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The modern mailing stack, optimized for production and docker ready !


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What is MailHero ?

MailHero is a project that helps you bootstrap your emailing services using modern technologies.


To run this project, you need the following tools installed:


To run the development environment, run the following command:

bun run dev

To test emails being sent, open this following url in your browser:

You should see an email being sent to from in the Mailhog mailcatcher at the following address:

Technical stack

This project is based on the following stack:

Project details

Project structure

The main directories are the following:

  • src/mail: contains all the React Email templates
  • src/routes: contains all the HTTP routes, mainly the mail ones under mail.routes.tsx
  • src/conf: contains environnement schema validation with zod and transporter config from Nodemailer
  • docker: containers Dockerfiles for building debian distroless and bun slim image.
  • env: contains dev and production environments

Runnning the dev environment

To run the dev environment, you simply need to run the following command:

bun run dev

This command does the following:

  • Run an instance of a docker service of Mailhog to catch emails locally for testing purposes.
  • Run the dev environment for the Bun.serve HHTP-server.

You can go to the following link to check the sent emails:

You can test that the mails are sent properly by sending a POST request with the following body to http://localhost:3000/mail/welcome:

  "to": ""

Or by running the following curl command:

curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/mail/welcome -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"to": ""}'

You should see an email being sent to from in the Mailhog mailcatcher at the following address:

Stopping the dev environment

If you ran the command above, to stop the running container for mailoh, run the following command:

bun run stop

Mail dev environment

To check how your emails look and test them out with React Email, use the following command:

bun run email

Building for production


Once docker installed, you need to pull the SlimtoolKit image. This image is used to reduce the final image size. Run the following image to pull dslim/slim:

docker pull dslim/slim

Build bun:slim and slimmed version

To build the bun:slim and slimmed images, run the following command in bash or powershell:

docker run -it --rm -v "${pwd}:/app" -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock dslim/slim --archive-state off --crt-api-version=1.25 build --dockerfile /docker/bun.Dockerfile --tag-fat mailhero:bun-slim --tag mailhero:bun-slimmed --include-path /bin --http-probe-off --continue-after=1 /app

On Nushell, run the following command:

docker run -it --rm -v $"(pwd):/app" -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock dslim/slim --archive-state off --crt-api-version=1.25 build --dockerfile /docker/bun.Dockerfile --tag-fat mailhero:bun-slim --tag mailhero:bun-slimmed --include-path /bin --http-probe-off --continue-after=1 /app

Build debian distroless and debian distroless slimed images

To build the distroless and slimmed distroless images with a compiled executable on debian, run the following command in bash or powershell:

docker run -it --rm -v "${pwd}:/app" -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock dslim/slim --archive-state off --crt-api-version=1.25 build --dockerfile /docker/debian.Dockerfile --tag-fat mailhero:debian-slim --tag mailhero:debian-slimmed --include-path /bin --http-probe-off --continue-after=1 /app

On Nushell, run the following command:

docker run -it --rm -v $"(pwd):/app" -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock dslim/slim --archive-state off --crt-api-version=1.25 build --dockerfile /docker/debian.Dockerfile --tag-fat mailhero:debian-slim --tag mailhero:debian-slimmed --include-path /bin --http-probe-off --continue-after=1 /app

Run the production environment

To run the production environment, first create a prod.env file in the env folder. Then run the following command:

docker compose up -d

By default, this compose file uses the debian-slimmed build of the image we created with the commands listed above.

You can change it to use the slim version of bun instead like so:

    image: mailhero:bun-slimmed
    container_name: 'mailhero'
    env_file: ./env/prod.env
      - "3000:3000"