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ISCA PDCS 2004: San Francisco, California, USA
- David A. Bader, Ashfaq A. Khokhar:
Proceedings of the ISCA 17th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, September 15-17, 2004, The Canterbury Hotel, San Francisco, California, USA. ISCA 2004, ISBN 1-880843-52-8
Special Presentation
- Jennifer J. Burg, Tim Miller:
Fractal Computation in Step with Real-Time Dance. PDCS 2004: 1-6
Parallel Algorithms
- Tai Hsu, Paul Cull:
Parallel Walking Tree Method for Sequence Recombination. PDCS 2004: 7-12 - Selim G. Akl, Weiguang Yao:
Parallel Computation Applied to Dynamical Systems. PDCS 2004: 13-20 - Benjamín Castañeda, Juan C. Cockburn, Muhammad Shaaban:
Optimal and Non-Optimal Parallel Implementations of the Sequential Minimal Optimization Algorithm for Support Vector Machine Training. PDCS 2004: 21-26 - Sanguthevar Rajasekaran:
Efficient Parallel Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms. PDCS 2004: 27-32 - Min He, Si-Qing Zheng:
An Optimal Generalized Columnsort Algorithm for a Simplified 2D ARPBS. PDCS 2004: 33-38 - Safia H. Deif, Omar H. Karam, Samir I. Shaheen:
Fast Parallel Matrix Multiplication Algorithms on Optical Bus Fully Shuffled Trees. PDCS 2004: 39-44 - Jaime I. Dávila, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran:
Randomized Sorting on the POPS Network. PDCS 2004: 45-50 - Stefan Schamberger, Jens-Michael Wierum:
A Locality Preserving Graph Ordering Approach for Implicit Partitioning: Graph-Filing Curves. PDCS 2004: 51-57
Allocation and Scheduling Techniques
- Arnold L. Rosenberg, Matthew Yurkewych:
On Scheduling Computation-Dags for Internet-Based Computing. PDCS 2004: 58-63 - Stefan P. Muszala, Gita Alaghband, Daniel A. Connors, James J. Hack:
A VFSA Scheduler for Radiative Transfer Data in Climate Models. PDCS 2004: 64-71 - Jan Hungershöfer:
Increased Scheduling Quality by Utilizing the Flexibility of Malleable Jobs. PDCS 2004: 72-77 - Ricolindo Cariño, Ioana Banicescu, Thomas Rauber, Gudula Rünger:
Dynamic Loop Scheduling with Processor Groups. PDCS 2004: 78-84 - Bhuvan Urgaonkar, Arnold L. Rosenberg, Prashant J. Shenoy:
Application Placement on a Cluster of Servers. PDCS 2004: 85-90 - Pieter Thysebaert, Bruno Volckaert, Filip De Turck, Bart Dhoedt, Piet Demeester:
Network Aspects of Grid Scheduling Algorithms. PDCS 2004: 91-97 - Karen Villaverde, Enrico Pontelli:
An Investigation of Scheduling in Distributed Constraint Logic Programming. PDCS 2004: 98-103 - Tarek Hagras, Jan Janecek:
High Performance Duplication-Based Algorithm for Compile-Time Task Scheduling in a Bounded Number of Heterogeneous Machines. PDCS 2004: 104-109
Grid and P2P Computing and Services
- Shanshan Song, Kai Hwang:
Trusted Grid Computing with Security Assurance and Resource Optimization. PDCS 2004: 110-117 - Minghhong Zhou, Yuzhong Sun, Zhiwei Xu:
A Trade Based Access Control Modal for Grid. PDCS 2004: 118-123 - Xiaojuan Ren, Zhelong Pan, Rudolf Eigenmann, Y. Charlie Hu:
Decentralized and Hierarchical Discovery of Software Applications in the iShare Internet Sharing System. PDCS 2004: 124-130 - Lintao Liu, Shu Zhang, Kyung Dong Ryu, Partha Dasgupta:
R-Chain: A Self-Maintained Reputation Management System in P2P Networks. PDCS 2004: 131-136
Frameworks and Middleware for Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Thomas H. Cormen, Elena Riccio Davidson:
FG: A Framework Generator for Hiding Latency in Parallel Programs Running on Clusters. PDCS 2004: 137-144 - A. David Selvakumar, P. M. Sobha, G. C. Ravindra, R. Pitchiah:
Design, Implementation and Performance of Fault-Tolerant Message Passing Interface (MPI). PDCS 2004: 145-150 - Behnam Robatmili, Nasser Yazdani, Mehrdad Nourani:
NPSMT: A Simulation Environment for SMT Packet Processors. PDCS 2004: 151-156 - Carmen Constantinescu, Sergey Kornienko, Olga Kornienko, Uwe Heinkel:
An Agent-based Approach to Support the Scalability of Change Propagation. PDCS 2004: 157-164
Performance Modeling, Monitoring, and Debugging Tools
- Michael A. Frumkin, Leonid V. Shabanov:
Benchmarking Memory Performance with the Data Cube Operator. PDCS 2004: 165-171 - Ahmed M. Mohamed, Lester Lipsky, Reda A. Ammar:
Analytical Performance Analysis for Parallel and Distributed Systems with Non-Exponential Service Centers. PDCS 2004: 172-177 - Paolo Cremonesi, Lorenzo Muttoni, Giuseppe Serazzi:
A Characterization Methodology for Parallel Systems Benchmarks. PDCS 2004: 178-185 - Amol S. Deshmukh, Qingyuan Liu, Karen A. Tomko:
An Approach for Fine-Grained Profiling of Mesh-Based Parallel Programs. PDCS 2004: 186-192
Distributed Algorithms
- Xinli Wang, Jean Mayo:
A Distributed Algorithm for Detecting Deadlocks under the OR Model and the Resolution Based on Hardware Clocks. PDCS 2004: 193-200 - Jonathan W. Berry, Daniel Hrozencik, Shrisha Rao, Zhizhang Shen:
Finding Central Sets of Tree Structures in Synchronous Distributed Systems. PDCS 2004: 201-208 - Sathya Peri, Neeraj Mittal:
On Termination Detection in an Asynchronous Distributed System. PDCS 2004: 209-215 - ChaYoung Kim, JinHo Ahn:
A Lightweight Communication Algorithm for Guaranteeing Causally-ordered Delivery Semantics. PDCS 2004: 216-221
Reliability and Fault Tolerance
- Yamin Li, Shietung Peng, Wanming Chu:
Adaptive-Subcube Fault Tolerant Routing in Dual-Cube with Very Large Number of Faulty Nodes. PDCS 2004: 222-228 - Steven P. Reiss, Guy Eddon:
Automated Recovery with Transactions. PDCS 2004: 229-234 - Martin Nehéz, Dusan Bernát:
On Communication Protocols in Unreliable Mesh Networks and their Relation to Phase Transitions. PDCS 2004: 235-240 - Ming Li, Yuval Tamir:
Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance Using Fewer than 3f+1 Active Replicas. PDCS 2004: 241-247
Programming Languages, Compilers, and Systems
- Hiroko Midorikawa:
Meta Process Model and its Portable Parallel Programming Interface MpC. PDCS 2004: 248-255 - Yun Zhang, Mihai Burcea, Victor Cheng, Ron Ho, Michael Voss:
An Adaptive OpenMP Loop Scheduler for Hyperthreaded SMPs. PDCS 2004: 256-263 - Yong Feng, Yan-yuan Zhang, Rui-yong Jia:
SnapChain: A Shared Snapshot Method for Data Version Management. PDCS 2004: 264-269
Network and Distributed Algorithms
- Tetz C. Huang, Ji-Cherng Lin, Nathan Mou:
Self-Stabilizing Algorithms for the Shortest Path Problem in Distributed Systems. PDCS 2004: 270-277 - Samee Ullah Khan, Ishfaq Ahmad:
Heuristics-Based Replication Schemas for Fast Information Retrieval over the Internet. PDCS 2004: 278-283 - Cristian Tapus, Aleksey Nogin, Jason Hickey, Jerome White:
A Mechanism for Sequential Consistency in a Distributed Objects System. PDCS 2004: 284-289
- Muhamed F. Mudawar, John R. Wani:
One-Level Cache Memory Design for Scalable SMT Architectures. PDCS 2004: 290-295 - Masato Sumiyoshi, Takashi Midorikawa, Yasuki Tanabe, Hideharu Amano:
Design and Evaluation of a Switch Architecture for Multistage Interconnection Network with Temporary Directory. PDCS 2004: 296-301 - Hamid R. Arabnia, Xiangjian He:
Scalable Switch for Uni-Directional MultiRing Network. PDCS 2004: 302-307 - Susumu Matsumae:
A Tight Bound for Scaling-Simulation Problem of Meshes with Separable Buses by Meshes with Partitioned Buses. PDCS 2004: 308-314
Network Communication, Routing, and Protocols
- Shing-Tsaan Huang, Su-Shen Hung:
The Self-Stabilizing Edge-Token and Its Applications. PDCS 2004: 315-320 - Kevin F. Chen, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha:
The Fat-Stack and Universal Routing in Interconnection Networks. PDCS 2004: 321-326 - Min Song, Sachin Shetty, Mansoor Alam, HouJun Yang:
A New Multicast Queuing Mechanism for High-Speed Packet Switches. PDCS 2004: 327-332 - Jean R. S. Blair, Fredrik Manne:
Efficient Generic Multi-Stage Self-Stabilizing Algorithms for Trees. PDCS 2004: 333-338 - Kannikar Siriwong, Carolyn Pe Rosiene, Reda A. Ammar:
Jitter Controlled Quality of Service with Measurement Based Admission Control. PDCS 2004: 339-344
Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Mobile Computing
- Shiow-Yang Wu, Wei-chung Ko:
Location Based Access to Moving Data Sources. PDCS 2004: 345-352 - Michael Hitchens, Rajan Shankaran, Vijay Varadharajan:
Securing the Ad-Hoc On-demand Distance Vector Protocol. PDCS 2004: 353-360 - Qinglin Zhao, Li Feng, Zhongcheng Li:
A New Movement Detection Scheme Based on Dynamic Region. PDCS 2004: 361-366 - Giancarlo Fortino, Wilma Russo:
High-Level Interoperability between Java-based Mobile Agent Systems. PDCS 2004: 367-374 - Seung-Yun Kim, Waleed W. Smari:
Distance-Based Location Updating Cost Analysis in Mobile and Wireless Environments. PDCS 2004: 375-382
Multimedia Systems, Image Processing and DSP
- Hyo Jong Lee, Steven G. Potkin:
Fine-Grain Parallel Reconstruction Algorithm for MR Images. PDCS 2004: 383-389 - Radhika S. Grover, Qiang Li, George Fegan:
Providing Statistical QoS Guarantees for Interactive Operations in Parallel Multimedia Servers. PDCS 2004: 390-396 - Muhammad Shaaban, Jennifer Zenner:
Parallel Implementation of an MPEG-2 Encoder using Message-Passing/Multithreading. PDCS 2004: 397-402 - Meilin Liu, Qingfeng Zhuge, Zili Shao, Kevin F. Chen, Edwin Hsing-Mean Sha:
Loop Fusion via Retiming for DSP Applications. PDCS 2004: 403-408
Special Session: Algorithms and Tools for Real Time and Distributed System
- J. El Haddad, Serge Haddad:
A Fault-contained Spanning Tree Protocol for Arbitrary Networks. PDCS 2004: 410-415 - Ilhyun Lee, Haesun K. Lee, Narayan C. Debnath:
Object Oriented Mixed Scheduling Algorithm in Real Time Systems. PDCS 2004: 416-420 - M. R. Warsi, Ayesha Siddiqui, Narayan C. Debnath:
Code Embedding to Enhance File Security. PDCS 2004: 421-425 - Christian Toinard:
Usage of a Formal Result to Design a Causally and Totally Ordered Multicast Protocol. PDCS 2004: 426-430
Special Session: Applications of Game Theory and Artificial Intelligence Techniques on Distributed Computing and Internet-Wide Computing
- Rajiv T. Maheswaran, Jonathan P. Pearce, Milind Tambe:
Distributed Algorithms for DCOP: A Graphical-Game-Based Approach. PDCS 2004: 432-439 - Thomas J. Marlowe, Sanjoy K. Baruah:
Fairness-preserving Degradation in Overloaded Multimedia Conferencing Systems. PDCS 2004: 440-447 - Dmitri E. Volper, Jae C. Oh, Mina Jung:
GameMosix: Game-Theoretic Middleware for CPU Sharing in Untrusted P2P Environment. PDCS 2004: 448-454
Special Session: Collaborative and Cooperative Environments
- Ladislav Hluchý, Emil Gatial, Ondrej Habala, Martin Maliska, Viet D. Tran, Ján Astalos, Branislav Simo, Miroslav Dobrucký, Paul Heinzlreiter:
Collaborative Grid Environment for Scientific Virtual Organizations. PDCS 2004: 456-461 - Georgios-Dimitrios Kapos, Aphrodite Tsalgatidou, Mara Nikolaidou:
A Web Service-Based Platform for CSCW over Heterogeneous End-User Applications. PDCS 2004: 462-469 - David J. Roberts, Oliver Otto, Robin Wolff:
Pushmepullyou: The Reality of Interaction with Shared Objects in Networked Walk-in Displays. PDCS 2004: 470-477 - Marcel Seelig, William S. Harwin, David J. Roberts, Oliver Otto, Robin Wolff:
A Haptic Interface for Linked Immersive and Desktop Displays: Maintaining Sufficient Frame Rate for Haptic Rendering. PDCS 2004: 478-483 - Christoph Anthes, Paul Heinzlreiter, Adrian Haffegee, Jens Volkert:
Message Traffic in a Distributed Virtual Environment for Close-Coupled Collaboration. PDCS 2004: 484-490 - Ismail M. Bhana, David Johnson, Nia Alexandrov:
Supporting Ad Hoc Collaborations in Peer-to-Peer Networks. PDCS 2004: 491-496 - Gareth J. Lewis, S. Mehmood Hasan, Vassil N. Alexandrov:
Building Collaborative Environments for Advanced Computing. PDCS 2004: 497-502 - Constanza Prieto, Yadran Eterovic:
Using a Relaxed Memory Consistency Model to Support Collaborative Applications. PDCS 2004: 503-508
Workshop on Security in Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Natalia Stakhanova, Sergio Ferrero, Johnny S. Wong, Ying Cai:
A Reputation-based Trust Management in Peer-to-Peer Network Systems. PDCS 2004: 510-515 - Willard Thompson, Alec Yasinsac, Jeffrey Todd McDonald:
Semantic Encryption Transformation Scheme. PDCS 2004: 516-521 - Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Ninghui Li:
A Framework for Role-Based Access Control in Group Communication Systems. PDCS 2004: 522-529 - Yixin Jiang, Chuang Lin, Zhiguang Shan, Zhen Chen:
Modeling and Performance Analysis of Network-Based Intrusion Detection Cluster. PDCS 2004: 530-535 - Jeffrey Todd McDonald, Alec Yasinsac, Willard C. Thompson III:
Mobile Agent Data Integrity Using Multi-agent Architecture. PDCS 2004: 536-542 - Stephen M. Specht, Ruby B. Lee:
Distributed Denial of Service: Taxonomies of Attacks, Tools, and Countermeasures. PDCS 2004: 543-550 - Dongwan Shin, Gail-Joon Ahn:
Role-based Trust Assignment in Trust Management Systems. PDCS 2004: 551-558 - Ernesto Damiani, Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Stefano Paraboschi, Pierangela Samarati:
An Open Digest-based Technique for Spam Detection. PDCS 2004: 559-564 - Jianjia Wu, Dan Cheng, Wei Zhao:
Detecting Grid-Abuse Attacks by Source-based Monitoring. PDCS 2004: 565-571 - Steven T. Yuen, Raja Kambhampati:
A Tactical Security Architecture For Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. PDCS 2004: 572-578
Workshop on Scalable File Systems and Storage Technologies
- Thomas C. Bressoud, Michael Kozuch, Casey Helfrich, Mahadev Satyanarayanan:
OpenCAS: A Flexible Architecture for Content Addressable Storage. PDCS 2004: 580-587 - Micah Beck, Ying Ding, Terry Moore, James S. Plank:
Transnet Architecture and Logistical Networking for Distributed Storage. PDCS 2004: 588-593
Invited Speakers
- Gary Grider:
The ASCI/DOD Scalable I/O History and Strategy. PDCS 2004: 595 - Thomas H. Cormen:
Edna St. Vincent Millay Was Right. PDCS 2004: 596 - Robert Ross:
The Future of Parallel File Systems in Computational Science. PDCS 2004: 597 - Thomas Ruwart:
OSD and Intelligent Storage Systems: A New Era in Storage Systems Architectures. PDCS 2004: 598

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