Link tags: youtube



Cold Album Drumming - full-album drum covers by Brad Frost

This is a great new musical project from Brad:

Brad Frost plays drums to the albums he knows intimately, but has never drummed to before. Cover to cover. No warm-up. No prep. Totally cold. What could possibly go wrong?

I really enjoyed watching all of The Crane Wife and In Rainbows.

W3C@30: W3C and me - YouTube

This is a lovely, lovely talk from Léonie!

W3C@30: W3C and me

Capt. Grace Hopper on Future Possibilities: Data, Hardware, Software, and People (Part One, 1982) - YouTube

Wow! Grace Hopper has always been a hero to me, but I had no idea she was such a fantastic presenter. She’s completely engaging, with the timing and deadpan delivery of a stand-up comedian at times.

Capt. Grace Hopper on Future Possibilities: Data, Hardware, Software, and People (Part One, 1982)

Bohemian Rhapsody finale @ Frostapalooza - YouTube

I love how into it everyone is here, both on stage and in the audience—just look at Jina rocking out!

Bohemian Rhapsody finale @ Frostapalooza

Config 2024: In defense of an old pixel (Marcin Wichary, Director of Design, Figma) - YouTube

Everyone’s raving about this great talk by Marcin, and rightly so!

Config 2024: In defense of an old pixel (Marcin Wichary, Director of Design, Figma) | Figma

The 11ty International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good - YouTube

I wasn’t able to tune into this live (“tune in?” what century is this?) but I’ve enjoyed catching up with the great talks like:

The 11ty International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good (Live stream)

The Folly of Chasing Demographics - YouTube

I just attended this talk from Heydon at axe-con and it was great! Of course it was highly amusing, but he also makes a profound and fundamental point about how we should be going about working on the web.

The Folly of Chasing Demographics

Inclusive Design 24 (#id24) 21 September 2023 - YouTube

This free day-long online event all about accessibility and inclusive design is happening right now. You can join live, or catch up on the talks that have already happened, like the excellent talks from Russ Weakly and Manuel Matuzović.

The Cost Of JavaScript - 2023 - YouTube

A great talk from Addy on just how damaging client-side JavaScript can be to the user experience …and what you can do about it.

The Cost Of JavaScript - 2023

Jack Franklin – Abstractions, complexities and off-ramps – All Day Hey! 2023 - YouTube

This is a terrific talk by Jack on how to deal with the tooling involved in modern front-end development:

  • Maintaining control,
  • Dependency awareness,
  • Lean on browser primitives,
  • Have an exit strategy.
Jack Franklin – Abstractions, complexities and off-ramps – All Day Hey! 2023

Rich Harris: Hot takes on the web 🌶️ - YouTube

I don’t agree with all of these takes-of-varying-spiciness, but Rich Harris is always worth paying attention to.

Rich Harris on frameworks, the web, and the edge

Light Years Ahead | The 1969 Apollo Guidance Computer - YouTube

This video was in my “Watch Later” queue for ages but I finally got ‘round to watching it this weekend. It’s ace! Great content, great narrative, great delivery—would’ve made a good dConstruct talk.

Light Years Ahead | The 1969 Apollo Guidance Computer

Jeremy Keith – Declarative Design – SOTR - YouTube

Here’s the video of the talk I gave at Monday’s meet-up here in Brighton—it’s a very condensed version of my longer conference talk on declarative design.

Jeremy Keith – Declarative Design – SOTR

BBC World TV News interview of Ariel Waldman for the NASA Artemis I launch! - YouTube

This is so cool—Ariel was on BBC World TV News live during the Artemis launch!

BBC World TV News interview of Ariel Waldman for the NASA Artemis I launch!

Video Interview Series #10: Caring about the World Wide Web, with Jeremy Keith - Skip To Content

Here’s a short fifteen minute video (and transcript) of an interview I did about accessibility and inclusive design. I quite like how it turned out!

Design Principles For The Web - Jeremy Keith - YouTube

Here’s the video of the talk I gave at Web Dev Conf in Bristol recently. I think you can tell that I had fun—it was a good audience!

Design Principles For The Web - Jeremy Keith

This Is What I Want To Do – Trailer 3 - YouTube

I can’t wait to see this documentary about Marc and Beyond Tellerrand!

This Is What I Want To Do – Trailer 3

WWC22 - Design Principles For The Web - YouTube

Here’s the video of the talk I gave in front of an enormous audience at the We Are Developers conference …using a backup slidedeck.

WWC22 - Design Principles For The Web