

Bun ships as a single executable with no dependencies that can be installed a few different ways.


macOS and Linux

Linux users — The unzip package is required to install Bun. Use sudo apt install unzip to install unzip package. Kernel version 5.6 or higher is strongly recommended, but the minimum is 5.1. Use uname -r to check Kernel version.

macOS/Linux (curl)
macOS/Linux (curl)
curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash # for macOS, Linux, and WSL
# to install a specific version
curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash -s "bun-v1.2.5"
npm install -g bun # the last `npm` command you'll ever need
brew install oven-sh/bun/bun # for macOS and Linux
docker pull oven/bun
docker run --rm --init --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 oven/bun


To install, paste this into a terminal:

powershell -c "irm bun.sh/install.ps1|iex"
npm install -g bun # the last `npm` command you'll ever need
scoop install bun

Bun requires a minimum of Windows 10 version 1809

For support and discussion, please join the #windows channel on our Discord.


Bun provides a Docker image that supports both Linux x64 and arm64.

docker pull oven/bun
docker run --rm --init --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 oven/bun

There are also image variants for different operating systems.

docker pull oven/bun:debian
docker pull oven/bun:slim
docker pull oven/bun:distroless
docker pull oven/bun:alpine

Checking installation

To check that Bun was installed successfully, open a new terminal window and run bun --version.

bun --version

To see the precise commit of oven-sh/bun that you're using, run bun --revision.

bun --revision

If you've installed Bun but are seeing a command not found error, you may have to manually add the installation directory (~/.bun/bin) to your PATH.

How to add your PATH

Linux / Mac



Once installed, the binary can upgrade itself.

bun upgrade

Homebrew users — To avoid conflicts with Homebrew, use brew upgrade bun instead.

Scoop users — To avoid conflicts with Scoop, use scoop update bun instead.

Canary builds

Bun automatically releases an (untested) canary build on every commit to main. To upgrade to the latest canary build:

bun upgrade --canary

The canary build is useful for testing new features and bug fixes before they're released in a stable build. To help the Bun team fix bugs faster, canary builds automatically upload crash reports to Bun's team.

View canary build

Note — To switch back to a stable release from canary, run bun upgrade --stable.

Installing older versions of Bun

Since Bun is a single binary, you can install older versions of Bun by re-running the installer script with a specific version.

Installing a specific version of Bun on Linux/Mac

To install a specific version of Bun, you can pass the git tag of the version you want to install to the install script, such as bun-v1.2.0 or bun-v1.2.5.

curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash -s "bun-v1.2.5"

Installing a specific version of Bun on Windows

On Windows, you can install a specific version of Bun by passing the version number to the Powershell install script.

# PowerShell:
iex "& {$(irm https://bun.sh/install.ps1)} -Version 1.2.5"

Downloading Bun binaries directly

To download Bun binaries directly, you can visit the releases page page on GitHub.

For convenience, here are download links for the latest version:

The musl binaries are built for distributions that do not ship with the glibc libraries by default, instead relying on musl. The two most popular distros are Void Linux and Alpine Linux, with the latter is used heavily in Docker containers. If you encounter an error like the following: bun: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: version GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by bun), try using the musl binary. Bun's install script automatically chooses the correct binary for your system.

Bun's x64 binaries target the Haswell CPU architecture, which means they require AVX and AVX2 instructions. For Linux and Windows, the x64-baseline binaries are also available which target the Nehalem architecture. If you run into an "Illegal Instruction" error when running Bun, try using the baseline binaries instead. Bun's install scripts automatically chooses the correct binary for your system which helps avoid this issue. Baseline builds are slower than regular builds, so use them only if necessary.

Bun also publishes darwin-x64-baseline binaries, but these are just a copy of the darwin-x64 ones so they still have the same CPU requirement. We only maintain these since some tools expect them to exist. Bun requires macOS 13.0 or later, which does not support any CPUs that don't meet our requirement.


If you need to remove Bun from your system, use the following commands.

macOS/Linux (curl)
macOS/Linux (curl)
rm -rf ~/.bun # for macOS, Linux, and WSL
powershell -c ~\.bun\uninstall.ps1
scoop uninstall bun
npm uninstall -g bun
brew uninstall bun