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Watcher | Registered: Oct 10, 2010 04:40
Welcome to FA-Groups! An index of groups created by users, for users!
★ Current Administration:★
huskyboobear [Admin as of 03.21.2016]
ladynightosphere [Co-admin as of 03.21.2016]
Previous Management:
lioness3000 (Founder)
Honorable Mentions:
robert_strongfox (Who has helped with many things including linking to hundreds of groups and helping out other users.)
yesterdaysnews (For checking and double checking links to make sure they all point to where they are supposed to!)
shad0wf0x13 (For helping put us on the right track to solve a rather large dilemma!)
nyghtwulf (For helping us research a problem and find a massively useful solution!)
Directory Groups/Resources Like Us:

*Our Mission is to provide the most complete and up to date list of groups on Furaffinity, and to help those groups out by advertising their existence via this list! We also aim to help out by offering what advice we can when we can, answering questions, and otherwise pointing people in the right direction when it comes to using this resource and keeping things going and alive.*
If you are a group owner, or looking to create a group, but are unsure of how to keep things moving, or even how to get started, please take a look.
Basic Guide to Maintaining and Running a Group
If you still have questions, feel free to ask, and if we don't know, we can certainly poll our users, and find an answer!
Thank you for using this resource, the only thing we ask in return is that you keep an eye out for new groups that aren't listed, (and note us when you find them), and link us on your pages so that everyone can find and use this resource as you are now!
The following guide is to help you locate the groups you are looking for, while minimizing search times. Please keep in mind, groups are sorted by their intent as much as by their genre. So if you are looking for a group, but cannot find it, don't fret, it may still exist, but not be in the most obvious locations. If after searching you cannot find what you are looking for, feel free to check here and post what you are looking for and someone will either point it out, or we will update the journal with a suggestion that someone create the group.
Lists are split up into sections, sub-sections, and sub-sub sections as necessary, any section that has 3 or more groups relating to a specific topic within that section, will be listed under its own sub section, and large sub sections with 3 or more groups relating to a very specific topic within that sub section will be listed within their own sub-sub section.
General groups that cover most or all aspects of a list will be listed at the top, while groups that cover specific topics within a list or section but do not have enough groups to have their own sub section will be listed at the bottom of each list or section.
Lastly, any groups that are banned, suspended, or have been closed by their owners or the administrative team will be listed at the very bottom of each list under a red titled section, these will be kept for both record keeping, and incase those groups ever become active again.
On with the list then, the following is a list of all of the current list journals, and a rough overview of their contents:
► Adults Only!
Alcohol, Tobacco & Other - Any groups relating to alcohol, tobacco, and any drugs/substances, legal, or illegal (depending on where you live).
Fetishes - Any group that is fetish related, has a fetish component, or allows fetishists into its membership. This can include what some may consider to not be fetish related, but has a fetish related to its content.
► Body
Age - Groups relating to being a certain age, or range of ages.
Anatomy - Any group relating to the body, a body part, a body type, or etc.
Colours - Any group that is in support of, or showing love for a color, or for species who share certain colorations, or color schemes.
Ethnicity - Groups relating to IRL ethnicity, race, skin color, whatever you want to call it.
► Food and Drink
Groups relating to anything that is considered food or drink, minus alcohol which is listed under adults only. (Also lists species/coloration groups that are food/drink related.)
► Gaming and Technology
Consoles Groups relating to console hardware, or specific consoles.
Video Games - Groups for video games in general, or any specific video game, or series.
Non Video Games - Board Games, Card Games, Table top RPG's, and etc.
PC, Smartphones & Etc - Anything for pc or smartphones/etc that are not video games. (Operating systems, modding, hardware, etc.)
► Gender/Identity, Love and Sexuality
Gender/Identity - Groups dealing directly with gender, gender roles, gender transition, etc.
Love & Relationship Status - Groups relating to marital status, being single, polyamory, etc.
Sexuality - Sexual preferences, and sexual activity. (Yiffy/non yiffy/virginity status groups)
► Icon Groups
This journal is for 'group' pages that exist for the sole purpose of having an Icon to link back to. These groups are not maintained, they are not active, they only exist so that others can : iconlink : back to them. Any 'active' groups will be listed in their appropriate section regardless if they have an appropriate icon as their avatar.
► Lifestyle
This journal is for IRL interests, any lifestyle group that exists in the real world will be listed here, while fantasy/mythical lifestyle groups will be listed elsewhere. (For example, umbrella corp, of the resident evil series, would constitute an occupation/pseudo military group, but because it is not a 'real' organization, it will only be listed under its parent category which is resident evil in the video games section of the gaming journal.)
College - Groups relating to college in general, or are specific to a certain college or campus.
Communities & Communication - Forums, forms of communication, social sites, etc.
Family - Groups relating to family, family types, parental status, etc.
Fashion - Fashion styles, types, or any group specific to an article of clothing, etc
Hobbies - Anything that can be considered a hobby, collecting, building, gardening, photography, sports, etc. (Pets are also listed here)
Occupations - Any group relating to career, job, or other activity for which you are paid.
► Non-Game Media
Art - Groups relating to art, specific artists, or any drawn art, or art series.
Books/Literary/RP - Any groups related to the written word, or writing in general.
Music - Music in all its forms, musicians, music groups, instruments, etc.
Movies/TV/Video - Any group relating to any video of any kind be it hollywood, youtube, home movies, etc.
► Multi-Media
Any group that would fit into multiple media categories including art, video, games, books, and etc, will be listed here to reduce redundancy, examples are, pokemon, digimon, warhammer 40k, star wars, etc. (Also, any group related to anime in general, or any specific anime will be listed here, as many anime's span mangas, tv, movies, figurines, and other colletibles, etc)
► Mind and Spirit
Personality & Mentality - Groups relating to or involving a mood, a state of mind, open or closed mindedness, emotions, etc.
Philosophy - Groups expressing a point of view, or a way of thinking, or any philosophical matters or discussions. (Astrology, and groups relating to it, or specific astrological signs will go here)
Politics - Right wing or left wing, communist, fascist, Marxist, doesn't matter, all will be here.
Religion, Spirituality & Worldviews - Groups relating to faith, any particular religion or religion in general, all forms of spirituality, or beliefs.
Support/Anti-Support - Do you support something, or perhaps you would like to burn something and its creators to the ground, groups that support, or show hatred for a specific topic will be here. Support also envelops groups relating to those suffering from, or supporting others who suffer from psychological, or physical medical disorders.
► Regional
Groups relating to a specific area of the world, sorted by continent, country, and further if necessary.
Events - Any group related to celebrating a specific day, or time of the year. Conventions, furcons, and furmeets are also listed here!
► Special Interests
Language/Grammar - Groups relating to languages past and present, as well as grammar, grammatical correctness, etc.
Special Interests - Any group that either does not fit into any other category, or goes above and beyond its category will be listed here. (This will also be for groups whose category is unknown, undefineable, or otherwise cannot be sorted. If you are having trouble finding your group, please check here before you ask around.)
Sports And Teams - Groups relating to any team sport around the world, as well as any specific team relating to a sport.
Time Periods - Groups relating to a period of time in history. This can be as specific as a year, or as broad as a millenium and beyond.
► Species
Any group for fursonas/characters of any species of creature, real, fantasy, or mythical. Sorted by classification. (Canine, feline, reptiles, rodents, etc. Fantasy/mythical species are all listed under the same section, and will not be listed under 'real' species that they resemble.)
As a final note, again, if you cannot find what you are looking for after checking the lists, feel free to visit the Group Index Help Journal and see drop a note, you can also see what other users have suggested for new groups if you are looking to see if anyone else shares your interests in a certain subject, and are thinking about starting a new group.
Group Highlights! Journals will be posted as often as we get enough interest, if you have a group that is new or active, send us a note describing what makes your group special in anything less than a text wall and we'll feature your group in the next issue of GH. Issues will be deleted whenever a new issue is posted, but will be given a minimum of one week on display. If your group is featured, wait at least 30 days, and apply again and we'll feature you once a month to let everyone know your group is still active, and looking for new members!
Comments Earned: 4641
Comments Made: 1918
Journals: 22
Comments Made: 1918
Journals: 22
Featured Journal
7 years agoHey there everyone!
LadyNightosphere here writing this journal to introduce recently added groups that have been listed onto our massive Group Directory.

If you know any other groups that should get featured in a future Group Highlights journal, please comment down below!
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An index of groups created by users, for users!
