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This PDF include information on the PC Engine and TurboGrafx-16.

Contains information and pictures on game releases, software, acecssories, etc. Text and pictures are taken from different sources found online. Please download sample PDF before paying for this.

The PDF is split in two. Volume I, 534 pages, include information on every retail game. Volume II, 348 pages, include information on other software, such as special versions,  demos, , homebrew,  hardware, LaserActive, among others .

Updated 4 days ago
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PC-engine-VOLUME_1.pdf 377 MB
PC-engine-VOLUME_2.pdf 167 MB

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(1 edit)

Omg you are amazing, thank you for everything you've contributed to the community over the years. 

I know it's hard work, and you'd like to pack it in, but could I recommend one final book? There are still several popular 90s portables without encyclopedias available at the moment: Game Gear, Wonderswan and Neo Geo Pocket. You already have a Portables roundup series - how about completing the trilogy to cover these last three? 

I've looked literally everywhere, and these are really the only consoles of note left (besides Intellivision, Atari 5200 and ColecoVision) that don't have encyclopedias of their own. 

I've printed every one of your books, and would love to round out those last gaps. If a donation would motivate you at all, consider it done. 

But even if you do stop here, you've done an amazing job, and I'm very grateful to you. 

This is great. I'm really happy for your kind comments.

I have decided to quit several PDFs ago, but I always fall back on making these as they are comfort work (at least for the first 40-50% of the PDF). I have had Wonderswan and NeoPocket in mind several times when deciding on what platform I want to cover. Would have liked to tackle the strange "video" game VHS and laserdisc systems too. But I have a problem with time management when creating them, which makes it difficult for my family :p The last months on the projects  are also pretty tiring as I start  to loose interest. I also have a problem with taking breaks in the middle  of a  project, as I find it difficult to continue where I left off (similar to when I play video games).

It's really cool that you print the PDFs. Do you bind them into a book  form too.  I shudder to  think on the print cost though :p (4500  pages on the PS2  PDF). You don't have to think about donations. Your words are much more valuable  to me  :)

Another wonderfully comprehensive tome DRK. Go on, have a chat with Chris Wilkins over at support@fusionretrobooks.com and Chris Scullion who makes encyclopeaedias sold on Amazon (via White Owl Publishing). You owe it to yourself and the community to share your magic far and wide including those casual retro fans who need help to explore further. Thanks again for all that you do.

Thanks. I have tried self-promotion on sites and forums before, but I found the shilling rules confusing. Now I just let it be organic - release it here and let it spread (or not) on it's own :p

Thanks for all your hard work on these wonderful guides, have just bought your latest.

Thank you :)

have not seen any updates recently.

Update 6 days ago

Is there any chance you'll ever work on a Sega Game Gear encyclopedia as well? The only one I can find is entirely in Japanese.

I'm sorry for a late reply. No, I think I'm done after this PDF :)

Excited for this! Thanks for all your hard work compiling all this info!

Just donated for your works! I hope even it is only few bucks I granted you a boost for finishing the book! Cheers!!!

It does. I now have an obligation to complete the project. Is it anything you would change or have included in this PDF?

Ah, sorry! I prefer to check the book when it is complete. But yes, I will check it if I see something it need a chance I will inform you. Cheers!


I'm sorry, I don't think I explained myself. I don't mean you have to proof read the PDF and look for errors. I just meant the design of the pages, such as the color used, more/less magazine articles, something else you would like included, etc. But I agree, It's probably better to wait until the PDF is complete. Thank you for your patronage and have a nice weekend :)

great !



Awesome!! I've so hoped you would do one on the TG16 eventually


Gracias :)

Oh yes! I am excited for your new book!!! Cheers!!!