Read Between the Lines: Detecting Tracking JavaScript with Bytecode Classification. 3475-3489 - Shaoor Munir
, Sandra Siby
, Umar Iqbal
, Steven Englehardt
, Zubair Shafiq
, Carmela Troncoso
CookieGraph: Understanding and Detecting First-Party Tracking Cookies. 3490-3504 - Changmin Lee
, Sooel Son
AdCPG: Classifying JavaScript Code Property Graphs with Explanations for Ad and Tracker Blocking. 3505-3518
Session 60: Poster Session
- Matías F. Gobbi
, Johannes Kinder
Poster: Using CodeQL to Detect Malware in npm. 3519-3521 - Mohammad M. Ahmadpanah
, Daniel Hedin
, Andrei Sabelfeld
Poster: Data Minimization by Construction for Trigger-Action Applications. 3522-3524 - Sylvain Chatel
, Christian Knabenhans
, Apostolos Pyrgelis
, Carmela Troncoso
, Jean-Pierre Hubaux
Poster: Verifiable Encodings for Maliciously-Secure Homomorphic Encryption Evaluation. 3525-3527 - Niklas Niere
, Sven Hebrok
, Juraj Somorovsky
, Robert Merget
Poster: Circumventing the GFW with TLS Record Fragmentation. 3528-3530 - Andres Molina-Markham
, Luis F. Robaina
, Akash H. Trivedi
, Derek G. Tsui
, Ahmad Ridley
Poster: Generating Experiences for Autonomous Network Defense. 3531-3533 - Rudolf Siegel
, Rafael Mrowczynski
, Maria Hellenthal
, Michael Schilling
Poster: From Hashes to Ashes - A Comparison of Transcription Services. 3534-3536 - Hattan Althebeiti
, Brett Fazio
, William Chen
, David Mohaisen
Poster: Mujaz: A Summarization-based Approach for Normalized Vulnerability Description. 3537-3539 - Xiaoyun Xu
, Stjepan Picek
Poster: Boosting Adversarial Robustness by Adversarial Pre-training. 3540-3542 - Christian van Sloun
, Klaus Wehrle
Poster: Vulcan - Repurposing Accessibility Features for Behavior-based Intrusion Detection Dataset Generation. 3543-3545 - Dominic Gold
, Koray Karabina
, Francis C. Motta
Poster: Computing the Persistent Homology of Encrypted Data. 3546-3548 - Arup Mondal
Poster: Attestor - Simple Proof-of-Storage-Time. 3549-3551 - Xianbo Mo
, Shunquan Tan
, Bin Li
, Jiwu Huang
Poster: Query-efficient Black-box Attack for Image Forgery Localization via Reinforcement Learning. 3552-3554 - Depeng Chen
, Xiao Liu
, Jie Cui
, Hong Zhong
Poster: Membership Inference Attacks via Contrastive Learning. 3555-3557 - Kevin Li
, Zhaohui Wang
, Ye Wang
, Bo Luo
, Fengjun Li
Poster: Ethics of Computer Security and Privacy Research - Trends and Standards from a Data Perspective. 3558-3560 - Shae McFadden
, Zeliang Kan
, Lorenzo Cavallaro
, Fabio Pierazzi
Poster: RPAL-Recovering Malware Classifiers from Data Poisoning using Active Learning. 3561-3563 - Jihyeon Yu
, Juhwan Kim
, Yeohoon Yun
, Joobeom Yun
Poster: Combining Fuzzing with Concolic Execution for IoT Firmware Testing. 3564-3566 - Ehud Aharoni
, Nir Drucker
, Gilad Ezov
, Eyal Kushnir
, Hayim Shaul
, Omri Soceanu
Poster: Efficient AES-GCM Decryption Under Homomorphic Encryption. 3567-3569 - Jing Xu
, Stjepan Picek
Poster: Multi-target & Multi-trigger Backdoor Attacks on Graph Neural Networks. 3570-3572 - Fabian Kaiser
, Haya Schulmann
, Michael Waidner
Poster: Longitudinal Analysis of DoS Attacks. 3573-3575 - Simon Koch
, Malte Wessels
, David Klein
, Martin Johns
Poster: The Risk of Insufficient Isolation of Database Transactions in Web Applications. 3576-3578 - Christopher Lenk
, Johannes Kinder
Poster: Privacy Risks from Misconfigured Android Content Providers. 3579-3581 - Johannes Lohmöller
, Eduard Vlad
, Markus Dahlmanns
, Klaus Wehrle
Poster: Bridging Trust Gaps: Data Usage Transparency in Federated Data Ecosystems. 3582-3584 - Kelong Cong
, Debajyoti Das
, Georgio Nicolas
, Jeongeun Park
Poster: Panacea - Stateless and Non-Interactive Oblivious RAM. 3585-3587 - Behrad Tajalli
, Gorka Abad
, Stjepan Picek
Poster: Backdoor Attack on Extreme Learning Machines. 3588-3590 - Roman Matzutt
, Jan Pennekamp
, Klaus Wehrle
Poster: Accountable Processing of Reported Street Problems. 3591-3593 - Rex Fernando
, Arnab Roy
Poster: WIP: Account ZK-Rollups from Sumcheck Arguments. 3594-3596 - Mario Yaksetig
, Alexander Havlin
Poster: Signer Discretion is Advised: On the Insecurity of Vitalik's Threshold Hash-based Signatures. 3597-3599 - David G. Balash
, Mir Masood Ali
, Monica Kodwani
, Xiaoyuan Wu
, Chris Kanich
, Adam J. Aviv
Poster: Longitudinal Measurement of the Adoption Dynamics in Apple's Privacy Label Ecosystem. 3600-3602 - Eric Burton Samuel Martin
, Hossein Shirazi
, Indrakshi Ray
Poster: Towards a Dataset for the Discrimination between Warranted and Unwarranted Emails. 3603-3605 - Wyatt Sweat
, Danfeng (Daphne) Yao
Poster: Cybersecurity Usage in the Wild: A look at Deployment Challenges in Intrusion Detection and Alert Handling. 3606-3608 - Wentao Dong
, Cong Wang
Poster: Towards Lightweight TEE-Assisted MPC. 3609-3611 - Maximilian Noppel
, Christian Wressnegger
Poster: Fooling XAI with Explanation-Aware Backdoors. 3612-3614 - Peipei Jiang
, Qian Wang
, Yihao Wu
, Cong Wang
Poster: Metadata-private Messaging without Coordination. 3615-3617 - Sashidhar Jakkamsetti
, Youngil Kim
, Andrew Searles
, Gene Tsudik
Poster: Control-Flow Integrity in Low-end Embedded Devices. 3618-3620 - Betül Askin Özdemir
, Tim Beyne
Poster: Generic Multidimensional Linear Cryptanalysis of Feistel Ciphers. 3621-3623 - Gowri R. Chandran
, Philipp-Florens Lehwalder
, Leandro Rometsch
, Thomas Schneider
Poster: Secure and Differentially Private kth Ranked Element. 3624-3626 - Matin Fallahi
, Patricia Arias Cabarcos
, Thorsten Strufe
Poster: Towards Practical Brainwave-based User Authentication. 3627-3629 - Wensheng Tian
, Lei Zhang
, Shuangxi Chen
, Hu Wang
, Xiao Luo
Poster: A Privacy-Preserving Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection Framework for Permissioned Blockchain. 3630-3632 - Jan-Philip van Acken
, Joost F. Gadellaa
, Slinger Jansen
, Katsiaryna Labunets
Poster: The Unknown Unknown: Cybersecurity Threats of Shadow IT in Higher Education. 3633-3635 - Ziming Zhao
, Zhaoxuan Li
, Tingting Li
, Zhuoxue Song
, Fan Zhang
, Rui Zhang
Poster: Detecting Adversarial Examples Hidden under Watermark Perturbation via Usable Information Theory. 3636-3638 - Gyungeun Yun
, Kyungho Joo
, Wonsuk Choi
, Dong Hoon Lee
Poster: Unveiling the Impact of Patch Placement: Adversarial Patch Attacks on Monocular Depth Estimation. 3639-3641 - Ruei-Hau Hsu
, Hsuan-Cheng Su
, Yi-An Yu
Poster: Verifiable Data Valuation with Strong Fairness in Horizontal Federated Learning. 3642-3644
Session 61: Workshops
- Bart P. Knijnenburg
, Panagiotis Papadimitratos
WPES '23: 22nd Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society. 3645-3647 - Magnus Almgren
, Earlence Fernandes
CPSIoTSec'23: Fifth Workshop on CPS & IoT Security and Privacy. 3648-3650 - Michael Brenner
, Anamaria Costache
, Kurt Rohloff
WAHC '23: 11th Workshop on Encrypted Computing & Applied Homomorphic Cryptography. 3651-3652 - Ning Zhang
, Qi Li
MTD '23: 10th ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense. 3653-3654 - Zhiqiang Lin
, Xiaojing Liao
SaTS'23: The 1st ACM Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy Superapps. 3655-3656 - Francesco Regazzoni
, Apostolos P. Fournaris
CCSW '23: Cloud Computing Security Workshop. 3657-3658 - Fraser Brown
, Klaus von Gleissenthall
PLAS: The 18th Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security. 3659 - Kaihua Qin
, Fan Zhang
DeFi '23: Workshop on Decentralized Finance and Security. 3660-3661 - Gregory Blanc
, Takeshi Takahashi
, Zonghua Zhang
ARTMAN '23: First Workshop on Recent Advances in Resilient and Trustworthy ML Systems in Autonomous Networks. 3662-3663 - Lejla Batina
, Chip-Hong Chang
, Domenic Forte
, Ulrich Rührmair
ASHES '23: Workshop on Attacks and Solutions in Hardware Security. 3664-3665 - Maura Pintor
, Florian Simon Tramèr
, Xinyun Chen
AISec '23: 16th ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security. 3666-3668 - Ehud Aharoni
, Nir Drucker
, Hayim Shaul
Tutorial-HEPack4ML '23: Advanced HE Packing Methods with Applications to ML. 3669-3670 - Marcela S. Melara
, Santiago Torres-Arias
, Laurent Simon
SCORED '23: Workshop on Software Supply Chain Offensive Research and Ecosystem Defenses. 3671-3672
Session 62: Demos
- Yue Xu
, Wenjie Wang
Demo: Certified Robustness on Toolformer. 3673-3675 - Nicolas Anciaux
, Sabine Frittella
, Baptiste Joffroy
, Benjamin Nguyen
Demo: Data Minimization and Informed Consent in Administrative Forms. 3676-3678 - Yuechun Gu
, Sagar Sharma
, Keke Chen
Demo: Image Disguising for Scalable GPU-accelerated Confidential Deep Learning. 3679-3681

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