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IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Volume 13
Volume 13, Number 1, January 2002
- Clifford Lau:
In memoriam: walter j. karplus. 1 - Jacek M. Zurada:
Editorial - year 2002: submission options streamlined. 2 - Sushmita Mitra
, Sankar K. Pal, Pabitra Mitra:
Data mining in soft computing framework: a survey. 3-14 - Vinay Deolalikar:
A two-layer paradigm capable of forming arbitrary decision regions in input space. 15-21 - James T. Lo, Devasis Bassu:
Adaptive multilayer perceptrons with long- and short-term memories. 22-33 - Daniel S. Yeung, Xuequan Sun:
Using function approximation to analyze the sensitivity of MLP with antisymmetric squashing activation function. 34-44 - Aluízio F. R. Araújo, Guilherme De A. Barreto
Context in temporal sequence processing: a self-organizing approach and its application to robotics. 45-57 - Eduardo Gómez-Sánchez
, Yannis A. Dimitriadis
, J. Manuel Cano Izquierdo
, Juan López Coronado:
μARTMAP: use of mutual information for category reduction in Fuzzy ARTMAP. 58-69 - Koji Tsuda, Masashi Sugiyama, Klaus-Robert Müller
Subspace information criterion for nonquadratic regularizers-Model selection for sparse regressors. 70-80 - Andrea Di Blas, Arun Jagota, Richard Hughey:
Energy function-based approaches to graph coloring. 81-91 - Hidehiro Nakano, Toshimichi Saito:
Basic dynamics from a pulse-coupled network of autonomous integrate-and-fire chaotic circuits. 92-100 - Juan Luis Castro
, Carlos Javier Mantas, José Manuel Benítez
Interpretation of artificial neural networks by means of fuzzy rules. 101-116 - Shahram Hosseini, Christian Jutten:
Maximum likelihood neural approximation in presence of additive colored noise. 117-131 - Jesús González
, Ignacio Rojas
, Julio Ortega Lopera
, Alberto Prieto
A new clustering technique for function approximation. 132-142 - Nojun Kwak, Chong-Ho Choi:
Input feature selection for classification problems. 143-159 - Giansalvo Cirrincione
, Maurizio Cirrincione, Jeanny Hérault, Sabine Van Huffel:
The MCA EXIN neuron for the minor component analysis. 160-187 - Ming Zhang, Shuxiang Xu
, John Fulcher:
Neuron-adaptive higher order neural-network models for automated financial data modeling. 188-204 - Tim Schönauer, Sahin Atasoy, Nasser Mehrtash, Heinrich Klar:
NeuroPipe-Chip: A digital neuro-processor for spiking neural networks. 205-213 - Shuzhi Sam Ge
, Cong Wang:
Direct adaptive NN control of a class of nonlinear systems. 214-221 - Charalampos Tsitouras:
Neural networks with multidimensional transfer functions. 222-228 - Chunhua Yang
, Geert Deconinck
, Weihua Gui, Yonggang Li:
An optimal power-dispatching system using neural networks for the electrochemical process of zinc depending on varying prices of electricity. 229-236 - Hujun Yin
ViSOM - a novel method for multivariate data projection and structure visualization. 237-243 - Xue-Bin Liang:
Effect of transmission delay on the rate of convergence of a class of nonlinear contractive dynamical systems. 244-248 - Chih-Jen Lin
Asymptotic convergence of an SMO algorithm without any assumptions. 248-250 - Linshan Wang:
Comments on "Robust stability for interval Hopfield neural networks with time delay" by X.F. Liao. 250-251 - Xinghuo Yu
, Mehmet Önder Efe
, Okyay Kaynak
A general backpropagation algorithm for feedforward neural networks learning. 251-254 - Sumio Watanabe:
Errata to "learning efficiency of redundant neural networks in bayesian estimation". 254
Volume 13, Number 2, March 2002
- Angelo Alessandri
, Marcello Sanguineti
, Manfredi Maggiore:
Optimization-based learning with bounded error for feedforward neural networks. 261-273 - Eugene Lavretsky:
On the geometric convergence of neural approximations. 274-282 - Lutz Leistritz, Miroslaw Galicki, Herbert Witte, Eberhard F. Kochs:
Training trajectories by continuous recurrent multilayer networks. 283-291 - Nikita Barabanov, Danil V. Prokhorov
Stability analysis of discrete-time recurrent neural networks. 292-303 - Eric A. Rying, Griff L. Bilbro, Jye-Chyi Lu:
Focused local learning with wavelet neural networks. 304-319 - Youshen Xia, Henry Leung, Éloi Bossé:
Neural data fusion algorithms based on a linearly constrained least square method. 320-329 - Donq-Liang Lee:
Pattern sequence recognition using a time-varying Hopfield network. 330-342 - H. Daniel Patiño, Ricardo O. Carelli
, Benjamín R. Kuchen:
Neural networks for advanced control of robot manipulators. 343-354 - Jan Dimon Bendtsen
, Klaus Trangbaek:
Robust quasi-LPV control based on neural state-space models. 355-368 - Yajun Zhang, Zhi-Qiang Liu:
Self-splitting competitive learning: a new on-line clustering paradigm. 369-380 - Jayanta Basak, Anirban Das:
Hough transform network: learning conoidal structures in a connectionist framework. 381-392 - Sunil K. Sinha, Fakhri Karray:
Classification of underground pipe scanned images using feature extraction and neuro-fuzzy algorithm. 393-401 - Antonello Rizzi
, Massimo Panella
, Fabio Massimo Frattale Mascioli:
Adaptive resolution min-max classifiers. 402-414 - Chih-Wei Hsu, Chih-Jen Lin
A comparison of methods for multiclass support vector machines. 415-425 - Sander M. Bohté, Han La Poutré, Joost N. Kok:
Unsupervised clustering with spiking neurons by sparse temporal coding and multilayer RBF networks. 426-435 - Lan Wang, Ke Chen
, Huisheng Chi:
Capture interspeaker information with a neural network for speaker identification. 436-445 - Magdy M. A. Salama, R. Bartnikas:
Determination of neural-network topology for partial discharge pulse pattern recognition. 446-456 - Jinde Cao, Lin Wang:
Exponential stability and periodic oscillatory solution in BAM networks with delays. 457-463 - Chun-fu Lin, Sheng-De Wang:
Fuzzy support vector machines. 464-471 - Virginio Cantoni, Alfredo Petrosino:
Neural recognition in a pyramidal structure. 472-480 - Xue-Bin Liang:
On the analysis of a recurrent neural network for solving nonlinear monotone variational inequality problems. 481-486 - Ramaswamy Palaniappan
, Paramesran Raveendran
, Sigeru Omatu:
VEP optimal channel selection using genetic algorithm for neural network classification of alcoholics. 486-491 - Mikael Bodén
, Janet Wiles
On learning context-free and context-sensitive languages. 491-493
Volume 13, Number 3, May 2002
- Malik Magdon-Ismail, Amir F. Atiya
Density estimation and random variate generation using multilayer networks. 497-520 - Simone G. O. Fiori
A theory for learning based on rigid bodies dynamics. 521-531 - Jean-Pierre Martens, Nico Weymaere:
An equalized error backpropagation algorithm for the on-line training of multilayer perceptrons. 532-541 - Sheng-Uei Guan, Shanchun Li:
Parallel growing and training of neural networks using output parallelism. 542-550 - K. Gopalsamy, S. Sariyasa:
Time delays and stimulus-dependent pattern formation in periodic environments in isolated neurons. 551-563 - Rudy Setiono, Wee Kheng Leow, Jacek M. Zurada:
Extraction of rules from artificial neural networks for nonlinear regression. 564-577 - Sandeep Paul
, Satish Kumar:
Subsethood-product fuzzy neural inference system (SuPFuNIS). 578-599 - Chih-Hsiu Wei, Chin-Shyurng Fahn:
The multisynapse neural network and its application to fuzzy clustering. 600-618 - Manuel A. Sánchez-Montañés
, Peter König
, Paul F. M. J. Verschure
Learning sensory maps with real-world stimuli in real time using a biophysically realistic learning rule. 619-632 - Yunong Zhang
, Jun Wang
Global exponential stability of recurrent neural networks for synthesizing linear feedback control systems via pole assignment. 633-644 - Andrea Baraldi, Ethem Alpaydin
Constructive feedforward ART clustering networks. I. 645-661 - Andrea Baraldi, Ethem Alpaydin
Constructive feedforward ART clustering networks. II. 662-677 - José del R. Millán
, Josep Mouriño, Marco Franzé, Febo Cincotti
, Markus Varsta, Jukka Heikkonen, Fabio Babiloni
A local neural classifier for the recognition of EEG patterns associated to mental tasks. 678-686 - Deng Jianping, Narasimhan Sundararajan, P. Saratchandran:
Communication channel equalization using complex-valued minimal radial basis function neural networks. 687-696 - Meng Joo Er, Shiqian Wu
, Juwei Lu, Hock Lye Toh:
Face recognition with radial basis function (RBF) neural networks. 697-710 - Dong-Chul Park
, Tae-Kyun Jung Jeong:
Complex-bilinear recurrent neural network for equalization of a digital satellite channel. 711-725 - Peter J. Edwards, Andrew M. Peacock, David S. Renshaw, John M. Hannah, Alan F. Murray:
Minimizing risk using prediction uncertainty in neural network estimation fusion and its application to papermaking. 726-731 - David Hsu, Miguel E. Figueroa
, Chris Diorio:
Competitive learning with floating-gate circuits. 732-744 - Rastko R. Selmic, Frank L. Lewis:
Neural-network approximation of piecewise continuous functions: application to friction compensation. 745-751 - Manabu Torii
, Martin T. Hagan:
Stability of steepest descent with momentum for quadratic functions. 752-756 - Ping Guo
, C. L. Philip Chen
, Michael R. Lyu:
Cluster number selection for a small set of samples using the Bayesian Ying-Yang model. 757-763 - Ganesh K. Venayagamoorthy
, Ronald G. Harley, Donald C. Wunsch:
Comparison of heuristic dynamic programming and dual heuristic programming adaptive critics for neurocontrol of a turbogenerator. 764-773 - George D. Magoulas
, Vassilis P. Plagianakos, Michael N. Vrahatis:
Globally convergent algorithms with local learning rates. 774-779 - Mark A. Girolami
Mercer kernel-based clustering in feature space. 780-784
Volume 13, Number 4, July 2002
- Ling Guan, Tülay Adali, Shigeru Katagiri, Jan Larsen, José C. Príncipe:
Guest editorial special issue on intelligent multimedia processing. 789-792 - Milind R. Naphade, Thomas S. Huang:
Extracting semantics from audio-visual content: the final frontier in multimedia retrieval. 793-810 - Guodong Guo
, Anil K. Jain, Wei-Ying Ma, Hong-Jiang Zhang:
Learning similarity measure for natural image retrieval with relevance feedback. 811-820 - Paisarn Muneesawang, Ling Guan:
Automatic machine interactions for content-based image retrieval using a self-organizing tree map architecture. 821-834 - Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan
Shape indexing using self-organizing maps. 835-840 - Jorma Laaksonen
, Markus Koskela, Erkki Oja:
PicSOM-self-organizing image retrieval with MPEG-7 content descriptors. 841-853 - Satoshi Nakamura:
Statistical multimodal integration for audio-visual speech processing. 854-866 - Gianandrea Cocchi, Aurelio Uncini
Subband neural networks prediction for on-line audio signal recovery. 867-876 - Itshak Lapidot, Hugo Guterman
, Arnon Cohen:
Unsupervised speaker recognition based on competition between self-organizing maps. 877-887 - Allan Kardec Barros
, Tomasz M. Rutkowski
, Fumitada Itakura, Noboru Ohnishi:
Estimation of speech embedded in a reverberant and noisy environment by independent component analysis and wavelets. 888-893 - Eric Vatikiotis-Bateson, Hani Yehia
Speaking mode variability in multimodal speech production. 894-899 - Jay J. Williams, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos
An HMM-based speech-to-video synthesizer. 900-915 - Pengyu Hong
, Zhen Wen, Thomas S. Huang:
Real-time speech-driven face animation with expressions using neural networks. 916-927 - Rainer Stiefelhagen, Jie Yang, Alex Waibel:
Modeling focus of attention for meeting indexing based on multiple cues. 928-938 - Paolo Gastaldo, Stefano Rovetta
, Rodolfo Zunino:
Objective quality assessment of MPEG-2 video streams by using CBP neural networks. 939-947 - Ying Wu, Thomas S. Huang:
Nonstationary color tracking for vision-based human-computer interaction. 948-960 - Xiaoou Tang, Xinbo Gao, Jianzhuang Liu, HongJiang Zhang:
A spatial-temporal approach for video caption detection and recognition. 961-971 - Lizhong Wu, Sharon L. Oviatt, Philip R. Cohen
From members to teams to committee-a robust approach to gestural and multimodal recognition. 972-982 - Claudia Nölker, Helge J. Ritter:
Visual recognition of continuous hand postures. 983-994 - Radu Dogaru, Pedro Julián
, Leon O. Chua, Manfred Glesner:
The simplicial neural cell and its mixed-signal circuit implementation: an efficient neural-network architecture for intelligent signal processing in portable multimedia applications. 995-1008 - Eiji Mizutani
, Kenichi Nishio:
Multi-illuminant color reproduction for electronic cameras via CANFIS neuro-fuzzy modular network device characterization. 1009-1022 - Lei Xu:
Errata to "BYY harmony learning, independent state space, and generalized apt financial analyses". 1023 - Sheng Chen
, Steve R. Gunn, Chris J. Harris
Errata to "The relevance vector machine technique for channel equalization application". 1024 - Chih-Jen Lin
Errata to "On the convergence of the decomposition method for support vector machines". 1025 - Chih-Jen Lin:
Errata to "A comparison of methods for multiclass support vector machines". 1026-1027
Volume 13, Number 5, September 2002
- Piero P. Bonissone
Welcome to the IEEE Neural Networks Society. 1033 - Deniz Erdogmus, José Carlos Príncipe:
Generalized information potential criterion for adaptive system training. 1035-1044 - Chih-Jen Lin
A formal analysis of stopping criteria of decomposition methods for support vector machines. 1045-1052 - Yunong Zhang
, Danchi Jiang
, Jun Wang
A recurrent neural network for solving Sylvester equation with time-varying coefficients. 1053-1063 - Nikolaos Ampazis, Stavros J. Perantonis:
Two highly efficient second-order algorithms for training feedforward networks. 1064-1074 - Whye Loon Tung, Hiok Chai Quek
GenSoFNN: a generic self-organizing fuzzy neural network. 1075-1086 - Yun-Chung Chu:
Bounds of the incremental gain for discrete-time recurrent neural networks. 1087-1098 - Mahmood R. Azimi-Sadjadi, De Yao, Arta A. Jamshidi, Gerald J. Dobeck:
Underwater target classification in changing environments using an adaptive feature mapping. 1099-1111 - Liying Ma, Khashayar Khorasani:
Application of adaptive constructive neural networks to image compression. 1112-1126 - Temujin Gautama, Marc M. Van Hulle:
A phase-based approach to the estimation of the optical flow field using spatial filtering. 1127-1136 - Alvin Wen-Yu Su, Sheng-Fu Liang:
A class of physical modeling recurrent networks for analysis/synthesis of plucked string instruments. 1137-1148 - Ryan Mukai, Victor A. Vilnrotter, Payman Arabshahi, Vahraz Jamnejad:
Adaptive acquisition and tracking for deep space array feed antennas. 1149-1162 - Sankar K. Pal, Varun Talwar, Pabitra Mitra:
Web mining in soft computing framework: relevance, state of the art and future directions. 1163-1177 - Jin Liu, Martin A. Brooke
, Kenichi Hirotsu:
A CMOS feedforward neural-network chip with on-chip parallel learning for oscillation cancellation. 1178-1186 - Jui-Cheng Yen:
A new k-groups neural network. 1187-1192 - Xiang Li
, Guanrong Chen
, Zengqiang Chen, Zhuzhi Yuan:
Chaotifying linear Elman networks. 1193-1199 - Gabriel Lera, Miguel Pinzolas:
Neighborhood based Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for neural network training. 1200-1203 - Marco Saerens, Patrice Latinne, Christine Decaestecker
Any reasonable cost function can be used for a posteriori probability approximation. 1204-1210 - Ke Zhi Mao
RBF neural network center selection based on Fisher ratio class separability measure. 1211-1217 - Ke Zhi Mao
Fast orthogonal forward selection algorithm for feature subset selection. 1218-1224 - S. Sathiya Keerthi:
Efficient tuning of SVM hyperparameters using radius/margin bound and iterative algorithms. 1225-1229 - Mauro Forti
Some extensions of a new method to analyze complete stability of neural networks. 1230-1238 - Sabri Arik
An analysis of global asymptotic stability of delayed cellular neural networks. 1239-1242 - Davide Anguita
, Andrea Boni:
Improved neural network for SVM learning. 1243-1244 - Xia Hong, Chris J. Harris
Nonlinear model structure design and construction using orthogonal least squares and D-optimality design. 1245-1250
Volume 13, Number 6, November 2002
- Erol Gelenbe
, Khaled F. Hussain
Learning in the multiple class random neural network. 1257-1267 - Vassilis P. Plagianakos, George D. Magoulas
, Michael N. Vrahatis:
Deterministic nonmonotone strategies for effective training of multilayer perceptrons. 1268-1284 - Giuseppe Patanè, Marco Russo
Fully automatic clustering system. 1285-1298 - Chitra Panchapakesan, Marimuthu Palaniswami, Daniel Ralph, Chris Manzie
Effects of moving the center's in an RBF network. 1299-1307 - Shie-Jue Lee, Chun-Liang Hou:
An ART-based construction of RBF networks. 1308-1321 - Chen-Chia Chuang, Shun-Feng Su, Jin-Tsong Jeng, Chih-Ching Hsiao:
Robust support vector regression networks for function approximation with outliers. 1322-1330 - Andreas Rauber, Dieter Merkl, Michael Dittenbach:
The growing hierarchical self-organizing map: exploratory analysis of high-dimensional data. 1331-1341 - Pedro J. Zufiria:
On the discrete-time dynamics of the basic Hebbian neural network node. 1342-1352 - Jacques M. Bahi, Sylvain Contassot-Vivier:
Stability of fully asynchronous discrete-time discrete-state dynamic networks. 1353-1363 - Jiun-Hung Chen, Chu-Song Chen:
Fuzzy kernel perceptron. 1364-1373 - Pedro Ángel Castillo Valdivieso
, Juan Julián Merelo Guervós
, Alberto Prieto
, Ignacio Rojas
, Gustavo Romero
Statistical analysis of the parameters of a neuro-genetic algorithm. 1374-1394 - Oscar Castillo
, Patricia Melin
Hybrid intelligent systems for time series prediction using neural networks, fuzzy logic, and fractal theory. 1395-1408 - Shuzhi Sam Ge
, Jing Wang:
Robust adaptive neural control for a class of perturbed strict feedback nonlinear systems. 1409-1419 - Naira Hovakimyan, Flavio Nardi, Anthony J. Calise, Nakwan Kim:
Adaptive output feedback control of uncertain nonlinear systems using single-hidden-layer neural networks. 1420-1431 - Athanasios Kehagias, Vassilios Petridis:
Predictive modular neural networks for unsupervised segmentation of switching time series: the data allocation problem. 1432-1449 - Marian Stewart Bartlett, Javier R. Movellan, Terrence J. Sejnowski:
Face recognition by independent component analysis. 1450-1464 - Howard C. Card, Dean K. McNeill:
Gaussian activation functions using Markov chains. 1465-1471 - Shafayat Abrar, Azzedine Zerguine
, Maamar Bettayeb:
Recursive least-squares backpropagation algorithm for stop-and-go decision-directed blind equalization. 1472-1481 - Dimitris G. Triantafyllidis, Dimitris P. Labridis
A finite-element mesh generator based on growing neural networks. 1482-1496 - Shih-Chii Liu, Bradley A. Minch:
Silicon synaptic adaptation mechanisms for homeostasis and contrast gain control. 1497-1503 - Martin T. Hill, Edward E. E. Frietman, Huug de Waardt, Giok-Djan Khoe, Harm J. S. Dorren:
All fiber-optic neural network using coupled SOA based ring lasers. 1504-1513 - David Braendler, Tim Hendtlass, Peter G. O'Donoghue:
Deterministic bit-stream digital neurons. 1514-1525 - Yuyao He:
Chaotic simulated annealing with decaying chaotic noise. 1526-1531 - Teong Chee Chuah, Bayan S. Sharif
, Oliver R. Hinton:
Robust CDMA multiuser detection using a neural-network approach. 1532-1539 - Gian Luca Foresti, Christian Micheloni
Generalized neural trees for pattern classification. 1540-1547 - Shun-Feng Su, Feng-Yu Peter Yang:
On the dynamical modeling with neural fuzzy networks. 1548-1553 - Sunan Huang, Kok Kiong Tan, Tong Heng Lee:
A decentralized control of interconnected systems using neural networks. 1554-1557 - Robert D. Stewart, Iris Fermin, Manfred Opper:
Region growing with pulse-coupled neural networks: an alternative to seeded region growing. 1557-1562

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