XML API Enhancements
This page is used to track the current set of enhancements that have been requested for the BGG_XML_API and/or the BGG_XML_API2. It is mostly a public working list so others may see what has already been requested. Completed items will be removed from this list.
Note: These are in no particular priority order, and tend to be worked on as inspiration and need demands. List numbers are unreliable and will change over time.
- Add GeekLists for XMLAPI2
- Play log filtering - modified since (friendless)
- Play log comments external to play entry (jmilum)
- Play log filtering - see http://boardgamegeek.com/article/6385022#6385022 (Randy Cox, zefquaavius)
- List all plays for an item (Randy Cox)
- Guild collections (sjwk)
- Microbadge info for a particular user (monteslu)
- Microbadge owners by microbadge id (mr_lunch)
- OAUTH type authentication for things like logging plays, managing collection, subscriptions, geekmail, etc. Ability to load said info back to the database via the API. (monteslu, Audaon, Friendless)
- Count of number of items in the database of various types (wwscrispin)
- Top N games by rank list (rmflagg)# List items by mechanic, genre, category, or subdomain (Randy Cox)
- Contributions / thumbs (Zoroastro)
- Add licensing rights info for item image links (Janiv)
- Add date added to collection output in CSV/XML (n_and)
- Allow requesting tags on collection games (Wilikai)
- Request a game play by playid (ccomeaux)
- Thumbs and tips on a geek item (Kempeth)
- Marketplace data, particularly the ability to list items sold in one country (Friendless)
- Request user information for multiple users at once via specifying comma-separated list (JeffyJeff)
- Add Want to Buy, Previously Owned, Want to Play, and Preordered to statistics node of search, e.g. http://boardgamegeek.com/xmlapi2/thing?id=1&stats=1. (JeffyJeff)
- Add thumbnails to search results. (Kiyote)
- Support JSON/JSONP output. (GamesOnTheBrain)
- Support reporting groups of buddies. (llopis)
- Request games by designer or by publisher. (RoamDog, JeffyJeff)
- Add filters by field for games that are returned - also see previous request. (AMcBain)
- Include series code in XML output for rpgitems returned by a collection request (trystero11)
Fixed IssuesBugs that have been fixed or enhancements that have been made are not recorded here. Announcements of those changes are made in the Geek Tools Guild.