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Meta-Horizon Universe

A community where you will get the opportunity to keep yourself up to date, grow and explore with all new Technology related stuff feature
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Hello Folks!!! Welcome to the Meta-Horizon Community.


📌 Who and Why is this Community for?

⭐ Anyone who wants to meet new friends and want to build connections, wants to learn programming or just wants a chill space to relax and have fun!
⭐ Here you will get the opportunity to keep yourself up to date, grow and explore with all new Technology related stuff feature releases and find opportunities to get more involved, and learn industry best practices with best of community and tech field experts and thought leadership skills.👨🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻

🌐 Our Socials:

🚀 What you can find here:🧐🔍

This group is here for low - high level, need-to-know information about Technologies you will find :

  • Tech Doubths Quires
  • Community Meetup/Events Oppurtunities
  • Mentorship by industry experts,
  • upskill yourself in your field of interest.
  • Tech news
  • Updates on Tech tool feature releases
  • Product release notes
  • Industry-level discussion

⭐ Domains of Interest:

    🖥️ Web Development 
    🎨 UI/UX Development  
    📱 App Development  
    🪙 WEB 3 
    ☁️ Cloud Development  
    🧠 Machine Learning and AI  
    🔗 Blockchain/Crypto 
    🤖 IoT/Embedded 

📌 Community Support

Raise an issue to join the MetaHorizon-Universe GitHub Community.

🚀 How can I join the MetaHorizon-Universe GitHub community?

  1. Go to the issues tab here.

  2. Create a new issue.

  3. Select the "Be A Member" and fill in your details.

  4. That's it! You'll recieve an e-mail invitation to join our organization.. Make sure you accept it, then you will become a member of our GitHub Organization. 🎉

🚀 How do I set the membership to public?

  1. Navigate to our GitHub community page:

  2. Click on the people header or click Members here :


  1. Enter your github username in the searchbar:


  1. Check if it is Private (the default) and set it to Public:


📌 Do I have to pay 💸 something for being a part of this Community?

🤗 No, you don't need to pay a single penny for being a part of the Meta-Horizon community. We are a Community open to all and we welcome you all to join us and be an active part of our Community 🥳🥳

Popular repositories Loading

  1. Best-Of-Chrome-Extensions Best-Of-Chrome-Extensions Public

    You have come to the right place. So our target will be to make extensions here. If you are a beginner it will be great for you to start from here. Star this repo, fork it and start working on it

    JavaScript 28 34

  2. Join-The-MetaHorizon-Universe Join-The-MetaHorizon-Universe Public

    Join our MetaHorizon-Universe through this Repository


  3. Daily-DSA-Labs Daily-DSA-Labs Public

    Motive of this repo is to post dsa problems and solutions

    C++ 1

  4. .github .github Public


Showing 4 of 4 repositories
  • Best-Of-Chrome-Extensions Public

    You have come to the right place. So our target will be to make extensions here. If you are a beginner it will be great for you to start from here. Star this repo, fork it and start working on it

    MetaHorizon-Universe/Best-Of-Chrome-Extensions’s past year of commit activity
    JavaScript 28 MIT 34 0 3 Updated Jan 30, 2024
  • .github Public
    MetaHorizon-Universe/.github’s past year of commit activity
    0 MIT 0 0 0 Updated Jan 13, 2023
  • Join-The-MetaHorizon-Universe Public

    Join our MetaHorizon-Universe through this Repository

    MetaHorizon-Universe/Join-The-MetaHorizon-Universe’s past year of commit activity
    1 MIT 0 4 0 Updated Nov 24, 2022
  • Daily-DSA-Labs Public

    Motive of this repo is to post dsa problems and solutions

    MetaHorizon-Universe/Daily-DSA-Labs’s past year of commit activity
    C++ 0 MIT 1 0 0 Updated Oct 12, 2022

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