This repository is a part of Allure Report documentation and contains code examples for integrating Allure Report with Pytest parameterized tests. You can find the original documentation:
Make sure you have installed:
- Python version 3.9 or higher
- Allure Report
Clone the repository via HTTPS:
git clone
or SSH:
git clone
In the shell of your choice, navigate to the repository directory:
cd path/to/guide-pytest-selenium-screenshots
The repository provides with automatic scripts that install the virtual environment, necessary packages, and run the tests. Run the script correspondind to your operating system. For Linux and MacOS:
For OS Windows:
Create a Python virtual environment manually:
python -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment (Linux and MacOS):
source venv/bin/activate
OS Windows:
Install the packages used in the project:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run Pytest:
To start a local Allure Report server, in the project root directory run:
allure serve -p <port-of-your-choice>
Browse the Allure Report page on<port-of-your-choice>