- display server: xorg
- servise manager: systemd
- display manager: lightdm
- distribution: arch
- shell: bash
- window manager: bspwm
- keybinds: sxhkd
- script launcher: rofi
- status bar: polybar
- compositor: picom
- terminal emulator: st (also alacritty but primarily st nowadays)
- text editor: neovim
- file manager: ranger
- other cli tools i frequent: wikiman, git, stow, neofetch
- browser: firefox (hardened with arkenfox), tor
- gaming launchers: steam, retroarch
- media playback: mpv
- feed congregation: newsboat
- youtube: using newsboat to fetch channel feeds and a macro for playback through mpv with yt-dlp
- anime: ani-cli and ani-skip
- virtualization: qemu/kvm + virt-manager
- color theme: Gruvbox Material
- font: CaskaydiaCove nerd font
- mono/terminal font: Hasklug nerd font