Help the cute little squirrel named "Puschel" to collect all acorns
to survive the winter with his friend the rainbow lizard "Echsi".
It's just for fun and educational purpose. Feel free to modify, improve, and use it - also the assets :)

Just do for standard compilation (tested with gcc 11.4.0):
# generates the application
g++ -o SquirrelOnTheRun SquirrelOnTheRun.cpp -lX11 -lGL -lpthread -lpng -lstdc++fs -std=c++17 -Wno-narrowing
Run the application with:
Download the PGEtinker_SquirrelOnTheRun.html and open the file with your web broser.
firefox PGEtinker_SquirrelOnTheRun.html
Simply use the mouse to hover on the board.
Use the left mouse button to place the tiles.
Avoid the birds and collect the acorns for the next level.
ESC : quit
The program acknowledge the libraries and refer to the appropriate licenses
- olcPixelGameEngine by Javidx9
- Hex by redblobgames
- Other pieces of codes are released under Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal for free usage.
- Assets are all released under public domain Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal for free usage, check the assets/ for details.
- Big Thanks to the PGEtinker community giving me the possibility to share the application without installation :)
Inspired by the Coding Quickie: Isometric Tiles of Javidx9 gave the idea for this.
The code for the implementing hex tiles is heavly based on the the very good hexagonal grid tutorial by redblobgames.
This game was done in August 2024 for the OLC Code Jam.