A library for customizable checkboxes ✅
Different browsers have different implementations for checkboxes:
See this post about not able to style checkboxes. 😭
Chrome uses the thick white tick, while Safari, Opera, Edge and Firefox all use the thin white tick. 😢
In addition, Safari, Opera and Edge use user's preferred Accent colour (from System Preferences on a Mac) as background for the checkboxes, whereas Chrome and Firefox stick with blue background. 🤯
These checkboxes by browsers are styled by User Agent style sheets and they can not be overridden easily. 😕
Thus, these checkboxes can hardly match the logo and theme colour of a website or a system! 😩
After some work, I successfully styled the checkboxes for our company's website. 😀
See my reflection tweet.
I would like to style them with ease in the future and for everyone, hence the creation of this small side project. 🙌
There are now a couple of customizable options for the checkboxes. And many more to come!
Add this line to HTML file
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/https://unpkg.com/checkboxes@1.3.3/dist/css/checkboxes.min.css">
Install checkboxes package using npm
npm i checkboxes
add this line to index.js
add this line to HTML file
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="c/https://GitHub.com/yifaneye/heckboxes/dist/css/checkboxes.min.css">
Add "checkbox" class to the checkbox input.
(Optionally, add custom styles to the element to change it from the default styles.)
<input type="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox"
style="--size: {NUMBER}px; --radius: {NUMBER}px; --bg: #{RRGGBB}; --color: #{RRGGBB}; --time: {NUMBER}s;" {checked}>
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox"
style="--size: 20px; --radius: 8px; --bg: #000000; --color: #F47A37; --time: 0.4s;">
where the default style is
input[type='checkbox'].checkbox {
--size: 12px;
--radius: calc(var(--size) / 10);
--bg: red;
--color: white;
--time: 0.5s;
which can be easily overridden.
|-- README.md
|-- dist
| `-- css
| `-- checkboxes.min.css
|-- gulpfile.js
|-- package-lock.json
|-- package.json
`-- src
|-- checkboxes.html
`-- scss
`-- checkboxes.scss
- Yifan Ai - Initial work
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License