Free E-Store API is a free and open source API where you can get list of products data in JSON format to practice your front end skills when you decided to build a E-Commerce project.
When i learned some basics in frontend, then i decided to make a project. So i searched on internet like all. Top projects to practice frontend skills, and get hired? most of the results suggest to make a E-Commerce website. The hard thing about it, when you decided to build a basic E-Commerce website is to collect all the data and images. so i decided to share this simple data to practice your skills without spending much time on collecting data.
Here all routes are GET request only, so simple make a GET request to the route and you will get a response in a JSON format.
The above request will give you all requests with all fields.
In the response you'll get array of images as string, when using it in a src attribute of img tag you should use it like below
ex: you get a image as "test.webp"
Set a base url in head of the HTML as <base href="/" />
and use only /images/products/test.webp
in src attribute of img tag.
For more details about available routes and its response please check it out in the official documentation Free E-Store API
Since it is an open source if you find any bug or willing to make it better, then fork this project and make changes and make a pull request then i'll consider your request and respond to you.
If you find it useful then give a ⭐ and share it with your friends.