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Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 17
Volume 17, Number 1, 10 January 1996
- M. B. Sukhaswami, Arun K. Pujari:
Restoration of geometrically aberrated images using a self-organising neural network. 1-10 - B. B. Chaudhuri:
A new definition of neighborhood of a point in multi-dimensional space. 11-17 - Hang Joon Kim, Pyeoung Kee Kim:
On-line recognition of cursive Korean characters using a set of extended primitive strokes and fuzzy functions. 19-28 - Anton D. Brink:
Using spatial information as an aid to maximum entropy image threshold selection. 29-36 - Jean-Claude Di Martino, Salvatore Tabbone:
An approach to detect lofar lines. 37-46 - Stefano Messelodi, Carla Maria Modena
Context driven text segmentation and recognition. 47-56 - Chao-Huang Chang:
Simulated annealing clustering of Chinese words for contextual text recognition. 57-66 - Nathan Intrator, Daniel Reisfeld, Yehezkel Yeshurun:
Face recognition using a hybrid supervised/unsupervised neural network. 67-76 - Mineichi Kudo
, Koji Mizukami, Yuji Nakamura
, Masaru Shimbo:
Realization of membership quiries in character recognition. 77-82 - Ke Han, Ishwar K. Sethi
Handwritten signature retrieval and identification. 83-90 - Witold Pedrycz:
Classification of relational patterns as a decomposition problem. 91-99
Volume 17, Number 2, 8 February 1996
- Amarnath Gupta, Bhabatosh Chanda:
A hue preserving enhancement scheme for a class of colour images. 109-114 - Gilles Bertrand
A Boolean characterization of three-dimensional simple points. 115-124 - Qiangfu Zhao, Tatsuo Higuchi:
Minimization of nearest neighbor classifiers based on individual evolutionary algorithm. 125-131 - Kenong Wu, Martin D. Levine:
2D shape segmentation: a new approach. 133-140 - Sreeparna Banerjee, D. Dutta Majumder:
A 2D shape metric and its implementation in biomedical imaging. 141-147 - Joo-Hwee Lim, Hoon heng Teh, Ho-Chung Lui, Pei-Zhuang Wang:
Stochastic topology with elastic matching for off-line handwritten character recognition. 149-154 - Hiroshi Murase, Rie Sakai:
Moving object recognition in eigenspace representation: gait analysis and lip reading. 155-162 - Stephan Olariu, Nageswara S. V. Rao
Simple algorithms for some classification problems. 163-167 - Yan-Ping Deng, Jie-Gu Li:
Some results: Shape from shading as a fully well-constrained problem. 169-174 - Chin-Chen Chang, D. C. Lin:
A spatial data representation: an adaptive 2D-H string. 175-185 - J. Richardt, F. Karl, C. Müller, Reinhard Klette
The fuzzy local-global duality in detecting pictorial patterns. 187-195 - Joshua Brown, Anne Hoger:
A morphological point thinning algorithm. 197-207 - Peyman Milanfar:
On the hough transform of a polygon. 209-210
Volume 17, Number 3, 6 March 1996
- Stephen J. Maybank:
Stochastic properties of the cross ratio. 211-217 - Shan Suthaharan
, S. Ray:
Generation of signal-uncorrelated noise for control experiments in image restoration. 219-230 - Valery V. Starovoitov:
A clustering technique based on the distance transform. 231-239 - Marco Gori, Luca Lastrucci, Giovanni Soda:
Autoassociator-based models for speaker verification. 241-250 - Peter Kokelj:
Statistical pattern classification with electric circuits. 251-262 - Richard C. Wilson, Edwin R. Hancock
A Bayesian compatibility model for graph matching. 263-276 - G. Priestnall, R. E. Marston, David G. Elliman:
Arrowhead recognition during automated data capture. 277-286 - Andrew P. Bradley
ROC curves and the X2 test. 287-294 - Khaled S. Al-Sultan, M. Maroof Khan:
Computational experience on four algorithms for the hard clustering problem. 295-308 - Yuntao Cui, John (Juyang) Weng, Herbert Reynolds
Estimation of ellipse parameters using optimal minimum variance estimator. 309-316
Volume 17, Number 4, 4 April 1996
- Jukka Heikkonen, Abhay B. Bulsari:
Special issue on neural networks for computer vision applications. 317-318 - Tom Ziemke
Radar image segmentation using recurrent artificial neural networks. 319-334 - Christian Goerick, Detlev Noll, Martin Werner:
Artificial neural networks in real-time car detection and tracking applications. 335-343 - Steen Sloth Christensen, Allan Weimar Andersen, Thomas Martini Jørgensen
, C. Liisberg:
Visual guidance of a pig evisceration robot using neural networks. 345-355 - Aimo Hakulinen, Juha Hakkarainen:
A neural network approach to quality control of padlock manufacturing. 357-362 - Javier Ruiz-del-Solar
, Mario Köppen:
Sewage pipe image segmentation using a neural based architecture. 363-368 - Jukka Heikkonen:
A computer vision approach to air flow analysis. 369-385 - Yassine Ruichek
, Jack-Gérard Postaire:
A neural matching algorithm for 3-D reconstruction from stereo pairs of linear images. 387-398 - Thomas Martini Jørgensen
, Steen Sloth Christensen, Allan Weimar Andersen:
Detecting danger labels with RAM-based neural networks. 399-412 - Jukka Heikkonen, Mika Mantynen:
A computer vision approach to digit recognition on pulp bales. 413-419 - Eduardo do Valle Simões, Luís Felipe Uebel, Dante Augusto Couto Barone:
Hardware implementation of RAM neural networks. 421-429
Volume 17, Number 5, 1 May 1996
- Guido M. Cortelazzo, Giovanni Deretta, Gian Antonio Mian, Piero Zamperoni:
Normalized weighted Levensthein distance and triangle inequality in the context of similarity discrimination of bilevel images. 431-436 - Pekka J. Toivanen:
New geodosic distance transforms for gray-scale images. 437-450 - Mohd Belal Al-Daoud, Stuart A. Roberts:
New methods for the initialisation of clusters. 451-455 - Abdelaziz Bensrhair, Pierre Miché, R. Debrie:
Fast and automatic stereo vision matching algorithm based on dynamic programming method. 457-466 - Chun-ta Ho, Ling-Hwei Chen:
A high-speed algorithm for line detection. 467-473 - Kuo-Liang Chung:
O(1)-time parallel string-matching algorithm with VLDCs. 475-479 - Chen-Kuei Yang, Wen-Hsiang Tsai:
Reduction of color space dimensionality by moment-preserving thresholding and its application for edge detection in color images. 481-490 - Tal Arbel, Peter Whaite, Frank P. Ferrie:
Parametric shape recognition using a probabilistic inverse theory. 491-501 - Zhanyi Hu, Songde Ma:
Uniform line parameterization. 503-507 - Zhiling Wang, Andrea Guerriero, Marco De Sario:
Comparison of several approaches for the segmentation of texture images. 509-521 - Zhixin Shi, Venu Govindaraju:
Character image enhancement by selective region-growing. 523-527 - Robert P. W. Duin:
A note on comparing classifiers. 529-536 - Venu Govindaraju, Ram K. Krishnamurthy:
Holistic handwritten word recognition using temporal features derived from off-line images. 537-540 - C. V. Jawahar
, A. K. Ray:
Incorporation of gray-level imprecision in representation and processing of digital images. 541-546 - Paul Scheunders
A genetic Lloyd-Max image quantization algorithm. 547-556 - Akira Nakamura:
"Continuous" functions on fuzzy digital pictures. 557-563
Volume 17, Number 6, 15 May 1996
- Editorial. Pattern Recognit. Lett. 17(6): 565-566 (1996)
- Michel Grabisch:
The representation of importance and interaction of features by fuzzy measures. 567-575 - Paul D. Gader, Magdi A. Mohamed, James M. Keller:
Fusion of handwritten word classifiers. 577-584 - Hans Bandemer:
Specifying fuzzy data from grey-tone pictures for pattern recognition. 585-592 - James F. Baldwin:
Knowledge from data using fuzzy methods. 593-600 - Yukiko Nakagawa, Kaoru Hirota, Witold Pedrycz:
A fuzzy knowledge base for dynamic image understandin. 601-605 - Richard J. Hathaway, James C. Bezdek, John W. Davenport:
On relational data versions of c-means algorithms. 607-612 - Rajesh N. Davé
Validating fuzzy partitions obtained through c-shells clustering. 613-623 - Witold Pedrycz:
Conditional Fuzzy C-Means. 625-631 - Jongwoo Kim, Raghu Krishnapuram, Rajesh N. Davé
Application of the least trimmed squares technique to prototype-based clustering. 633-641 - Koji Tsuda, Michihiko Minoh, Katsuo Ikeda:
Extracting straight lines by sequential fuzzy clustering. 643-649 - Stefano Marsili-Libelli
, Andreas Müller:
Adaptive fuzzy pattern recognition in the anaerobic digestion process. 651-659 - Giovanni Bortolan
, Rosaria Silipo, C. Marchesi:
Fuzzy pattern classification and the connectionist approach. 661-670
Volume 17, Number 7, 10 June 1996
- Piero Zamperoni:
Plus ça va, moins ça va. 671-677 - Martin A. Kraaijveld:
A Parzen classifier with an improved robustness against deviations between training and test data. 679-689 - Jaihie Kim, J. R. Yu, S. H. Kim:
Learning of prototypes and decision boundaries for a verification problem having only positive samples. 691-697 - Donald E. Brown, Clarence Louis Pittard, Han Park:
Classification trees with optimal multivariate decision nodes. 699-703 - G. Kalkanis, Gerard V. Conroy:
Interval error estimators in class probability trees. 705-712 - Simon K. Warfield
Fast k-NN classification for multichannel image data. 713-721 - Erkki Oja, Kimmo Valkealahti:
Co-occurrence map: Quantizing multidimensional texture histograms. 723-730 - Luisa Micó
, José Oncina
, Rafael C. Carrasco:
A fast branch & bound nearest neighbour classifier in metric spaces. 731-739 - Charles Ichoku, Benoît Deffontaines
, Jean Chorowicz:
Segmentation of digital plane curves: A dynamic focusing approach. 741-750 - Hinnik Eggers:
Parallel Euclidean distance transformations in Zng. 751-757 - Jianning Xu:
Morphological decomposition of 2-D binary shapes into simpler shape parts. 759-769 - Atsushi Imiya:
Detection of piecewise-linear signals by the randomized Hough transform. 771-776 - P. S. Nair, A. T. Saunders Jr.:
Hough transform based ellipse detection algorithm. 777-784 - P. T. Fairney, D. P. Fairney:
3-D object recognition and orientation from single noisy 2-D images. 785-793 - Kazuo Toraichi, Tadahiko Kumamoto, Kazuhiko Yamamoto, Hiromitsu Yamada:
Feature analysis of handprinted Chinese characters. 795-800 - Erratum. 801-802
Volume 17, Number 8, 1 July 1996
- S. Krishnan, K. Samudravijaya
, P. V. S. Rao:
Feature selection for pattern classification with Gaussian mixture models: A new objective criterion. 803-809 - CheeChung Chong, JianCheng Jia:
Assessments of neural network classifier output codings using variability of Hamming distance. 811-818 - Chi Hau Chen, Adam Józwik
A sample set condensation algorithm for the class sensitive artificial neural network. 819-823 - C. A. Murthy, Nirmalya Chowdhury
In search of optimal clusters using genetic algorithms. 825-832 - Jorma Tarhio
A sublinear algorithm for two-dimensional string matching. 833-838 - Debranjan Sarkar:
Boolean function-based approach for encoding of binary images. 839-848 - Peihua Qiu, Suchendra M. Bhandarkar:
An edge detection technique using local smoothing and statistical hypothesis testing. 849-872 - Konstantin Y. Kupeev, Haim J. Wolfson:
A new method of estimating shape similarity. 873-887 - Heikki Kälviäinen, Petri Hirvonen, Erkki Oja:
Houghtool -- A software package for the use of the Hough transform. 889-897 - U. Pal, B. B. Chaudhuri:
An improved document skew angle estimation technique. 899-904 - Isabelle Bloch:
Some aspects of Dempster-Shafer evidence theory for classification of multi-modality medical images taking partial volume effect into account. 905-919 - P. Jonathon Phillips, Yehuda Vardi:
Efficient illumination normalization of facial image. 921-927
Volume 17, Number 9, 1 August 1996
- Pong Chi Yuen, Guo-Can Feng
A novel method for parameter estimation of digital arc. 929-938 - Kil-jae Lee, Zeungnam Bien:
A gray-level corner detector using fuzzy logic. 939-950 - Stefan Huwer, Jürgen Rahmel, Aldo von Wangenheim
Data-driven registration for local deformations. 951-957 - Roberto Marabini
, José María Carazo:
On a new computationally fast image invariant based on bispectral projections. 959-967 - Hadass Eviatar, Ray L. Somorjai:
A fast, simple active contour algorithm for biomedical images. 969-974 - Jovisa D. Zunic:
A representation of digital hyperbolas y = 1/x alpha + beta. 975-983 - Ruowei Zhou, Hiok Chai Quek
DCBAM: A discrete chainable bidirectional associative memory. 985-999 - Robert D. Brandt, Feng Lin:
Representations that uniquely characterize images modulo translation, rotation, and scaling. 1001-1015 - Richard W. Hall, Chih-Yuan Hu:
Time-efficient computation of 3D topological functions. 1017-1033
Volume 17, Number 10, 2 September 1996
- Ishwar K. Sethi
, Jae Hung Yoo:
Symbolic mapping of neurons in feedforward networks. 1035-1046 - Edzard S. Gelsema:
Diagnostic reasoning based on a genetic algorithm operating in a Bayesian belief network. 1047-1055 - Ronald Jones, Pierre Soille
Periodic lines: Definition, cascades, and application to granulometries. 1057-1063 - R. C. Agrawal, R. K. Shevgaonkar, S. C. Sahasrabudhe:
A fresh look at the Hough transform. 1065-1068 - Chen Chien-Chang, Daniel C. Chen:
Multi-resolutional gabor filter in texture analysis. 1069-1076 - Du-Ming Tsai, Tsai Ray-Yuan:
Use neural networks to determine matching order for recognizing overlapping objects. 1077-1088 - Jen-Bin Huang, Zen Chen, Tsorng-Lin Chia:
Pose determination of a cylinder using reprojection transformation. 1089-1099 - Jianping Fan, Rong Wang, Liming Zhang, Dingjia Xing, Fuxi Gan:
Image sequence segmentation based on 2D temporal entropic thresholding. 1101-1107 - Iris Fermin, Atsushi Imiya, Akira Ichikawa:
Randomized polygon search for planar motion detection. 1109-1115 - Kuo-Liang Chung, Huang Chin-Yen:
Finding neighbors on bincode-based images in O(n log log n) time. 1117-1124
Volume 17, Number 11, 16 September 1996
- Edgard Nyssen:
Evaluation of pattern classifiers -- Testing the significance of classification efficiency using an exact probability technique. 1125-1129 - M. Prakash, M. Narasimha Murty:
Extended subspace methods of pattern recognition. 1131-1139 - Michel Herbin
, Noël Bonnet, Philippe Vautrot:
A clustering method based on the estimation of the probability density function and on the skeleton by influence zones. Application to image processing. 1141-1150 - N. R. Kuruppu:
The development of a BAM system using a delta rule based algorithm (the DBAM system). 1151-1155 - B. B. Chaudhuri, Azriel Rosenfeld:
On a metric distance between fuzzy sets. 1157-1160 - Daniel Reisfeld:
The constrained phase congruency feature detector: simultaneous localization, classification and scale determination. 1161-1169 - Joachim Denzler, Heinrich Niemann:
3D data driven prediction for active contour models based on geometric bounding volumes. 1171-1178 - Konstantinos Daniilidis, Jörg Ernst:
Active intrinsic calibration using vanishing points. 1179-1189 - June-Ho Yi, Bir Bhanu
, Ming Li:
Target indexing in SAR images using scattering centers and the Hausdorff distance. 1191-1198 - Adrian P. Whichello, Hong Yan:
Fast location of address blocks and postcodes in mail-piece images. 1199-1214 - Antti Koski:
Primitive coding of structural ECG features. 1215-1222
Volume 17, Number 12, 25 October 1996
- Hichem Frigui, Raghu Krishnapuram:
A robust algorithm for automatic extraction of an unknown number of clusters from noisy data. 1223-1232 - Georgi Gluhchev, S. Shalev:
The systematic error detection as a classification problem. 1233-1238 - Haroon A. Babri, A. C. Kot, S. L. Tay, S. P. Ngian:
Error-based constraints for efficient learning of pattern recognition problem. 1239-1245 - Hsin-Chih Lin, Ling-Ling Wang, Shi-Nine Yang:
Automatic determination of the spread parameter in Gaussian smoothing. 1247-1252 - Padhraic Smyth
Bounds on the mean classification error rate of multiple experts. 1253-1257 - Dimitrios Ioannou, Edward T. Dugan, Andrew Laine:
On the uniqueness of the representation of a convex polygon by its Hough transform. 1259-1264 - Atsushi Imiya:
A metric for spatial lines. 1265-1269 - Kian Peng Ngoi, Jiancheng Jia:
A new colour image energy for active contours in natural scenes. 1271-1277 - R. Mukundan
, K. R. Ramakrishnan:
An iterative solution for object pose parameters using image moments. 1279-1284 - Aldo Laurentini:
Surface reconstruction accuracy for active volume intersection. 1285-1292 - Laurence Boxer:
Point set pattern matching in 3-D. 1293-1297 - Thierry Pun, David Squire
Statistical structuring of pictorial databases for content-based image retrieval systems. 1299-1310 - Hang Joon Kim, Jong Wha Jung, Sang-Kyoon Kim:
On-line Chinese character recognition using ART-based stroke classification. 1311-1322
Volume 17, Number 13, 25 November 1996
- Elisabetta Binaghi, Pietro Alessandro Brivio, Anna Rampini, Robert A. Schowengerdt:
Special issue on non-conventional pattern analysis in remote sensing. 1323-1324 - Athena Stassopoulou, Maria Petrou, Josef Kittler:
Bayesian and neural networks for geographic information processing. 1325-1330 - Sebastiano B. Serpico, Lorenzo Bruzzone
, Fabio Roli
An experimental comparison of neural and statistical non-parametric algorithms for supervised classification of remote-sensing images. 1331-1341 - Palma Blonda, A. Bennardo, Giuseppe Satalino
, Guido Pasquariello
Fuzzy logic and neural techniques integration: An application to remotely sensed data. 1343-1348 - Axel Pinz, Manfred Prantl, Harald Ganster, Hermann Borotschnig:
Active fusion - A new method applied to remote sensing image interpretation. 1349-1359 - Jacky Desachy, Ludovic Roux, El-Hadi Zahzah:
Numeric and symbolic data fusion: A soft computing approach to remote sensing images analysis. 1361-1378 - Robert A. Schowengerdt:
On the estimation of spatial-spectral mixing with classifier likelihood functions. 1379-1387 - Giles M. Foody
, Manoj K. Arora:
Incorporating mixed pixels in the training, allocation and testing stages of supervised classifications. 1389-1398 - Elisabetta Binaghi, Pietro Alessandro Brivio
, Paolo Ghezzi, Anna Rampini
, Eugenio Zilioli:
A hybrid approach to fuzzy land cover mapping. 1399-1410 - Pekka J. Toivanen:
Erratum to "New geodesic distance transforms for gray-scale images" [Pattern Recognition Letters 17 (1996) 437-450]. 1411 - Hans Bandemer:
Erratum to "Specifying fuzzy data from grey-tone pictures for pattern recognition" [Pattern Recognition Letters 17 (1996) 585-592]. 1413
Volume 17, Number 14, 30 December 1996
- Jeffrey Wood, John Shawe-Taylor
A unifying framework for invariant pattern recognition. 1415-1422 - Ragnar Nohre:
Deformed template matching by the Viterbi algorithm. 1423-1428 - Fang-Hsuan Cheng:
Point pattern matching algorithm invariant to geometrical transformation and distortion. 1429-1435 - Iraklis M. Spiliotis, Basil G. Mertzios:
Fast algorithms for basic processing and analysis operations on block-represented binary images. 1437-1450 - Marc Van Droogenbroeck
, Hugues Talbot
Fast computation of morphological operations with arbitrary structuring elements. 1451-1460 - Paul L. Rosin:
Analysing error of fit functions for ellipses. 1461-1470 - Eric Andres, Raghu Menon, Claudio H. Sibata, Raj Acharya:
Rational bitmap scaling. 1471-1475 - Hubert Fonga:
Pattern recognition in gray-level images by Fourier analysis. 1477-1489 - Jordi Vitrià
, Jorge Llacer:
Reconstructing 3D light microscopic images using the EM algorithm. 1491-1498 - Cheng-Woei Chao, Chaur-Heh Hsieh, Po-Chiang Lu, Tai-An Cheng:
Modified block truncation coding for image compression. 1499-1506 - Simon M. Lucas
Rapid best-first retrieval from massive dictionaries. 1507-1512

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