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5th PPAM 2003: Czestochowa, Poland
- Roman Wyrzykowski, Jack J. Dongarra, Marcin Paprzycki, Jerzy Wasniewski:
Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 5th International Conference, PPAM 2003, Czestochowa, Poland, September 7-10, 2003. Revised Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3019, Springer 2004, ISBN 3-540-21946-3
Parallel and Distributed Architectures
- Jerzy Brzezinski
, Cezary Sobaniec
, Dariusz Wawrzyniak
Session Guarantees to Achieve PRAM Consistency of Replicated Shared Objects. 1-8 - Jerzy Brzezinski
, Michal Szychowiak
An Extended Atomic Consistency Protocol for Recoverable DSM Systems. 9-16 - Kazimierz Wackowski, Pawel Gepner:
Hyper-Threading Technology Speeds Clusters. 17-26 - Andrzej M. Goscinski, Jackie Silcock, Michael Hobbs:
Building Autonomic Clusters: A Response to IBM's Autonomic Computing Challenge. 27-35 - Oleg Maslennikow, Juri Shevtshenko, Anatoli Sergyienko
Configurable Microprocessor Array for DSP Applications. 36-41 - Michael Sampels:
On Generalized Moore Digraphs. 42-49 - Adam Smyk, Marek S. Tudruj
RDMA Communication Based on Rotating Buffers for Efficient Parallel Fine-Grain Computations. 50-58 - Marek S. Tudruj
, Lukasz Masko:
Communication on the Fly in Dynamic SMP Clusters - Towards Efficient Fine Grain Numerical Computations. 59-68 - Pradeep Varma:
Wait-Free Publish/Subscribe Using Atomic Registers. 69-76
Scheduling and Load Balancing
- Jacques M. Bahi, Raphaël Couturier, Flavien Vernier:
Accelerated Diffusion Algorithms on General Dynamic Networks. 77-82 - Eunmi Choi, Dugki Min:
Suitability of Load Scheduling Algorithms to Workload Characteristics. 83-88 - Stanislaw Gawiejnowicz, Wieslaw Kurc, Lidia Pankowska:
Minimizing Time-Dependent Total Completion Time on Parallel Identical Machines. 89-96 - Marek Grochowski, Robert Schaefer, Piotr Uhruski:
Diffusion Based Scheduling in the Agent-Oriented Computing System. 97-104 - Klaus Jansen, Roberto Solis-Oba:
Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling Jobs with Chain Precedence Constraints. 105-112 - Jurij Silc, Peter Korosec, Borut Robic:
Combining Vector Quantization and Ant-Colony Algorithm for Mesh-Partitioning. 113-118 - Pawel Hajto, Marcin Skrzypek:
Wavelet-Neuronal Resource Load Prediction for Multiprocessor Environment. 119-124 - Nguyen Duc Thai:
Fault-Tolerant Scheduling in Distributed Real-Time Systems. 125-130 - Andrei Tchernykh
, Denis Trystram:
Online Scheduling of Multiprocessor Jobs with Idle Regulation. 131-144
Performanc Analysis and Prediction
- Marta Beltrán, José Luis Bosque:
Predicting the Response Time of a New Task on a Beowulf Cluster. 145-152 - Radim Blaheta, Ondrej Jakl, Jiri Stary:
Space Decomposition Solvers and Their Performance in PC-Based Parallel Computing Environments. 153-160 - Maciej Brzezniak, Norbert Meyer:
Evaluation of Execution Time of Mathematical Library Functions Based on Historical Performance Information. 161-168 - Javier Cuenca, Luis-Pedro García, Domingo Giménez, José González, Antonio M. Vidal:
Empirical Modelling of Parallel Linear Algebra Routines. 169-174 - Maciej Drozdowski, Lukasz Wielebski:
Efficiency of Divisible Load Processing. 175-180 - Darin Nikolow, Renata Slota, Jacek Kitowski:
Gray Box Based Data Access Time Estimation for Tertiary Storage in Grid Environment. 181-188 - Tomasz Olas, Roman Wyrzykowski
, Adam Tomas, Konrad Karczewski:
Performance Modeling of Parallel FEM Computations on Clusters. 189-200 - Pavol Purcz:
Asymptotical Behaviour of the Communication Complexity of One Parallel Algorithm. 201-206 - Pavel Tvrdík, Ivan Simecek
Analytical Modeling of Optimized Sparse Linear Code. 207-216
Parallel and Distributed Non-numerical Algorithms
- Fatima Abu Salem:
A BSP Parallel Model for the Göttfert Algorithm over F2. 217-224 - Panagiotis D. Alevizos, Dimitris K. Tasoulis, Michael N. Vrahatis:
Parallelizing the Unsupervised k-Windows Clustering Algorithm. 225-232 - Piotr Czarnas, Zbigniew J. Czech, Przemyslaw Gocyla:
Parallel Simulated Annealing for Bicriterion Optimization Problems. 233-240 - Attila Gürsoy:
Data Decomposition for Parallel K-means Clustering. 241-248 - Zbigniew Kokosinski
On Generation of Permutations through Suffix/Prefix Reversing in a Cellular Network. 249-254 - Zbigniew Kokosinski:
A Parallel Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Unranking t-ary Trees. 255-260 - Daniela Zaharie, Dana Petcu
Adaptive Pareto Differential Evolution and Its Parallelization. 261-268
Parallel and Distributed Programming
- Janusz Borkowski
Global Predicates for Online Control of Distributed Applications. 269-277 - Alexander Chernov, Andrey Belevantsev, Oleg Malikov:
A Thread Partitioning Algorithm for Data Locality Improvement. 278-285 - Isabel Dorta
, Coromoto León, Casiano Rodríguez
Parallel Branch-and-Bound Skeletons: Message Passing and Shared Memory Implementations. 286-291 - Carlos Amaral Hölbig, Paulo Sérgio Morandi Júnior, Bernardo Frederes Krämer Alcalde, Tiarajú Asmuz Diverio:
Selfverifying Solvers for Linear Systems of Equations in C-XSC. 292-297 - Susumu Kiyamura, Yoshiaki Takata, Hiroyuki Seki:
Process Decomposition via Synchronization Events and Its Application to Counter-Process Decomposition. 298-305 - Pawel Kaczmarek, Henryk Krawczyk:
Exception Handling Model with Influence Factors for Distributed Systems. 306-313 - Eryk Laskowski:
Program Structuring Heuristics for Parallel Systems Based on Multiple Crossbar Switches. 314-322 - David E. Singh, María J. Martín
, Francisco F. Rivera:
Automatic Generation of Optimized Parallel Codes for N-body Simulations. 323-330
Tools and Environments for Parallel and Distributed Processing
- Bartosz Balis, Marian Bubak
, Wlodzimierz Funika, Roland Wismüller, Grzegorz Kaplita:
Monitoring Threaded Application with Thread-Enabled OMIS Monitor. 331-337 - Janusz Borkowski
, Marek S. Tudruj
, Damian Kopanski:
Parallel Program Design Tool with Application Control Methods Based on Global States. 338-343 - Marian Bubak
, Wlodzimierz Funika, Marcin Smetek, Zbigniew Kilianski, Roland Wismüller:
Event Handling in the J-OCM Monitoring System. 344-351 - Marian Bubak
, Wlodzimierz Funika, Marcin Smetek, Zbigniew Kilianski, Roland Wismüller:
Request Processing in the Java-Oriented OMIS Compliant Monitoring System. 352-359 - Pawel Czarnul:
Architecture and Implementation of Distributed Data Storage Using Web Services, CORBA and PVM. 360-367 - Rene Kobler, Dieter Kranzlmüller, Jens Volkert:
Online Visualization of OpenMP Programs in the DeWiz Environment. 368-374 - Tomasz Kuczynski, Roman Wyrzykowski
, Grzegorz Studzinski:
Cluster Monitoring and Management in the WebCI Environment. 375-382 - Shigeru Kusakabe, Kentaro Iio, Hideo Taniguchi, Makoto Amamiya:
Fine-Grained System-Call Scheduling in CEFOS on Commodity Processors. 383-388 - Jan Kwiatkowski, Daniel Abrich:
Dynamic Process Communication in the GDE Environment. 389-396 - Inseon Lee, Heon Young Yeom, Taesoon Park, Hyoung-Woo Park:
A Lightweight Message Logging Scheme for Fault Tolerant MPI. 397-404 - Pierre Lombard, Yves Denneulin, Olivier Valentin, Adrien Lebre:
Improving the Performances of a Distributed NFS Implementation. 405-412 - Magdalena Slawiñska:
Testability of Distributed Objects. 413-418 - Boleslaw K. Szymanski
, Carlos A. Varela, John Cummings, Jim Napolitano:
Dynamically Reconfigurable Scientific Computing on Large-Scale Heterogeneous Grids. 419-430
Applications of Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Krzysztof Banas:
Parallelization of Large Scale Adaptive Finite Element Computations. 431-438 - Andrzej Bielecki
, Dominika Nowak:
A Multi-agent System Based on the Information Metabolism Theory. 439-446 - Pascal Bouvry, Franciszek Seredynski, Albert Y. Zomaya
Application of Cellular Automata for Cryptography. 447-454 - Lech Debski, Grzegorz Musial, Jos Rogiers:
A Monte Carlo Study of Continuous Non-Ising Phase Transitions in the 3D Ashkin-Teller Model Using the OpenMosix Cluster of Linux PCs. 455-460 - Ian Glendinning
, Bernhard Ömer:
Parallelization of the QC-Lib Quantum Computer Simulator Library. 461-468 - Denis Lukanin, Vladimir Kalaev
, Alexander I. Zhmakin:
Parallel Simulation of Czochralski Crystal Growth. 469-474 - Ryszard Matysiak, Monika Haglauer, Grzegorz Kamieniarz, Alvaro Caramico D'Auria, Filippo Esposito:
Application of Parallel Computing in the Transfer-Matrix Simulations of the Supramolecular Rings. 475-480 - Rafal Metkowski, Piotr Bala:
Hierarchical Communication for the Parallel Simulations in the Distributed Environment. 481-488 - Tomasz Orlowski, Bogdan Wiszniewski:
Stepwise Development of Distributed Interactive Simulation Systems. 489-496 - Marcin Paprzycki
, Boris Digas, John Kopsky:
Some Aspects of Parallel Performance of a Seismic Ray Analysis Algorithm. 497-504 - Remo Suppi
, Daniel Fernández, Emilio Luque
Fish Schools: PDES Simulation and Real Time 3D Animation. 505-512 - Pawel Topa, Witold Dzwinel:
Consuming Environment with Transportation Network Modelled Using Graph of Cellular Automata. 513-520 - Viet D. Tran, Ladislav Hluchý
, David Froehlich, William Castaings:
Parallelizing Flood Model for Linux Clusters with MPI. 521-527 - Wojciech Walendziuk, Jaroslaw Forenc, Andrzej Jordan:
High Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Analysis with the Use of the Parallel FDTD Method. 528-535
Evolutionary Computing with Applications
- Katarzyna Adamska:
Genetic Clustering as a Parallel Algorithm for Approximating Basins of Attraction. 536-543 - Chang Wook Ahn, David E. Goldberg, Rudrapatna S. Ramakrishna:
Multiple-Deme Parallel Estimation of Distribution Algorithms: Basic Framework and Application. 544-551 - Chang Wook Ahn, Ki Pyo Kim, Rudrapatna S. Ramakrishna:
A Memory-Efficient Elitist Genetic Algorithm. 552-559 - Chang Wook Ahn, Rudrapatna S. Ramakrishna:
Augmented Compact Genetic Algorithm. 560-565 - Wojciech Bozejko, Mieczyslaw Wodecki:
Parallel Genetic Algorithm for the Flow Shop Scheduling Problem. 566-571 - Tadeusz Burczynski, Waclaw Kus:
Optimization of Structures Using Distributed and Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms. 572-579 - Wojciech Kwedlo:
A Parallel Evolutionary Algorithm for Discovery of Decision Rules. 580-585 - Andrew Lewis
, David Abramson, Tom Peachey:
An Evolutionary Programming Algorithm for Automatic Engineering Design. 586-594 - Rastislav Lukac, Bogdan Smolka, Andrzej Swierniak, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos:
Weighted Vector Directional Filters Optimized by Genetic Algorithms. 595-600
Soft Computing
- Jaroslaw Bilski, Jacek Smolag
, Jacek M. Zurada:
Systolic Architectures for Soft Computing Algorithms. 601-608 - Robert Cierniak:
Image Compression Based on Soft Computing Techniques. 609-617 - Krzysztof Cpalka:
A Flexible Connectionist Fuzzy System. 618-625 - Marcin Korytkowski, Marcin Gabryel, Adam E. Gaweda:
Recursive Probabilistic Neural Networks. 626-631 - Robert Nowicki:
Neuro-Fuzzy versus Non-parametric Approach to System Modeling and Classification. 632-640 - Robert Nowicki, Agata Pokropinska, Yoichi Hayashi:
On Designing of Neuro-Fuzzy Systems. 641-649 - Danuta Rutkowska:
Multi-expert Systems. 650-658 - Rafal Scherer
, Janusz T. Starczewski, Adam E. Gaweda:
New Methods for Uncertainty Representations in Neuro-Fuzzy Systems. 659-667 - Pawel Sevastjanow:
Interval Comparison Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence. 668-675
Data and Knowledge Management
- Marcin Gorawski, Rafal Malczok:
Distributed Spatial Data Warehouse. 676-681 - Jaeho Kang, Hyunju Ahn, Sung-Won Jung, Kwang Ryel Ryu, Hyuk-Chul Kwon, Sang-Hwa Chung:
Improving Load Balance and Fault Tolerance for PC Cluster-Based Parallel Information Retrieval. 682-687 - Sung-Hee Kim, Jae-dong Lee, Jaehong Kim, Hae-Young Bae:
An Efficient Conflict Detection Method for Maintaining Consistency of Mobile Database System. 688-693 - Michal Laclavik, Zoltán Balogh, Ladislav Hluchý
, Renata Slota, Krzysztof Krawczyk, Mariusz Dziewierz:
Distributed Knowledge Management Based on Software Agents and Ontology. 694-699 - Renata Slota, Marta Majewska, Mariusz Dziewierz, Krzysztof Krawczyk, Michal Laclavik, Zoltán Balogh, Ladislav Hluchý
, Jacek Kitowski, Simon C. Lambert:
Ontology Assisted Access to Document Repositories in Public Sector Organizations. 700-705
Numerical Methods and Their Applications
- Jacek Leszczynski:
Simulations of Granular Cohesion Dynamics on Rough Surfaces of Contacting Particles. 706-713 - Rastislav Lukac, Bogdan Smolka, Andrzej Swierniak, Kostas N. Plataniotis, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos:
Adaptive Noise Reduction in Microarray Images Based on the Center-Weighted Vector Medians. 714-721 - Arkadiusz Nagórka, Norbert Sczygiol:
Implementation Aspects of a Recovery-Based Error Estimator in Finite Element Analysis. 722-729 - Tom Peachey, David Abramson, Andrew Lewis, Donny Kurniawan, Rhys Jones:
Optimization Using Nimrod/O and Its Application to Robust Mechanical Design. 730-737 - Roman Wyrzykowski
, Sebastian Pluta, Jacek Leszczynski:
Object Oriented Implementation of Modelling Bi-phase Gas-Particle Flows. 738-745
Multi-dimensional Systems - Applications and Computations
- Mariusz Flasinski, Elzbieta Reron, Janusz Jurek, Piotr Wójtowicz, Krzysztof Atlasiewicz:
Mathematical Linguistics Model for Medical Diagnostics of Organ of Hearing in Neonates. 746-753 - Arkady Kryazhimskiy, Vyacheslav Maksimov
Parallelization in an Algorithm of Multi-dimensional Nonconvex Optimization: An Application to Insurance Network Design. 754-761 - Bartosz Kuczewski, Maciej Patan, Dariusz Ucinski:
Discrimination between Models of Distributed Parameter Systems Using T-optimum Experimental Design. 762-769 - Maciej Patan, Dariusz Ucinski:
Robust Activation Strategy of Scanning Sensors via Sequential Design in Parameter Estimation of Distributed Systems. 770-778
Application Grid Workshop
- Bartosz Balis, Marian Bubak
, Wojciech Rzasa
, Tomasz Szepieniec, Roland Wismüller:
Security in the OCM-G Grid Application Monitoring System. 779-787 - Peter Brezany, A Min Tjoa
, Helmut Wanek, Alexander Wöhrer:
Mediators in the Architecture of Grid Information Systems. 788-795 - Ivan Janciak, Peter Brezany, A Min Tjoa
Towards the Wisdom Grid: Goals and Architecture. 796-803 - Marian Bubak
, Kamil Górka, Tomasz Gubala, Maciej Malawski, Katarzyna Zajac:
Automatic Flow Building for Component Grid Applications. 804-811 - Marian Bubak
, Maciej Malawski, Katarzyna Zajac:
Grid Architecture for Interactive Applications. 812-820 - Ewa Deelman, James Blythe, Yolanda Gil, Carl Kesselman
, Scott Koranda
, Albert Lazzarini, Gaurang Mehta, Maria Alessandra Papa, Karan Vahi:
Pegasus and the Pulsar Search: From Metadata to Execution on the Grid. 821-830 - Ladislav Hluchý
, Ján Astalos, Miroslav Dobrucký
, Ondrej Habala, Branislav Simo, Viet D. Tran:
Flood Forecasting in a Grid Computing Environment. 831-839 - Eduardo Huedo
, Rubén S. Montero
, Ignacio Martín Llorente:
Adaptive Grid Scheduling of a High-Throughput Bioinformatics Application. 840-847 - Peter Z. Kunszt, Erwin Laure, Heinz Stockinger
, Kurt Stockinger:
Advanced Replica Management with Reptor. 848-855 - James Osborne, Helen Wright:
SuperVise: Using Grid Tools to Simplify Visualization. 856-863 - Paulo Trezentos, Arlindo L. Oliveira
Metrics for Grid Applicability: A Distributed Elliptic Curve Platform Assessment. 864-871 - Katarzyna Zajac, Marian Bubak
, Maciej Malawski, Peter M. A. Sloot:
Execution and Migration Management of HLA-Based Interactive Simulations on the Grid. 872-879 - Olivier Beaumont
, Pierre Ramet, Jean Roman:
Asymptotically Optimal Algorithm for Laplace Task Graphs on Heterogeneous Platforms. 880-887
- Marta Beltrán, Antonio Guzmán, José Luis Bosque:
Dynamic Tasks Assignment for Real Heterogeneous Clusters. 888-895 - Johanne Cohen, Emmanuel Jeannot, Nicolas Padoy:
Messages Scheduling for Data Redistribution between Clusters. 896-906 - Alexey Ya. Kalinov, Sergey Klimov:
Multidimensional Static Block Data Decomposition for Heterogeneous Clusters. 907-914 - Piyush Maheshwari:
A Job Scheduling Strategy for Heterogeneous Multiprogrammed Systems. 915-920 - Alexey L. Lastovetsky
, Ravi Reddy
Classification of Partitioning Problems for Networks of Heterogeneous Computers. 921-929 - Arnaud Legrand, Hélène Renard, Yves Robert
, Frédéric Vivien:
Load-Balancing Iterative Computations on Heterogeneous Clusters with Shared Communication Links. 930-937 - Serge G. Petiton, Lamine M. Aouad:
Large Scale Peer to Peer Performance Evaluations, with Gauss-Jordan Method as an Example. 938-945 - David Cruz Sánchez Rodríguez, Elsa M. Macías
, Álvaro Suárez Sarmiento:
Anticipating Performance Information of Newly Portable Computers on the WLAN for Load Balancing. 946-953 - Ilias K. Savvas
, M. Tahar Kechadi
Performance Study of Scheduling Mechanisms for Peer-to-Peer Computing Environments. 954-962
Workshop on High Perfomance Numerical Algorithms
- Policarpo Abascal, Pedro Alonso, Raquel Cortina
, Irene Díaz
, José Ranilla
Analyzing the Efficiency of Block-Cyclic Checkerboard Partitioning in Neville Elimination. 963-968 - Pedro Alonso
, José M. Badía, Antonio M. Vidal:
Parallel Algorithms for the Solution of Toeplitz Systems of Linear Equations. 969-976 - Bruno Carpentieri, Iain S. Duff, Luc Giraud, Guillaume Sylvand:
An Embedded Iterative Scheme in Electromagnetism. 977-984 - Dariusz Dereniowski, Marek Kubale:
Cholesky Factorization of Matrices in Parallel and Ranking of Graphs. 985-992 - Sergey A. Inutin
Parallel Square Modular Computer Algebra. 993-997 - Hyun-Sung Kim, Il-Soo Jeon, Jin-Ho Lee:
Semi-systolic Architecture for AB2 Operation over GF(2m). 998-1005 - Piotr Krzyzanowski
A Class of Block Smoothers for Multigrid Solution of Saddle Point Problems with Application to Fluid Flow. 1006-1013 - Sung-Woon Lee, Kee-Young Yoo:
Parallelizable Password-Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol. 1014-1019 - Randi Moe:
GRIBB - Branch-and-Bound Methods on the Internet. 1020-1027 - Hyun-Sung Kim, Hee-Joo Park, Sung-Ho Hwang:
Parallel Modular Multiplication Algorithm in Residue Number System. 1028-1033 - Laura Portero, Blanca Bujanda, Juan Carlos Jorge:
A Combined Fractional Step Domain Decomposition Method for the Numerical Integration of Parabolic Problems. 1034-1041 - Sergey Saukh:
Incomplete Cholesky Factorization in Fixed Memory. 1042-1051 - Marjan Sterk, Roman Trobec:
A Multigrid Poisson Solver on General 3-Dimensional Domains. 1052-1058 - Przemyslaw Stpiczynski:
Solving Linear Recurrence Systems Using Level 2 and 3 BLAS Routines. 1059-1066
Workshop on Large Scale Scientific Computations
- Baker Abdalhaq
, Ana Cortés, Tomàs Margalef
, Emilio Luque
Accelerating Optimization of Input Parameters in Wildland Fire Simulation. 1067-1074 - Ranieri Baraglia, Domenico Laforenza, Nicola Tonellotto:
A Tool to Execute ASSIST Applications on Globus-Based Grids. 1075-1082 - Kaoutar El Maghraoui
, Joseph E. Flaherty, Boleslaw K. Szymanski
, James D. Teresco, Carlos A. Varela:
Adaptive Computation over Dynamic and Heterogeneous Networks. 1083-1090 - Grzegorz Kamieniarz, Ryszard Matysiak:
Deterministic Large-Scale Simulations of the Low-Dimensional Magnetic Spin Systems. 1091-1098 - Olivier Valentin, Pierre Lombard, Adrien Lebre, Christian Guinet, Yves Denneulin:
Distributed File System for Clusters and Grids. 1099-1104 - Kentaro Moriya, Takashi Nodera:
New Adaptive GMRES( m) Method with Choosing Suitable Restart Cycle m. 1105-1113 - Philippas Tsigas, Yi Zhang:
The Non-blocking Programming Paradigm in Large Scale Scientific Computations. 1114-1124 - Zahari Zlatev:
Comprehensive Air Pollution Studies with the Unified Danish Eulerian Model. 1125-1137
Special Session on Parallel and Distributed Bioinformatic Applications
- Jacek Blazewicz
, Piotr Formanowicz, Pawel Kedziora, Pawel Wojciechowski:
Parallel Algorithms for Evolutionary History Reconstruction. 1138-1145 - Julien Frey, Robin Gras, Patricia Hernandez, Ron D. Appel:
A Hierarchical Model of Parallel Genetic Programming Applied to Bioinformatic Problems. 1146-1153 - Michel Hurfin, Jean-Pierre Le Narzul, Julien Pley, Philippe Raipin Parvédy:
A Fault-Tolerant Protocol for Resource Allocation in a Grid Dedicated to Genomic Applications. 1154-1161 - Víctor Robles, María S. Pérez, Vanessa Herves, José M. Peña, Pedro Larrañaga
Parallel Stochastic Search for Protein Secondary Structure Prediction. 1162-1169

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