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Eleva Router

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Eleva Router is the official router plugin for Eleva.js, a minimalist, lightweight, pure vanilla JavaScript frontend runtime framework. This plugin adds flexible client-side routing capabilities to your Eleva.js applications by supporting multiple routing modes and by seamlessly integrating route information into your components.

Status: v1.0.5-alpha – This is an early alpha release. APIs may change until a stable release is announced.

Table of Contents


Eleva Router extends Eleva.js with robust client-side routing functionality. It supports three routing modes:

  • Hash-based Routing: Uses URL hash (e.g. #pageName).
  • Query-based Routing: Uses URL query parameters (e.g. ?page=pageName).
  • History-based Routing: Uses the History API for clean URLs (e.g. /pageName).

The plugin automatically injects the current route information—such as path, query parameters, and full URL—directly into your component’s setup context as route. In addition, a navigate function is provided in the context so you can programmatically change routes from within your components.


  • Multiple Routing Modes: Configure your routing strategy as "hash", "query", or "history".
  • Automatic Component Registration: If you provide routed components as definitions, the plugin automatically registers them with Eleva.js.
  • Route Data Injection: The current route information is injected directly into the setup context as route.
  • Built-in Navigation: Access a navigate function within components to perform programmatic routing.
  • Default Route Fallback: Specify a defaultRoute that will be used if no route matches the current URL.
  • Seamless Eleva.js Integration: Designed to work out of the box with Eleva.js.


Install via npm:

npm install eleva-router

Or include it directly via CDN:

<!-- jsDelivr (Recommended) -->
<script src=""></script>


<!-- unpkg -->
<script src=""></script>

Configuration Options

When installing the plugin via app.use(), you can pass a configuration object with the following options:

Routing Modes

  • mode (string): The routing mode. Options:
    • "hash" (default) – Uses window.location.hash (e.g. #pageName).
    • "query" – Uses and expects a page query parameter (e.g. ?page=pageName).
    • "history" – Uses window.location.pathname with the History API (e.g. /pageName).


  • routes (array): An array of route objects. Each route object should include:
    • path (string): The URL path (e.g. "/" or "/about").
    • component (string or object): A globally registered component name or a component definition.
    • props (object, optional): Additional props to pass to the routed component.

Default Route

  • defaultRoute (object, optional): A route object to be used as a fallback when no matching route is found. It has the same structure as a route object.


Basic Setup

Below is an example of how to set up Eleva Router with Eleva.js:

import Eleva from "eleva";
import ElevaRouter from "eleva-router";

const app = new Eleva("MyApp");

// Define routed components directly (no separate registration required)
const HomeComponent = {
  setup: ({ route }) => {
    console.log("Home route:", route.path);
    return {};
  template: () => `<div>Welcome Home!</div>`,

const AboutComponent = {
  setup: ({ route, navigate }) => {
    function goHome() {
    return { goHome };
  template: (ctx) => `
      <h1>About Us</h1>
      <button @click="goHome">Go Home</button>

const NotFoundComponent = {
  setup: ({ route, navigate }) => ({
    goHome: () => navigate("/"),
  template: (ctx) => `
      <h1>404 - Not Found</h1>
      <button @click="goHome">Return Home</button>

// Install the router plugin with configuration options.
app.use(ElevaRouter, {
  container: document.getElementById("app"),
  mode: "history", // Options: "hash", "query", or "history"
  routes: [
    { path: "/", component: HomeComponent },
    { path: "/about", component: AboutComponent },
  defaultRoute: { path: "/404", component: NotFoundComponent },

Accessing Route Data

Within any routed component, the plugin injects a route object directly into the setup context. For example:

const MyComponent = {
  setup: ({ route, navigate }) => {
    console.log("Current path:", route.path);
    console.log("Query parameters:", route.query);
    console.log("Full URL:", route.fullUrl);
    // Navigate programmatically if needed:
    // navigate("about");
    return {};
  template: (ctx) => `<div>Content here</div>`,

Programmatic Navigation

  • Within a Component:
    Use the navigate function provided in the context:
  • From Outside:
    Call the router’s navigate method:

API Reference

Router Class


new Router(eleva, options);
  • eleva: The Eleva.js instance.
  • options: An object containing:
    • container (HTMLElement): The element where routed components are mounted.
    • mode (string): "hash", "query", or "history".
    • routes (array): Array of route objects.
    • defaultRoute (object, optional): A fallback route.

Key Methods

  • start()
    Starts the router by listening to URL changes and resolving the initial route.

  • routeChanged()
    Extracts route details from the URL (based on the routing mode), parses query parameters, and mounts the corresponding component.

  • navigate(path)
    Programmatically navigates to the specified route, updating the URL accordingly.

  • addRoute(route)
    Dynamically adds a new route to the router.

  • wrapComponentWithRoute(comp, routeInfo)
    Wraps a component’s setup function to inject route data and a navigation function directly into the context.

ElevaRouter Plugin Object

  • install(eleva, options)
    Installs the router plugin, automatically registers routed components (if provided as objects), attaches a Router instance to eleva.router, and starts the router.

For further details on API usage, please refer to the full API documentation.


Example: Basic History Routing

app.use(ElevaRouter, {
  container: document.getElementById("app"),
  mode: "history",
  routes: [
    { path: "/", component: HomeComponent },
    { path: "/contact", component: ContactComponent },
  defaultRoute: { path: "/404", component: NotFoundComponent },

Example: Query Routing

app.use(ElevaRouter, {
  container: document.getElementById("app"),
  mode: "query",
  routes: [
    { path: "/", component: HomeComponent },
    { path: "/services", component: ServicesComponent },

Example: Hash Routing

app.use(ElevaRouter, {
  container: document.getElementById("app"),
  mode: "hash",
  routes: [
    { path: "/", component: HomeComponent },
    { path: "/about", component: AboutComponent },


Q: What routing modes are supported?

A: You can choose between "hash", "query", and "history" modes via the plugin options.

Q: How do I define a default route?

A: Use the defaultRoute option in the plugin configuration to specify a fallback route if no match is found.

Q: How do I access route information within a component?

A: The route object is injected directly into the setup context, and a navigate function is also provided.

Q: Can I add routes dynamically after initialization?

A: Yes, use the addRoute(route) method on the router instance.


  • No Route Matches:
    Verify that the URL matches one of your defined routes. If not, the defaultRoute (if provided) will be used.

  • Component Not Mounted:
    Check that the container element provided in the configuration exists and is valid.

  • Routing Mode Issues:
    Ensure the mode option is set to one of "hash", "query", or "history".

  • Navigation Not Working:
    Confirm that you are calling the navigate() function correctly from either the component context or via app.router.navigate().

Contribution & Support

Join our community for support, discussions, and collaboration:


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Thank you for using Eleva Router! I hope this plugin makes building modern, client-side routed applications with Eleva.js a breeze.


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