✓ Encrypted+signed session cookies
✓ Sync SQLite backend
✓ Sync MySQL backend
✓ Sync PostgreSQL backend
✓ Sync Etcd backend
✓ Sync Redis backend
✓ Sync MongoDB backend
✓ Send user registration emails
✓ Send password recovery emails
❏ FIDO U2F 2nd factor authentication
❏ Async JSON backend
❏ Async backends (when async libraries will be available)
Install the dependencies:
sudo apt-get install libsodium18
Install the dependencies (macOS):
brew install mysql
brew install libsodium
nimble install httpauth
# Install extra dependencies as needed:
nimble install etcd_client # etcd >= 0.2.0
nimble install redis # Redis
nimble install nimongo # MongoDB: use #head if needed
make build_integration_server && ./tests/integration_server
Connect to http://localhost:5000/
Choose one of the ready-to-use backends or implement your own.
Set the -d:redis -d:etcd -d:mongodb defines as needed to enable backends other than MySQL.
Always set the SSL define: -d:ssl |
You can use the existing backends as an example; Implement the HTTPAuthBackend methods from base.nim.
There is an SMTP client called Mailer send registration / password reset emails. You can also use httpauth without email support or implement your own Mailer to use other protocols (e.g. SMS messages)
Roles have an unique name and a numeric level. Users are associated to one role. Users can be authorized to access pages based on their user account, role level or role name:
- auth.require()
allow only logged-in users
- auth.require(username="TomBombadil")
Allow only a logged-in user, by name
- auth.require(role="admin", fixed_role=true)
Allow all users with "admin" role, strictly
- auth.require(role="editor")
Allow all users with role level equal or higher than "editor". E.g. if "editor" has level 50 and "admin" has level 100 both groups will be allowed.
Registration can be done in two steps: register() will send a challenge email and validate_registration() will create the user account. Otherwise, you can just call create_user() straight away.
If an email address is set, send_password_reset_email() and reset_password() can be used to reset account passwords.
Cookie-based session management procs can be used alone (without HTTPAuth object).
The provided backends for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, etcd, Redis create their own table structure and initalize it.
They are optimized for login speed and minimizing DB traffic.
Built-in or custom backends are initialized using an URI and passed to newHTTPAuth: The URI syntax is: <db_type>://[<username>[:password]@]<address>[:port]/<db_name> Some backends support less parameters. SQLite uses file paths.
let backend = newSQLBackend("mysql://root@localhost/httpauth_test")
let backend2 = newSQLBackend("sqlite:///tmp/httpauth_test.sqlite3")
let backend3 = newSQLBackend("mysql://root@localhost/httpauth_test")
let backend4 = newEtcdBackend("etcd://localhost:2379/httpauth_test")
let backend5 = newRedisBackend("redis://localhost:2884/httpauth_test")
let backend6 = newMongoDbBackend("mongodb://localhost/httpauth_test")
var auth = newHTTPAuth("localhost", backend)
Cookie-based sessions are encrypted and signed to protect from cookie exfiltration from the browser. Registration and password reset tokens are signed and have a timeout. Passwords are hashed using libsodium default algorithm. The hash is regenerated automatically on login if needed.
Remember to filter user input to prevent XSS, SQL injections and similar attacks. |
import asyncdispatch, strutils, json
import httpauth, jester
# Create a backend as needed and an HTTPAuth instance
let backend = newSQLBackend("mysql://root@localhost/httpauth_test")
var auth = newHTTPAuth("localhost", backend)
# Create admin user - you need to run this only once
post "/login":
## Perform login
auth.login(@"username", @"password")
resp "Success"
except LoginError:
resp "Failed"
get "/logout":
## Logout
resp "Success"
except AuthError:
resp "Failed"
get "/is_user_anonymous":
resp if auth.is_user_anonymous(): "True" else: "False"
post "/register":
## Send registration email
auth.register(@"username", @"password", @"email_address")
resp "Please check your mailbox"
post "/validate_registration/@registration_code":
## Validate registration, create user account
resp """Thanks. <a href="/https://GitHub.com/login">Go to login</a>"""
post "/reset_password":
## Send out password reset email
auth.send_password_reset_email(username = @"username", email_addr = @"email_address")
resp "Please check your mailbox."
post "/change_password":
## Change password
auth.reset_password(@("reset_code"), @("password"))
resp """Thanks. <a href="/https://GitHub.com/login">Go to login</a>"""
get "/private":
## Only authenticated users can see this
except AuthError:
resp "Sorry, you are not authorized."
resp """Welcome! <a href="/https://GitHub.com/admin">Admin page</a> <a href="/https://GitHub.com/logout">Logout</a>"""
get "/my_role":
## Show current user role
resp auth.current_user.role
# Serve admin-only pages
get "/admin":
## Only admin users can see this
# resp dict( current_user=auth.current_user, users=auth.list_users(), roles=auth.list_roles())
post "/create_user":
auth.create_user(@"username", @"role", @"password")
resp $( %* {"ok": true, "msg": ""})
except AuthError:
let r = %* {"msg": getCurrentExceptionMsg(), "ok": true}
resp $r
post "/delete_user":
resp $( %* {"ok": true, "msg": ""})
except AuthError:
let r = %* {"msg": getCurrentExceptionMsg(), "ok": true}
resp $r
post "/create_role":
let level = @"level".parseInt
auth.create_role(@("role"), level)
resp $( %* {"ok": true, "msg": ""})
except AuthError:
let r = %* {"msg": getCurrentExceptionMsg(), "ok": true}
resp $r
post "/delete_role":
resp $( %* {"ok": true, "msg": ""})
except AuthError:
let r = %* {"msg": getCurrentExceptionMsg(), "ok": true}
resp $r
Contributions and feedback are welcome.