Anchor position tool
This is a great little helper in understanding anchor positioning in CSS.
This is a great little helper in understanding anchor positioning in CSS.
- Springy easing with
- Typed custom properties
- View transitions for page navigation
- Transition animation for
- Transition animation for
- Animated adaptive gradient text
Logical properties, container queries, :has
, :is
, :where
, min()
, max()
, clamp()
, nesting, cascade layers, subgrid, and more.
I like the approach here: logical properties and sensible default type and spacing.
Adam makes a very good point here: the term “vertical rhythm” is quite chauvanistic, unconciously defaulting to top-to-bottom writing modes; the term “logical rhythm” is more universal (and scalable).
Here’s a taste of what Rich will be delivering at Patterns Day on Thursday—can’t wait!
With classes, we can send CSS static values but with custom properties we can send dynamic ones, which is a major shift in the way we can style state. This is something that has been true for some time—and is extremely well supported—but sometimes it takes solving a small real-world problem to make you appreciate the value of it.
I think we still haven’t come to fully appreciate the superpower of custom properties: dynamic values that are shared between CSS and JavaScript.
This is a terrrific presentation by Chris, going through some practical implementations of modern CSS: logical properties, viewport units, grid, subgrid, container queries, cascade layers, new colour spaces, and view transitions.
Good question.
I think it’s mostly inertia.
Well, now I’m really glad I wrote that post about logical properties!
We’re not there yet. So how do we get there?
Well, I don’t know for sure – but articles like this are very helpful as we try to work it out!
This is kind of a Utopia lite: pop in your minimum and maximum font sizes along with a modular scale and it spits out some custom properties for clamp()
To complement her talk at Beyond Tellerrand, Stephanie goes through some of the powerful CSS features that enable intrinsic web design. These are all great tools for the declarative design approach I was talking about:
I like this high-level view of the state of CSS today. There are two main takeaways:
This is exactly the direction we should be going in! More and more power from the native web technologies (while still remaining learnable), with less and less reliance on tooling. For CSS, the tools have been like polyfills that we can now start to remove.
Alas, while the same should be true of JavaScript (there’s so much you can do in native JavaScript now), people seem to have tied their entire identities to the tooling they use.
They could learn a thing or two from the trajectory of CSS: treat your frameworks as cattle, not pets.
I really like the idea of a shared convention for styling web components with custom properties—feels like BEM meets microformats.
Oh, this is smart! You can’t target pseudo-elements in JavaScript, but you can use custom properties as a proxy instead.
Type and space are linked, so if you’re going to have a fluid type calculator, it makes sense to have a fluid space calculator too. More great work from Trys and James!
Robin makes a good point here about using dark mode thinking as a way to uncover any assumptions you might have unwittingly baked into your design:
Given its recent popularity, you might believe dark mode is a fad. But from a design perspective, dark mode is exceptionally useful. That’s because a big part of design is about building relationships between colors. And so implementing dark mode essentially forced everyone on the team to think long, hard, and consistently about our front-end design components. In short, dark mode helped our design system not only look good, but make sense.
So even if you don’t actually implement dark mode, acting as though it’s there will give you a solid base to build in.
I did something similar with the back end of Huffduffer and The Session—from day one, I built them as though the interface would be available in multiple languages. I never implemented multi-language support, but just the awareness of it saved me from baking in any shortcuts or assumptions, and enforced a good model/view/controller separation.
For most front-end codebases, the design of your color system shows you where your radioactive styles are. It shows you how things are tied together, and what depends on what.
A reminder that the contens of custom properties don’t have to be valid property values:
From a syntax perspective, CSS variables are “extremely permissive”.