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Store your knowledge (privately), lead LLMs with it and cure hallucinations.

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What is this?

openAI API proxy on localhost that implements RAG and forwards enriched LLM chat completions to Anthropic.

  1. Install this on your laptop
  2. Add knowledge with
  3. Verify it works with http://localhost:3000
  4. Point your LLM tools to endpoint: http://localhost:12345/v2

All used components are open source.

Who is this for?

Software developers & individuals who use LLMs for coding (and other tasks).

What can you do with this?

Be more productive. When LLMs have the right knowledge - they dont hallucinate answers that nobody needs.

Sven is a tool for you to guide LLMs to the right answers through your knowledge. You knowledge is: code snippets, guides, conventions, TODOs, findings, ideas, rly anything that you add.

P.S. Personal example: when you saved knowledge about your custom View component, and the next day LLM used it naturally, that's a magical moment.


Sonnet with vs Sonnet without knowledge. Knowledge test "My name is Anton" was a text snippet that I saved to my knowledge.

What is this (take 2)?

Sven for Developers lets you transparently integrate your knowledge into your existing LLM worflows.

NOTE: any reference to openAI API is a reference to LLM API Spec, and not OpenAI company and their models. Sven for Developers defaults to Anthropic (you may config it to use Mistral, OpenAI, or local self-hosted LLM).

Sven exposes openAI-like API endpoint on localhost (your laptop), receives your LLM query, searches for any related knowledge that you have saved previously, and forwards enriched LLM request further to LLM provider (Anthropic).

In a way it is an openAI to Anthropic LLM proxy with knowledge RAG in the middle.

Knowledge is stored locally on you computer. Only data that leaves your laptop is a request to LLM provider (Anthropic). You may choose to host and use your own LLM too (e.g. w/ vllm, LMStudio). Default is Anthropic because it is pretty good at coding.

Even a 3B LLM with the right data will give a better answer than a gigantic Sonnet trained on all-of-internet (since it can only hallucinate due to absence of correct knowledge). But, a gigantic Sonnet + the right data (e.g. conventions about your project's source code, your custom View component) = ✨


Installation requires Docker. Tested on Mac & Linux.

Clone this gh repo & 1-Click install in Terminal:


You need to set ANTHROPIC_API_KEY ENV var on your system. Sven is currently using Anthropic because it is great for coding. It uses sonnet-3.7-latest for dev asks and haiku-3.5-latest for casual chatting. If you get docker not found error on Mac then you may need:

export PATH="$PATH:/Applications/"


export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.docker/bin"

Use ./ to delete containers if you need to delete Sven-for-developers. Additionally delete knowledge db and chat history files in ~/sven.

Note: Your first query will be slow

Sven needs to download 2 models (~1GB). To find the best documents matches RAG uses these 2 models: Alibaba-NLP/gte-modernbert-base Alibaba-NLP/gte-reranker-modernbert-base The first LLM query will be slow because it downloads model files: ~1GB. If you want to use other models for sentence similarity and/or reranking you may change model IDs in and files.

Once installed these services will be available on you computer

  • Open WebUI Will be accessible at http://localhost:3000 Open WebUI will be pre-configured with local and dev knowledge models. If you see 0 LLM models after setting up your admin account - wait a minute for sven-llm-api docker container to complete setting things up. Pre-configured models:
    • Local: Default model for personal knowledge, ideas, etc... Forwards requests to haiku.
    • Dev: Save you code snippets, how-to's, guides here. Forwards requests to sonnet.
    • Blackhole this model does not save knowledge (used by Open-WebUI for summarization, etc). Forwards requests to haiku.
  • /v2 openAI API endpoint Will be accessible at http://localhost:12345/v2 Bearer access token: anything, random string (This is your personal localhost installation, hence nothing to protect) Note this is /v2, not /v1 - indicating that this is v1 + Knowledge RAG = /v2 It is the same API Spec as /v1, with an addition that it manages knowledge too. Point any of the AI tools that you use to this endpoint. E.g. your VS Code extension accepts openAI base URL? - feed http://localhost:12345/v2 to it!

Adding knowledge

Use Sven mac app available on TestFlight at Open the app and follow the instructions. The app lets you easily save any text as knowledge. Recommended hotkeys: Cmd+Shift+S to save to default knowledge base and Cmd+Shift+D to save to Dev base.

App's icon in status bar will blink when hotkey pressed and knowledge saved: App icon in Status Bar

Save small pieces of text

Sven does not implement intelligent chunking yet. Small snippets of text or code are better for reference / search capability. Plus it would keep LLM tokens usage sane (and your Anthropic $ bill).

  • While you can save whole source code files this is not advised.

API: in case you are implementing a feature

Simply use POST embeddings endpoint. openAI's standard API embeds text via POST /v1/embeddings. Sven's POST /v2/embeddings embeds plus saves text to your knowledge. model parameter specifies the knowledge base where to save the text. Use local or local/dev.

Then when you do /chat/completions with local or local/dev model - the knowledge base will be used to find relevant information. By default local forwards requests to Haiku and local/dev to Sonnet.

Anthropic's Citations

Related knowledge is sent to Anthropic via their Citations feature. For Mistral (or other openAI Provider APIs) knowledge is directly attached to conversations after user's text like so:

<user text>

Knowledge available to you:
Up-to-date info:
<found knowledge 1>
Up-to-date info:
<found knowledge 2>

LLM Tools

This is WIP. Sven proxy currently does not forward tools to Anthropic.

Data persistence

Knowledge you save to Sven is saved to chromadb. Its /data folder is mapped to ~/sven/chromadb-data on your laptop. In case you may need to backup things.

Bonus: ollama

Sven-llm-api also exposes ollama http API interface. This is a minimal implementation that supports listing models and doing chat completions only. Yet it is sufficient for some clients. I use it with Enchanted mac app AppStore, Source Code - it is great for bringing text from other apps (Safari) to LLM via system-wide keyboard hotkeys - they call it Completions.

OLLama endpoint: http://localhost:12345 NOTE: no /v2 suffix.