What is This?
The cat has eaten a magic pill, giving him Runomonia - the obsession with running!
The cat needs to get the MAGIC BUBBLE in order to get rid of Runomonia...
But the bad enemies have been ensuring that the MAGIC BUBBLE will never be taken!
What will he do? Will he get help from you?
Jump and Bop enemies, and if you are courageous enough, you shalt help the poor cat.
How To Play?
You move automatically. When you hit a edge, you switch directions. Press X to Jump. Kill on enemies by hitting them on their head, or avoid them.
Collect coins and don't die!
Behind The Scenes
This game was made in Pico-8 by D3V? under 1 week. The music was made by Gruber Music, and was the, "Demented Mario" tune from his Pico Tunes Vol.1 pack. The inspiration for the game was Yeah Bunny and its sequel, by Adrian Zarzycki.
Runomonia - Win,Lin,Mac,Rasp.zip 5.9 MB
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