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jump to repliesToday's big news : There is now a great album of Christmas songs called « John Mastodon Holiday Song for 2024 » with lyrics written by @whybird , @withaveeay and @MOULE .
To listen:
To download the wav & mp3 files:
License : CC-BY-SA
P.S: Contributions are welcome (for more lyrics or songs).
3 replies
back to top@glenux @whybird @withaveeay @MOULE Wow, these are really good. The mp3 files played just fine for me without making accounts or any of that kind of thing.
@soaproot eh yeah, that's rare isn't it? we've picked up so many bad habits from sites full of enshitification :-)
@glenux I think I might have been on such a site when I clicked the soundcloud link in the original post.
What is interesting was how quickly my habits changed when I got here from "what hoop do I have to jump through now?" to "eh, guess those hoops probably aren't worth it"