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Optimization Letters, Volume 7
Volume 7, Number 1, January 2013
- Pavlo A. Krokhmal, Oleg A. Prokopyev:
Editorial. 1-2 - Panos M. Pardalos:
Comments from the departing editor. 3-4 - Kristian Sabo, Rudolf Scitovski
, Ivan Vazler:
One-dimensional center-based l 1-clustering method. 5-22 - Changjun Yu, Kok Lay Teo, Yanqin Bai:
An exact penalty function method for nonlinear mixed discrete programming problems. 23-38 - Eun-Seok Kim, Daniel Oron:
Coordinating multi-location production and customer delivery. 39-50 - Nicolas P. Couellan
, Theodore B. Trafalis
An incremental primal-dual method for nonlinear programming with special structure. 51-62 - Mustafa Ç. Pinar:
Mixed-integer second-order cone programming for lower hedging of American contingent claims in incomplete markets. 63-78 - Alla R. Kammerdiner, Eduardo L. Pasiliao
Application of graph-theoretic approaches to the random landscapes of the three-dimensional assignment problem. 79-87 - Yujun Zheng
, Shengyong Chen, Haifeng Ling:
Efficient multi-objective tabu search for emergency equipment maintenance scheduling in disaster rescue. 89-100 - Majid Soleimani-Damaneh
An enumerative algorithm for solving nonconvex dynamic DEA models. 101-115 - Ke Quan Zhao, Xuan Wan, Xinmin Yang:
A note on characterizing solution set of nonsmooth pseudoinvex optimization problem. 117-126 - Davinder Bhatia, Anjana Gupta, Pooja Arora:
Optimality via generalized approximate convexity and quasiefficiency. 127-135 - Wei Li, Haohao Li, Chongyang Deng
Privacy-preserving horizontally partitioned linear programs with inequality constraints. 137-144 - S. Sadiq Basha
, Naseer Shahzad
, R. Jeyaraj:
Best proximity points: approximation and optimization. 145-155 - Monica Gentili, Andrea Raiconi
α-Coverage to extend network lifetime on wireless sensor networks. 157-172 - Pham Huu Sach:
Henig proper generalized vector quasiequilibrium problems. 173-184 - Zaki Chbani
, Hassan Riahi:
Weak and strong convergence of an inertial proximal method for solving Ky Fan minimax inequalities. 185-206
Volume 7, Number 2, February 2013
- Theodoros P. Gevezes, Leonidas S. Pitsoulis:
A new greedy algorithm for the quadratic assignment problem. 207-220 - Joydeep Dutta, C. S. Lalitha
Optimality conditions in convex optimization revisited. 221-229 - Yutaka Okaie, Tadashi Nakano:
Resource pricing games on graphs: existence of Nash equilibria. 231-240 - Xiu Qin Deng, Yong Da Li:
A novel hybrid genetic algorithm for solving Sudoku puzzles. 241-257 - Oleksii Mostovyi
On the stability the least squares Monte Carlo. 259-265 - Gang Cai, Shangquan Bu:
An iterative algorithm for a general system of variational inequalities and fixed point problems in q-uniformly smooth Banach spaces. 267-287 - Valentina Cacchiani
, Alberto Caprara, Paolo Toth:
Finding cliques of maximum weight on a generalization of permutation graphs. 289-296 - Stefano Lucidi
, Francesco Rinaldi
An exact penalty global optimization approach for mixed-integer programming problems. 297-307 - A. Gholam Abri, Gholam Reza Jahanshahloo, F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi
, N. Shoja, M. Fallah Jelodar:
A new method for ranking non-extreme efficient units in data envelopment analysis. 309-324 - Hao-Chun Lu
, Tzu-Li Chen:
Efficient model for interval goal programming with arbitrary penalty function. 325-341 - Rong Hu, Ya-Ping Fang:
Levitin-Polyak well-posedness by perturbations of inverse variational inequalities. 343-359 - Nooshin Movahedian:
Calmness and inverse image characterizations for Asplund spaces. 361-373 - Ricardo Andrade
, Ernesto G. Birgin
Symmetry-breaking constraints for packing identical rectangles within polyhedra. 375-405 - André Renato Sales Amaral:
Optimal solutions for the double row layout problem. 407-413 - Oganeditse A. Boikanyo
, Gheorghe Morosanu:
Strong convergence of a proximal point algorithm with bounded error sequence. 415-420
Volume 7, Number 3, March 2013
- Charles Audet, Cong-Kien Dang, Dominique Orban:
Efficient use of parallelism in algorithmic parameter optimization applications. 421-433 - Weixiang Wang, Youlin Shang, Liansheng Zhang, Ying Zhang:
Global minimization of non-smooth unconstrained problems with filled function. 435-446 - Margherita Porcelli
On the convergence of an inexact Gauss-Newton trust-region method for nonlinear least-squares problems with simple bounds. 447-465 - Pablo San Segundo
, Fernando Matía
, Diego Rodríguez-Losada, Miguel Hernando
An improved bit parallel exact maximum clique algorithm. 467-479 - Jianguang Zhu, Binbin Hao:
A new class of smoothing functions and a smoothing Newton method for complementarity problems. 481-497 - Xiang-Kai Sun, Shengjie Li:
Duality and Farkas-type results for extended Ky Fan inequalities with DC functions. 499-510 - Mohsen Alimohammady
, Vahid Dadashi:
Preserving maximal monotonicity with applications in sum and composition rules. 511-517 - Tie Ni, Sheng-Long Hu:
A note on quadratic convergence of a smoothing Newton algorithm for the LCP. 519-531 - Qiong Li:
Conjugate gradient type methods for the nondifferentiable convex minimization. 533-545 - Mohammad Eslamian:
Convergence theorems for nonspreading mappings and nonexpansive multivalued mappings and equilibrium problems. 547-557 - Jing Zeng, Shengjie Li, Wen-yan Zhang, Xiaowei Xue:
Hadamard well-posedness for a set-valued optimization problem. 559-573 - Reshma Khemchandani
, Nishil Gupta, Arpit Chaudhary, Suresh Chandra:
Optimal execution with weighted impact functions: a quadratic programming approach. 575-592 - Zi Xu
, Xinming Wu:
A new hybrid stochastic approximation algorithm. 593-606 - Cloud Makasu:
Explicit solution for a vector-valued LQG homing problem. 607-612 - Radoslaw Rudek
A note on proving the strong NP-hardness of a scheduling problem with position dependent job processing times. 613-616 - Dehui Yuan, Xiaoling Liu, Guoming Lai:
Note on generalized invex functions. 617-623
Volume 7, Number 4, April 2013
- Olvi L. Mangasarian:
Absolute value equation solution via dual complementarity. 625-630 - Roman A. Polyak, James Costa, Saba Neyshabouri:
Dual fast projected gradient method for quadratic programming. 631-645 - Surjeet Kaur Suneja, Pooja Louhan, Meetu Bhatia Grover
Higher-order cone-pseudoconvex, quasiconvex and other related functions in vector optimization. 647-664 - Guilherme B. Mainieri, Débora P. Ronconi
New heuristics for total tardiness minimization in a flexible flowshop. 665-684 - Ke Quan Zhao, Xin Min Yang:
Characterizations of the solution set for a class of nonsmooth optimization problems. 685-694 - Marco Carvalho
, Alexey Sorokin, Vladimir Boginski, Balabhaskar Balasundaram
Topology design for on-demand dual-path routing in wireless networks. 695-707 - M. Oveisiha, Jafar Zafarani:
Generalized Minty vector variational-like inequalities and vector optimization problems in Asplund spaces. 709-721 - János Tapolcai
Sufficient conditions for protection routing in IP networks. 723-730 - Hai Yen Le
Generalized subdifferentials of the rank function. 731-743 - Han-Lim Choi, Jonathan P. How
, Paul I. Barton:
An outer-approximation approach for information-maximizing sensor selection. 745-764 - Yong Hsia, Yanping Wang:
A new penalty parameter for linearly constrained 0-1 quadratic programming problems. 765-778 - Guo-ji Tang, Li-Wen Zhou, Nan-Jing Huang:
The proximal point algorithm for pseudomonotone variational inequalities on Hadamard manifolds. 779-790 - Federico Heras
, David Bañeres
Incomplete inference for graph problems. 791-805 - Weiwei Fang, Changsheng Zhou, Bingru Yang:
Privacy preserving linear regression modeling of distributed databases. 807-818 - Yuri Evtushenko
, Mikhail Posypkin
A deterministic approach to global box-constrained optimization. 819-829 - Saman Babaie-Kafaki:
On the sufficient descent property of the Shanno's conjugate gradient method. 831-837
Volume 7, Number 5, June 2013
- Boris S. Mordukhovich, Nguyen Mau Nam, Maria Cristina Villalobos:
The smallest enclosing ball problem and the smallest intersecting ball problem: existence and uniqueness of solutions. 839-853 - Maria Viorica Stefanescu, Massimiliano Ferrara
, Anton Stefanescu:
Multiobjective programming with new invexities. 855-870 - Elimhan N. Mahmudov
Approximation and optimization of Darboux type differential inclusions with set-valued boundary conditions. 871-891 - Xie Ping Ding, Salahuddin:
Generalized vector mixed general quasi-variational-like inequalities in Hausdorff topological vector spaces. 893-902 - Pál Burai:
Necessary and sufficient condition on global optimality without convexity and second order differentiability. 903-911 - A. Amini-Harandi:
Best proximity points for proximal generalized contractions in metric spaces. 913-921 - Tamás Vinkó
, Flavio Santos, Nazareno Andrade, Mihai Capota
On swarm-level resource allocation in BitTorrent communities. 923-932 - Rong Hu, Ya-Ping Fang:
Mixed equilibrium problems with Z*-bifunctions and least element problems in Banach lattices. 933-947 - Mokhtar Hafayed
, Syed Abbas
, Petr Veverka:
On necessary and sufficient conditions for near-optimal singular stochastic controls. 949-966 - Ricardo M. A. Silva, Mauricio G. C. Resende, Panos M. Pardalos, Michael J. Hirsch:
A Python/C library for bound-constrained global optimization with continuous GRASP. 967-984 - Qi-Lin Wang:
A note on lower Studniarski derivative of the perturbation map in parameterized vector optimization. 985-990 - Muhammad Aslam Noor
, Muhammad Waseem
, Khalida Inayat Noor, Eisa A. Al-Said:
Variational iteration technique for solving a system of nonlinear equations. 991-1007 - Alexander J. Zaslavski:
An exact penalty approach to constrained minimization problems on metric spaces. 1009-1016 - Maoqin Li, Shanlin Li, Hong Yan
Tower-of-sets analysis for the Kise-Ibaraki-Mine algorithm. 1017-1026 - Akhtar A. Khan
, Dumitru Motreanu:
Local minimizers versus X-local minimizers. 1027-1033 - S. Sadiq Basha
Best proximity point theorems on partially ordered sets. 1035-1043 - Adam Janiak, Mikhail Y. Kovalyov
Letter to the Editor. 1045
Volume 7, Number 6, August 2013
- Anatoly A. Zhigljavsky
, Luc Pronzato, Elena Bukina:
An asymptotically optimal gradient algorithm for quadratic optimization with low computational cost. 1047-1059 - D. A. Dyabilkin, Igor V. Konnov
Combined partial regularization and descent method for a generalized primal-dual system. 1061-1070 - Li Wei, Wangdong Qi, Dingxing Chen, Peng Liu, En Yuan:
Optimal sequencing of a set of positive numbers with the variance of the sequence's partial sums maximized. 1071-1086 - Thai Doan Chuong
Normal subdifferentials of efficient point multifunctions in parametric vector optimization. 1087-1117 - Mehrasa Ayatollahi
Maximal and minimal eigenvalue assignment for discrete-time periodic systems by state feedback. 1119-1123 - Cheng Wang, Wansheng Tang
, Ruiqing Zhao:
The infinite time horizon dynamic pricing problem with multi-unit demand. 1125-1138 - Bai-Ni Guo
, Feng Qi
Monotonicity and logarithmic convexity relating to the volume of the unit ball. 1139-1153 - Mohammad Mirghorbani, Pavlo A. Krokhmal:
On finding k-cliques in k-partite graphs. 1155-1165 - S. Sadiq Basha
Best proximity point theorems: resolution of an important non-linear programming problem. 1167-1177 - Nicola Apollonio
, Massimiliano Caramia
, Giuseppe F. Italiano
On a facility location problem with applications to tele-diagnostic. 1179-1192 - Elena V. Khoroshilova
Extragradient-type method for optimal control problem with linear constraints and convex objective function. 1193-1214 - Shabnam Zangeneh-Khamooshi, Zelda B. Zabinsky, Joseph A. Heim:
A multi-shift vehicle routing problem with windows and cycle times. 1215-1225 - K. Annadurai
, R. Uthayakumar
Two-echelon inventory model for deteriorating items with credit period dependent demand including shortages under trade credit. 1227-1249 - A. M. A. El-Sayed
, Hind H. G. Hashem
Existence results for coupled systems of quadratic integral equations of fractional orders. 1251-1260 - Aleksey Y. Galan, Ronan Sauleau
, Artem V. Boriskin:
Floating boundary particle swarm optimization algorithm. 1261-1280 - Javad Balooee, Yeol Je Cho:
On a system of extended general variational inclusions. 1281-1301 - Dalila B. M. M. Fontes
, José Fernando Gonçalves
A multi-population hybrid biased random key genetic algorithm for hop-constrained trees in nonlinear cost flow networks. 1303-1324 - Yazheng Dang, Yan Gao:
The strong convergence of a three-step algorithm for the split feasibility problem. 1325-1339 - T. R. Gulati, Geeta Mehndiratta
, Khushboo Verma:
Symmetric duality for second-order fractional programs. 1341-1352 - Izhar Ahmad
, Zakir Husain:
Second order symmetric duality in multiobjective programming involving cones. 1353-1365 - Weijun Zhou:
A short note on the global convergence of the unmodified PRP method. 1367-1372 - Gabriele Eichfelder
, Janez Povh
On the set-semidefinite representation of nonconvex quadratic programs over arbitrary feasible sets. 1373-1386 - Peter J. C. Dickinson, Gabriele Eichfelder
, Janez Povh
Erratum to: On the set-semidefinite representation of nonconvex quadratic programs over arbitrary feasible sets. 1387-1397
Volume 7, Number 7, October 2013
- Panagiotis P. Repoussis
, Chrysanthos E. Gounaris
Special issue on vehicle routing and scheduling: recent trends and advances. 1399-1403 - Claudia Archetti
, Nicola Bianchessi
, Maria Grazia Speranza
The capacitated team orienteering problem with incomplete service. 1405-1417 - Luciana Pereira de Assis
, André L. Maravilha
, Alessandro Vivas, Felipe Campelo
, Jaime A. Ramírez
Multiobjective vehicle routing problem with fixed delivery and optional collections. 1419-1431 - Aida Mauziah Benjamin
, John E. Beasley
Metaheuristics with disposal facility positioning for the waste collection VRP with time windows. 1433-1449 - Adamo Bosco, Demetrio Laganà
, Roberto Musmanno, Francesca Vocaturo
Modeling and solving the mixed capacitated general routing problem. 1451-1469 - Alberto Ceselli
, Giovanni Righini
, Emanuele Tresoldi
Modeling and solving profitable location and distribution problems. 1471-1480 - Tung H. Le, Ali Diabat
, Jean-Philippe P. Richard
, Yuehwern Yih
A column generation-based heuristic algorithm for an inventory routing problem with perishable goods. 1481-1502 - Jorge E. Mendoza
, Juan G. Villegas
A multi-space sampling heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands. 1503-1516 - Kiran Panchamgam, Yupei Xiong, Bruce L. Golden, Benjamin Dussault
, Edward A. Wasil:
The hierarchical traveling salesman problem. 1517-1524 - Victor Pillac
, Christelle Guéret
, Andrés L. Medaglia
A parallel matheuristic for the technician routing and scheduling problem. 1525-1535 - Fernando Afonso Santos, Alexandre Salles da Cunha, Geraldo Robson Mateus:
Branch-and-price algorithms for the Two-Echelon Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. 1537-1547 - Sebastian Souyris
, Cristián E. Cortés
, Fernando Ordóñez
, Andrés Weintraub
A robust optimization approach to dispatching technicians under stochastic service times. 1549-1568 - Anand Subramanian
, Eduardo Uchoa
, Artur Alves Pessoa
, Luiz Satoru Ochi
Branch-cut-and-price for the vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery. 1569-1581 - Christos D. Tarantilis:
Adaptive multi-restart Tabu Search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with cross-docking. 1583-1596 - Yupei Xiong, Damon Gulczynski, Daniel J. Kleitman, Bruce L. Golden, Edward A. Wasil:
A worst-case analysis for the split delivery vehicle routing problem with minimum delivery amounts. 1597-1609 - Ertan Yakici, Orhan Karasakal
A min-max vehicle routing problem with split delivery and heterogeneous demand. 1611-1625 - Eda Yücel
, F. Sibel Salman
, E. Lerzan Örmeci
, Esma Senturk Gel
A constant-factor approximation algorithm for multi-vehicle collection for processing problem. 1627-1642
Volume 7, Number 8, December 2013
- Vsevolod I. Ivanov
Duality in nonlinear programming. 1643-1658 - Vladimir Jankovic, Boban Marinkovic
, Sasa V. Rakovic:
Motzkin's theorem of the alternative: a continuous-time generalization. 1659-1668 - Peter J. C. Dickinson, Mirjam Dür, Luuk Gijben, Roland Hildebrand
Scaling relationship between the copositive cone and Parrilo's first level approximation. 1669-1679 - Ali Ahrari
A requirement for the mutation operator in continuous optimization. 1681-1690 - Nan Lu, Zheng-Hai Huang:
The Hölder continuity of Löwner's operator in Euclidean Jordan algebras. 1691-1699 - Pando G. Georgiev, Lars Kindermann, Panos M. Pardalos:
Iterative roots of multidimensional operators and applications to dynamical systems. 1701-1710 - Bryan Ng, Yi-Fei Tan
, Yong Roger:
Improved utilization for joint HCCA-EDCA access in IEEE 802.11e WLANs. 1711-1724 - Haohao Li, Zhiyi Tan, Wei Li:
Privacy-preserving vertically partitioned linear program with nonnegativity constraints. 1725-1731 - K. R. Guruprasad
Effectiveness-based Voronoi partition: a new tool for solving a class of location optimization problems. 1733-1743 - Pongrus Phuangphoo, Poom Kumam
Two block hybrid projection method for solving a common solution for a system of generalized equilibrium problems and fixed point problems for two countable families. 1745-1763 - Pankaj Gupta, Garima Mittal
, Mukesh Kumar Mehlawat:
Multiobjective expected value model for portfolio selection in fuzzy environment. 1765-1791 - Xue Huang, Gang Li, Yunzhang Huo, Ping Ji
Single machine scheduling with general time-dependent deterioration, position-dependent learning and past-sequence-dependent setup times. 1793-1804 - Silvia Schwarze, Stefan Voß
Improved load balancing and resource utilization for the Skill Vehicle Routing Problem. 1805-1823 - Chirasak Mongkolkeha, Poom Kumam
Some common best proximity points for proximity commuting mappings. 1825-1836 - M. H. Li, C. M. Liao:
Sensitivity analysis for a Lagrange dual problem to a vector optimization problem. 1837-1846 - Xian-Jun Long, Xiao-Bing Li, J. Zeng:
Lagrangian conditions for approximate solutions on nonconvex set-valued optimization problems. 1847-1856 - Ji-Bo Wang, Xiao-Yuan Wang, Linhui Sun, Linyan Sun:
Scheduling jobs with truncated exponential learning functions. 1857-1873 - Antonio Sedeño-Noda
, Carlos González-Martín:
On the second point-to-point undirected shortest simple path problem. 1875-1881 - V. Pragadeeswarar
, M. Marudai:
Best proximity points: approximation and optimization in partially ordered metric spaces. 1883-1892 - Mehdi Allahdadi
, Hasan Mishmast Nehi:
The optimal solution set of the interval linear programming problems. 1893-1911 - Ke Quan Zhao, Xin Min Yang:
A unified stability result with perturbations in vector optimization. 1913-1919 - Antanas Zilinskas:
On the worst-case optimal multi-objective global optimization. 1921-1928 - Javad Balooee, Yeol Je Cho:
Algorithms for solutions of extended general mixed variational inequalities and fixed points. 1929-1955 - Javad Balooee, Yeol Je Cho:
Erratum to: Algorithms for solutions of extended general mixed variational inequalities and fixed points. 1957-1958 - Ignacio Garcia-Vargas
, Raouf Senhadji-Navarro
The minimum maximal k-partial-matching problem. 1959-1968

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