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IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Volume 99-A
Volume 99-A, Number 1, January 2016
- Yukiyasu Tsunoo:
Foreword. 1-2 - Ryoma Ito
, Atsuko Miyaji
Refined Glimpse Correlations of RC4. 3-13 - Jiageng Chen
, Shoichi Hirose, Hidenori Kuwakado, Atsuko Miyaji
A Collision Attack on a Double-Block-Length Compression Function Instantiated with 8-/9-Round AES-256. 14-21 - Yu Sasaki, Lei Wang:
Generic Internal State Recovery on Strengthened HMAC: n-bit Secure HMAC Requires Key in All Blocks. 22-30 - Sho Sakikoyama, Yosuke Todo
, Kazumaro Aoki, Masakatu Morii:
Efficient Implementations for Practical Linear Cryptanalysis and Its Application to FEAL-8X. 31-38 - Jérémy Jean, Ivica Nikolic, Yu Sasaki, Lei Wang:
Practical Forgeries and Distinguishers against PAES. 39-48 - Yu Sasaki, Lei Wang:
Message Extension Attack against Authenticated Encryptions: Application to PANDA. 49-57 - Yasufumi Hashimoto
Cryptanalysis of the Multivariate Signature Scheme Proposed in PQCrypto 2013. 58-65 - Shigeo Tsujii, Kohtaro Tadaki, Ryo Fujita, Masahito Gotaishi:
Proposal of the Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystem Relying on the Difficulty of Factoring a Product of Two Large Prime Numbers. 66-72 - Ryo Hiromasa, Masayuki Abe, Tatsuaki Okamoto:
Packing Messages and Optimizing Bootstrapping in GSW-FHE. 73-82 - Keita Emura
, Jae Hong Seo, Taek-Young Youn:
Semi-Generic Transformation of Revocable Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption and Its DBDH Instantiation. 83-91 - Tatsuaki Okamoto, Katsuyuki Takashima:
Adaptively Attribute-Hiding (Hierarchical) Inner Product Encryption. 92-117 - Naoya Torii, Dai Yamamoto, Masahiko Takenaka, Tsutomu Matsumoto:
Experimental Evaluation on the Resistance of Latch PUFs Implemented on ASIC against FIB-Based Invasive Attacks. 118-129 - Daisuke Moriyama:
Cryptanalysis and Improvement of a Provably Secure RFID Ownership Transfer Protocol. 130-138 - Wu-Chuan Yang, Ching-Po Hung:
Analysis of the Dimitrov-Jullien-Miller Recoding Algorithm. 139-144 - Dan Jiang, Kazumasa Omote:
A RAT Detection Method Based on Network Behavior of the Communication's Early Stage. 145-153 - Yosuke Todo
Impossible Differential Attack against 14-Round Piccolo-80 without Relying on Full Code Book. 154-157
- Hiromasa Habuchi:
Foreword. 158 - Sayuri Fukui, Masanori Hamamura:
Approximately-Zero Correlation Zone Sequence Set. 159-166 - Weichao Sun, Zhi-Tao Huang, Fenghua Wang, Xiang Wang, Shaoyi Xie:
Wideband Power Spectrum Sensing and Reconstruction Based on Single Channel Sub-Nyquist Sampling. 167-176 - Kazuo Hagihara, Kouji Ohuchi:
Theoretical Bit Error Rate in a Circular Polarized Optical OFDM System. 177-184 - Bing Han, Teruo Kawamura, Yuichi Kakishima, Mamoru Sawahashi:
Throughput Analyses Based on Practical Upper Bound for Adaptive Modulation and Coding in OFDM MIMO Multiplexing. 185-195 - Xi Zhang, Teruyuki Miyajima:
Joint Blind Compensation of Inter-Block Interference and Frequency-Dependent IQ Imbalance. 196-198 - Masahiro Fujii, Yuma Hirota, Hiroyuki Hatano, Atsushi Ito, Yu Watanabe:
Distance Estimation Based on Statistical Models of Received Signal Strength. 199-203 - Isamu Matsunami, Ryohei Nakamura, Akihiro Kajiwara:
RCS Measurements for Vehicles and Pedestrian at 26 and 79GHz. 204-206
- Shunsuke Kamijo:
Foreword. 207 - Keisuke Takemori, Seiichiro Mizoguchi, Hideaki Kawabata, Ayumu Kubota:
In-Vehicle Network Security Using Secure Element. 208-216 - Nobuaki Kubo
, Taro Suzuki
Performance Improvement of RTK-GNSS with IMU and Vehicle Speed Sensors in an Urban Environment. 217-224 - Reiki Kusakari, Akira Nakamura, Kohei Ohno, Makoto Itami:
Improving Performance of DS/SS-IVC Scheme Based on Location Oriented PN Code Allocation. 225-234 - Kojiro Takeyama, Satoshi Makido, Yoshiko Kojima:
A Novel Method of Vehicle Trajectory Estimation with Portable Navigation Device for Dense Urban Environments. 235-242 - Yasuhiko Nakano, Haruki Kawanaka, Koji Oguri:
Analysis of Elderly Drivers' Performance Using Large-Scale Test Data. 243-251 - Cong-Hoang Diem, Koya Sato
, Takeo Fujii:
Cooperative Distributed STBC Transmission Scheme for Multi-Hop V2V Communications. 252-262 - Yoshihito Imai, Tadashi Ebihara
, Koichi Mizutani
, Naoto Wakatsuki:
High-Speed Visible Light Communication Using Combination of Low-Speed Image Sensor and Polygon Mirror. 263-270 - Yanlei Gu, Li-Ta Hsu
, Lijia Xie, Shunsuke Kamijo:
Accurate Estimation of Pedestrian Orientation from On-Board Camera and Inertial Sensors. 271-281 - Tetsuya Manabe
, Takaaki Hasegawa, Takashi Serizawa, Nobuhiro Machida, Yuichi Yoshida, Takayuki Fujiwara:
New Types of Markers and the Integration of M-CubITS Pedestrian WYSIWYAS Navigation Systems for Advanced WYSIWYAS Navigation Environments. 282-296 - Tetsuya Manabe
, Takaaki Hasegawa:
A Design Methodology for Positioning Sub-Platform on Smartphone Based LBS. 297-309 - Kazuki Uehara
, Yuhei Akamine, Naruaki Toma, Moeko Nerome, Satoshi Endo:
Evaluation of a Hierarchical Cooperative Transport System Using Demand Responsive Bus on a Dynamic Simulation. 310-318 - Masayuki Ochiai, Hiroyuki Hatano, Masahiro Fujii, Atsushi Ito, Yu Watanabe:
Indoor Positioning Based on Fingerprinting Method by Incoming GPS Signals. 319-322
- Jian Liu, Youguo Wang, Qiqing Zhai
Stochastic Resonance of Signal Detection in Mono-Threshold System Using Additive and Multiplicative Noises. 323-329 - Shingo Yoshizawa, Daichi Sasaki, Hiroshi Tanimoto:
Power Reduction of Variable Wordlength OFDM Receiver in Time-Varying Fading Channels by Monitoring Subcarrier SNRs. 330-337 - Takahiro Murakami, Yoshihisa Ishida:
Generalized Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform. 338-345 - Jae Man Kim, Yoon Ho Choi, Jin Bae Park:
Consensus for Heterogeneous Uncertain Multi-Agent Systems with Jointly Connected Topology. 346-354 - Yukihiro Hamada:
Independent Spanning Trees of 2-Chordal Rings. 355-362 - Salih Ergün
On the Security of Chaos Based "True" Random Number Generators. 363-369 - Kazuho Watanabe
Rate-Distortion Bounds for ε-Insensitive Distortion Measures. 370-377 - Kyung-Tae Jo, Young-Chai Ko, Seyeong Choi:
Channel Estimation and Performance Evaluation over Ricean Fading for Multiple-Antenna RF Beamforming. 378-384 - Daehee Kim, Sangwook Kang, Sunshin An:
Secure and Efficient Time Synchronization for Border Surveillance Wireless Sensor Networks. 385-401 - Yonggang Hu, Xiongwei Zhang, Xia Zou, Meng Sun, Gang Min, Yinan Li:
Improved Semi-Supervised NMF Based Real-Time Capable Speech Enhancement. 402-406 - Jaesik Hwang, Jaepil Seo, Ji-Won Cho, Hyung-Min Park
A Speech Enhancement Algorithm Based on Blind Signal Cancelation in Diffuse Noise Environments. 407-411 - Norisato Suga, Toshihiro Furukawa:
On Recursive Representation of Optimum Projection Matrix. 412-416 - Chang-Bin Ha, Hyoung-Kyu Song:
Situation-Adaptive Detection Algorithm for Efficient MIMO-OFDM System. 417-422 - Shun-ichi Azuma, Takahiro Yoshida, Toshiharu Sugie:
Designability of Multi-Attractor Boolean Networks with a Fixed Network Structure. 423-425 - Fu-Kuo Tseng, Rong-Jaye Chen:
Towards Position-Aware Symbol-Based Searches on Encrypted Data from Symmetric Predicate Encryption Schemes. 426-428 - Ting Yao, Minjia Shi, Ya Chen:
The Depth Spectra of Linear Codes over F2+uF2+u2F2. 429-432 - Jinfeng Hu, Huanrui Zhu, Huiyong Li, Julan Xie, Jun Li, Sen Zhong:
Sea Clutter Suppression and Weak Target Signal Enhancement Using an Optimal Filter. 433-436 - Ngoc Nam Bui, Jin Young Kim, Hyoung-Gook Kim:
Gradient-Flow Tensor Divergence Feature for Human Action Recognition. 437-440
Volume 99-A, Number 2, February 2016
- Tatsushi Yamasaki:
Foreword. 441 - Daisuke Ishii, Naoki Yonezaki, Alexandre Goldsztejn:
Monitoring Temporal Properties Using Interval Analysis. 442-453 - Taishi Fujita, Toshimitsu Ushio:
Optimal Digital Control with Uncertain Network Delay of Linear Systems Using Reinforcement Learning. 454-461 - Kunihiko Hiraishi, Koichi Kobayashi:
Diagnosis of Stochastic Discrete Event Systems Based on N-Gram Models with Wildcard Characters. 462-467 - Koichi Kobayashi, Kunihiko Hiraishi:
Event-Triggered and Self-Triggered Control for Networked Control Systems Using Online Optimization. 468-474 - Sasinee Pruekprasert
, Toshimitsu Ushio:
Optimal Stabilizing Supervisor of Quantitative Discrete Event Systems under Partial Observation. 475-482 - Nam Tung Vu, Shigemasa Takai
Synthesis of Output Feedback Controllers for Bisimilarity Control of Transition Systems. 483-490 - Qiang Wu, Yoshihiko Susuki
, T. John Koo:
RRT-Based Computation for Dynamic Security Analysis of Power Systems. 491-501 - Ichiro Toyoshima, Shingo Yamaguchi, Jia Zhang:
Implicit Places and Refactoring in Sound Acyclic Extended Free Choice Workflow Nets. 502-508 - Shingo Yamaguchi, Mohd Anuaruddin Bin Ahmadon
Properties and Decision Procedure for Bridge-Less Workflow Nets. 509-512
- Kawori Sekine:
Foreword. 513 - Ryuichi Fujimoto:
Analog and Digital Collaborative Design Techniques for Wireless SoCs. 514-522 - Khaja Ahmad Shaik, Kiyoo Itoh, Amara Amara:
0.5-V Sub-ns Open-BL SRAM Array with Mid-Point-Sensing Multi-Power-Supply 5T Cell. 523-530 - Hiroki Yotsuda, Retdian Agung Nicodimus, Masahiro Kubo, Taro Kosaka, Nobuhiko Nakano:
Compensation Technique for Current-to-Voltage Converters for LSI Patch Clamp System Using High Resistive Feedback. 531-539 - Retdian Agung Nicodimus, Takeshi Shima:
Noise Reduction Technique of Switched-Capacitor Low-Pass Filter Using Adaptive Configuration. 540-546 - Junya Matsuno, Masanori Furuta, Tetsuro Itakura, Tatsuji Matsuura, Akira Hyogo:
A Replica-Amp Gain Enhancement Technique for an Operational Amplifier with Low Mismatch Sensitivity and High Voltage Swing. 547-554 - Nan Lyu, Ning Mei Yu, He Jiu Zhang:
A High-Speed Column-Parallel Time-Digital Single-Slope ADC for CMOS Image Sensors. 555-559
- Yang Liu, Shota Morita, Masashi Unoki
MTF-Based Kalman Filtering with Linear Prediction for Power Envelope Restoration in Noisy Reverberant Environments. 560-569 - Trung Anh Dinh, Shigeru Yamashita
, Tsung-Yi Ho
A Full-Flexibility-Guaranteed Pin-Count Reduction Design for General-Purpose Digital Microfluidic Biochips. 570-578 - Jong Hwan Park, Young-Ho Park
A Tightly-Secure Multisignature Scheme with Improved Verification. 579-589 - Kenji Yasunaga:
Public-Key Encryption with Lazy Parties. 590-600 - Sho Kanai, Hidetoshi Yokoo, Kosumo Yamazaki, Hideaki Kaneyasu:
Efficient Implementation and Empirical Evaluation of Compression by Substring Enumeration. 601-611 - Takanori Fujisawa, Taichi Yoshida, Kazu Mishiba, Masaaki Ikehara:
Single Image Super Resolution by l2 Approximation with Random Sampled Dictionary. 612-620 - Jian Zhou, Takafumi Matsumaru
Contour-Based Binary Image Orientation Detection by Orientation Context and Roulette Distance. 621-633 - Mengmeng Zhang, Heng Zhang, Zhi Liu:
Fast Algorithm Based on Rough LCU Minimum Depth Prediction and Early CU Partition Termination for HEVC Intra Coding. 634-638 - Jinguang Hao, Wenjiang Pei, Kai Wang, Yili Xia, Cunlai Pu:
Iterative Optimal Design for Fast Filter Bank with Low Complexity. 639-642 - Huan Hao, Huali Wang, Weijun Zeng, Hui Tian:
MEMD-Based Filtering Using Interval Thresholding and Similarity Measure between Pdf of IMFs. 643-646 - Hui Wang, Sabine Van Huffel, Guan Gui, Qun Wan:
One-bit Matrix Compressed Sensing Algorithm for Sparse Matrix Recovery. 647-650 - Kiyeon Kim, Janghoon Yang, Dong Ku Kim:
Feasibility of Interference Alignment for MIMO Two-Way Interference Channel. 651-655 - Su-Hyun Jung, Young Min Ko, Seongjoo Lee, Hyoung-Kyu Song:
Advanced Beamforming Scheme Using Power Control for IoT Applications in Batteryless Backscatter System. 656-659 - Han Shen, Jianhua Chen, Hao Hu, Jian Shen:
Insecurity of a Certificateless Aggregate Signature Scheme. 660-662 - Dae Hyun Yum:
Average-Case Analysis of Certificate Revocation in Combinatorial Certificate Management Schemes. 663-665 - Minglong Qi, Shengwu Xiong
, Jingling Yuan, Wenbi Rao, Luo Zhong:
On the Nonexistence of Almost Difference Sets Constructed from the Set of Octic Residues. 666-673 - Junjun Guo, Jianjun Mu, Xiaopeng Jiao, Peng Zhao:
Suppressing Fractional Pseudocodewords by Eliminating Small Instantons. 674-677 - Sai Jin, De-You Zhang, Li Ping
A Two-Way Relay Scheme for Multi-User MIMO Systems with Partial CSIT. 678-681
Volume 99-A, Number 3, March 2016
- Atef Ibrahim
, Hamed Elsimary, Abdullah Aljumah
Novel Reconfigurable Hardware Accelerator for Protein Sequence Alignment Using Smith-Waterman Algorithm. 683-690 - Haiming Du, Jinfeng Chen, Huadong Wang:
Closed-Form Approximations for Gaussian Sum Smoother with Nonlinear Model. 691-701 - Yuichi Tanji:
Real Cholesky Factor-ADI Method for Low-Rank Solution of Projected Generalized Lyapunov Equations. 702-709 - Kiyotaka Yamamura, Suguru Ishiguro, Hiroshi Taki:
Characteristic Analysis and Tolerance Analysis of Nonlinear Resistive Circuits Using Integer Programming. 710-719 - Jong Hwan Park, Dong Hoon Lee:
A Variant of Park-Lee Identity-Based Encryption System. 720-732 - Norihiro Nakashima, Hajime Matsui:
Decoding of Projective Reed-Muller Codes by Dividing a Projective Space into Affine Spaces. 733-741 - Chihiro Ikuta, Yoko Uwate, Yoshifumi Nishio
, Guoan Yang:
Multi-Layer Perceptron with Pulse Glial Chain. 742-755 - Cheng Zha, Xinran Zhang, Li Zhao, Ruiyu Liang:
Speaker-Independent Speech Emotion Recognition Based Multiple Kernel Learning of Collaborative Representation. 756-759 - Jiarui Li, Ying Hong, Chengpeng Hao:
Wheeze Detection Algorithm Based on Correlation-Coefficients Analysis. 760-764 - Jiyong Lu, Xuan Guang, Linzhi Shen, Fang-Wei Fu:
Cooperative Local Repair with Multiple Erasure Tolerance. 765-769 - Honggyu Jung, Thu L. N. Nguyen
, Yoan Shin:
Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Using Sub-Nyquist Sampling in Cognitive Radios. 770-773 - Toshiyuki Dobashi, Masahiro Iwahashi, Hitoshi Kiya:
A Unified Tone Mapping Operation for HDR Images Expressed in Integer Data. 774-776
Volume 99-A, Number 4, April 2016
- Arata Kawamura, Noboru Hayasaka, Naoto Sasaoka:
Impact and High-Pitch Noise Suppression Based on Spectral Entropy. 777-787 - Gaoxing Chen, Zhenyu Pei, Zhenyu Liu, Takeshi Ikenaga:
Hardware Oriented Enhanced Category Determination Based on CTU Boundary Deblocking Strength Prediction for SAO in HEVC Encoder. 788-797 - Lei Chen, Tapas Kumar Maiti
, Hidenori Miyamoto, Mitiko Miura-Mattausch, Hans Jürgen Mattausch:
Actuator-Control Circuit Based on OTFTs and Flow-Rate Estimation for an All-Organic Fluid Pump. 798-805 - Yuanhao Wang
, Shuguo Li:
A High-Speed Digital True Random Number Generator Based on Cross Ring Oscillator. 806-818 - Yubo Li, Kai Liu, Chengqian Xu:
A Construction of Optimal 16-QAM+ Sequence Sets with Zero Correlation Zone. 819-825 - Wei Lu, Weidong Wang, Ergude Bao, Liqiang Wang, Weiwei Xing, Yue Chen:
FAQS: Fast Web Service Composition Algorithm Based on QoS-Aware Sampling. 826-834 - Wei Han, Xiongwei Zhang, Gang Min, Meng Sun:
A Perceptually Motivated Approach for Speech Enhancement Based on Deep Neural Network. 835-838 - Weijun Zeng, Huali Wang, Hui Tian:
Multirate Coprime Sampling of Sparse Multiband Signals. 839-842 - Yu Wu, Yuehong Xie, Weiqin Ying
, Xing Xu, Zixing Liu:
A Partitioning Parallelization with Hybrid Migration of MOEA/D for Bi-Objective Optimization on Message-Passing Clusters. 843-848 - Chao Zhang, Xiaomu Shi:
Safety Evaluation for Upgraded Avionics System. 849-852 - Shaojing Fu, Jiao Du, Longjiang Qu, Chao Li:
Construction of odd-Variable Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions with Maximum Algebraic Immunity. 853-855 - Xianfang Wang, Fang-Wei Fu, Xuan Guang:
Probabilistic Secret Sharing Schemes for Multipartite Access Structures. 856-862 - Shanqi Pang, Yajuan Wang, Guangzhou Chen
, Jiao Du:
The Existence of a Class of Mixed Orthogonal Arrays. 863-868 - Yudong Ma, Hua Jiang, Sidan Du:
Lattice Reduction Aided Joint Precoding for MIMO-Relay Broadcast Communication. 869-873 - Xiuping Peng, Jiadong Ren, Chengqian Xu, Kai Liu:
New Families of Binary Sequence Pairs with Three-Level Correlation and Odd Composite Length. 874-879 - Yoshikazu Washizawa:
Discriminative Metric Learning on Extended Grassmann Manifold for Classification of Brain Signals. 880-883
Volume 99-A, Number 5, May 2016
- Daiwei Wang, Xi Zhang:
A New Class of Hilbert Pairs of Almost Symmetric Orthogonal Wavelet Bases. 884-891 - Fairoza Amira Binti Hamzah
, Taichi Yoshida, Masahiro Iwahashi, Hitoshi Kiya:
Adaptive Directional Lifting Structure of Three Dimensional Non-Separable Discrete Wavelet Transform for High Resolution Volumetric Data Compression. 892-899 - Yan Zhou, Lan Hu, Dongli Wang:
Hierarchical-IMM Based Maneuvering Target Tracking in LOS/NLOS Hybrid Environments. 900-907 - Ailin Zhang, Guoyong Shi:
An Automatic Integrator Macromodel Generation Method for Behavioral Simulation of SC Sigma-Delta Modulators. 908-916 - Yoshifumi Kawamura, Naoya Okada, Yoshio Matsuda, Tetsuya Matsumura, Hiroshi Makino, Kazutami Arimoto:
A Field Programmable Sequencer and Memory with Middle Grained Programmability Optimized for MCU Peripherals. 917-928 - Takao Murakami, Yosuke Kaga, Kenta Takahashi:
Information-Theoretic Performance Evaluation of Multibiometric Fusion under Modality Selection Attacks. 929-942 - Esmaeil Pourjam, Daisuke Deguchi
, Ichiro Ide
, Hiroshi Murase:
Using Super-Pixels and Human Probability Map for Automatic Human Subject Segmentation. 943-953 - Yuichi Tazaki
, Jingyu Xiang, Tatsuya Suzuki, Blaine Levedahl:
Multi-Resolution State Roadmap Method for Trajectory Planning. 954-962 - Modick Basnet, Jeich Mar:
Self Optimization Beam-Forming Null Control Based SINR Improvement. 963-972 - Zongli Ruan, Ping Wei, Guobing Qian, Hongshu Liao:
Fully-Complex Infomax for Blind Separation of Delayed Sources. 973-977 - Young-Su Ryu, Jong-Ho Paik, Ki-Won Kwon, Hyoung-Kyu Song:
An Improved MIMO Scheme for Coordinated Multi-Point Transmission System. 978-982 - LiMengNan Zhou, Daiyuan Peng, ChangYuan Wang, Hongyu Han:
Construction of Optimal or Near Optimal Frequency-Hopping Sequence Set with Low Hit Zone. 983-986 - Longye Wang, Xiaoli Zeng, Hong Wen:
Designs of Inter-Group Complementary Sequence Set from Interleaving Z-Periodic Complementary Sequences. 987-993 - Cuiling Fan, Rong Luo, Xiaoni Du:
A Family of Codebooks with Nearly Optimal Set Size. 994-997 - Tingting Wu, Jian Gao, Fang-Wei Fu:
Some Results on Triple Cyclic Codes over Z4. 998-1004 - Wei Xia, Wei Liu, Xinglong Xia, Jinfeng Hu, Huiyong Li, Zishu He, Sen Zhong:
An Enhanced Distributed Adaptive Direct Position Determination. 1005-1010
Volume 99-A, Number 6, June 2016
- Keisuke Tanaka:
Foreword. 1011 - Yuuki Tanaka:
On the Stack Number and the Queue Number of the Bubble-Sort Graph. 1012-1018 - Kazuhisa Seto
, Junichi Teruyama:
An Exact Algorithm for Oblivious Read-Twice Branching Program Satisfiability. 1019-1024 - Hajime Matsui:
A Convolution Theorem for Multiple-Valued Logic Polynomials of a Semigroup Type and Their Fast Multiplication. 1025-1033 - Takeo Hagiwara, Tatsuie Tsukiji, Zhi-Zhong Chen:
Computational Complexity of Predicting Periodicity in the Models of Lorentz Lattice Gas Cellular Automata. 1034-1049 - Zhi-Zhong Chen, Tatsuie Tsukiji, Hiroki Yamada:
Parameterized Algorithms for Disjoint Matchings in Weighted Graphs with Applications. 1050-1058 - Daiki Hoshika, Eiji Miyano
Approximation Algorithms for Packing Element-Disjoint Steiner Trees on Bounded Terminal Nodes. 1059-1066 - Ro-Yu Wu, Jou-Ming Chang
, Sheng-Lung Peng, Chun-Liang Liu:
Gray-Code Ranking and Unranking on Left-Weight Sequences of Binary Trees. 1067-1074 - Hiroshi Fujiwara, Shunsuke Satou, Toshihiro Fujito:
Competitive Analysis for the 3-Slope Ski-Rental Problem with the Discount Rate. 1075-1083 - Eli Fox-Epstein, Kazuho Katsumata, Ryuhei Uehara
The Convex Configurations of "Sei Shonagon Chie no Ita, " Tangram, and Other Silhouette Puzzles with Seven Pieces. 1084-1089 - Ryuichi Harasawa, Heiwa Ryuto, Yutaka Sueyoshi:
A Simple Improvement for Integer Factorizations with Implicit Hints. 1090-1096 - Yohei Watanabe, Junji Shikata:
Unconditionally Secure Broadcast Encryption Schemes with Trade-Offs between Communication and Storage. 1097-1106 - Goichiro Hanaoka
, Jacob C. N. Schuldt:
Convertible Nominative Signatures from Standard Assumptions without Random Oracles. 1107-1121 - Kazumasa Shinagawa, Takaaki Mizuki
, Jacob C. N. Schuldt, Koji Nuida
, Naoki Kanayama, Takashi Nishide, Goichiro Hanaoka
, Eiji Okamoto:
Secure Computation Protocols Using Polarizing Cards. 1122-1131 - Ryoma Ito
, Atsuko Miyaji
Refined RC4 Key Correlations of Internal States in WPA. 1132-1144 - Chuzo Iwamoto
, Yuta Matsui:
Computational Complexity of Building Puzzles. 1145-1148 - Toshihiro Akagi, Ryota Arai, Shin-Ichi Nakano:
Faster Min-Max r-Gatherings. 1149-1151
- Yuya Sugimoto, Shigeki Miyabe, Takeshi Yamada, Shoji Makino
, Biing-Hwang Juang:
An Extension of MUSIC Exploiting Higher-Order Moments via Nonlinear Mapping. 1152-1162 - Shengmiao Zhang, Zishu He, Jun Li, Huiyong Li, Sen Zhong:
A Generalized Covariance Matrix Taper Model for KA-STAP in Knowledge-Aided Adaptive Radar. 1163-1170 - Jong-Hyun Lee, Jinung An, Chang Wook Ahn
Honey Bee Swarm Inspired Cooperative Foraging Systems in Dynamic Environments. 1171-1178 - Daisuke Tanaka, Takamitsu Matsubara, Kenji Sugimoto:
Input-Output Manifold Learning with State Space Models. 1179-1187 - Takuya Kurihara, Kenya Jin'no
Synchronization of Relaxation Oscillators Having Individual Difference by Non-Periodic Signal Injection. 1188-1197 - Go Matsukawa, Yuta Kimi, Shuhei Yoshida, Shintaro Izumi, Hiroshi Kawaguchi
, Masahiko Yoshimoto:
Error Propagation Analysis for Single Event Upset considering Masking Effects on Re-Convergent Path. 1198-1205 - Yung-Hao Lai, Yang-Lang Chang, Jyh-Perng Fang, Lena Chang, Hirokazu Kobayashi:
Layer-Aware 3D-IC Partitioning for Area-Overhead Reduction Considering the Power of Interconnections and Pads. 1206-1215 - Maki Yoshida, Toru Fujiwara:
Efficient Usage of Cover Free Families in Broadcast Encryption. 1216-1221 - Dongxu Ma, Zilong Wang, Hui Li:
A Generalized Construction of Non-Square M-QAM Sequences with Low PMEPR for OFDM Systems. 1222-1227 - Huan Hao, Huali Wang, Naveed ur Rehman
, Hui Tian:
A Study of the Characteristics of MEMD for Fractional Gaussian Noise. 1228-1232 - Xunchao Cong, Guan Gui, Keyu Long, Jiangbo Liu, Longfei Tan, Xiao Li, Qun Wan:
Quadratic Compressed Sensing Based SAR Imaging Algorithm for Phase Noise Mitigation. 1233-1237 - Wentao Lv, Jiliang Liu, Xiaomin Bao, Xiaocheng Yang, Long Wu:
Compressed Sensing for Range-Resolved Signal of Ballistic Target with Low Computational Complexity. 1238-1242 - In Hyuk Kim, Young Ik Son:
A Practical Extended Harmonic Disturbance Observer Design for Robust Current Control of Speed Sensorless DC Motor Drives. 1243-1246 - Daisuke Ito, Tetsushi Ueta
Steady State Analysis of the TCP Network with RED Algorithm. 1247-1250 - Lei Sun, Fang-Wei Fu, Xuang Guang:
On the Nonlinearity and Affine Equivalence Classes of C-F Functions. 1251-1254 - Dan Li, Xuan Guang, Fang-Wei Fu:
The Failure Probabilities of Random Linear Network Coding at Sink Nodes. 1255-1259 - Xiaoyu Chen, Deming Kong, Chengqian Xu, Kai Liu:
Constructions of Gaussian Integer Sequences with Zero Correlation Zone. 1260-1263 - Ding Xu
, Qun Li:
Energy Efficient Power Allocation for Delay-QoS Constrained Cognitive Radio Networks. 1264-1267 - Jinguang Hao, Dianli Hou, Honggang Wang:
Low-Complexity FBMC/OQAM Transmission System Based on Fast Filter Bank. 1268-1271 - Jin Xu
, Yuansong Qiao
, Quan Wen:
Rate-Distortion Optimized Distributed Compressive Video Sensing. 1272-1276
Volume 99-A, Number 7, July 2016
- Masahiro Fukui:
Foreword. 1277 - Koki Igawa, Masao Yanagisawa, Nozomu Togawa:
A Multi-Scenario High-Level Synthesis Algorithm for Variation-Tolerant Floorplan-Driven Design. 1278-1293 - Koichi Fujiwara, Kazushi Kawamura, Masao Yanagisawa, Nozomu Togawa:
Interconnection-Delay and Clock-Skew Estimate Modelings for Floorplan-Driven High-Level Synthesis Targeting FPGA Designs. 1294-1310 - Junghoon Oh, Mineo Kaneko:
Area-Efficient Soft-Error Tolerant Datapath Synthesis Based on Speculative Resource Sharing. 1311-1322 - Takeshi Sugawara
, Daisuke Suzuki, Minoru Saeki:
Asymmetric Leakage from Multiplier and Collision-Based Single-Shot Side-Channel Attack. 1323-1333 - Lian Zeng, Tieyuan Pan, Xin Jiang, Takahiro Watanabe:
An Efficient Highly Adaptive and Deadlock-Free Routing Algorithm for 3D Network-on-Chip. 1334-1344 - Tieyuan Pan, Li Zhu, Lian Zeng, Takahiro Watanabe, Yasuhiro Takashima:
An Online Task Placement Algorithm Based on MER Enumeration for Partially Reconfigurable Device. 1345-1354 - Amir Masoud Gharehbaghi
, Masahiro Fujita:
Fast and Efficient Signature-Based Sub-Circuit Matching. 1355-1365 - Junki Kawaguchi, Hayato Mashiko, Yukihide Kohira:
Technology Mapping Method Using Integer Linear Programming for Low Power Consumption and High Performance in General-Synchronous Framework. 1366-1373 - Yusuke Matsunaga:
Accelerating SAT-Based Boolean Matching for Heterogeneous FPGAs Using One-Hot Encoding and CEGAR Technique. 1374-1380 - Takuya Hirata, Ryuta Nishino, Shigetoshi Nakatake, Masaya Shimoyama, Masashi Miyagawa, Ryoichi Miyauchi
, Koichi Tanno, Akihiro Yamada:
Subblock-Level Matching Layout for Analog Block-Pair and Its Layout-Dependent Manufacturability Evaluation. 1381-1389 - Hiromitsu Awano
, Masayuki Hiromoto, Takashi Sato
Efficient Aging-Aware SRAM Failure Probability Calculation via Particle Filter-Based Importance Sampling. 1390-1399 - Song Bian, Michihiro Shintani
, Masayuki Hiromoto, Takashi Sato
Fast Estimation of NBTI-Induced Delay Degradation Based on Signal Probability. 1400-1409 - Koki Ito, Kazushi Kawamura, Yutaka Tamiya, Masao Yanagisawa, Nozomu Togawa
Bi-Partitioning Based Multiplexer Network for Field-Data Extractors. 1410-1414 - Jen-Chieh Liu, Pei-Ying Lee:
A Low Power Pulse Generator for Test Platform Applications. 1415-1416 - Yining Xu, Yang Liu, Junya Kaida, Ittetsu Taniguchi
, Hiroyuki Tomiyama:
Static Mapping of Multiple Parallel Applications on Non-Hierarchical Manycore Embedded Systems. 1417-1419
- Teerapong Orachon, Taichi Yoshida, Somchart Chokchaitam, Masahiro Iwahashi, Hitoshi Kiya:
Channel Scaling for Integer Implementation of Minimum Lifting 2D Wavelet Transform. 1420-1429 - Jing Wang, Qiang Li, Li Ding, Hirofumi Shinohara, Yasuaki Inoue:
A 3.5ppm/°C 0.85V Bandgap Reference Circuit without Resistors. 1430-1437 - Yuan Cao
, Yonglin Cao
, Jian Gao:
On a Class of (δ+αu2)-Constacyclic Codes over Fq[u]/〈u4〉. 1438-1445 - Lin Qi, Masaaki Katayama:
Performance Evaluation of an Improved Multiband Impulse Radio UWB Communication System Based on Sub-Band Selection. 1446-1454 - Thanh V. Pham
, Anh T. Pham
Performance of APD-Based Amplify-and-Forward Relaying FSO Systems over Atmospheric Turbulence Channels. 1455-1464 - Yuji Kamiya, Toru Nagura, Shigeki Kawai, Tsuneo Nakata:
Precise Location by Fingerprinting Road Segments with Variation of Broadcast Wave Reception. 1465-1472 - Xiao Lei Yuan, Lu Gan, Hong Shu Liao:
A Novel Robust Adaptive Beamforming Based on Interference Covariance Matrix Reconstruction over Annulus Uncertainty Sets. 1473-1477 - Seokhyun Son, Myoungjin Kim, Hyoseop Shin:
Underground Facility Management System Supporting Heterogeneous Duplex Communication. 1478-1480 - Xiaojing Du, Shuguo Li:
The ASIC Implementation of SM3 Hash Algorithm for High Throughput. 1481-1487 - Le Dong, Tian-Li Wang, Jiao Du, Shanqi Pang:
Known-Key Attacks on Type-2 GFN with SPS Round Function. 1488-1493 - Younghwan Jung, Daehee Kim, Sunshin An:
Optimized Binary Search with Multiple Collision Bits Resolution Anti-Collision Algorithm for Efficient RFID Tag Identification. 1494-1498 - Mengmeng Zhang, Chuan Zhou, Jizheng Xu:
An Improved SAO Scheme for Screen Content Coding. 1499-1502
Volume 99-A, Number 8, August 2016
- Kazunori Okada:
Foreword. 1503 - Yoshiyuki Matsubara:
Information and Communications Technology in Disaster Mitigation Technology. 1504-1509 - Akihiro Kadohata, Takafumi Tanaka, Wataru Imajuku, Fumikazu Inuzuka, Atsushi Watanabe:
Rapid Restoration Sequence of Fiber Links and Communication Paths from Catastrophic Failures. 1510-1517 - Kazuki Tanabe, Sumiko Miyata, Ken-ichi Baba, Katsunori Yamaoka:
Threshold Relaxation and Holding Time Limitation Method for Accepting More General Calls under Emergency Trunk Reservation. 1518-1528 - Keisuke Nakano, Kazuyuki Miyakita:
Analysis of Information Floating with a Fixed Source of Information Considering Behavior Changes of Mobile Nodes. 1529-1538 - Norimasa Nakatani, Osamu Murao
, Kimiro Meguro, Kiyomine Terumoto:
Business Recovery Conditions of Private Enterprises after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Issues on Business Continuity Measures for Large-Scale Disaster Management - A Case Study of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Miyagi -. 1539-1550 - Osamu Uchida
, Masafumi Kosugi, Gaku Endo, Takamitsu Funayama
, Keisuke Utsu, Sachi Tajima, Makoto Tomita
, Yoshitaka Kajita, Yoshiro Yamamoto:
A Real-Time Information Sharing System to Support Self-, Mutual-, and Public-Help in the Aftermath of a Disaster Utilizing Twitter. 1551-1554 - Ryozo Kitajima, Ryotaro Kamimura, Osamu Uchida
, Fujio Toriumi:
Identifying Important Tweets by Considering the Potentiality of Neurons. 1555-1559 - Shosuke Sato, Rui Nouchi
, Fumihiko Imamura
Numerical Evaluation of Effect of Using UTM Grid Maps on Emergency Response Performance - A Case of Information-Processing Training at an Emergency Operation Center in Tagajo City, Miyagi Prefecture -. 1560-1566
- Xiang Duan, Zishu He, Hongming Liu, Jun Li:
Data Association in Bistatic MIMO of T/R-R Mode: Basis Decision and Performance Analysis. 1567-1575 - Hongchao Zheng, Junfeng Wang, Xingzhao Liu, Wentao Lv:
Ground Moving Target Indication for HRWS-SAR Systems via Symmetric Reconstruction. 1576-1583 - Longjiang Qu, Shaojing Fu, Qingping Dai, Chao Li:
New Results on the Boolean Functions That Can Be Expressed as the Sum of Two Bent Functions. 1584-1590 - Takuho Mitsunaga
, Yoshifumi Manabe, Tatsuaki Okamoto:
A Secure M + 1st Price Auction Protocol Based on Bit Slice Circuits. 1591-1599 - Akihiro Maruyama, Kentaro Tani, Shigehito Tanahashi, Atsuhiko Iijima
, Yoshinobu Maeda:
Three Gait Oscillations Switchable by a Single Parameter on Hard-Wired Central Pattern Generator Hardware Network. 1600-1608 - Yinan Li, Xiongwei Zhang, Meng Sun, Yonggang Hu, Li Li:
Online Convolutive Non-Negative Bases Learning for Speech Enhancement. 1609-1613 - Shunsuke Koshita, Masahide Abe, Masayuki Kawamata, Takaaki Ohnari, Tomoyuki Kawasaki, Shogo Miura:
A Simple and Explicit Formulation of Non-Unique Wiener Filters for Linear Predictor with Rank-Deficient Autocorrelation Matrix. 1614-1617 - Chao Zhang, Lu Ma:
Trellis Coded Orbital Angular Momentum Modulation. 1618-1621 - Seokjin Lee:
Estimation of the Acoustic Time Delay of Arrival by Adaptive Eigenvalue Decomposition with a Proportionate Step-Size Control and Direct-Path Constraint. 1622-1627 - Younseok Choo:
Necessary Conditions for θ-Stability of Real Polynomials. 1628-1631 - Keol Cho, Ki-Seok Chung:
Self-Adaptive Scaled Min-Sum Algorithm for LDPC Decoders Based on Delta-Min. 1632-1634 - Xiaoyu Chen, Deming Kong, Chengqian Xu, Kai Liu:
Construction of Z-Periodic Complementary Sequence Sets over the 8-QAM+ Constellation. 1635-1638 - Yu-qian Zhou, Fei Gao, Jie Zhang, Wen-qian Liu, Zuling Chang:
Linear Complexity of New Generalized Cyclotomic Sequences of Order Two with Odd Length. 1639-1644
Volume 99-A, Number 9, September 2016
- Makoto Nakashizuka, Seishi Takamura:
Foreword. 1645 - Saho Yagyu, Akie Sakiyama, Yuichi Tanaka
Deforming Pyramid: Multiscale Image Representation Using Pixel Deformation and Filters for Non-Equispaced Signals. 1646-1654 - Yusuke Miyagi, Keita Takahashi, Toshiaki Fujii
Weighted 4D-DCT Basis for Compressively Sampled Light Fields. 1655-1664
- Yi Wang, Baofeng Ji, Yongming Huang, Chunguo Li, Ying Hu, Yewang Qian, Luxi Yang:
Analysis over Spectral Efficiency and Power Scaling in Massive MIMO Dual-Hop Systems with Multi-Pair Users. 1665-1673 - Dongming Wang, Heping Gu, Hao Wei, Xiaoxia Duan, Chunguo Li, Xiaohu You
Design of Pilot Assignment for Large-Scale Distributed Antenna Systems. 1674-1682 - Yuyang Huang, Li-Ta Hsu
, Yanlei Gu, Haitao Wang, Shunsuke Kamijo:
Database Calibration for Outdoor Wi-Fi Positioning System. 1683-1690 - Ji-Hoon Choi, Oh-Young Lee, Myong-Young Lee, Kyung-Jin Kang, Jong-Ok Kim:
JND-Based Power Consumption Reduction for OLED Displays. 1691-1699 - Shingo Yamaguchi:
Superclass Extraction Problem of Workflow Nets and a Solution Procedure Based on Process Mining Technique. 1700-1707 - Jie Liu, Zhuochen Xie, Huijie Liu, Zhengmin Zhang:
A New Non-Uniform Weight-Updating Beamformer for LEO Satellite Communication. 1708-1711 - Weijun Zeng, Huali Wang, Xiaofu Wu, Hui Tian:
Sparse-Graph Codes and Peeling Decoder for Compressed Sensing. 1712-1716 - Wanghan Lv, Huali Wang, Feng Liu, Zheng Dai:
Wideband DOA Estimation Based on Co-Prime Arrays with Sub-Nyquist Sampling. 1717-1720 - Hiroaki Mukaidani
Infinite-Horizon Team-Optimal Incentive Stackelberg Games for Linear Stochastic Systems. 1721-1725 - ThienLuan Ho, Seungrohk Oh, Hyunjin Kim:
Circular Bit-Vector-Mismatches: A New Approximate Circular String Matching with k-Mismatches. 1726-1729 - Aromhack Saysanasongkham, Satoshi Fukumoto:
The Reliability Analysis of the 1-out-of-2 System in Which Two Modules Do Mutual Cooperation in Recovery Mode. 1730-1734 - Xiuping Peng, Chengqian Xu, Jiadong Ren, Kai Liu:
The Constructions of Mismatched Filtering of Periodic Quadriphase Sequences with Even Length. 1735-1739 - Ann-Chen Chang, Chih-Chang Shen:
Blind Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Searching for Interleaved OFDMA Uplink. 1740-1744 - Changyong Shin, Yong-Jai Park:
Multiple Multicast Transmission Exploiting Channel Simplification. 1745-1749 - Taejoon Kim, Byungkwan Kim, Heejung Yu:
Efficient Resource Allocation for Proportional Fair Schedulers in Multihop Relay Networks. 1750-1752 - Chan-Min Park, Byung-Seo Kim:
Interest-Selective Retransmision Protocol for Wireless Content-Centric Networks. 1753-1757 - Hengjun Yu, Kohei Inoue, Kenji Hara, Kiichi Urahama:
Color Error Diffusion Based on Neugebauer Model. 1758-1761
Volume 99-A, Number 10, October 2016
- Surasak Boonkla, Masashi Unoki
, Stanislav S. Makhanov
, Chai Wutiwiwatchai:
Speech Analysis Method Based on Source-Filter Model Using Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition. 1762-1773 - Lin Gao, Jian Huang, Wen Sun, Ping Wei, Hongshu Liao:
Multi-Sensor Multi-Target Bernoulli Filter with Registration Biases. 1774-1781 - Takuya Imaizumi, Kenji Suyama:
An Effective Allocation of Non-Zero Digits for CSD Coefficient FIR Filters Using 0-1PSO. 1782-1789 - Shunsuke Yamaki, Masahide Abe, Masayuki Kawamata:
Statistical Analysis of Phase-Only Correlation Functions with Phase-Spectrum Differences Following Wrapped Distributions. 1790-1798 - Zhigang Chen, Lei Wang, He Huang, Guomei Zhang:
Virtual Sensor Idea-Based Geolocation Using RF Multipath Diversity. 1799-1805 - Hiroki Yamaoka, Toshimichi Saito:
Steady-versus-Transient Plot for Analysis of Digital Maps. 1806-1812 - Satoshi Tayu, Toshihiko Takahashi, Eita Kobayashi, Shuichi Ueno:
On the Three-Dimensional Channel Routing. 1813-1821 - Denise H. Goya, Dionathan Nakamura, Routo Terada:
Certificateless Key Agreement Protocols under Strong Models. 1822-1832 - Seungkwang Lee, Nam-Su Jho:
One-Bit to Four-Bit Dual Conversion for Security Enhancement against Power Analysis. 1833-1842 - Soobin Jeon, Inbum Jung:
Coordinated Ramp Metering for Minimum Waiting Time and Limited Ramp Storage. 1843-1855 - Zhongshan Zhang, Yuning Chen, Yuejin Tan, Jungang Yan:
Non-Crossover and Multi-Mutation Based Genetic Algorithm for Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problem. 1856-1862 - Huawei Tao, Ruiyu Liang, Xinran Zhang, Li Zhao:
Spectral Features Based on Local Normalized Center Moments for Speech Emotion Recognition. 1863-1866 - Yinan Li, Xiongwei Zhang, Meng Sun, Chong Jia, Xia Zou:
Automatic Model Order Selection for Convolutive Non-Negative Matrix Factorization. 1867-1870 - Young Min Ko, Jae-Hyun Ro, Hyoung-Kyu Song:
The Cooperative Recovery Scheme Using Adjacent Base Stations in the Wireless Communication System. 1871-1875 - Zhigang Chen, Xiaolei Zhang
, Hussain Khurram, He Huang, Guomei Zhang:
Channel Impulse Response Measurements-Based Location Estimation Using Kernel Principal Component Analysis. 1876-1880 - Ho-Lim Choi:
Memoryless and Adaptive State Feedback Controller for a Chain of Integrators with Unknown Delays in States and Input. 1881-1884 - Tetsuya Araki, Koji M. Kobayashi:
A Tight Analysis of Kierstead-Trotter Algorithm for Online Unit Interval Coloring. 1885-1887 - Mohamed Tolba, Ahmed Abdelkhalek, Amr M. Youssef:
A Meet in the Middle Attack on Reduced Round Kiasu-BC. 1888-1890 - Kai Huang, Ming Xu, Shaojing Fu, Yuchuan Luo:
An Improved Privacy-Preserving Biometric Identification Scheme in Cloud Computing. 1891-1894 - Kang Wu, Tianheng Xu, Yijun Chen, Zhengmin Zhang, Xuwen Liang:
A Novel Data-Aided Feedforward Timing Estimator for Burst-Mode Satellite Communications. 1895-1899 - Daehee Kim, Sangbin Lee:
Two-Tier Mobile Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks. 1900-1903 - Sung-Ho Lee, Seung-Won Jung
, Sung-Jea Ko:
Iterative Image Dehazing Using the Dark Channel Prior. 1904-1906
Volume 99-A, Number 11, November 2016
- Takayuki Nakachi, Makoto Nakashizuka:
Foreword. 1907-1908 - Ruijian An, Zhi Liu, Hao Zhou, Yusheng Ji:
Resource Allocation and Layer Selection for Scalable Video Streaming over Highway Vehicular Networks. 1909-1917 - Tran Thi Thao Nguyen, Leonardo Lanante
, Yuhei Nagao, Hiroshi Ochi:
Multi-User MIMO Channel Emulator with Automatic Channel Sounding Feedback. 1918-1927 - Po-Yi Shih, Po-Chuan Lin, Jhing-Fa Wang:
Harmonic-Based Robust Voice Activity Detection for Enhanced Low SNR Noisy Speech Recognition System. 1928-1936 - Takahiro Suzuki
, Takeshi Ikenaga:
Full-HD 60fps FPGA Implementation of Spatio-Temporal Keypoint Extraction Based on Gradient Histogram and Parallelization of Keypoint Connectivity. 1937-1946 - Haruna Aimi, Kenji Suyama:
IIR Filter Design Using Multi-Swarm PSO Based on Particle Reallocation Strategy. 1947-1954 - Yuma Kinoshita, Sayaka Shiota, Masahiro Iwahashi, Hitoshi Kiya:
An Remapping Operation without Tone Mapping Parameters for HDR Images. 1955-1961 - Kenta Iida, Hitoshi Kiya:
Fuzzy Commitment Scheme-Based Secure Identification for JPEG Images with Various Compression Ratios. 1962-1970 - Takahiro Ogawa
, Akihiro Takahashi, Miki Haseyama:
Classifying Insects from SEM Images Based on Optimal Classifier Selection and D-S Evidence Theory. 1971-1980 - Keiko Yamashita, Kaoru Arakawa:
A Color Scheme Method by Interactive Evolutionary Computing Considering Contrast of Luminance and Design Property. 1981-1989 - Ryusuke Miyamoto, Shingo Kobayashi:
Object Detection Based on Image Blur Evaluated by Discrete Fourier Transform and Haar-Like Features. 1990-1999 - Aya Hiyama, Mitsuji Muneyasu
Improved Method of Detecting Data in Data-Embedded Printed Image Considering Mobile Devices. 2000-2002 - Yi Ru, Go Tanaka:
Proposal of Multiscale Retinex Using Illumination Adjustment for Digital Images. 2003-2007 - Shi Bao
, Go Tanaka, Hakaru Tamukoh, Noriaki Suetake:
Lightness Modification Method Considering Craik-O'Brien Effect for Protanopia and Deuteranopia. 2008-2011 - Keita Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Tsuji, Tomoaki Kimura:
Improved Half-Pixel Generation for Image Enlargement. 2012-2015 - Shu Tajima, Yusuke Kameda
, Ichiro Matsuda, Susumu Itoh:
Lossless Coding of RGB 4: 4: 4 Color Video Using Linear Predictors Designed for Each Spatiotemporal Volume. 2016-2018
- Junhai Luo, Renqian Zou:
Distributed Decision Fusion over Nonideal Channels Using Scan Statistics. 2019-2026 - Hiroki Kuroda, Masao Yamagishi, Isao Yamada:
Nonlinear Acoustic Echo Cancellation by Exact-Online Adaptive Alternating Minimization. 2027-2036 - Dijian Chen, Kenji Fujimoto, Tatsuya Suzuki:
Discrete-Time Nonlinear Optimal Control via Generating Functions. 2037-2048 - Yusuke Matsuoka
Periodic-Like Trajectories in Master-Slave Coupled Piecewise Constant Spiking Oscillators. 2049-2059 - Sun-Mi Park, Ku-Young Chang, Dowon Hong
, Changho Seo:
Efficient Multiplication Based on Dickson Bases over Any Finite Fields. 2060-2074 - Dun Cao
, Zhengbao Lei, Baofeng Ji, Chunguo Li:
Exponent-Based Partitioning Broadcast Protocol for Emergency Message Dissemination in Vehicular Networks. 2075-2083 - Deng Tang
, Rong Luo, Xiaoni Du:
The Exact Fast Algebraic Immunity of Two Subclasses of the Majority Function. 2084-2088 - Jong-Geun Oh, DongYoung Kim, Min-Cheol Hong:
Enhanced Non-Local Means Denoising Algorithm Using Weighting Function with Switching Norm. 2089-2094 - Lijing Ma, Huihui Bai, Mengmeng Zhang, Yao Zhao:
Edge-Based Adaptive Sampling for Image Block Compressive Sensing. 2095-2098 - Zhicheng Lu, Zhizheng Liang, Lei Zhang, Jin Liu, Yong Zhou:
Improving Face Image Representation Using Tangent Vectors and the L1 Norm. 2099-2103
Volume 99-A, Number 12, December 2016
- Motohiko Isaka:
Foreword. 2106 - Shunsuke Ihara:
Asymptotic Behavior of Error Probability in Continuous-Time Gaussian Channels with Feedback. 2107-2115 - Tetsunao Matsuta, Tomohiko Uyematsu:
New Non-Asymptotic Bounds on Numbers of Codewords for the Fixed-Length Lossy Compression. 2116-2129 - Ken-ichi Iwata, Mitsuharu Arimura:
Lossless Data Compression via Substring Enumeration for k-th Order Markov Sources with a Finite Alphabet. 2130-2135 - Hiroyuki Endo, Te Sun Han, Masahide Sasaki:
Error and Secrecy Exponents for Wiretap Channels under Two-Fold Cost Constraints. 2136-2146 - Tadashi Wadayama, Taisuke Izumi, Kazushi Mimura:
Bitwise MAP Estimation for Group Testing Based on Holographic Transformation. 2147-2154 - Hiroki Mori, Tadashi Wadayama:
Performance Analysis Based on Density Evolution on Fault Erasure Belief Propagation Decoder. 2155-2161 - Sen Moriya, Kana Kikuchi, Hiroshi Sasano:
Efficient Search for High-Rate Punctured Convolutional Codes Using Dual Codes. 2162-2169 - Shunsuke Horii, Toshiyasu Matsushima, Shigeichi Hirasawa:
Linear Programming Decoding of Binary Linear Codes for Symbol-Pair Read Channel. 2170-2178 - Makoto Takita, Masanori Hirotomo, Masakatu Morii:
Algebraic Decoding of BCH Codes over Symbol-Pair Read Channels: Cases of Two-Pair and Three-Pair Error Correction. 2179-2191 - Keigo Takeuchi:
Asymptotic Optimality of QPSK Faster-than-Nyquist Signaling in Massive MIMO Systems. 2192-2201 - Ryota Sekiya, Brian M. Kurkoski:
Applying Write-Once Memory Codes to Binary Symmetric Asymmetric Multiple Access Channels. 2202-2210 - Yuki Takeda, Yuichi Kaji, Minoru Ito:
On the Computational Complexity of the Linear Solvability of Information Flow Problems with Hierarchy Constraint. 2211-2217 - Akiyuki Yano, Tadashi Wadayama:
Probabilistic Analysis of the Network Reliability Problem on Random Graph Ensembles. 2218-2225 - Yasuyuki Nogami, Satoshi Uehara, Kazuyoshi Tsuchiya, Nasima Begum
, Hiroto Ino, Robert H. Morelos-Zaragoza:
A Multi-Value Sequence Generated by Power Residue Symbol and Trace Function over Odd Characteristic Field. 2226-2237 - Hiroshi Fujisaki:
On the Topological Entropy of the Discretized Markov β-Transformations. 2238-2247 - Hidetoshi Saito:
Multi-Track Joint Decoding Schemes Using Two-Dimensional Run-Length Limited Codes for Bit-Patterned Media Magnetic Recording. 2248-2255 - Kotoku Omura, Shoichiro Yamasaki, Tomoko K. Matsushima, Hirokazu Tanaka, Miki Haseyama:
Performance Improvement of Error-Resilient 3D DWT Video Transmission Using Invertible Codes. 2256-2265 - Weiwei Pan, Qinhua Hu:
An Improved Feature Selection Algorithm for Ordinal Classification. 2266-2274 - Shota Saito
, Toshiyasu Matsushima:
Second-Order Achievable Rate Region of Slepian-Wolf Coding Problem in terms of Smooth Max-Entropy for General Sources. 2275-2280 - Mitsuharu Arimura:
Average Coding Rate of a Multi-Shot Tunstall Code with an Arbitrary Parsing Tree Sequence. 2281-2285 - Shota Saito
, Toshiyasu Matsushima:
Threshold of Overflow Probability Using Smooth Max-Entropy in Lossless Fixed-to-Variable Length Source Coding for General Sources. 2286-2290 - Hirosuke Yamamoto
, Yuka Kuwaori:
Direct- or Fast-Access Decoding Schemes for VF Codes. 2291-2295 - Aiwei Sun, Tao Liang, Hui Tian:
Secure Outage Analysis of Buffer-Aided Cognitive Relay Networks with Multiple Primary Users. 2296-2300
- Makoto Ikeda:
Foreword. 2301 - Yusuke Matsunaga:
A Test Pattern Compaction Method Using SAT-Based Fault Grouping. 2302-2309 - Fuqiang Li, Xiaoqing Wen, Kohei Miyase, Stefan Holst, Seiji Kajihara:
Logic-Path-and-Clock-Path-Aware At-Speed Scan Test Generation. 2310-2319 - Cheng-Yu Han, Yu-Ching Li, Hao-Tien Kan, James Chien-Mo Li:
Power-Supply-Noise-Aware Timing Analysis and Test Pattern Regeneration. 2320-2327 - Takashi Kishimoto, Wataru Takahashi, Kazutoshi Wakabayashi, Hiroyuki Ochi:
Range Limiter Using Connection Bounding Box for SA-Based Placement of Mixed-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture. 2328-2334 - Masaru Oya, Noritaka Yamashita, Toshihiko Okamura, Yukiyasu Tsunoo, Masao Yanagisawa, Nozomu Togawa
Hardware-Trojans Rank: Quantitative Evaluation of Security Threats at Gate-Level Netlists by Pattern Matching. 2335-2347 - Ryosuke Kitayama, Takashi Takenaka, Masao Yanagisawa, Nozomu Togawa
A Highly-Adaptable and Small-Sized In-Field Power Analyzer for Low-Power IoT Devices. 2348-2362 - Ahmed Awad, Atsushi Takahashi
, Chikaaki Kodama
A Fast Mask Manufacturability and Process Variation Aware OPC Algorithm with Exploiting a Novel Intensity Estimation Model. 2363-2374 - Heming Sun
, Dajiang Zhou, Shuping Zhang, Shinji Kimura:
A Low-Power VLSI Architecture for HEVC De-Quantization and Inverse Transform. 2375-2387 - Wei-Kai Cheng, Jui-Hung Hung, Yi-Hsuan Chiu:
Non-Uniform Clock Mesh Synthesis with Clock Gating and Register Clustering. 2388-2397 - Tatsuro Kojo, Masashi Tawada, Masao Yanagisawa, Nozomu Togawa
A Bit-Write-Reducing and Error-Correcting Code Generation Method by Clustering ECC Codewords for Non-Volatile Memories. 2398-2411 - Tieyuan Pan, Lian Zeng, Yasuhiro Takashima, Takahiro Watanabe:
A Fast MER Enumeration Algorithm for Online Task Placement on Reconfigurable FPGAs. 2412-2424 - Naoya Yokoyama, Daiki Azuma, Shuji Tsukiyama, Masahiro Fukui:
A New Algorithm for Reducing Components of a Gaussian Mixture Model. 2425-2434 - Mitsutoshi Sugawara, Kenji Mori, Zule Xu, Masaya Miyahara
, Kenichi Okada
, Akira Matsuzawa:
Synthesis and Automatic Layout of Resistive Digital-to-Analog Converter Based on Mixed-Signal Slice Cell. 2435-2443 - Masato Tamura, Makoto Ikeda:
Montgomery Multiplier Design for ECDSA Signature Generation Processor. 2444-2452 - Kazuhito Ito:
Low Complexity Reed-Solomon Decoder Design with Pipelined Recursive Euclidean Algorithm. 2453-2462 - Tatsuya Kamakari, Jun Shiomi, Tohru Ishihara
, Hidetoshi Onodera:
Analytical Stability Modeling for CMOS Latches in Low Voltage Operation. 2463-2472 - Yu Hou, Zhijie Chen, Masaya Miyahara
, Akira Matsuzawa:
A Design of Op-Amp Free SAR-VCO Hybrid ADC with 2nd-Order Noise Shaping in 65nm CMOS Technology. 2473-2482 - Hiroyuki Nakamoto, Hong Gao
, Hiroshi Yamazaki:
A 60mV-3V Wide-Input-Voltage-Range Boost Converter with Amplitude-Regulated Oscillator for Energy Harvesting. 2483-2490 - Toshihiro Ozaki, Tetsuya Hirose, Takahiro Nagai, Keishi Tsubaki, Nobutaka Kuroki, Masahiro Numa:
A Highly Efficient Switched-Capacitor Voltage Boost Converter with Nano-Watt MPPT Controller for Low-Voltage Energy Harvesting. 2491-2499 - Motoki Amagasaki, Ryo Araki, Masahiro Iida, Toshinori Sueyoshi:
SLM: A Scalable Logic Module Architecture with Less Configuration Memory. 2500-2506 - Kazuhito Ito, Hiroki Hayashi:
Hardware-Efficient Local Extrema Detection for Scale-Space Extrema Detection in SIFT Algorithm. 2507-2510
- Masaki Kobayashi:
Global Hyperbolic Hopfield Neural Networks. 2511-2516 - Guangbo Wang, Jianhua Wang, Zhencheng Guo:
Online/Offline Self-Updating Encryption. 2517-2526 - Routo Terada, Ewerton R. Andrade
Comparison of Two Signature Schemes Based on the MQ Problem and Quartz. 2527-2538 - Jun Zhang, Jinglu Hu:
Surface Reconstruction of Renal Corpuscle from Microscope Renal Biopsy Image Sequence. 2539-2546 - Yihang Bo, Hao Jiang:
Multiple Object Segmentation in Videos Using Max-Flow Decomposition. 2547-2557 - Weite Li, Bo Zhou, Benhui Chen, Jinglu Hu:
A Deep Neural Network Based Quasi-Linear Kernel for Support Vector Machines. 2558-2565 - Bei Zhao, Chen Cheng, Zhen-guo Ma, Feng Yu:
Time Delay Estimation via Co-Prime Aliased Sparse FFT. 2566-2570 - Norisato Suga, Toshihiro Furukawa:
Signal Power Estimation Based on Orthogonal Projection and Oblique Projection. 2571-2575 - Zhengyu Zhu, Zhongyong Wang, Zheng Chu, Di Zhang:
Beamforming Optimization via Max-Min SINR in MU-MISO SWIPT Systems under Bounded Channel Uncertainty. 2576-2580 - Shinya Nawata, Ryo Takahashi
, Takashi Hikihara
Up-Stream Dispatching of Power by Density of Power Packet. 2581-2584 - Donghoon Lee, Jaewook Jung, Younsung Choi
, Dongho Won:
Improvement and Weakness of Zero-Sum Defender against Return-Oriented Programming Attacks. 2585-2590 - Xueqi Zhang, Wei Wu, Baoyun Wang, Jian Liu:
An Algorithm for Fast Implementation of AN-Aided Transmit Design in Secure MIMO System with SWIPT. 2591-2596 - Dechuan Chen, Weiwei Yang, Jianwei Hu, Yueming Cai, Xin Liu:
Reliability-Security Tradeoff for Secure Transmission with Untrusted Relays. 2597-2599 - Ding Xu
, Qun Li:
Sum Outage Capacity Maximization in Cognitive Radio Networks with Channel Distribution Information. 2600-2603 - Xiuping Peng, Jiadong Ren, Chengqian Xu, Kai Liu:
Perfect Gaussian Integer Sequences of Degree-4 Using Difference Sets. 2604-2608

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