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Ranking > Complete Ranking

DB-Engines Ranking

The DB-Engines Ranking ranks database management systems according to their popularity. The ranking is updated monthly.

Read more about the method of calculating the scores.

424 systems in ranking, March 2025
RankDBMSDatabase ModelScore
1.1.1.OracleRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Graph DBMS
RDF store
Spatial DBMS
Vector DBMS
2.2.2.MySQLRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Spatial DBMS
3.3.3.Microsoft SQL ServerRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Graph DBMS
Spatial DBMS
4.4.4.PostgreSQL detailed informationDetailed vendor-provided information availableRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Graph DBMS
Spatial DBMS
Vector DBMS
5.5.5.MongoDB detailed informationDetailed vendor-provided information availableDocument, Multi-model infoDocument store
Spatial DBMS
Search engine
Time Series DBMS
Vector DBMS
6.up arrow 7.up arrow 9.SnowflakeRelational161.78+6.20+36.40
7.down arrow 6.down arrow 6.RedisKey-value, Multi-model infoKey-value store
Document store
Graph DBMS
Spatial DBMS
Search engine
Time Series DBMS
Vector DBMS
8.8.down arrow 7.ElasticsearchMulti-model infoSearch engine
Vector DBMS
Document store
Spatial DBMS
9.9.down arrow 8.IBM Db2Relational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
RDF store
Spatial DBMS
11.11.up arrow 12.Apache CassandraWide column, Multi-model infoWide column store
Vector DBMS
12.12.down arrow 11.Microsoft AccessRelational96.72+0.18-11.21
13.13.up arrow 17.DatabricksMulti-model infoDocument store
Relational DBMS
14.14.down arrow 13.MariaDBRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Graph DBMS
Spatial DBMS
15.15.down arrow 14.SplunkSearch engine78.87-1.68-10.80
16.16.16.Amazon DynamoDBMulti-model infoDocument store
Key-value store
17.17.down arrow 15.Microsoft Azure SQL DatabaseRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Graph DBMS
Spatial DBMS
18.18.18.Apache HiveRelational70.08+7.59+5.26
19.19.19.Google BigQueryRelational57.96+3.07-4.71
20.20.up arrow 23.Neo4jGraph46.15+0.80+1.78
22.22.22.SAP HANARelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Graph DBMS
Spatial DBMS
23.23.down arrow 20.TeradataRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Graph DBMS
Spatial DBMS
Time Series DBMS
24.24.24.Apache SolrSearch engine, Multi-model infoSearch engine
Spatial DBMS
25.25.25.SAP Adaptive ServerRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Spatial DBMS
26.26.26.Apache HBaseWide column24.08-0.40-7.52
27.27.27.Microsoft Azure Cosmos DBMulti-model infoDocument store
Graph DBMS
Key-value store
Wide column store
Spatial DBMS
28.28.28.InfluxDBTime Series, Multi-model infoTime Series DBMS
Spatial DBMS
29.29.29.PostGISSpatial, Multi-model infoSpatial DBMS
Relational DBMS
30.up arrow 31.up arrow 34.Apache Spark (SQL)Relational19.76+1.31+0.19
31.down arrow 30.up arrow 37.ClickHouseRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Time Series DBMS
32.up arrow 33.up arrow 40.OpenSearchSearch engine, Multi-model infoSearch engine
Vector DBMS
33.down arrow 32.down arrow 31.FirebirdRelational16.82-0.46-5.63
34.34.down arrow 32.MemcachedKey-value15.78-0.91-5.03
35.up arrow 36.35.InformixRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Spatial DBMS
Time Series DBMS
36.down arrow 35.36.CouchbaseMulti-model infoDocument store
Vector DBMS
Key-value store
Spatial DBMS
Search engine
Time Series DBMS
Vector DBMS
Wide column store
37.up arrow 38.down arrow 33.Amazon RedshiftRelational14.57+0.45-6.06
38.down arrow 37.down arrow 30.Microsoft Azure Synapse AnalyticsRelational14.19-0.22-9.76
39.39.down arrow 38.Firebase Realtime DatabaseDocument13.49+0.17-1.58
40.up arrow 41.down arrow 39.Apache ImpalaRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
41.down arrow 40.41.Apache FlinkRelational11.31-0.06-2.10
42.42.up arrow 44.VerticaRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Spatial DBMS
Time Series DBMS
43.up arrow 44.43.dBASERelational8.28+0.22-3.97
44.down arrow 43.up arrow 49.Amazon AuroraRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Spatial DBMS
Vector DBMS
45.up arrow 46.up arrow 48.GreenplumRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Spatial DBMS
46.down arrow 45.down arrow 45.CouchDBDocument, Multi-model infoDocument store
Spatial DBMS
47.up arrow 48.47.Google Cloud FirestoreDocument7.11+0.20-2.86
48.up arrow 50.up arrow 53.KdbMulti-model infoTime Series DBMS
Vector DBMS
Relational DBMS
49.down arrow 47.up arrow 55.etcdKey-value7.08+0.02-0.58
50.down arrow 49.50.H2Relational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Spatial DBMS
51.up arrow 54.up arrow 81.DuckDBRelational6.71+0.36+2.25
52.down arrow 51.52.RealmDocument6.62-0.12-1.08
53.53.down arrow 46.NetezzaRelational6.45-0.05-4.75
54.down arrow 52.down arrow 51.PrometheusTime Series6.38-0.31-1.62
55.55.down arrow 42.PrestoRelational6.12-0.19-6.93
56.56.up arrow 61.SphinxSearch engine5.81-0.07-0.25
57.up arrow 58.up arrow 58.Oracle EssbaseRelational5.49-0.22-1.18
58.up arrow 59.down arrow 54.HazelcastKey-value, Multi-model infoKey-value store
Document store
59.down arrow 57.up arrow 64.AlgoliaSearch engine5.47-0.24-0.47
60.up arrow 61.down arrow 59.AerospikeMulti-model infoDocument store
Graph DBMS
Key-value store
Spatial DBMS
Vector DBMS
61.down arrow 60.up arrow 66.Microsoft Azure AI SearchSearch engine, Multi-model infoSearch engine
Vector DBMS
62.62.up arrow 73.TrinoRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Key-value store
Spatial DBMS
Search engine
Time Series DBMS
Wide column store
63.63.up arrow 79.GraphiteTime Series4.57+0.20-0.27
64.up arrow 66.down arrow 62.SingleStoreRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Spatial DBMS
Time Series DBMS
Vector DBMS
65.up arrow 68.down arrow 60.CockroachDBRelational4.40+0.39-1.99
66.down arrow 64.up arrow 69.EhcacheKey-value4.22-0.10-1.33
67.up arrow 69.up arrow 68.Apache JackrabbitContent4.20+0.19-1.39
68.down arrow 67.down arrow 56.MarkLogicMulti-model infoDocument store
RDF store
Search engine
69.down arrow 65.down arrow 57.Datastax EnterpriseWide column, Multi-model infoWide column store
Document store
Graph DBMS
Spatial DBMS
Search engine
Vector DBMS
70.up arrow 71.up arrow 78.Google Cloud DatastoreDocument3.78+0.09-1.09
71.down arrow 70.up arrow 75.TiDB detailed informationDetailed vendor-provided information availableRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
72.72.down arrow 67.ScyllaDBWide column, Multi-model infoWide column store
Key-value store
73.73.down arrow 72.TimescaleDBTime Series, Multi-model infoTime Series DBMS
Relational DBMS
74.up arrow 76.up arrow 94.OpenEdgeRelational3.48-0.03-0.05
75.down arrow 74.down arrow 70.InterbaseRelational3.44-0.12-2.07
76.down arrow 75.down arrow 63.Apache DerbyRelational3.42-0.11-2.54
77.77.down arrow 76.Riak KVKey-value3.39+0.06-1.56
78.up arrow 79.up arrow 101.Oracle NoSQLMulti-model infoDocument store
Key-value store
Relational DBMS
79.down arrow 78.down arrow 74.IngresRelational3.32-0.01-1.84
80.80.up arrow 82.VirtuosoMulti-model infoDocument store
Graph DBMS
Relational DBMS
RDF store
Search engine
Spatial DBMS
81.up arrow 84.up arrow 98.PineconeVector3.17+0.22-0.16
82.82.down arrow 80.RocksDBKey-value3.15+0.09-1.37
83.up arrow 88.down arrow 77.SAP SQL AnywhereRelational3.12+0.26-1.76
84.down arrow 81.up arrow 115.QuestDBTime Series, Multi-model infoTime Series DBMS
Relational DBMS
85.85.down arrow 83.HyperSQLRelational3.03+0.11-1.27
86.up arrow 87.86.Apache IgniteMulti-model infoKey-value store
Relational DBMS
87.down arrow 83.down arrow 65.Microsoft Azure Data ExplorerRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Event Store
Spatial DBMS
Search engine
Time Series DBMS
88.down arrow 86.down arrow 84.ArangoDBMulti-model infoDocument store
Graph DBMS
Key-value store
Search engine
89.up arrow 90.up arrow 99.Apache DruidMulti-model infoRelational DBMS
Time Series DBMS
90.down arrow 89.down arrow 87.AdabasMultivalue2.78-0.08-1.25
91.up arrow 92.up arrow 150.MilvusVector2.77+0.00+1.07
92.up arrow 94.up arrow 96.OrientDBMulti-model infoDocument store
Graph DBMS
Key-value store
93.down arrow 91.up arrow 97.Google Cloud SpannerRelational2.71-0.12-0.66
94.up arrow 97.up arrow 106.GraphDB detailed informationDetailed vendor-provided information availableMulti-model infoGraph DBMS
RDF store
95.up arrow 96.down arrow 90.Google Cloud BigtableMulti-model infoKey-value store
Wide column store
96.down arrow 93.down arrow 88.Apache Jena - TDBRDF2.66-0.10-1.31
97.down arrow 95.down arrow 71.Microsoft Azure Table StorageWide column2.66-0.07-2.69
98.up arrow 99.up arrow 105.Memgraph detailed informationDetailed vendor-provided information availableGraph2.61+0.06-0.48
99.up arrow 100.down arrow 95.RavenDBDocument, Multi-model infoDocument store
Graph DBMS
Spatial DBMS
Time Series DBMS
100.up arrow 102.up arrow 104.GemFireKey-value, Multi-model infoKey-value store
Document store
101.101.up arrow 113.IBM CloudantDocument2.50-0.02-0.29
102.down arrow 98.down arrow 92.Apache AccumuloWide column2.43-0.19-1.35
103.103.down arrow 93.SAP IQRelational2.33-0.06-1.25
104.up arrow 107.up arrow 110.RethinkDBDocument, Multi-model infoDocument store
Spatial DBMS
105.105.up arrow 160.OceanBaseRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Wide column store
106.down arrow 104.down arrow 85.DolphinDBMulti-model infoTime Series DBMS
Vector DBMS
Relational DBMS
107.down arrow 106.down arrow 91.InterSystems IRISMulti-model infoDocument store
Key-value store
Object oriented DBMS
Relational DBMS
108.108.up arrow 122.CoveoSearch engine2.27-0.01-0.18
109.109.down arrow 103.YugabyteDBRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Wide column store
110.up arrow 112.down arrow 100.LevelDBKey-value2.15+0.03-1.17
111.111.down arrow 109.Amazon NeptuneMulti-model infoGraph DBMS
RDF store
112.up arrow 118.up arrow 176.QdrantVector2.03+0.10+0.78
113.113.down arrow 102.InfinispanKey-value2.010.00-1.21
114.up arrow 117.up arrow 137.GridDB detailed informationDetailed vendor-provided information availableTime Series, Multi-model infoTime Series DBMS
Key-value store
Relational DBMS
115.down arrow 110.down arrow 89.UniData,UniVerseMultivalue1.97-0.22-1.96
116.up arrow 120.down arrow 114.PouchDBDocument1.95+0.08-0.75
117.down arrow 115.down arrow 107.MaxDBRelational1.95-0.02-0.92
118.down arrow 116.up arrow 125.Percona Server for MySQLRelational1.94-0.01-0.41
119.down arrow 114.up arrow 129.CitusRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
120.up arrow 121.up arrow 128.ChromaVector1.89+0.04-0.39
121.down arrow 119.down arrow 111.4DRelational1.87-0.06-0.93
122.122.up arrow 131.Apache PhoenixRelational1.84-0.01-0.26
123.up arrow 128.down arrow 118.Apache DrillMulti-model infoDocument store
Relational DBMS
124.124.down arrow 117.LMDBKey-value1.81+0.01-0.81
125.up arrow 129.up arrow 142.IMSNavigational1.79+0.07-0.15
126.126.down arrow 108.CloudKitDocument1.78-0.01-1.09
127.down arrow 123.down arrow 116.TDengine detailed informationDetailed vendor-provided information availableTime Series, Multi-model infoTime Series DBMS
Relational DBMS
128.down arrow 125.up arrow 148.Amazon DocumentDBDocument1.76-0.04-0.04
129.down arrow 127.down arrow 112.Oracle Berkeley DBMulti-model infoKey-value store
130.130.up arrow 135.JanusGraphGraph1.73+0.03-0.31
131.up arrow 134.down arrow 121.EDB PostgresRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Spatial DBMS
132.132.down arrow 126.Oracle CoherenceKey-value1.66-0.01-0.67
133.down arrow 131.up arrow 149.MonetDBRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Spatial DBMS
134.up arrow 136.up arrow 145.Amazon SimpleDBKey-value1.61-0.01-0.29
135.135.down arrow 133.Amazon CloudSearchSearch engine1.61-0.03-0.47
136.up arrow 137.136.StardogMulti-model infoGraph DBMS
RDF store
137.down arrow 133.up arrow 138.Weaviate detailed informationDetailed vendor-provided information availableVector1.58-0.07-0.42
138.up arrow 143.up arrow 140.SpatiaLiteSpatial, Multi-model infoSpatial DBMS
Relational DBMS
139.139.down arrow 124.NebulaGraph detailed informationDetailed vendor-provided information availableGraph1.56-0.02-0.80
140.down arrow 138.down arrow 120.RRDtoolTime Series1.54-0.05-0.93
141.up arrow 142.up arrow 155.FaunaMulti-model infoDocument store
Graph DBMS
Relational DBMS
Time Series DBMS
142.down arrow 140.down arrow 119.EXASOLRelational1.49-0.03-0.98
143.up arrow 145.down arrow 132.DatomicRelational1.48+0.03-0.60
144.down arrow 141.down arrow 134.EmpressRelational1.46-0.06-0.61
145.up arrow 149.up arrow 183.Apache IoTDBTime Series1.44+0.02+0.25
146.down arrow 144.up arrow 147.OpenTSDBTime Series1.42-0.05-0.42
147.147.up arrow 151.jBASEMultivalue1.41-0.04-0.28
148.up arrow 156.up arrow 193.GBaseRelational1.40+0.08+0.36
149.up arrow 155.down arrow 146.TarantoolMulti-model infoDocument store
Key-value store
Relational DBMS
Spatial DBMS
150.down arrow 148.down arrow 143.TigerGraphGraph1.39-0.06-0.53
151.down arrow 146.up arrow 167.D3Multivalue1.38-0.07-0.06
152.152.up arrow 162.VictoriaMetricsTime Series1.38+0.02-0.20
153.down arrow 151.down arrow 141.BaseXNative XML1.38+0.01-0.58
154.down arrow 153.down arrow 123.GeodeKey-value1.35+0.02-1.03
155.down arrow 150.down arrow 139.TiberoRelational1.34-0.05-0.64
156.up arrow 159.up arrow 158.GridGainMulti-model infoColumnar
Key-value store
Object oriented DBMS
Relational DBMS
157.down arrow 154.down arrow 154.Actian NoSQL DatabaseObject oriented1.28-0.05-0.37
158.up arrow 163.up arrow 170.mSQLRelational1.26+0.06-0.15
159.down arrow 157.up arrow 198.Amazon TimestreamTime Series1.24-0.05+0.21
160.down arrow 158.up arrow 163.Db4oObject oriented1.24-0.05-0.34
161.up arrow 162.up arrow 165.VoltDBRelational1.23-0.01-0.28
162.up arrow 164.up arrow 164.DgraphGraph1.21+0.01-0.32
163.up arrow 170.up arrow 173.MeilisearchMulti-model infoSearch engine
Vector DBMS
164.down arrow 161.down arrow 127.HEAVY.AIRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Spatial DBMS
165.165.down arrow 159.ObjectStoreObject oriented1.19-0.01-0.40
166.down arrow 160.up arrow 266.Alibaba Cloud PolarDB detailed informationDetailed vendor-provided information availableRelational1.19-0.08+0.69
167.down arrow 166.down arrow 156.IBM Db2 warehouseRelational1.170.00-0.44
168.up arrow 171.up arrow 172.HFSQLRelational1.16+0.04-0.18
169.down arrow 167.down arrow 157.TimesTenRelational1.15-0.02-0.44
170.down arrow 169.down arrow 152.MnesiaDocument1.14+0.01-0.50
171.up arrow 173.up arrow 191.GigaSpacesMulti-model infoDocument store
Object oriented DBMS
Graph DBMS
Search engine
172.up arrow 176.down arrow 169.ObjectBoxMulti-model infoObject oriented DBMS
Vector DBMS
Time Series DBMS
173.down arrow 172.down arrow 153.LiteDBDocument1.09-0.02-0.56
174.up arrow 182.ValkeyKey-value1.07+0.08
175.down arrow 174.up arrow 178.GiraphGraph1.060.00-0.17
176.up arrow 178.down arrow 175.Apache KylinRelational1.05+0.02-0.21
177.up arrow 184.up arrow 209.ZODBKey-value1.04+0.06+0.16
178.up arrow 183.down arrow 174.EventStoreDBEvent1.04+0.05-0.25
179.down arrow 168.down arrow 130.FireboltRelational1.03-0.13-1.13
180.up arrow 193.up arrow 239.eXtremeDBMulti-model infoRelational DBMS
Time Series DBMS
181.down arrow 175.up arrow 187.StarRocksRelational1.01-0.06-0.15
182.down arrow 179.down arrow 179.DatameerDocument1.00-0.02-0.24
183.up arrow 188.up arrow 197.SurrealDBMulti-model infoDocument store
Graph DBMS
184.down arrow 177.up arrow 204.MatrixOneRelational0.99-0.06+0.01
185.up arrow 186.down arrow 144.PlanetScaleRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Spatial DBMS
186.down arrow 185.up arrow 211.Amazon KeyspacesWide column0.98+0.02+0.12
187.down arrow 181.down arrow 171.SQLBaseRelational0.98-0.03-0.41
188.down arrow 180.down arrow 186.openGaussRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Spatial DBMS
189.up arrow 190.down arrow 166.FoundationDBMulti-model infoDocument store
Key-value store
Relational DBMS
190.down arrow 189.down arrow 180.Oracle RdbRelational0.96+0.01-0.27
191.up arrow 198.down arrow 181.NCache detailed informationDetailed vendor-provided information availableKey-value, Multi-model infoKey-value store
Document store
Search engine
192.up arrow 197.down arrow 185.VitessRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Spatial DBMS
193.down arrow 191.down arrow 190.Apache HAWQRelational0.93-0.01-0.17
194.up arrow 201.up arrow 214.TDSQL for MySQLRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Spatial DBMS
195.up arrow 199.up arrow 212.IDMSNavigational0.93+0.03+0.07
196.down arrow 195.down arrow 177.GT.MKey-value0.910.00-0.32
197.down arrow 187.down arrow 184.DataEaseRelational0.91-0.04-0.26
198.down arrow 196.down arrow 189.NonStop SQLRelational0.91-0.01-0.21
199.up arrow 200.up arrow 220.Alibaba Cloud MaxComputeRelational0.90+0.01+0.11
200.down arrow 192.up arrow 208.M3DBTime Series0.90-0.04-0.01
201.down arrow 194.down arrow 168.CubridRelational0.89-0.04-0.54
202.202.down arrow 201.RocksetDocument, Multi-model infoDocument store
Relational DBMS
Search engine
203.up arrow 204.down arrow 182.AltibaseRelational0.83+0.01-0.38
204.up arrow 207.down arrow 194.InfobrightRelational0.81+0.02-0.24
205.down arrow 203.down arrow 200.TypesenseSearch engine0.81-0.03-0.20
206.up arrow 208.up arrow 207.NuoDBRelational0.79+0.02-0.14
207.up arrow 210.up arrow 210.BigchainDBDocument0.78+0.04-0.09
208.down arrow 205.up arrow 234.RDF4JRDF0.77-0.03+0.05
209.down arrow 206.up arrow 224.Alibaba Cloud AnalyticDB for MySQL detailed informationDetailed vendor-provided information availableRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
210.down arrow 209.down arrow 192.HPE Ezmeral Data FabricMulti-model infoDocument store
Wide column store
211.up arrow 219.up arrow 250.VespaMulti-model infoSearch engine
Vector DBMS
212.up arrow 213.up arrow 218.GeoMesaSpatial0.75+0.02-0.08
213.down arrow 211.up arrow 222.BlazegraphMulti-model infoGraph DBMS
RDF store
214.up arrow 216.down arrow 199.AllegroGraphMulti-model infoDocument store
Graph DBMS
RDF store
Vector DBMS
Spatial DBMS
215.down arrow 212.down arrow 196.Model 204Multivalue0.73-0.01-0.32
216.down arrow 214.down arrow 206.YellowbrickRelational0.72+0.00-0.22
217.down arrow 215.up arrow 232.SciDBMultivalue0.70-0.01-0.03
218.up arrow 225.down arrow 205.KeyDBKey-value0.70+0.05-0.24
219.down arrow 217.down arrow 216.XapianSearch engine0.690.00-0.15
220.down arrow 218.up arrow 247.Alibaba Cloud AnalyticDB for PostgreSQLRelational0.67-0.02+0.08
221.down arrow 220.221.eXist-dbNative XML0.67-0.01-0.12
222.up arrow 226.down arrow 203.DoltRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
223.223.up arrow 226.CrateDBMulti-model infoDocument store
Spatial DBMS
Search engine
Time Series DBMS
Vector DBMS
Relational DBMS
224.down arrow 222.up arrow 225.Actian VectorRelational0.66-0.01-0.11
225.down arrow 221.down arrow 213.Datacom/DBRelational0.65-0.01-0.20
226.up arrow 234.up arrow 252.RisingWaveRelational0.64+0.06+0.08
227.up arrow 229.up arrow 237.BoltDBKey-value0.64+0.03-0.05
228.down arrow 227.up arrow 235.SQream DBRelational0.640.00-0.08
229.up arrow 232.down arrow 202.TypeDBMulti-model infoGraph DBMS
Object oriented DBMS
Relational DBMS
230.down arrow 224.down arrow 161.SednaNative XML0.62-0.04-0.97
231.down arrow 228.up arrow 233.ObjectDBObject oriented0.61-0.03-0.12
232.up arrow 237.up arrow 240.FrontBaseRelational0.60+0.04-0.06
233.down arrow 231.down arrow 219.solidDBRelational0.590.00-0.23
234.down arrow 230.down arrow 227.Objectivity/DBObject oriented0.59-0.01-0.16
235.235.up arrow 256.R:BASERelational0.58+0.00+0.03
236.up arrow 239.up arrow 238.KairosDBTime Series0.57+0.03-0.12
237.down arrow 233.down arrow 230.DBISAMRelational0.57-0.02-0.17
238.down arrow 236.down arrow 215.1010dataRelational0.54-0.03-0.30
239.down arrow 238.up arrow 257.Splice MachineRelational0.54+0.00+0.00
240.up arrow 241.up arrow 241.Graph EngineMulti-model infoGraph DBMS
Key-value store
241.up arrow 243.up arrow 243.SQL.JSRelational0.53+0.04-0.10
242.up arrow 249.up arrow 271.KingbaseRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Spatial DBMS
243.up arrow 247.up arrow 289.DragonflyKey-value0.50+0.03+0.17
244.up arrow 248.up arrow 249.atotiObject oriented0.49+0.03-0.07
245.down arrow 244.up arrow 255.HarperDBDocument0.49+0.00-0.06
246.up arrow 264.up arrow 281.YDBMulti-model infoDocument store
Relational DBMS
247.down arrow 240.down arrow 223.WebSphere eXtreme ScaleKey-value0.48-0.02-0.31
248.up arrow 252.down arrow 246.Percona Server for MongoDBDocument0.47+0.04-0.12
249.down arrow 246.down arrow 245.MapDBKey-value0.46-0.02-0.15
250.down arrow 245.down arrow 248.NexusDBRelational0.46-0.02-0.12
251.251.down arrow 217.Apache DorisRelational0.46+0.02-0.38
252.up arrow 260.down arrow 229.KineticaRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Spatial DBMS
Time Series DBMS
253.up arrow 255.down arrow 251.GemStone/SObject oriented0.45+0.04-0.11
254.down arrow 253.up arrow 277.ITTIATime Series, Multi-model infoTime Series DBMS
Relational DBMS
255.down arrow 242.down arrow 188.Northgate RealityMultivalue0.45-0.04-0.70
256.down arrow 250.down arrow 244.ScalarisKey-value0.43-0.01-0.19
257.down arrow 254.down arrow 254.VistaDBRelational0.43+0.00-0.12
258.up arrow 275.up arrow 259.LokiJSDocument0.41+0.08-0.12
259.259.up arrow 268.Alibaba Cloud Log Service detailed informationDetailed vendor-provided information availableSearch engine0.39+0.01-0.07
260.up arrow 268.down arrow 258.AlaSQLMulti-model infoDocument store
Relational DBMS
261.up arrow 273.up arrow 301.FlureeGraph0.39+0.06+0.09
262.up arrow 263.down arrow 231.Apache PinotRelational0.39+0.02-0.34
263.down arrow 257.263.OpenInsightMultivalue0.39+0.00-0.12
264.down arrow 261.up arrow 306.Apache SedonaSpatial0.39+0.01+0.11
265.down arrow 258.265.ScaleArcRelational0.39+0.00-0.11
266.up arrow 270.down arrow 253.Postgres-XLRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Spatial DBMS
267.down arrow 262.up arrow 273.RasdamanMultivalue0.380.00-0.05
268.down arrow 266.down arrow 228.HibariKey-value0.37+0.02-0.38
269.down arrow 256.down arrow 264.SequoiadbMulti-model infoDocument store
Relational DBMS
270.up arrow 277.up arrow 325.Deep LakeVector0.36+0.04+0.14
271.271.down arrow 195.PerstObject oriented0.35+0.01-0.69
272.up arrow 276.up arrow 275.Kyligence EnterpriseRelational0.34+0.01-0.07
273.down arrow 265.up arrow 305.ImmudbKey-value, Multi-model infoKey-value store
Relational DBMS
274.down arrow 269.down arrow 262.SearchBloxSearch engine0.33-0.01-0.18
275.down arrow 272.up arrow 297.Comdb2Relational0.330.00+0.02
276.up arrow 281.up arrow 283.MarqoSearch engine0.32+0.03-0.03
277.up arrow 287.up arrow 290.Cloudflare Workers KVKey-value0.32+0.05-0.02
279.down arrow 267.down arrow 267.4storeRDF0.30-0.05-0.19
280.up arrow 289.up arrow 353.Actian PSQLRelational0.29+0.03+0.19
281.up arrow 282.up arrow 304.ElassandraWide column, Multi-model infoWide column store
Search engine
282.down arrow 279.down arrow 272.ModeShapeContent0.29-0.01-0.14
283.up arrow 301.up arrow 287.LeanXcaleMulti-model infoKey-value store
Relational DBMS
284.down arrow 283.up arrow 285.StarcounterObject oriented0.280.00-0.06
285.down arrow 280.down arrow 270.StrabonRDF0.28-0.02-0.18
286.up arrow 290.up arrow 299.TajoRelational0.27+0.02-0.03
287.down arrow 274.down arrow 274.CnosDBTime Series0.27-0.06-0.15
288.down arrow 284.288.Project VoldemortKey-value0.270.00-0.06
289.up arrow 295.down arrow 260.Raima Database ManagerMulti-model infoRelational DBMS
Time Series DBMS
290.up arrow 307.down arrow 280.Fujitsu Enterprise PostgresRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Document store
Spatial DBMS
291.up arrow 305.up arrow 317.RDFoxMulti-model infoGraph DBMS
RDF store
Relational DBMS
292.up arrow 303.up arrow 293.FeatureBaseRelational0.26+0.05-0.05
293.up arrow 294.up arrow 296.DatabendRelational0.26+0.02-0.06
294.up arrow 297.up arrow 312.Manticore SearchSearch engine, Multi-model infoSearch engine
Time Series DBMS
295.down arrow 288.down arrow 279.InfiniteGraphGraph0.25-0.01-0.12
296.down arrow 285.up arrow 340.Apache HugeGraphGraph0.25-0.03+0.11
297.down arrow 291.down arrow 276.BrytlytRelational0.250.00-0.15
298.down arrow 293.down arrow 236.ValdVector0.25+0.01-0.46
299.down arrow 286.up arrow 341.MyScaleMulti-model infoRelational DBMS
Vector DBMS
300.up arrow 302.up arrow 397.RaptorDBDocument0.24+0.03+0.24
301.up arrow 309.up arrow 334.YTsaurusMulti-model infoDocument store
Key-value store
302.up arrow 321.up arrow 315.BadgerKey-value0.23+0.07-0.02
303.down arrow 292.down arrow 269.RedlandRDF0.22-0.02-0.24
304.down arrow 296.up arrow 332.Alibaba Cloud TSDBTime Series0.220.00+0.05
305.down arrow 298.up arrow 310.RedStoreRDF0.220.00-0.04
306.down arrow 299.up arrow 313.Actian FastObjectsObject oriented0.220.00-0.04
307.up arrow 308.down arrow 292.AxibaseTime Series0.21+0.03-0.11
308.up arrow 317.down arrow 295.AnzoGraph DBMulti-model infoGraph DBMS
RDF store
309.down arrow 300.down arrow 291.Mimer SQLRelational0.20-0.01-0.12
310.up arrow 315.down arrow 298.Faircom DBMulti-model infoKey-value store
Relational DBMS
311.up arrow 316.up arrow 320.IBM Db2 Event StoreMulti-model infoEvent Store
Time Series DBMS
312.312.down arrow 303.YottaDBKey-value, Multi-model infoKey-value store
Relational DBMS
313.down arrow 311.down arrow 284.PieCloudDBRelational0.19+0.01-0.16
314.down arrow 310.up arrow 336.XTDBDocument0.19+0.00+0.03
315.up arrow 329.up arrow 346.UltipaGraph0.19+0.08+0.06
316.up arrow 318.up arrow 361.AgensGraphMulti-model infoGraph DBMS
Relational DBMS
317.up arrow 325.down arrow 311.EsgynDBRelational0.19+0.04-0.07
318.up arrow 320.down arrow 308.Riak TSTime Series0.18+0.02-0.09
319.down arrow 304.up arrow 324.Alibaba Cloud Table StoreWide column0.18-0.03-0.05
320.down arrow 306.down arrow 309.PipelineDBRelational0.18-0.02-0.09
321.up arrow 322.down arrow 286.LovefieldRelational0.18+0.02-0.17
322.down arrow 313.322.Tibco ComputeDBRelational0.180.00-0.06
323.down arrow 314.up arrow 326.TransLatticeRelational0.180.00-0.04
324.down arrow 319.up arrow 338.NEventStoreEvent0.16-0.01+0.01
325.up arrow 336.FalkorDBGraph0.16+0.05
326.up arrow 330.up arrow 331.Valentina ServerRelational0.16+0.04-0.02
327.down arrow 323.down arrow 321.FlockDBGraph0.15+0.00-0.09
328.up arrow 338.down arrow 319.SpeedbKey-value0.15+0.05-0.10
329.up arrow 339.down arrow 323.TerminusDBGraph, Multi-model infoGraph DBMS
Document store
RDF store
330.down arrow 326.up arrow 343.XtremeDataRelational0.15+0.00+0.02
331.331.down arrow 330.QuasardbTime Series0.14+0.04-0.04
332.down arrow 327.up arrow 333.BigObjectRelational0.140.00-0.02
332.down arrow 327.down arrow 282.ElevateDBRelational0.140.00-0.21
334.down arrow 324.down arrow 294.HyperGraphDBGraph0.14-0.01-0.18
335.335.down arrow 302.EJDBDocument0.14+0.03-0.16
336.down arrow 333.up arrow 355.GreptimeDBTime Series0.13+0.03+0.04
337.337.up arrow 342.Warp 10Time Series0.12+0.02-0.01
338.up arrow 353.up arrow 382.chDBRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Time Series DBMS
339.up arrow 347.down arrow 329.BangdbMulti-model infoDocument store
Graph DBMS
Time Series DBMS
Spatial DBMS
340.up arrow 358.up arrow 351.ArcadeDBMulti-model infoDocument store
Graph DBMS
Key-value store
Time Series DBMS
341.down arrow 334.down arrow 261.JadeObject oriented0.09-0.01-0.42
342.down arrow 340.up arrow 349.SparkseeGraph0.090.00-0.02
343.down arrow 342.down arrow 328.MulgaraRDF0.09+0.01-0.10
344.down arrow 341.down arrow 318.Kyoto TycoonKey-value0.090.00-0.16
345.down arrow 343.down arrow 337.GraphBaseGraph0.09+0.00-0.07
346.up arrow 350.up arrow 350.BluefloodTime Series0.09+0.03-0.02
347.up arrow 354.down arrow 307.Machbase NeoTime Series0.08+0.03-0.19
348.up arrow 368.OpenMLDBTime Series, Multi-model infoTime Series DBMS
Relational DBMS
349.down arrow 345.down arrow 316.Tokyo TyrantKey-value0.08-0.01-0.18
350.up arrow 367.KuzuGraph0.07+0.06
351.down arrow 346.up arrow 381.SiteWhereTime Series0.070.00+0.03
352.up arrow 356.down arrow 347.TinkerGraphGraph0.07+0.02-0.06
353.down arrow 332.down arrow 300.AntDBRelational0.07-0.04-0.24
354.up arrow 381.ReductStoreTime Series0.07+0.07
355.down arrow 348.up arrow 375.ExorbyteSearch engine0.060.00+0.01
356.down arrow 349.down arrow 345.CubicWebRDF0.060.00-0.07
357.down arrow 350.down arrow 314.EllipticsKey-value0.060.00-0.20
358.up arrow 381.up arrow 372.JaguarDBMulti-model infoKey-value store
Vector DBMS
359.down arrow 352.up arrow 378.ScaleOut StateServerKey-value0.06+0.000.00
360.down arrow 357.up arrow 368.TigrisMulti-model infoDocument store
Key-value store
Search engine
Time Series DBMS
361.down arrow 355.up arrow 384.SenseiDBDocument0.050.00+0.01
362.up arrow 381.down arrow 327.TransbaseRelational0.05+0.05-0.16
363.up arrow 376.down arrow 359.Transwarp ArgoDBRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Search engine
364.down arrow 359.down arrow 335.NosDBDocument0.040.00-0.13
365.up arrow 377.down arrow 348.OushuDBRelational0.04+0.03-0.08
366.up arrow 381.down arrow 354.openGeminiTime Series0.04+0.04-0.06
367.up arrow 381.down arrow 360.H2GISSpatial, Multi-model infoSpatial DBMS
Relational DBMS
368.up arrow 381.down arrow 362.VelocityDBMulti-model infoGraph DBMS
Object oriented DBMS
369.down arrow 360.up arrow 374.WakandaDBObject oriented0.030.00-0.03
370.down arrow 361.down arrow 344.STSdbKey-value0.03+0.00-0.10
371.up arrow 375.down arrow 358.gStoreMulti-model infoGraph DBMS
RDF store
372.down arrow 361.up arrow 397.JethroDataRelational0.030.00+0.03
373.down arrow 363.down arrow 242.HeroicTime Series0.02+0.00-0.61
374.up arrow 381.SvectorDBVector0.02+0.02
375.up arrow 381.up arrow 377.TerarkDBKey-value0.02+0.02-0.04
376.up arrow 381.down arrow 370.Transwarp StellarDBGraph0.02+0.02-0.04
377.down arrow 364.down arrow 373.Faircom EDGEMulti-model infoKey-value store
Relational DBMS
378.down arrow 365.up arrow 392.DydraRDF0.020.00+0.01
379.down arrow 366.up arrow 386.SmallSQLRelational0.02+0.000.00
380.down arrow 369.up arrow 387.SparkleDBRDF0.02+0.000.00
381.down arrow 370.up arrow 388.AcebaseDocument0.01+0.000.00
382.down arrow 371.up arrow 389.Resin CacheKey-value0.01+0.000.00
383.down arrow 381.down arrow 367.Transwarp HippoVector0.01+0.01-0.05
384.down arrow 372.down arrow 366.Hawkular MetricsTime Series0.01+0.00-0.05
385.down arrow 373.down arrow 376.SWC-DBWide column, Multi-model infoWide column store
Time Series DBMS
386.down arrow 381.down arrow 352.SiriDBTime Series0.01+0.01-0.09
387.down arrow 374.up arrow 390.EloqueraObject oriented0.010.000.00
388.down arrow 381.down arrow 380.TkrzwKey-value0.01+0.01-0.05
389.down arrow 381.down arrow 379.OrigoDBMulti-model infoDocument store
Object oriented DBMS
390.down arrow 381.up arrow 397.OpenTenBaseRelational0.00+0.00+0.00
391.down arrow 378.up arrow 395.SiaqodbObject oriented0.00+0.00+0.00
392.down arrow 379.up arrow 396.LedisDBKey-value0.00+0.00+0.00
393.down arrow 380.down arrow 385.SwayDBKey-value0.00+0.00-0.03
394.down arrow 381.up arrow 397.ActorDBRelational0.00±0.00±0.00
394.down arrow 381.up arrow 397.BergDBKey-value0.00±0.00±0.00
394.down arrow 381.up arrow 397.BrightstarDBRDF0.00±0.00±0.00
394.down arrow 381.up arrow 397.Cachelot.ioKey-value0.00±0.00±0.00
394.down arrow 381.up arrow 397.CortexDBMulti-model infoDocument store
Key-value store
394.down arrow 381.up arrow 397.CovenantSQLRelational0.00±0.00±0.00
394.down arrow 381.down arrow 390.DaggerDBRelational0.00±0.00-0.01
394.down arrow 381.down arrow 363.DataFSObject oriented, Multi-model infoObject oriented DBMS
Graph DBMS
394.down arrow 381.up arrow 397.Edge IntelligenceRelational0.00±0.00±0.00
394.down arrow 381.up arrow 397.EdgelessDBRelational0.00±0.00±0.00
394.down arrow 381.down arrow 364.GalaxybaseGraph0.00±0.00-0.08
394.down arrow 381.up arrow 397.HeliumKey-value0.00±0.00±0.00
394.down arrow 381.up arrow 397.HGraphDBGraph0.00±0.00±0.00
394.down arrow 381.down arrow 393.HyperLevelDBKey-value0.00±0.00-0.01
394.down arrow 381.up arrow 397.iBoxDBDocument0.00±0.00±0.00
394.down arrow 381.down arrow 365.IndicaSearch engine0.00±0.00-0.07
394.down arrow 381.down arrow 357.InfinityDBKey-value0.00±0.00-0.09
394.down arrow 381.up arrow 397.JasDBDocument0.00±0.00±0.00
394.down arrow 381.up arrow 397.K-DBRelational0.00±0.00±0.00
394.down arrow 381.down arrow 339.LinterRelational, Multi-model infoRelational DBMS
Spatial DBMS
394.down arrow 381.down arrow 383.NewtsTime Series0.00±0.00-0.04
394.down arrow 381.down arrow 369.NSDbTime Series0.00±0.00-0.07
394.down arrow 381.up arrow 397.RizhiyiSearch engine, Multi-model infoSearch engine
Time Series DBMS
394.down arrow 381.down arrow 371.Sadas EngineRelational0.00±0.00-0.06
394.down arrow 381.up arrow 397.searchxmlMulti-model infoNative XML DBMS
Search engine
394.down arrow 344.up arrow 397.SkytableKey-value0.00-0.09±0.00
394.down arrow 381.394.SpaceTimeSpatial, Multi-model infoSpatial DBMS
Relational DBMS
394.down arrow 381.up arrow 397.TomP2PKey-value0.00±0.00±0.00
394.down arrow 381.down arrow 356.Transwarp KunDBRelational0.00±0.00-0.10
394.down arrow 381.up arrow 397.UpscaledbKey-value0.00±0.00±0.00
394.down arrow 381.up arrow 397.WhiteDBDocument0.00±0.00±0.00

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