Hey everyone! We’ve got a mix of news for you today—some challenges, but also some exciting developments. The Not-So-Great News Unfortunately, we won’t be...
Con-Quest! 0.24 is out now on Patreon $1 Patron $5 Patron $10 Patron $20 Patron $40 Patron Here’s a preview of the NEW Partner Attack System. When switching t...
We picked the the top four most liked characters from last week's Patreon post. Vote now for the next cameo cosplayer! The poll ends September 2nd. https://www...
1 new cosplayer (Amanita). Added a reward with Amanita. Added a 2 new rooms. 1 new battle background. https://www.patreon.com/posts/con-quest-0-23-1-109235050...
Hey everyone! version 0.22 of Con-Quest! will be released June 30th This update will be the second part of Ivy's dungeon. Last we left off , Vanilla sent you on...
Play it now here! $1 Patron $5 Patron $10 Patron $20 Silver Patron $40 Gold Patron Update Notes: Added new Main story quests. Added 4 new rooms + 2 new songs. A...