ansible-aws-template Public archive
A tiny Ansible quick-start for AWS and Dynamic Inventory
ansible-tdd-test-kitchen-inspec Public archive
Sample Ansbile role tested with test-kitchen and inspec.
comical-jekyll-theme Public archive
A Configurable Webcomic Theme for Jekyll
docker-alpine-rpi-base Public archive
Build your own Alpine Linux container compatible with a Raspberry Pi 2
docker-alpine-rpi-glibc Public archive
An Alpine Linux Docker container for Rasberry Pi 2 with Glibc installed.
docker-alpine-rpi-glibc-builder Public archive
Docker container to build an Alpine glibc package for the Raspberry Pi 2.
docker-alpine-rpi-java8 Public archive
An Alpine Linux Docker container for Rasberry Pi 2 with Glibc and Java JDK 8 installed.
docker-alpine-rpi-jekyll Public archive
An Alpine Linux Docker container for Rasberry Pi 2 with Jekyll installed.
docker-alpine-rpi-jenkins Public archive
An Alpine Linux Docker container for Rasberry Pi 2 with Glibc and Java JDK 8 and Jenkins installed.
docker-kali Public archive
Base Kali image for Docker built with debootstrap
docker-kali-msf Public archive
Docker image with Kali + metasploit/msfconsole + postgresql
docker-kali-msf-micro Public archive
Docker image with Kali + metasploit/msfconsole + postgresql -without any metasploit modules
docker-Open-Publisher-Base Public archive
Dockerfile for creating Open-Publisher docker container
image_optim-jekyll-plugin Public archive
A simple Jekyll plugin to optimize images using image_optim
jekyll-minimagick Public archive
Forked from zroger/jekyll-minimagickMiniMagick integration for Jekyll
Ruby UpdatedSep 26, 2016 -
Open-Publisher Public archive
Using Jekyll to create outputs that can be used as Pandoc inputs. In short - input markdown, output mobi, epub, pdf, and print-ready pdf. With a focus on fiction.
Open-Publisher-Documentation Public archive
Documentation website for the Open-Publisher project
packer-debian2kali-ec2 Public archive
An attempt at a Packer template to build an HVM Kali AMI that is identical to a Kali install using the official ISO.
packer-kali Public archive
Packer stuff to build a Kali 1.0.9 vagrant box
packer-kali-ec2 Public archive
Kali 1.1 AMI created from the offical Kali AMI
Shell UpdatedMar 13, 2015 -
packer-pfsense Public archive
Packer stuff to build a pfSense vagrant box.
phantom_ledger Public archive
This is a collection of scripts working towards automated checking of sales reports for authors on the following sites; Createspace, DriveThru, iTunes, KDP, Kobo, Nook, Smashwords
slim-pickins-hugo-theme Public archive
A port of my slim-pickins-jekyll-theme to Hugo
CSS MIT License UpdatedApr 30, 2018 -
slim-pickins-hugo-theme-demo Public archive
Demo site for Slim Pickins Hugo theme
CSS MIT License UpdatedApr 30, 2018 -
slim-pickins-jekyll-theme Public archive
A minimal Jekyll theme
starving-artist-jekyll-theme Public archive
A portfolio theme for Jekyll for artists to display their work -
terraform-import-github-organization Public archive
Script to fully automate Terraform import of Github Org (teams, users, and repos)