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19th AAAI / 16th IAAI 2004: San Jose, California, USA
- Deborah L. McGuinness, George Ferguson:
Proceedings of the Nineteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Sixteenth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, July 25-29, 2004, San Jose, California, USA. AAAI Press / The MIT Press 2004, ISBN 0-262-51183-5
AAAI-04 Technical Papers
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
- Bikramjit Banerjee, Jing Peng:
Performance Bounded Reinforcement Learning in Strategic Interactions. 2-7 - Andrew J. Blumberg, Abhi Shelat:
Searching for Stable Mechanisms: Automated Design for Imperfect Players. 8-13 - Aaron Gage, Robin R. Murphy:
Affective Recruitment of Distributed Heterogeneous Agents. 14-19 - Brian P. Gerkey, Sebastian Thrun, Geoffrey J. Gordon:
Visibility-Based Pursuit-Evasion with Limited Field of View. 20-27 - Kian Hsiang Low, Wee Kheng Leow, Marcelo H. Ang Jr.:
Task Allocation via Self-Organizing Swarm Coalitions in Distributed Mobile Sensor Network. 28-33 - David C. Parkes, Grant Schoenebeck:
GROWRANGE: Anytime VCG-Based Mechanisms. 34-41 - Matthias Scheutz:
Useful Roles of Emotions in Artificial Agents: A Case Study from Artificial Life. 42-48
Automated Reasoning
- Tom Carchrae, J. Christopher Beck:
Low-Knowledge Algorithm Control. 49-54 - Heidi E. Dixon, Matthew L. Ginsberg, David K. Hofer, Eugene M. Luks, Andrew J. Parkes:
Implementing a Generalized Version of Resolution. 55-60 - Enrico Giunchiglia, Yuliya Lierler, Marco Maratea:
SAT-Based Answer Set Programming. 61-66 - T. K. Satish Kumar:
A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Simple Temporal Problems with Piecewise Constant Domain Preference Functions. 67-72 - Kate Larson, Tuomas Sandholm:
Using Performance Profile Trees to Improve Deliberation Control. 73-79 - Fangzhen Lin, Xishun Zhao:
On Odd and Even Cycles in Normal Logic Programs. 80-85 - Victor W. Marek, Miroslaw Truszczynski:
Logic Programs with Abstract Constraint Atoms. 86-91 - Tran Cao Son, Chitta Baral, Le-Chi Tuan:
Adding Time and Intervals to Procedural and Hierarchical Control Specifications. 92-97 - Kaile Su:
Model Checking Temporal Logics of Knowledge in Distributed Systems. 98-103 - Jin Tian:
Identifying Linear Causal Effects. 104-111
- Christian Bessiere, Emmanuel Hebrard, Brahim Hnich, Toby Walsh:
The Complexity of Global Constraints. 112-117 - Floris Roelofsen, Luciano Serafini:
Complexity of Contextual Reasoning. 118-123 - Yongshao Ruan, Henry A. Kautz, Eric Horvitz:
The Backdoor Key: A Path to Understanding Problem Hardness. 124-130
Constraint Satisfaction and Satisfiability
- Dimitris Achlioptas, Haixia Jia, Cristopher Moore:
Hiding Satisfying Assignments: Two Are Better than One. 131-136 - Carlos Ansótegui, Alvaro del Val, Iván Dotú, Cèsar Fernández, Felip Manyà:
Modeling Choices in Quasigroup Completion: SAT vs. CSP. 137-142 - Laura Barbulescu, L. Darrell Whitley, Adele E. Howe:
Leap Before You Look: An Effective Strategy in an Oversubscribed Scheduling Problem. 143-148 - James Bowen, Chavalit Likitvivatanavong:
Domain Transmutation in Constraint Satisfaction Problems. 149-154 - Hubie Chen:
Collapsibility and Consistency in Quantified Constraint Satisfaction. 155-160 - Hai Fang, Wheeler Ruml:
Complete Local Search for Propositional Satisfiability. 161-166 - Ulrich Junker:
QUICKXPLAIN: Preferred Explanations and Relaxations for Over-Constrained Problems. 167-172 - Monaldo Mastrolilli, Luca Maria Gambardella:
MAX-2-SAT: How Good Is Tabu Search in the Worst-Case? 173-178 - Meinolf Sellmann:
The Practice of Approximated Consistency for Knapsack Constraints. 179-184 - Haiou Shen, Hantao Zhang:
Study of Lower Bound Functions for MAX-2-SAT. 185-190 - John Thornton, Duc Nghia Pham, Stuart Bain, Valnir Ferreira Jr.:
Additive versus Multiplicative Clause Weighting for SAT. 191-196 - Yuanlin Zhang, Eugene C. Freuder:
Tractable Tree Convex Constraint Networks. 197-203
Game Theory and Economic Models
- Craig Boutilier, Tuomas Sandholm, Rob Shields:
Eliciting Bid Taker Non-price Preferences in (Combinatorial) Auctions. 204-211 - Vincent Conitzer, Jonathan Derryberry, Tuomas Sandholm:
Combinatorial Auctions with Structured Item Graphs. 212-218 - Vincent Conitzer, Tuomas Sandholm:
Computing Shapley Values, Manipulating Value Division Schemes, and Checking Core Membership in Multi-Issue Domains. 219-225 - Ya'akov Gal, Avi Pfeffer, Francesca Marzo, Barbara J. Grosz:
Learning Social Preferences in Games. 226-231 - Anton Likhodedov, Tuomas Sandholm:
Methods for Boosting Revenue in Combinatorial Auctions. 232-237 - Robert McGrew, Yoav Shoham:
Using Contracts to Influence the Outcome of a Game. 238-244
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Giuseppe De Giacomo, Toni Mancini:
Scaling Up Reasoning about Actions Using Relational Database Technology. 245-256 - James P. Delgrande, Abhaya C. Nayak, Maurice Pagnucco:
Conservative Belief Revision. 251-256 - Udo Hahn, Stefan Schulz, Kornél G. Markó:
Mereological Semantics for Bio-Ontologies. 257-262 - Asaad Hakeem, Yaser Sheikh, Mubarak Shah:
CASEE: A Hierarchical Event Representation for the Analysis of Videos. 263-268 - Anthony Hunter:
Making Argumentation More Believable. 269-274 - Anthony Hunter:
Towards Higher Impact Argumentation. 275-280 - Joohyung Lee, Fangzhen Lin:
Loop Formulas for Circumscription. 281-286 - Michael L. Littman, Nishkam Ravi, Eitan Fenson, Richard E. Howard:
An Instance-Based State Representation for Network Repair. 287-292 - Thomas Andreas Meyer, Norman Y. Foo, Rex Kwok, Dongmo Zhang:
Logical Foundations of Negotiation: Outcome, Concession, and Adaptation. 293-298 - Avi Pfeffer:
Repeated Observation Models. 299-304 - Tran Hoai Nam, Chitta Baral:
Encoding Probabilistic Causal Model in Probabilistic Action Language. 305-310 - Christopher A. Welty, Ruchi Mahindru, Jennifer Chu-Carroll:
Evaluating Ontology Cleaning. 311-316 - Dongmo Zhang, Norman Y. Foo, Thomas Andreas Meyer, Rex Kwok:
Negotiation as Mutual Belief Revision. 317-323 - Hung Hai Bui, Dinh Q. Phung, Svetha Venkatesh:
Learning Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models with General State Hierarchy. 324-329 - Ian Davidson:
An Ensemble Technique for Stable Learners with Performance Bounds. 330-335 - Wei Fan:
On the Optimality of Probability Estimation by Random Decision Trees. 336-341 - Artur S. d'Avila Garcez, Dov M. Gabbay:
Fibring Neural Networks. 342-347 - Lin Liao, Dieter Fox, Henry A. Kautz:
Learning and Inferring Transportation Routines. 348-353 - Esther Lock, Susan L. Epstein:
Learning and Applying Competitive Strategies. 354-359 - Franz Pernkopf:
Bayesian Network Classifiers Versus k-NN Classifier Using Sequential Feature Selection. 360-365 - Jesse A. Reichler, Harlan D. Harris, Michael A. Savchenko:
Online Parallel Boosting. 366-371 - Zhihua Zhang, Kap Luk Chan, James T. Kwok, Dit-Yan Yeung:
Bayesian Inference on Principal Component Analysis Using Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo. 372-377 - Xingquan Zhu, Xindong Wu, Ying Yang:
Error Detection and Impact-Sensitive Instance Ranking in Noisy Datasets. 378-384
Natural Language Processing and Information Extraction
- David B. Christian, Robert Michael Young:
Comparing Cognitive and Computational Models of Narrative Structure. 385-390 - Oren Etzioni, Michael J. Cafarella, Doug Downey, Ana-Maria Popescu, Tal Shaked, Stephen Soderland, Daniel S. Weld, Alexander Yates:
Methods for Domain-Independent Information Extraction from the Web: An Experimental Comparison. 391-398 - James Fan, Bruce W. Porter:
Interpreting Loosely Encoded Questions. 399-405 - Udo Hahn, Kornél G. Markó, Stefan Schulz:
Learning Indexing Patterns from One Language for the Benefit of Others. 406-411 - Trausti T. Kristjansson, Aron Culotta, Paul A. Viola, Andrew McCallum:
Interactive Information Extraction with Constrained Conditional Random Fields. 412-418 - Xin Li, Paul Morie, Dan Roth:
Identification and Tracing of Ambiguous Names: Discriminative and Generative Approaches. 419-424 - Bing Liu, Xiaoli Li, Wee Sun Lee, Philip S. Yu:
Text Classification by Labeling Words. 425-430 - Tim Oates, Tom Armstrong, Justin Harris, Mark Nejman:
On the Relationship between Lexical Semantics and Syntax for the Inference of Context-Free Grammars. 431-436 - Heidi H. T. Yeung, Peter W. M. Tsang:
Distributed Representation of Syntactic Structure by Tensor Product Representation and Non-Linear Compression. 437-443
- Gerald Fritz, Christin Seifert, Lucas Paletta, Horst Bischof:
Rapid Object Recognition from Discriminative Regions of Interest. 444-449 - Tracy Hammond, Randall Davis:
Automatically Transforming Symbolic Shape Descriptions for Use in Sketch Recognition. 450-456 - Kurt Konolige:
Large-Scale Map-Making. 457-463 - Michael Montemerlo, Sebastian Thrun:
A Multi-Resolution Pyramid for Outdoor Robot Terrain Perception. 464-469 - Robert Sim, Gregory Dudek:
Self-Organizing Visual Maps. 470-475 - Luz Abril Torres-Méndez, Gregory Dudek:
Reconstruction of 3D Models from Intensity Images and Partial Depth. 476-481 - Olya Veselova, Randall Davis:
Perceptually Based Learning of Shape Descriptions for Sketch Recognition. 482-487 - Chen Yu, Dana H. Ballard:
On the Integration of Grounding Language and Learning Objects. 488-494
Planning and Scheduling
- Alexandre Albore, Piergiorgio Bertoli:
Generating Safe Assumption-Based Plans for Partially Observable, Nondeterministic Domains. 495-500 - Russell Bent, Pascal Van Hentenryck:
Regrets Only! Online Stochastic Optimization under Time Constraints. 501-506 - Christopher W. Geib:
Assessing the Complexity of Plan Recognition. 507-512 - Ugur Kuter, Dana S. Nau:
Forward-Chaining Planning in Nondeterministic Domains. 513-518 - Hoong Chuin Lau, Kien Ming Ng, Xiaotao Wu:
Transport Logistics Planning with Service-Level Constraints. 519-524 - Jussi Rintanen:
Distance Estimates for Planning in the Discrete Belief Space. 525-530 - Ji-Ae Shin, Ernest Davis:
Continuous Time in a SAT-Based Planner. 531-536 - Saul Simhon, Gregory Dudek:
Analogical Path Planning. 537-543 - Tristan B. Smith, John M. Pyle:
An Effective Algorithm for Project Scheduling with Arbitrary Temporal Constraints. 544-549 - Csaba Szepesvári:
Shortest Path Discovery Problems: A Framework, Algorithms and Experimental Results. 550-555 - Le-Chi Tuan, Chitta Baral, Xin Zhang, Tran Cao Son:
Regression with Respect to Sensing Actions and Partial States. 556-561 - Menkes van den Briel, Romeo Sanchez Nigenda, Minh Binh Do, Subbarao Kambhampati:
Effective Approaches for Partial Satisfaction (Over-Subscription) Planning. 562-569 - Vincent Vidal, Hector Geffner:
Branching and Pruning: An Optimal Temporal POCL Planner Based on Constraint Programming. 570-577 - Jie Yin, Xiaoyong Chai, Qiang Yang:
High-Level Goal Recognition in a Wireless LAN. 578-584
Qualitative Modeling
- Chris Bailey-Kellogg, Naren Ramakrishnan:
Spatial Aggregation for Qualitative Assessment of Scientific Computations. 585-591 - Tokuro Matsuo, Takayuki Ito, Toramatsu Shintani:
A Qualitative-Quantitative Methods-Based e-Learning Support System in Economic Education. 592-598
- Brett Browning, Ling Xu, Manuela M. Veloso:
Skill Acquisition and Use for a Dynamically-Balancing Soccer Robot. 599-604 - Rakesh Gupta, Mykel J. Kochenderfer:
Common Sense Data Acquisition for Indoor Mobile Robots. 605-610 - Nate Kohl, Peter Stone:
Machine Learning for Fast Quadrupedal Locomotion. 611-616 - Solange Lemai, Félix Ingrand:
Interleaving Temporal Planning and Execution in Robotics Domains. 617-622 - Takeshi Mori, Yutaka Nakamura, Masa-aki Sato, Shin Ishii:
Reinforcement Learning for CPG-Driven Biped Robot. 623-630 - Patrick Riley, Manuela M. Veloso:
Advice Generation from Observed Execution: Abstract Markov Decision Process Learning. 631-637
- Ariel Felner, Ram Meshulam, Robert C. Holte, Richard E. Korf:
Compressing Pattern Databases. 638-643 - Akihiro Kishimoto, Martin Müller:
A General Solution to the Graph History Interaction Problem. 644-649 - Richard E. Korf:
Best-First Frontier Search with Delayed Duplicate Detection. 650-657 - Martin Müller, Markus Enzenberger, Jonathan Schaeffer:
Temperature Discovery Search. 658-663 - Ryan Porter, Eugene Nudelman, Yoav Shoham:
Simple Search Methods for Finding a Nash Equilibrium. 664-669 - Wei Wei, Jordan Erenrich, Bart Selman:
Towards Efficient Sampling: Exploiting Random Walk Strategies. 670-676 - Rong Zhou, Eric A. Hansen:
Space-Efficient Memory-Based Heuristics. 677-682 - Rong Zhou, Eric A. Hansen:
Structured Duplicate Detection in External-Memory Graph Search. 683-689
- Darius Braziunas, Craig Boutilier:
Stochastic Local Search for POMDP Controllers. 690-696 - Andrew J. Davenport, Jayant Kalagnanam:
A Computational Study of the Kemeny Rule for Preference Aggregation. 697-702 - Chuong B. Do, Michael Brudno, Serafim Batzoglou:
PROBCONS: Probabilistic Consistency-Based Multiple Alignment of Amino Acid Sequences. 703-708 - Eric A. Hansen, Daniel S. Bernstein, Shlomo Zilberstein:
Dynamic Programming for Partially Observable Stochastic Games. 709-715 - Mausam, Daniel S. Weld:
Solving Concurrent Markov Decision Processes. 716-722 - Bart Peintner, Martha E. Pollack:
Low-cost Addition of Preferences to DTPs and TCSPs. 723-728 - Francesca Rossi, Kristen Brent Venable, Toby Walsh:
mCP Nets: Representing and Reasoning with Preferences of Multiple Agents. 729-734 - Nic Wilson:
Extending CP-Nets with Stronger Conditional Preference Statements. 735-741 - Håkan L. S. Younes, Reid G. Simmons:
Solving Generalized Semi-Markov Decision Processes Using Continuous Phase-Type Distributions. 742-748
User Modeling
- Giuseppe Carenini, Rita Sharma:
Exploring More Realistic Evaluation Measures for Collaborative Filtering. 749-754 - Minqing Hu, Bing Liu:
Mining Opinion Features in Customer Reviews. 755-760 - Theresa Wilson, Janyce Wiebe, Rebecca Hwa:
Just How Mad Are You? Finding Strong and Weak Opinion Clauses. 761-769
Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Papers
Deployed Application Papers
- William Cheetham:
Tenth Anniversary of the Plastics Color Formulation Tool. AAAI 2004: 770-776 - Alexander P. Morgan, John A. Cafeo, Kurt Godden, Ronald M. Lesperance, Andrea M. Simon, Deborah L. McGuinness, James L. Benedict:
The General Motors Variation-Reduction Adviser: Deployment Issues for an AI Application. AAAI 2004: 777-784 - Danny Oh, Chew Lim Tan:
Making Better Recommendations with Online Profiling Agents. AAAI 2004: 785-792 - Nestor Rychtyckyj:
Ergonomics Analysis for Vehicle Assembly Using Artificial Intelligence. AAAI 2004: 793-799
Emerging Application Papers
- Jafar Adibi, Hans Chalupsky, Eric Melz, André Valente:
The KOJAK Group Finder: Connecting the Dots via Integrated Knowledge-Based and Statistical Reasoning. AAAI 2004: 800-807 - Stefano Bistarelli, Simon N. Foley, Barry O'Sullivan:
Detecting and Eliminating the Cascade Vulnerability Problem from Multilevel Security Networks Using Soft Constraints. AAAI 2004: 808-813 - Bistra N. Dilkina, William S. Havens:
The U.S. National Football League Scheduling Problem. AAAI 2004: 814-819 - Kenneth D. Forbus, Karen Carney, Bruce L. Sherin, Leo C. Ureel II:
VModel: A Visual Qualitative Modeling Environment for Middle-School Students. AAAI 2004: 820-827 - Jeremy Frank, Michael A. K. Gross, Elif Kürklü:
SOFIA's Choice: An AI Approach to Scheduling Airborne Astronomy Observations. AAAI 2004: 828-835 - Al Globus, James Crawford, Jason D. Lohn, Anna Pryor:
A Comparison of Techniques for Scheduling Earth Observing Satellites. AAAI 2004: 836-843 - Andrew Gordon, Michael van Lent, Martin Van Velsen, Paul Carpenter, Arnav Jhala:
Branching Storylines in Virtual Reality Environments for Leadership Development. AAAI 2004: 844-851 - Karen Zita Haigh, Liana M. Kiff, Janet Myers, Valerie Guralnik, Christopher W. Geib, John Phelps, Thomas Wagner:
The Independent LifeStyle AssistantTM (I.L.S.A.): AI Lessons Learned. AAAI 2004: 852-857 - Peter Jarvis, Teresa F. Lunt, Karen L. Myers:
Identifying Terrorist Activity with AI Plan Recognition Technology. AAAI 2004: 858-863 - Vladimir A. Kulyukin, Chaitanya Gharpure, Pradnya Sute, Nathan DeGraw, John Nicholson:
A Robotic Wayfinding System for the Visually Impaired. AAAI 2004: 864-869 - Ilya Levner, Vadim Bulitko:
Machine Learning for Adaptive Image Interpretation. AAAI 2004: 870-876 - Brian Magerko, John E. Laird, Mazin Assanie, Alex Kerfoot, Devvan Stokes:
AI Characters and Directors for Interactive Computer Games. AAAI 2004: 877-883 - Glenn Taylor, Richard Frederiksen, Russell R. Vane III, Edward Waltz:
Agent-based Simulation of Geo-Political Conflict. AAAI 2004: 884-891 - Rattapoom Tuchinda, Snehal Thakkar, Yolanda Gil, Ewa Deelman:
Artemis: Integrating Scientific Data on the Grid. AAAI 2004: 892-899 - Michael van Lent, William Fisher, Michael Mancuso:
An Explainable Artificial Intelligence System for Small-unit Tactical Behavior. AAAI 2004: 900-907 - Thomas Wagner, John Phelps, Valerie Guralnik, Ryan VanRiper:
An Application View of COORDINATORS: Coordination Managers for First Responders. AAAI 2004: 908-915 - Shimon Whiteson, Peter Stone:
Towards Autonomic Computing: Adaptive Job Routing and Scheduling. AAAI 2004: 916-922 - Robert E. Wray, John E. Laird, Andrew Nuxoll, Devvan Stokes, Alex Kerfoot:
Synthetic Adversaries for Urban Combat Training. AAAI 2004: 923-930 - Ke Xu, Héctor Muñoz-Avila:
CaBMA: Case-Based Project Management Assistant. AAAI 2004: 931-936 - Songhua Xu, Francis C. M. Lau, Kwok-Wai Cheung, Yunhe Pan:
Automatic Generation of Artistic Chinese Calligraphy. AAAI 2004: 937-943
Student Abstracts
- R. Amit, Maja J. Mataric:
A Correspondence Metric for Imitation. 944-945 - Rafal A. Angryk, Costin Barbu:
Fuzzy Induction in Dynamic User Profiling for Information Filtering. 946-947 - Arnold Binas, John K. Slaney:
Semantically Guiding a First-Order Theorem Prover with a Soft Model. 948-949 - Norm Ferns, Prakash Panangaden, Doina Precup:
Metrics for Finite Markov Decision Processes. 950-951 - Emmanuel Hebrard:
Robust Solutions for Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization. 952-953 - Tye Hooley, Burt Hunking, Mike Henry, Atsushi Inoue:
Generation of Emotional Behavior for Non-Player Characters - Development of EmoBot for Quake II. 954-955 - Frances L. Johnson, Stuart C. Shapiro:
Knowledge State Reconsideration: Hindsight Belief Revision. 956-957 - Chris V. Jones, Maja J. Mataric:
Utilizing Internal State in Multi-Robot Coordination Tasks. 958-959 - Pushkin R. Pari, Jane Lin, Lin Yuan, Gang Qu:
Generating 'Random' 3-SAT Instances with Specific Solution Space Structure. 960-961 - Goutam Paul:
Occam's Razor and a Non-Syntactic Measure of Decision Tree Complexity. 962-963 - Amruta Purandare, Ted Pedersen:
Discriminating Among Word Meanings by Identifying Similar Contexts. 964-965 - Sabyasachi Saha, Sandip Sen:
A Bayes Net Approach to Argumentation. 966-967 - John F. Santore, Stuart C. Shapiro:
Identifying an Object that is Perceptually Indistinguishable from One Previously Perceived. 968-969 - Yang Shi, Anagh Lal, Berthe Y. Choueiry:
Evaluating Consistency Algorithms for Temporal Metric Constraints. 970-971 - Marc Spraragen:
Mixed-Initiative Workflow Composition. 972-973 - Evan Sultanik:
Mobile Agent-Based Search for Service Discovery on Dynamic Peer-to-Peer Networks. 974-975 - Lin Yuan, Pushkin R. Pari, Gang Qu:
Finding Redundant Constraints for FSM Minimization. 976-977
SIGART/AAAI Doctoral Consortium
- Sugato Basu:
Semi-Supervised Clustering with Limited Background Knowledge. 979-980 - Mikhail Bilenko:
Learnable Similarity Functions and their Applications to Clustering and Record Linkage. 981-982 - Gangshu Cai:
Flexible Decision-Making in Sequential Auctions. 983-984 - Prashant Doshi:
A Framework for Optimal Sequential Planning in Multiagent Settings. 985-986 - Noemie Elhadad:
User-Sensitive Text Summarization. 987-988 - Jamie Lennon:
Connecting Cognitive and Physical Worlds with Dynamic Cost Function Definition. 989-990 - Shou-De Lin:
Interesting Instance Discovery in Multi-Relational Data. 991-992 - Sudip Misra, B. John Oommen:
Adaptive Algorithms for Routing and Traffic Engineering in Stochastic Networks. 993-994 - Smaranda Muresan:
Inducing Constraint-Based Grammars using a Domain Ontology. 995-996 - Hien Nguyen:
Capturing User Intent for Information Retrieval. 997-998 - Amit Ramesh:
A Metric for the Evaluation of Imitation. 999-1000 - Håkan L. S. Younes:
Planning and Verification for Stochastic Processes with Asynchronous Events. 1001-1002
Intelligent Systems Demonstrations
- Gustave Anderson, Andrew Burnheimer, Vincent A. Cicirello, David J. Dorsey, Saturnino Garcia, Moshe Kam, Joseph Kopena, Kris Malfettone, Andrew Mroczkowski, Gaurav Naik, Maxim Peysakhov, William C. Regli, Joshua Shaffer, Evan Sultanik, Kenneth Tsang, Leonardo F. Urbano, Kyle Usbeck, Jacob Warren:
Intelligent Systems Demonstration: The Secure Wireless Agent Testbed (SWAT). 1004-1005 - K. Suzanne Barber, Jaesuk Ahn, Karen Fullam, Thomas J. Graser, Nishit Gujral, David C. Han, Dung N. Lam, Ryan McKay, Jisun Park, Marcelo M. Vanzin:
Multi-Agent System Development: Design, Runtime, and Analysis. 1006-1007 - Jason Campbell, Rahul Sukthankar, Illah R. Nourbakhsh:
Visual Odometry Using Commodity Optical Flow. 1008-1009 - Marc Esteva, David de la Cruz, Bruno Rosell, Josep Lluís Arcos, Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar, Guifre Cuní:
Engineering Open Multi-Agent Systems as Electronic Institutions. 1010-1011 - Andrea Giovannucci, Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar, Jesús Cerquides, Antonio Reyes-Moro, Francesc X. Noria:
iBundler: An Agent-Based Decision Support Service for Combinatorial Negotiations. 1012-1013 - Darsana P. Josyula, Michael L. Anderson, Donald Perlis:
Domain-Independent Reason-Enhanced Controller for Task-ORiented Systems - DIRECTOR. 1014-1015 - Teresa H. Ko, Nina M. Berry:
Agent-Based Modeling with Social Networks for Terrorist Recruitment. 1016-1017 - Wojtek Michalowski, Roman Slowinski, Szymon Wilk:
Mobile Emergency Triage Support System. 1018-1019 - Pragnesh Jay Modi, Manuela M. Veloso, Stephen F. Smith, Jean Oh:
CMRadar: A Personal Assistant Agent for Calendar Management. 1020-1021 - Charlie Ortiz, Kurt Konolige, Régis Vincent, Benoit Morisset, Andrew Agno, Michael Eriksen, Dieter Fox, Benson Limketkai, Jonathan Ko, Benjamin Stewart, Dirk Schulz:
Centibots: Very Large Scale Distributed Robotic Teams. 1022-1023 - Ted Pedersen, Siddharth Patwardhan, Jason Michelizzi:
WordNet: : Similarity - Measuring the Relatedness of Concepts. 1024-1025 - Ana-Maria Popescu, Alex Armanasu, Oren Etzioni, David Ko, Alexander Yates:
PRECISE on ATIS: Semantic Tractability and Experimental Results. 1026-1027 - Sushil Puradkar, Sachin Singh, Chintan Patel, Kartik Vishwanath, Rahul Gupta, Yugyung Lee:
SEM-Ether: Semantic Web Based Pervasive Computing Framework - Integrating Web, Devices and People. 1028-1029 - Amruta Purandare, Ted Pedersen:
SenseClusters - Finding Clusters that Represent Word Senses. 1030-1031 - Paul E. Rybski, Fernando De la Torre, Raju Patil, Carlos Vallespí, Manuela M. Veloso, Brett Browning:
CAMEO: Modeling Human Activity in Formal Meeting Situations. 1032-1033 - Matthias Scheutz, Virgil Andronache, Kathleen M. Eberhard:
A Robotic Model of Human Reference Resolution. 1034-1035 - Karl Schultz, Brady Clark, Heather Pon-Barry, Elizabeth Owen Bratt, Stanley Peters:
SCoT: A Spoken Conversational Tutor. 1036-1037 - Austin Tate, Jeff Dalton, Clauirton de Siebra, J. Stuart Aitken, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Andrzej Uszok:
Intelligent Agents for Coalition Search and Rescue Task Support. 1038-1039 - Daniel Tran, Steve A. Chien, Rob Sherwood, Rebecca Castaño, Benjamin Cichy, Ashley Davies, Gregg R. Rabideau:
The Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment Onboard the EO-1 Spacecraft. 1040-1041 - Heidi H. T. Yeung:
Online Semantic Extraction by Backpropagation Neural Network with Various Syntactic Structure Representations. 1042-1043 - Michelle X. Zhou, Keith Houck, Rosario Uceda-Sosa, Shimei Pan, Min Chen, Vikram Aggarwal, James Shaw:
Responsive Information Architect: A Context-Sensitive Multimedia Conversation Framework for Information Seeking. 1044-1045

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