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Image Processing 2007: San Diego, CA, USA
- Josien P. W. Pluim, Joseph M. Reinhardt:
Medical Imaging 2007: Image Processing, San Diego, CA, United States, 17-22 February 2007. SPIE Proceedings 6512, SPIE 2007, ISBN 9780819466303 - Front Matter: Volume 6512. 651201
Registration I: Methods
- Xia Li, Thomas E. Yankeelov
, Todd E. Peterson
, John C. Gore, Benoit M. Dawant:
Constrained non-rigid registration for whole body image registration: method and validation. 651202 - Kinda Anna Saddi, Christophe Chefd'Hotel, Farida Cheriet:
Large deformation registration of contrast-enhanced images with volume-preserving constraint. 651203 - Stefan Wörz, Karl Rohr:
Spline-based elastic image registration using solutions of the Navier equation. 651204 - Ali Gholipour, Nasser Kehtarnavaz, Richard W. Briggs, Kaundinya S. Gopinath:
A field map guided approach to non-rigid registration of brain EPI to structural MRI. 651205 - Nicolas Wiest-Daesslé
, Pierre Yger
, Sylvain Prima, Christian Barillot:
Evaluation of a new optimisation algorithm for rigid registration of MRI data. 651206 - Deshan Yang, Joseph O. Deasy
, Daniel A. Low, Issam El-Naqa:
Level set motion assisted non-rigid 3D image registration. 651207
Registration II: 2D-3D and Nuclear Medicine
- Jeroen Hermans, Peter Claes
, Johan Bellemans, Dirk Vandermeulen
, Paul Suetens:
Robust initialization for 2D/3D registration of knee implant models to single-plane fluoroscopy. 651208 - Rupin Dalvi, Rafeef Abugharbieh, Mark Pickering, Jennie M. Scarvell
, Paul N. Smith:
Registration of 2D to 3D joint images using phase-based mutual information. 651209 - Xiang Chen, Robert Gilkeson, Baowei Fei
Automatic intensity-based 3D-to-2D registration of CT volume and dual-energy digital radiography for the detection of cardiac calcification. 65120A - I. M. J. van der Bom, Josien P. W. Pluim, R. Homan, J. Timmer, Lambertus W. Bartels:
Projection-slice theorem based 2D-3D registration. 65120B - Elisabeth Röhl, Hanno Schumacher, Bernd Fischer:
Automatic detection of abrupt patient motion in SPECT data acquisition. 65120C - Alphonso Magri, Andrzej Król, Mehmet Z. Unlu, Edward Lipson, James A. Mandel, Wendy McGraw, Wei Lee, Ioana Coman, David H. Feiglin:
Nonrigid registration of dynamic breast F-18-FDG PET/CT images using deformable FEM model and CT image warping. 65120D - Zehor Ouksili, Clovis Tauber, Julia Nalis, Hadj Batatia, Olivier Caselles, Frederic Courbon:
Indirect PET-PET image registration to monitor lung cancer tumor. 65120E
Segmentation I: Cardiovascular
- Michael Sass Hansen, Hildur Ólafsdóttir, Karl Sjöstrand, Søren G. H. Erbou, Mikkel B. Stegmann, Henrik B. W. Larsson, Rasmus Larsen:
Ischemic segment detection using the support vector domain description. 65120F - Olivier Ecabert, Jochen Peters, Matthew J. Walker, Jens von Berg, Cristian Lorenz, Mani Vembar, Mark E. Olszewski, Jürgen Weese:
Automatic whole heart segmentation in CT images: method and validation. 65120G - Jochen Peters, Olivier Ecabert, Hauke Schramm, Jürgen Weese:
Discriminative boundary detection for model-based heart segmentation in CT images. 65120H - Rashindra Manniesing
, Wiro J. Niessen
Automatic segmentation of the internal carotid arteries through the skull base. 65120I - Pinyo Taeprasartsit
, William E. Higgins:
Method for extracting the aorta from 3D CT images. 65120J
Neurological Applications
- Martin Styner, Rachel Gimpel Smith, Michael M. Graves, Matthew W. Mosconi, Sarah Peterson, Scott White, Joseph Blocher, Mohammed El-Sayed, Heather Cody Hazlett:
Asymmetric bias in user guided segmentations of brain structures. 65120K - M. Spjuth, Flemming Gravesen, Simon F. Eskildsen
, Lasse Riis Østergaard
Early detection of AD using cortical thickness measurements. 65120L - Mark Holden, Rafael Moreno-Vallecillo, Anthony W. F. Harris
, Lavier J. Gomes, Than-Mei Diep, Pierrick T. Bourgeat
, Sébastien Ourselin
Expectation maximization classification and Laplacian based thickness measurement for cerebral cortex thickness estimation. 65120M - Claudia E. Rodríguez-Carranza, Pratik Mukherjee
, Daniel B. Vigneron, A. James Barkovich, Colin Studholme:
Comparing 3D Gyrification Index and area-independent curvature-based measures in quantifying neonatal brain folding. 65120N - Paul Aljabar, Kanwal K. Bhatia, Maria Murgasova
, Joseph V. Hajnal, James P. Boardman
, Latha Srinivasan, Mary A. Rutherford, Leigh Dyet, A. David Edwards, Daniel Rueckert
Quantifying brain development in early childhood using segmentation and registration. 65120O - M. M. Swathanthira Kumar, John M. Sullivan:
Automatic brain cropping and atlas slice matching using a PCNN and a generalized invariant Hough transform. 65120P
Texture and Pattern Recognition
- Lucia Dettori, Alia Bashir, Julie Hasemann:
Texture classification of normal tissues in computed tomography using Gabor filters. 65120Q - Benjamin L. Odry, Jing Huo, Li Zhang, Carol L. Novak, David P. Naidich:
Solid component evaluation in mixed ground glass nodules. 65120R - Daniela Stan Raicu, Ekarin Varutbangkul, Janie G. Cisneros, Jacob Furst, David S. Channin, Samuel G. Armato:
Semantics and image content integration for pulmonary nodule interpretation in thoracic computed tomography. 65120S - Robert A. Ochs, Jonathan G. Goldin
, Fereidoun Abtin, Hyun J. Kim, Kathleen Brown, Poonam Batra, Donald Roback, Michael F. McNitt-Gray, Matthew S. Brown:
Multiscale shape features for classification of bronchovascular anatomy in CT using AdaBoost. 65120T - Jinesh J. Jain, John O. Glass, Wilburn E. Reddick:
Automated arterial input function identification using iterative self organizing maps. 65120U
Segmentation II: Methodology
- Daniel Cremers
, Oliver Fluck, Mikaël Rousson, Shmuel Aharon:
A probabilistic level set formulation for interactive organ segmentation. 65120V - Krzysztof Chris Ciesielski, Jayaram K. Udupa:
A general theory of image segmentation: level set segmentation in the fuzzy connectedness framework. 65120W - Aaron D. Ward
, Ghassan Hamarneh
3D surface parameterization using manifold learning for medial shape representation. 65120X - Xiaoqing Liu, Jagath Samarabandu, Shuo Li
, Ian G. Ross, Gregory J. Garvin
A learning-based automatic clinical organ segmentation in medical images. 65120Y - Horst K. Hahn, Markus T. Wenzel
, Johann Drexl, Susanne Zentis, Heinz-Otto Peitgen:
HWT - hybrid watershed transform: optimal combination of hierarchical interactive and automated image segmentation. 65120Z - Rami Zewail
, Ahmed Elsafi, Nelson G. Durdle:
Multi-scale shape prior using wavelet packet representation and independent component analysis. 651210
Segmentation III: Applications
- Arish A. Qazi, Erik B. Dam
, Ole Fogh Olsen, Mads Nielsen, Claus Christiansen:
Automatic detection of diseased regions in knee cartilage. 651211 - Jurgen Fripp
, Pierrick Bourgeat
, Stuart Crozier
, Sébastien Ourselin
Shape based segmentation of MRIs of the bones in the knee using phase and intensity information. 651212 - Chang-Hua Wu, Gady Agam:
Probabilistic retinal vessel segmentation. 651213 - Mona Haeker, Milan Sonka
, Randy Kardon
, Vinay A. Shah, Xiaodong Wu, Michael D. Abràmoff
Automated segmentation of intraretinal layers from macular optical coherence tomography images. 651214 - Michael B. Merickel, Michael D. Abràmoff
, Milan Sonka
, Xiaodong Wu:
Segmentation of the optic nerve head combining pixel classification and graph search. 651215 - Michael Gensheimer, Anthony J. Cmelak, Kenneth J. Niermann, Benoit M. Dawant:
Automatic delineation of the optic nerves and chiasm on CT images. 651216 - Roland Opfer, Rafael Wiemker:
A new general tumor segmentation framework based on radial basis function energy minimization with a validation study on LIDC lung nodules. 651217 - John Melonakos, Yi Gao, Allen R. Tannenbaum:
Tissue tracking: applications for brain MRI classification. 651218
Shape and Deformable Geometry
- Marleen de Bruijne
, Paola C. Pettersen, László B. Tankó, Mads Nielsen:
Vertebral fracture classification. 651219 - Kevin Gorczowski, Martin Styner, Ja-Yeon Jeong, J. S. Marron, Joseph Piven, Heather Cody Hazlett, Stephen M. Pizer, Guido Gerig
Discrimination analysis using multi-object statistics of shape and pose. 65121A - Punam Kumar Saha
, H. Zhang, Milan Sonka
, Gary E. Christensen, Chamith S. Rajapakse:
Active index model: a unique approach for regional quantitative morphometry in longitudinal and cross-sectional studies. 65121B - Hildur Ólafsdóttir, Tron A. Darvann, Bjarne K. Ersbøll, Nuno V. Hermann, Estanislao Oubel, Rasmus Larsen, Alejandro F. Frangi
, Per Larsen, Chad A. Perlyn, Gillian M. Morriss-Kay, Sven Kreiborg:
Craniofacial statistical deformation models of wild-type mice and Crouzon mice. 65121C - Dimitrios Perperidis, Raad Mohiaddin, Philip J. Edwards, Daniel Rueckert
Segmentation of cardiac MR and CT image sequences using model-based registration of a 4D statistical model. 65121D
- Michael Brady:
Oncological image analysis: medical and molecular image analysis. 65121E - Jakob Raundahl, Marco Loog, Paola Pettersen, Mads Nielsen:
Evaluation of four mammographic density measures on HRT data. 65121F - Xueyu Yang, Kewei Chen, Xiaojuan Guo, Li Yao:
Validation of voxel-based morphometry (VBM) based on MRI. 65121G - Adriane Parraga, Johanna Pettersson, Altamiro Amadeu Susin, Mathieu De Craene, Benoît Macq:
Non-rigid registration methods assessment of 3D CT images for head-neck radiotherapy. 65121H
MRI Applications
- Sylvain Prima, Nicolas Wiest-Daesslé
Computation of the mid-sagittal plane in diffusion tensor MR brain images. 65121I - Maxime Descoteaux, Christophe Lenglet
, Rachid Deriche:
Diffusion tensor sharpening improves white matter tractography. 65121J - Yonas T. Weldeselassie, Ghassan Hamarneh
DT-MRI segmentation using graph cuts. 65121K - Stathis Hadjidemetriou, Colin Studholme, Susanne G. Mueller, Mike Weiner, Norbert Schuff:
Restoration of MRI data for field nonuniformities using high order neighborhood statistics. 65121L - Ning Xu, J. Michael Fitzpatrick:
Dynamic field mapping and distortion correction for fMRI. 65121M
Registration III: Applications
- Jan Ehrhardt, René Werner, Thorsten Frenzel, Wei Lu
, Daniel Low, Heinz Handels
Analysis of free breathing motion using artifact reduced 4D CT image data. 65121N - Boris Kovalerchuk
, Joseph Lemley
, Alexander M. Gorbach:
An algorithm to stabilize a sequence of thermal brain images. 65121O - Andrew R. Willis, Donald D. Anderson
, Thaddeus P. Thomas, Thomas D. Brown, J. Lawrence Marsh
3D reconstruction of highly fragmented bone fractures. 65121P - Tomaz Vrtovec
, Bostjan Likar, Franjo Pernus:
Determination of 3D location and rotation of lumbar vertebrae in CT images by symmetry-based auto-registration. 65121Q - Il-Han Kim, William J. Godinez, Nathalie Harder, Felipe Mora-Bermúdez, Jan Ellenberg, Roland Eils
, Karl Rohr:
Compensation of global movement for improved tracking of cells in time-lapse confocal microscopy image sequences. 65121R - Jonathan Chappelow, Anant Madabhushi
, Mark Rosen, John Tomaszewski, Michael D. Feldman:
Multimodal image registration of ex vivo 4 Tesla MRI with whole mount histology for prostate cancer detection. 65121S
Poster Session - Registration
- Namkug Kim
, Joon Beom Seo, Jeong Nam Heo, Suk-Ho Kang:
Analysis of point-to-point lung motion with full inspiration and expiration CT data using non-linear optimization method: optimal geometric assumption model for the effective registration algorithm. 65121T - Hidetaka Arimura, Shigeo Anai, Satoshi Yoshidome, Katsumasa Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shioyama, Satoshi Nomoto, Hiroshi Honda, Yoshihiko Onizuka, Hiromi Terashima:
Computerized method for measurement of displacement vectors of target positions on EPID cine images in stereotactic radiotherapy. 65121U - Evgeny Gladilin, Constantin Kappel, Roland Eils
Motion detection and pattern tracking in microscopical images using phase correlation approach. 65121V - Martin Vester-Christensen, Søren G. H. Erbou, Sune Darkner
, Rasmus Larsen:
Accelerated 3D image registration. 65121W - Ramkrishnan Narayanan, Jeffrey A. Fessler, Bing Ma, Hyunjin Park
, Charles R. Meyer:
Local mismatch location and spatial scale detection in image registration. 65121X - Mads Fogtmann Hansen, Morten Rufus Blas, Rasmus Larsen
Mahalanobis distance based iterative closest point. 65121Y - Herke Jan Noordmans
, Rowland de Roode, Rudolf Verdaasdonk
Fast interactive elastic registration of 12-bit multi-spectral images with subvoxel accuracy using display hardware. 65121Z - Sangyeol Lee, Michael D. Abràmoff
, Joseph M. Reinhardt
Feature-based pairwise retinal image registration by radial distortion correction. 651220 - A. Subramanian, Andrzej Król, A. H. Poddar, R. L. Price, R. Swarnkar, David H. Feiglin:
Large volume reconstruction from laser scanning microscopy using micro-CT as a template for deformation compensation. 651221 - Thomas Boettger, Ivo Wolf, Hans-Peter Meinzer, Juan Carlos Celi:
Radial subsampling for fast cost function computation in intensity-based 3D image registration. 651222 - Girish Gopalakrishnan, Rakesh Mullick:
Registration-based initialization during radiation therapy planning. 651223 - Primoz Markelj, Dejan Tomazevic, Franjo Pernus, Bostjan Likar:
Optimizing bone extraction in MR images for 3D/2D gradient based registration of MR and x-ray images. 651224 - Sune Darkner, Martin Vester-Christensen, Rasmus Larsen, Rasmus R. Paulsen:
Evaluating a method for automated rigid registration. 651225 - Alice Villéger, Lemlih Ouchchane, Jean-Jacques Lemaire
, Jean-Yves Boire:
Assistance to neurosurgical planning: using a fuzzy spatial graph model of the brain for locating anatomical targets in MRI. 651226 - Jeroen Hermans, Peter Claes
, Johan Bellemans, Dirk Vandermeulen
, Paul Suetens:
A robust optimization strategy for intensity-based 2D/3D registration of knee implant models to single-plane fluoroscopy. 651227 - Christoph Vetter, Christoph Guetter, Chenyang Xu, Rüdiger Westermann:
Non-rigid multi-modal registration on the GPU. 651228 - Bing Ma, Ramakrishnan Narayanan, Hyunjin Park
, Alfred O. Hero III, Peyton H. Bland, Charles R. Meyer:
Joint registration of multiple images using entropic graphs. 65122A - Christophe Chefd'Hotel, Guillaume Bousquet:
Intensity-based image registration using Earth Mover's Distance. 65122B - Konstantin Ens, Hanno Schumacher, Astrid Franz, Bernd Fischer:
Improved elastic medical image registration using mutual information. 65122C - Nestor A. Parra, Carlos A. Parra:
Gabor feature-based registration: accurate alignment without fiducial markers. 65122D - Shoupu Chen, Jay S. Schildkraut, Lawrence A. Ray:
Method of image fusion for radiotherapy. 65122E - Jessica de Ryk, Jamie Weydert, Gary E. Christensen, Jacqueline Thiesse, Eman Namati, Joseph M. Reinhardt
, Eric A. Hoffman
, Geoffrey McLennan:
Three-dimensional histopathology of lung cancer with multimodality image registration. 65122F
Poster Session - Segmentation
- Jiamin Liu, Jayaram K. Udupa:
Oriented active shape models for 3D segmentation in medical images. 65122H - Diem Phuc Banh, Iacovos S. Kyprianou, Sophie Paquerault, Kyle J. Myers:
Morphology-based three-dimensional segmentation of coronary artery tree from CTA scans. 65122I - Sylvain Gouttard, Martin Styner, Sarang C. Joshi, Rachel Gimpel Smith, Heather Cody Hazlett, Guido Gerig
Subcortical structure segmentation using probabilistic atlas priors. 65122J - Katia Estabridis, Rui J. P. deFigueiredo:
Fovea and vessel detection via a multi-resolution parameter transform. 65122K - Martin Styner, Rebecca C. Knickmeyer
, Sarang C. Joshi, Christopher L. Coe, Sarah J. Short
, John H. Gilmore:
Automatic brain segmentation in rhesus monkeys. 65122L - Michael Berezansky, Hayit Greenspan, Daniel Cohen-Or, Osnat Eitan:
Segmentation and tracking of human sperm cells using spatio- temporal representation and clustering. 65122M - Henri Bouma
, Javier Oliván Bescós, Anna Vilanova, Frans A. Gerritsen:
Unbiased vessel-diameter quantification based on the FWHM criterion. 65122N - Sata Busayarat, Tatjana Zrimec:
Bronchopulmonary segments approximation using anatomical atlas. 65122O - Yulian Wolff, Shmuel Miron, Anat Achiron, Hayit Greenspan:
Improved CSF classification and lesion detection in MR brain images with multiple sclerosis. 65122P - Alexandru Paul Condurache, Tobias Hahn, Ulrich G. Hofmann
, Michael Scharfschwerdt
, Martin Misfeld, Til Aach:
Automatic measuring of quality criteria for heart valves. 65122Q - Zuyao Y. Shan
, Chia-Ho Hua, Qing Ji, Carlos Parra, Xiaofei Ying, Matthew J. Krasin, Thomas E. Merchant, Larry E. Kun, Wilburn E. Reddick:
A knowledge-guided active model method of skull segmentation on T1-weighted MR images. 65122R - Stephanie Powell, Vincent A. Magnotta
, Nancy C. Andreasen
Automated image segmentation using support vector machines. 65122S - Raisa Z. Freidlin, Michal E. Komlosh, Murray H. Loew, Peter J. Basser:
Parsimonious model selection for tissue classification: a DTI study of zebrafish. 65122T - Yi-Ta Wu, Chuan Zhou, Lubomir M. Hadjiiski
, Jiazheng Shi, Jun Wei, Chintana Paramagul, Berkman Sahiner, Heang-Ping Chan
A dynamic multiple thresholding method for automated breast boundary detection in digitized mammograms. 65122U - Jeongjin Lee, Namkug Kim, Ho Lee
, Joon Beom Seo, Hyung Jin Won, Yong Moon Shin, Yeong-Gil Shin:
An automatic method for fast and accurate liver segmentation in CT images using a shape detection level set method. 65122V - Hesheng Wang
, Denise Feyes, John Mulvihill, Nancy Oleinick, Gregory T. MacLennan
, Baowei Fei
Multiscale fuzzy C-means image classification for multiple weighted MR images for the assessment of photodynamic therapy in mice. 65122W - Yalin Zheng, Xiaoyun Yang, Xujiong Ye
, Xinyu Lin:
Fully automatic segmentation of liver from multiphase liver CT. 65122X - Dagmar Krefting
, Barbara Haupt, Thomas Tolxdorff, Carsten Kempkensteffen, Kurt Miller:
Segmentation of prostate biopsy needles in transrectal ultrasound images. 65122Y - David Chen, Jianhua Yao
Improved livewire method for segmentation on low contrast and noisy images. 65122Z - Sovira Tan, Jianhua Yao
, Michael M. Ward, Lawrence Yao, Ronald M. Summers:
Level sets on non-planar manifolds for ridge detection on isosurfaces. 651230 - Kelvin Poon, Ghassan Hamarneh
, Rafeef Abugharbieh:
Segmentation of complex objects with non-spherical topologies from volumetric medical images using 3D livewire. 651231 - Fedde van der Lijn, Meike W. Vernooij, Mohammad Arfan Ikram, Henri A. Vrooman, Daniel Rueckert
, Alexander Hammers, Monique M. B. Breteler
, Wiro J. Niessen
Automated localization of periventricular and subcortical white matter lesions. 651232 - Jeffery R. Price
, Deniz Aykac, Jonathan Wall
Improvements in level set segmentation of 3D small animal imagery. 651233 - Stefan Wörz, Constantin Kappel, Roland Eils
, Karl Rohr:
Model-based segmentation and quantification of fluorescent bacteria in 3D microscopy live cell images. 651234 - Xuejun Zhang, Gobert N. Lee
, Tetsuji Tajima, Teruhiko Kitagawa, Masayuki Kanematsu, Xiangrong Zhou, Takeshi Hara, Hiroshi Fujita, Ryujiro Yokoyama, Hiroshi Kondo, Hiroaki Hoshi, Shigeru Nawano, Kenji Shinozaki:
Segmentation of liver region with tumorous tissues. 651235 - Ramsey Al-Hakim, Delphine Nain, James J. Levitt, Martha Shenton, Allen R. Tannenbaum:
Semi-automatic parcellation of the corpus striatum. 651236 - Ke Huang, Michelle Yan, Selin Aviyente:
Edge-directed inference for microaneurysms detection in digital fundus images. 651237 - Gareth Price, Christopher J. Moore:
Comparative evaluation of a novel 3D segmentation algorithm on in-treatment radiotherapy cone beam CT images. 651238 - François Lauze, Marleen de Bruijne
Toward automated detection and segmentation of aortic calcifications from radiographs. 651239 - Suguru Kawajiri, Xiangrong Zhou, Xuejin Zhang, Takeshi Hara, Hiroshi Fujita, Ryujiro Yokoyama, Hiroshi Kondo, Masayuki Kanematsu, Hiroaki Hoshi:
Automated segmentation of hepatic vessel trees in non-contrast x-ray CT images. 65123A - Yangqiu Patrick Hu, David R. Haynor, Kenneth R. Maravilla:
WHIPPET: a collaborative software environment for medical image processing and analysis. 65123B - Namkug Kim
, Joon Beom Seo, Koun Sik Song, Suk-Ho Kang:
Automatic measurement of oblique-oriented airway dimension at volumetric CT: effect of imaging parameters and obliquity of airway with FWHM method using a physical phantom. 65123C - Kees Joost Batenburg, Jan Sijbers
Automatic multiple threshold scheme for segmentation of tomograms. 65123D - Marc Macenko, Rutao Luo, Mehmet Celenk, Limin Ma, Qiang Zhou:
Lesion detection using Gabor-based saliency field mapping. 65123E - Emily L. Spangler, Christopher Brown, John A. Roberts, Brian E. Chapman:
Evaluation of internal carotid artery segmentation by InsightSNAP. 65123F - Yeny Yim, Helen Hong:
A method for smoothing segmented lung boundary in chest CT images. 65123G - Xiao Han, Lyndon S. Hibbard, Scott Brame:
A morphing active surface model for automatic re-contouring in 4D radiotherapy. 65123H - Moi Hoon Yap
, Eran A. Edirisinghe, Helmut E. Bez:
Fully automatic lesion boundary detection in ultrasound breast images. 65123I - Meng Ma, Johan G. Bosch, Johan H. C. Reiber, Boudewijn P. F. Lelieveldt
Fully automatic estimation of object pose for segmentation initialization: application to cardiac MR and echocardiography images. 65123J - Qing Xu, Hong Chen, Li Zhang, Carol L. Novak:
Automatic corpus callosum segmentation for standardized MR brain scanning. 65123K - A. Monzon, Paul F. Hemler, Mike A. Nalls, Todd M. Manini
, Brian C. Clark
, T. B. Harris, Matthew J. McAuliffe:
Segmentation of magnetic resonance images of the thighs for a new National Institutes of Health initiative. 65123L - Nithin Nagaraj
, Shekhar Dwivedi:
CxCxC: compressed connected components labeling algorithm. 65123M - Dominik Fritz, Julia Kroll
, Rüdiger Dillmann, Michael Scheuering:
Automatic 4D segmentation of the left ventricle in cardiac-CT-data. 65123N - Xiangrong Zhou, M. Kan, Takeshi Hara, Hiroshi Fujita, Keiko Sugisaki, Ryujiro Yokoyama, Gobert N. Lee
, Hiroaki Hoshi:
Automated segmentation of mammary gland regions in non-contrast torso CT images based on probabilistic atlas. 65123O - Jiaxing Xue, Jean Gao, Gary Arbique, Michel Saint-Cyr, Dan Hatef, Spencer Brown:
Three dimensional analysis of the vascular perfusion for anterolateral thigh perforator flaps. 65123P - Joshua H. Levy, Robert E. Broadhurst, Surajit Ray, Edward L. Chaney, Stephen M. Pizer:
Signaling local non-credibility in an automatic segmentation pipeline. 65123Q - Walter F. Good, Xiao Hui Wang, Carl Fuhrman, Jules H. Sumkin, Glenn S. Maitz, Joseph K. Leader, Cynthia Britton, David Gur:
Application of 3D geometric tensors for segmenting cylindrical tree structures from volumetric datasets. 65123R - Hong Chen, Qing Xu, Li Zhang, Atilla P. Kiraly, Carol L. Novak:
Automated definition of mid-sagittal planes for MRI brain scans. 65123T - Constantine Butakoff
, Simone Balocco
, Sebastián Ordas:
Simulated 3D ultrasound LV cardiac images for active shape model training. 65123U - M. Emre Celebi, Hassan A. Kingravi, Hitoshi Iyatomi
, JeongKyu Lee, Y. Alp Aslandogan, William Van Stoecker, Randy H. Moss, Joseph M. Malters, Ashfaq A. Marghoob:
Fast and accurate border detection in dermoscopy images using statistical region merging. 65123V
Poster Session - Shape and Deformable Geometry
- Punam Kumar Saha
, Ying Zhuge, Jayaram K. Udupa:
Fuzzy shape-based interpolation. 65123W - Mads Nielsen:
Evaluation of Brownian warps for shape alignment. 65123Y - Martin Styner, Ipek Oguz, Shun Xu, Dimitrios Pantazis, Guido Gerig
Statistical group differences in anatomical shape analysis using Hotelling T2 metric. 65123Z - Rongping Zeng, Jeffrey A. Fessler, James M. Balter:
A simplified motion model for estimating respiratory motion from orbiting views. 651240
Poster Session - MRI
- Jan Petr
, Jan Kybic
Continuous criterion for parallel MRI reconstruction using B-spline approximation (PROBER). 651241 - Mirza Faisal Beg
, Ryan Dickie, Gregory Golds, Laurent Younes
Consistent realignment of 3D diffusion tensor MRI eigenvectors. 651242 - Yao Lu, Dee H. Wu
, Vincent A. Magnotta
Partial volume correction of magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging. 651243 - Xiaohui Yuan
, Cengizhan Ozturk
, Gloria Chi-Fishman:
An accurate tongue tissue strain synthesis using pseudo-wavelet reconstruction-based tagline detection. 651244
Poster Session - Pattern Recognition and Texture
- Teresa Osicka, Matthew T. Freedman, Farid Ahmed:
Characterization of pulmonary nodules on computer tomography (CT) scans: the effect of additive white noise on features selection and classification performance. 651245 - Yuanzhong Li, Shoji Hara, Wataru Ito, Kazuo Shimura:
A machine learning approach for interactive lesion segmentation. 651246 - Claudia Kondermann, Daniel Kondermann, Michelle Yan:
Blood vessel classification into arteries and veins in retinal images. 651247 - José Gerardo Tamez-Peña
, Monica Barbu-McInnis, Saara M. S. Totterman:
Structural quantification of cartilage changes using statistical parametric mapping. 651248 - Youngjoo Lee, Joon Beom Seo, Bokyoung Kang, Dongil Kim
, June-Goo Lee, Song Soo Kim
, Namkug Kim
, Suk-Ho Kang:
Performance comparison of classifiers for differentiation among obstructive lung diseases based on features of texture analysis at HRCT. 651249 - William H. Horsthemke, Daniela Stan Raicu:
Organ analysis and classification using principal component and linear discriminant analysis. 65124A - Christoph W. Räth, Jan S. Bauer, Dirk Müller, Ernst J. Rummeny, Thomas M. Link, Sharmila Majumdar, Felix Eckstein, Roberto A. Monetti:
Analyzing µCT images of bone specimen with wavelets and scaling indices: Which texture measure does better to depict the trabecular bone structure? 65124B - Costantino Grana
, Vanini Daniele, Giovanni Pellacani
, Stefania Seidenari, Rita Cucchiara
Network patterns recognition for automatic dermatologic images classification. 65124C - Holger F. Böhm, H. Bitterling, C. Weber, Volker Kuhn, Felix Eckstein, Maximilian Reiser:
Orientation-weighted local Minkowski functionals in 3D for quantitative assessment of trabecular bone structure in the hip. 65124D - Mailan Pham, Ruchaneewan Susomboon, Tim Disney, Daniela Raicu, Jacob Furst:
A comparison of texture models for automatic liver segmentation. 65124E - Youngjoo Lee, Namkug Kim
, Joon Beom Seo, June-Goo Lee, Suk-Ho Kang:
The performance improvement of automatic classification among obstructive lung diseases on the basis of the features of shape analysis, in addition to texture analysis at HRCT. 65124F - Enmin Song, Renchao Jin, Yu Luo, Xiangyang Xu, Chih-Cheng Hung, Jianqiang Du:
Boundary refined texture segmentation on liver biopsy images for quantitative assessment of fibrosis severity. 65124G - Roberto A. Monetti, Jan S. Bauer, Dirk Müller, Ernst J. Rummeny, Maiko Matsuura, Felix Eckstein, Thomas M. Link, Christoph Räth:
Application of the scaling index method to µCT images of human trabecular bone for the characterization of biomechanical strength. 65124H
Poster Session - Validation
- Zhiyun Xue, Sameer K. Antani
, L. Rodney Long, Jose Jeronimo, George R. Thoma:
Comparative performance analysis of cervix ROI extraction and specular reflection removal algorithms for uterine cervix image analysis. 65124I - Elizabeth B. Philps, Sarah J. Aivano:
Evaluation of accuracy and workflow between different alignment techniques for correction of CTAC and PET misalignment in cardiac PET-CT imaging. 65124J
Poster Session - Compression
- Tim Bruylants
, Alin Alecu, Tom Kimpe, Rudi Deklerck, Adrian Munteanu, Peter Schelkens
An optimized 3D context model for JPEG2000 Part 10. 65124K - Tom Kimpe, Tim Bruylants
, Y. Sneyders, Rudi Deklerck, Peter Schelkens
Compression of medical volumetric datasets: physical and psychovisual performance comparison of the emerging JP3D standard and JPEG2000. 65124L - Gloria Menegaz
, Sara Luti, Valerie Duay
, Jean-Philippe Thiran
An interactive toolbox for atlas-based segmentation and coding of volumetric images. 65124M - Linning Ye, Jiangling Guo, Sunanda Mitra, Brian Nutter
A fast and efficient algorithm for volumetric medical data compression and retrieval. 65124N - Guido Bartoli, Gloria Menegaz
, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Perceptual coding of stereo endoscopy video for minimally invasive surgery. 65124O
Poster Session - Filtering and Enhancement
- Xuejun Sun, Walker H. Land, Ravi Samala
Deblurring of tomosynthesis images using 3D anisotropic diffusion filtering. 65124P - Jun Ge, Heang-Ping Chan
, Berkman Sahiner, Yiheng Zhang, Jun Wei, Lubomir M. Hadjiiski
, Chuan Zhou:
Digital tomosynthesis mammography: intra- and interplane artifact reduction for high-contrast objects on reconstructed slices using a priori 3D geometrical information. 65124Q - Dieter Seghers, Dirk Loeckx, Frederik Maes
, Paul Suetens:
Visual enhancement of interval changes using a temporal subtraction technique. 65124R

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