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authorMarc Mutz <>2023-06-19 16:45:55 +0200
committerVolker Hilsheimer <>2023-06-30 12:51:51 +0000
commitca86afb977d665ea80bea94bd1b2fb5629811c00 (patch)
parent53d01378e7ef7e16379c12ca96fcfc9a9daa9ca0 (diff)
[normative] QUIP-0019: [[nodiscard]] Policy
Fixes: QTBUG-104167 Change-Id: I4b6b079f4a1c0ee39035aa424f9447732424975c Reviewed-by: Volker Hilsheimer <> Reviewed-by: Allan Sandfeld Jensen <> Reviewed-by: Mårten Nordheim <>
1 files changed, 155 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/quip-0019-nodiscard-policy.rst b/quip-0019-nodiscard-policy.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c4adff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/quip-0019-nodiscard-policy.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+QUIP: 19
+Title: [[nodiscard]] Policy
+Author: Marc Mutz
+Status: Active
+Type: Implementation
+Created: 2023-06-19
+``[[nodicard]]`` Policy
+This QUIP aims to document how we use the ``[[nodiscard]]`` attribute in Qt.
+The ``[nodiscard]]`` attribute can be applied to functions to cause a
+warning if the function's return value is ignored (discarded). This
+can be used to alert the user of the function to non-sensical
+(``list.empty();``) or dangerous code (ignoring error codes).
+It can also be applied to constructors (but see below) to warn about
+the object being ignored (``QMutexLocker(&mutex)`` instead of
+``QMutexLocker locker(&mutex)``).
+Finally, it can be applied to classes whole-sale, in which case it
+applies to all functions returning that type, Qt or user functions,
+and, depending on compiler, to all constructors of the type, too.
+Version History
+- Since ``[[nodiscard]]`` is a C++17 addition, Qt 5 has the
+ ``Q_REQUIRED_RESULT`` macro, defined to platform-dependent
+ equivalents, if any. This macro can only be used on
+ (non-constructor) functions.
+- Since Qt 6.0, we can use ``[nodiscard]`` unconditionally on
+ (non-constructor) functions and at class level (non-exported classes
+ only). The use of ``Q_REQUIRED_RESULT`` is discouraged in Qt 6.
+- Since Qt 6.6, we can use ``Q_NODISCARD_CTOR`` to apply
+ ``[[nodiscard]]`` to contructors, too.
+The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
+document are to be interpreted as described in `RFC 2119
+Unless mentioned otherwise, the following applies to both public and
+private Qt C++ APIs.
+1. From Qt 6.6 onwards, all constructors of RAII and smart pointer
+ classes SHALL be marked as ``Q_NODISCARD_CTOR``. Constructors of
+ other classes MAY be marked as ``Q_NODISCARD_CTOR``, at author's
+ and reviewer's discretion.
+2. Qt versions prior to 6.6 lack the macro and therefore can't use
+ ``[[nodiscard]]`` on constructors.
+Other Functions
+1. Functions where calls that ignore the return type are most likely
+ wrong (e.g. ``QList::empty()``, which sounds like a modifying
+ function, but in fact is ``const``) SHALL be marked as
+ ``[[nodiscard]]`` (or ``Q_REQUIRED_RESULT``, in Qt 5).
+2. Other functions whose only side-effect is to produce the
+ return value, esp. `const` member functions, MAY be marked as
+ ``[[nodiscard]]``, at author's and reviewer's discretion.
+3. Functions that have side-effects SHALL NOT be marked
+ ``[[nodiscard]]``, unless they fall into Case 1.
+Whole Classes
+1. We currently do not use ``[[nodiscard]]`` on whole classes. Qt
+ still contains such uses, but they are historic and scheduled to be
+ replaced with ``Q_NODISCARD_CTOR`` on all the class' constructors.
+2. ``[[nodiscard]]`` MAY be used on classes, though, provided the user
+ documentation (in case of public API) or the commit message (in
+ case of private API) give rationale for doing so.
+3. Due to a bug in GCC, ``[[nodiscard]]`` *classes* cannot be exported
+ wholesale at the moment. If there is enough demand, this may be
+ worked around in the future.
+C++20 ``[[nodiscard("reason")]]``
+Qt currently does not require C++20, and does not offer a macro
+implementing this feature, so we cannot use it in the code base,
+unless guarded by a feature check macro.
+If and when such a macro is added, it SHALL be named
+1. Syntactically, ``[[nodiscard]]`` MUST come first in the
+ declaration, esp. before a ``Q_*_EXPORT`` macro, if any. If the
+ function is a template, the *template-initalizer* MUST come
+ first. C++ enforces both, even though some compilers are known to
+ accept some forms of non-standard formatting, too (e.g. GCC).
+ Examples:
+ ::
+ template <typname T>
+ [[nodiscard]] int foo(const T&);
+ [[nodiscard]] Q_CORE_EXPORT int foo(const QString&);
+ [[nodiscard]] Q_CORE_EXPORT QVeryLongReturnTypeClassName
+ bar(const QString&);
+ Q_NODISCARD_CTOR explicit QFoo(const QBar &);
+ Definitions that are not declarations SHALL NOT repeat the
+ attribute.
+2. New code SHOULD add the ``[[nodiscard]]`` or ``Q_NODISCARD_CTOR``
+ as part of the line that also contains the (leading) return type.
+ See point 1 for examples.
+3. When adding ``[[nodiscard]]`` or ``Q_NODISCARD_CTOR`` to
+ declarations that pertain to already-released API, the attribute
+ SHOULD be added on a separate line, or in a line with other
+ attributes newly-added for the current release. This makes the
+ header diff easier to read in API diffs at the cost of somewhat
+ more vertical space needed for the declaration going forward.
+.. `[[nodiscard]] documentation:`_
+.. `"[[nodiscard]] for ctors", Peter Sommerlad:`_
+.. `GCC bug preventing class-level ``[[nodiscard]]`` on exported classes:`_